MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1800: Despicable

As expected, the battle of scolding on the forum lasted for three days, and three days later, a post was posted by the real name of the world.

The content of the post is also similar to what Wuji expected, and the general content is as follows: "The Wuhezhong team is definitely a very powerful team. Those rumors are definitely malicious. But because these rumors come from the fans of the Kyushu team, the Kyushu team Willing to take responsibility for this matter. "

No wonder Wuji said that the boy from all corners of the world is a fox. The grandson first brags about the strength of a wave of all-religious religion to set aside the boundaries between himself and rumors. image of.

That is to say, the Wuhe people who were the champion team gave their fans an explanation, and won the reputation of a national idol. It was simply a matter of action. Both popularity and word of mouth were pushed to the top.

"I'm relying on, Wooji old dog, how come your brain grows?"

After seeing the clarified posts on the forum, all the people of the true nature are naturally speculating on the unscrupulous five bodies.

"Hum!" Wuji smiled faintly: "This is just the beginning."

Seeing that the five lakes and the sea have begun to close the net, Wuji smiled and touched his chin and smiled: "This play has been playing for so long, it is time for us to play."

"Oh? What bad thing do you want to do?" Wang Yu asked curiously when he saw Wuji's expression.

Anyone familiar with Wuji knows that once this kid leaks this expression, it is as if he is about to start being a yin.

"Bad thing? You think too much." Wuji smiled and said: "Everyone has been arguing for so long without competing for success. Although the buyers of all corners of the world are playing well, but they can't convince the crowd, I have to help. . "

Without further ado, he went offline without too many meetings. There was one more post under the posts on the general forum.

The content of the post is very simple, just a few lines.

"Which is stronger is weaker family, our Wuhe team will never take the initiative to provoke disputes, but it is not a soft egg for anyone to humiliate. Anything more is false. Our Wuhe team only speaks practically. I am willing to take out Thousands of gold coins bet, this time our team will be able to achieve better results than the Kyushu team. Pay off-the Quanzhenjiao leader has no choice "

"Wow ..."

Wuji's post was issued, and the National Service Forum, which was about to calm down, once again shocked the waves.

Compared with the clarification and responsibility of the five lakes and lakes, Wuji's post is much more vulgar, but the words are not rough, and the words are absolutely loud.

Lao Tzu doesn't clarify, nor is it close, does anyone doubt the strength of the Wuhe team? The explanation is useless. Lao Tzu directly proves his strength with actual actions.

Ten million gold coins, for all players, it is an astronomical number, so many gold coins can be used to bet, and it can be regarded as a direct delivery of the name to express determination, but also determined to be a world-class career Get a better place in the league.

Originally, everyone saw the group of Quanzhenjiao silently, thinking that their Wuhe team had already counseled, but in the end, such a trick broke the boat and immediately countless fans.

What is head iron? This is! A grassroots team has no unnecessary nonsense in the face of suspicion and doubt, just do it! Such a bold and domineering response, it is estimated that only Quanzhenjiao has the courage to play the entire game.

"I depend! This group of guys are so poisonous?"

In the office of the Kyushu team, a group of people from all over the world are waiting for the heat of the Kyushu team to be fired. As a result, who knows Wuji suddenly got out and inserted a bar to grab the limelight of the Kyushu team.


Five lakes and four seas coldly hummed: "All true teaching, I'm not surprised that this group of guys do anything."

"Then let them be arrogant?"

It was naturally unsatisfactory for this group of guys in the Kyushu team to design something by themselves but make wedding dresses for others.

"of course not."

Five lakes all over the world waved their hands and then posted on the forum.

"Although our Kyushu team is not as rich as the Wuhezhong team, but in order to express our determination, our Kyushu team is also willing to gamble with 10 million gold coins in this game!"

This post was issued, although the five lakes and the sea did not bring all the heat, but it also recovered half of the scene, and at the same time pushed the whole incident to the climax.

Whether it is the Kyushu team or the Wuhezhong team, they are well-known strong teams in the national uniform.

In the past few days, because the fans of the two teams have been pinching each other, it has already been in full swing, but that is just a fight on the lips.

Now it's a good day. The two big teams directly placed a gamble of 10 million gold coins, and the people who eat melon naturally boiled with blood.

This melon is really more and more interesting.

In addition to these lively ones, there is no shortage of lively ones. It is natural to see that the two teams have shown sincerity, and some people can't bear it.

So, the grounds of the two posts are countless.

"I and a thousand, the Wuhe team won!"

"I and 10,000 won the Kyushu team!"

With such and such follow-ups, tens of thousands of floors were built in an instant, and the two posts were artificially placed at the top of the forum.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ji Le's snot bubbles came out.

The group of guys in Quanzhenjiao have always been dominated by actual interests, especially the insidious and sly guy who is unscrupulous. Naturally, it is not the one who suffers from the loss. Why is it that he has been scolded for so long for no reason? Not for this result.

The opening of the game is the normal operation outside the game. Every time there is an event, someone will inevitably bet. Even if the two guilds play, they will take the opportunity to play.

But after all, gambling is not a good thing. Except for those who bet on dogs, ordinary people are all ticket-playing people. People like Wang Yu are upright and do n’t even play ~ ~ So this kind of underground market Not to mention the audience, winning is generally still a dog farm, ordinary people throw money into it.

This time Wuji simply played a big one and sat on his own.

At this moment, the emotions of players in the entire national uniform have been mobilized by the two teams, and those speculative dogs are of course eager to try.

Players like to follow the trend, things are so big, people must bet more than usual and do n’t know how much, the people around them are playing, even if people who are not gambling on weekdays will inevitably be small in order to integrate into the collective Gracious.

"Wujia, Wuji, you are a crime, don't you know!" When the matter reached this point, Wang Yu certainly saw Wuji's thoughts.

Wuji and indifferent hands said: "This is a game currency, a crime of fart. At the World Cup, I still played beans."

Speaking of this, Wuji and said: "I am also for everyone's good. If you don't play this kind of stuff, there will definitely be others to play. At least half of our people earn money, and they are replaced by other people. More than 90% of them Will you lose money? Okay? I ’m a good deed, do n’t you understand? "


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