MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1810: Fire tactics

"Lower limit?"

Originally Kendo Snow wanted to be grateful for Wuji to correct his name, but when he heard Wuji's words, he immediately scolded: "I go to your uncle."

Meow, whoever is the lower limit is not happy.

But if there is no taboo, it is not unreasonable.

The so-called confidant knows that the other side can fight a battle. This is the first game of the first game. Naturally, the upper and lower limits of your team cannot be leaked so early.

Otherwise, let the opponent know that his team's strength is uneven, and I'm afraid it will not be easy to play later.

So hiding strength and hiding shortcomings are quite important.


After confirming the players on the court, Mingdu clicked the OK option and teleported to the venue at the same time as the opponent.

At this time, the player standing opposite Mingdu is called a girl, and the name is called September Chrysanthemum.

September Chrysanthemum is dressed in a gray cloak, carrying two blue daggers in his hand. It is not difficult to see that his profession is an assassin.

Like all the assassins, the September chrysanthemum is petite, with a leather armor that perfectly outlines the s-shaped curve, coupled with the delicate face, the Mingdu Spring is full of heart.

There are few female players in the professional circle. There are fewer female players as beautiful as September chrysanthemum. It is a coincidence that Mingdu can encounter September chrysanthemum.

The ugly face of Mingdu and the handsome girl like September Chrysanthemum compete in the same stage, but they have no fun.

At this time, the narrator introduced to thunder: "September Chrysanthemum from Arirang team is a newcomer, occupation as an assassin, only 19 years old this year, although she is a female player, but the strength should not be underestimated."

After introducing the September Chrysanthemum, Thunder's eyes fell on Mingdu's face again.


Suddenly for a moment, Thunder organized a language saying: "The Mingdu players from Wuhe are a mage. This is also the first time Mingdu has entered the professional arena. It is said to be a very distinguished master."

"Is it characteristic?" Feng Shuang asked in a low voice.

"Unclear, that's what the information says." Jing Lei said.

"Ha ha!"

After taking the stage, Mingdu smiled slightly and raised his eyebrows at September Chrysanthemum and said: "Beauty, just leave a call, and please have tea after the game."

"? !!!!"

The venue of the competition was closed. Although Mingdu's words were not loud, no matter the audience or the players in the game arena can hear them clearly.

Hearing Mingdu, everyone was stunned.

In the game about meeting girls, what is this **** thinking?

Everyone on the stage was also dumbfounded: "This fool is starting to be ashamed again. The **** the opposite side is a foreigner. He has a haircut in this set."

Sure enough, the September chrysanthemum did not react at all to the nonsense of Mingdu, but disappeared into the air in a flicker.

Assassins, although they can only do the job of picking the field when playing the group, but in the pk field, it is definitely a unique king profession.

Especially in the absence of anti-sneak equipment, the assassin basically has no natural enemies. Even the thick-skinned tank profession is only a little restrained, and it cannot be completely suppressed in front of a skilled assassin.

As for the crispy-skinned professions of mage and archer, they are basically lambs to be slaughtered in front of haunting assassins.

After all, the assassin's burst output is quite terrible. Once successfully attacked by the assassin, the crispy career is directly a second.

Mingdu naturally also knew the assassin's restraint on himself. Seeing that September Chrysanthemum had started sneaking, Mingdu quickly stepped back and posted it on the edge of the ring.

More than half of the assassin's skills are output from the back, and the back damage has a high attack bonus. Not leaving the back to the assassin is a master's basic quality.

After touching the edge of the ring, Mingdu Staff pointed to the ground.


A flame spread from Mingdu, and the ground around Mingdu was covered in a blink of an eye.

The sea of ​​flames is a rare aoe skill of the mage, and can be designated to release fire on the ground within 500 range.

This magic is a continuous output, causing burn damage every second. Compared with other explosive magic, the instantaneous damage is not high, but the duration is three minutes, and the assassin's stealth skill is also three minutes after modification.

After releasing the sea of ​​fire, Mingdu stood at the center of the flame with peace of mind, watching the motionless surroundings with vigilance.

The assassin's stealth was only 180 seconds. September Chrysanthemum originally wanted to rush up during this time to take away Mingdu with a set of skills, but seeing Mingdu used such a means, September Chrysanthemum quickly stopped.

The "Assassin's stealth" in "Rebirth" will only be forcibly canceled due to forced displacement or active attack, and the damage received will not be cancelled.

But the assassin is also a crisp skin profession. If it is a tank profession, it will naturally not be afraid of the so-called continuous burning trip to the fire. It does not matter in the past, but the assassin profession is afraid to step on the magic of the mage.

As the saying goes, generations of gods, generations of gods, and masters are systematic sons. The output is high in all occupations. The crispy profession is not confident of itself and dare to step on a stranger. Mage's magic.

What's more, this is an international professional league. All the top players can come here, and even a top mage can't step on the fire.

In desperation, the September chrysanthemum can only stand outside the sea of ​​flames and fire, squinting closely at the Mingdu in the flames, trying to find an opportunity to attack.

At this time, both Thunder and Fengshuang explained: "A good move to the tactics of the sea of ​​fire, the Ming of this Wuhe team seems to be indifferent, but the tactics are quite mature. Although this sea of ​​fire does not output damage, it directly prevents the sneak. September Chrysanthemum. "

"Too shameless!"

In order to prevent the September chrysanthemum from approaching himself, the rogues set fire under their feet, and the audience rang a boo.

Especially the audience of Hua Xiaguo, who had taught Quanzheng's almost rogue time-consuming style of play early in the morning. At this time, he clearly used this trick, and couldn't help thinking of the hide-and-seek tactics of Quanzheng's last professional league.

That was a drowsy thirty minutes ... could the situation be reproduced in the World Professional League?

If possible, Mingdu also wanted to draw a tie with September Chrysanthemum.

However, the duration of the skill is limited ~ ~ Mingdu can only use the sea of ​​fire to block the September chrysanthemum for three minutes.

A game lasts thirty minutes, how much can three minutes play.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Mingdu always watched the surroundings vigilantly, silently timing.

And Huohai Overseas, September Chrysanthemum is also secretly counted down.








When the two counted down to one at the same time, the flames of Mingdu disappeared on the ground, and the air directly in front of Mingdu was twisted, and the September chrysanthemum also appeared in shape.


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