MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1811: Tactical flow player

"It's now!"

In the moment when the fire disappeared, the eyes of the September chrysanthemum were tightened (as if the chrysanthemum was tight, he went to the face wall), and he immediately started the scourge, holding the dagger in his hands with a residual image, and instantly crossed the five meters like the same light The distance rushed to Mingdu.


With a burst of chrysanthemums in September, the dagger stabbed at Mingdu's chest.

At the same time, a line appeared on the head of September Chrysanthemum-Shura Instant Prison Kill!

As an assassin ’s awakening skill, the visual effect of Shura ’s instant prisoner is not gorgeous enough compared to other professions, but its instantaneous damage is absolutely unmatched.

In this way, it seems as simple and rough as a backstab. It is enough to kill any non-tank profession. Even if the tank profession is caught up, it has to be half dead.

Mingdu is just a mage, and with a big awakening, he naturally has to die and can't die anymore.

However, in the moment when Shura of the September Chrysanthemum killed Mingdu in the jail, Mingdu's body flashed a few meters behind him.

flash! !

The strength of Mingdu is the strongest in Quanzhenjiao except Chunxiang. Apart from his terrible output, the boy ’s operation ability and predictability are extremely strong, even Wang Yugang When he met Mingdu, he almost lost money in his hands.

When the Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum counts down to the flames of Mingdu, the same Mingdu also counts down the stealth skills of the September Chrysanthemum.

Since September Chrysanthemum sneaked away a little earlier than the flames of Mingdu, September Chrysanthemum appeared before the flames of Mingdu disappeared.

Seeing that the chrysanthemum in September showed up, Mingdu had already made a cast judgment.

By the time September Chrysanthemum rushed to Mingdu, Mingdu had already sang the flash skills and perfectly flashed a big move of September Chrysanthemum.

Master tricks, it is so fatal.

Mingdu appeared behind the chrysanthemum in September, and did not slacken. The staff smashed to the ground and shouted, "Get up!"

"Boom !!"

There was a loud noise, and a stone wall several meters high was suddenly raised on the ground. The stone wall was connected to the edge of the ring head and tail, forming an arc, and circled the position where Fang Caimingdu stood.

The stronger the skill judgment, the longer the skill stiffness. The September Chrysanthemum Shura hits the air in an instant prisoner, and he is unable to dodge in the stiffness.

"It's over !!"

Seeing this scene, thunder surprised and said: "Flashing to the earth wall, the Jedi countercontrol! If Mingdu put a thunder spell at this time, September Chrysanthemum will have no chance!"


The voice of thunder did not fall, and Mingdu grabbed a hand on the left hand, dragged a lightning from the sky and pointed a finger at the trapped September chrysanthemum. In an instant, a thunderstorm with the thickness of a bucket fell from the sky and blasted over the September chrysanthemum .

The attack range of Thunderbolt directly covers the space enclosed by the stone wall. The September Chrysanthemum is inevitable.

Seeing that the September chrysanthemum was about to be bombarded to the scum by the Mingdu, suddenly the September chrysanthemum jumped up, grabbed the edge of the stone wall and pressed it, and turned lightly over the wall.

Assassin's Way: You can overturn the nearest building or terrain within the most yards in the target direction.


The thunder struck the ground and exploded the ground into a big pit, while the September chrysanthemum tumbling on the spot, rolled to the feet of Mingdu, lifted the dagger and flicked upwards, and turned over to the crotch of Mingdu.

Almost all of them were killed by Yin Ming, which shows that September Chrysanthemum has a lot of grudges.


Mingdu never imagined that the girl was a flying thief. Suddenly he was approached. Mingdu was shocked. He unconsciously waved the staff in his hand and set the dagger aside to his "critical" dagger.

Immediately after Mingdu side retreated, a thunder spear condensed in his left hand and pierced towards the September chrysanthemum.

Although He Mingdu is powerful, he is just a mage, and he can't compare with an agile assassin.

The thunder spear of Mingdu has not yet stabbed with all its strength, and the September chrysanthemum has rolled over behind Mingdu. I saw her leap forward, her legs crossed on Mingdu, her left hand held Mingdu ’s head, and her right hand held the dagger. Pull around the Mingdu neck fiercely.


A symbolic blood rose, and Mingdu was wiped off his neck with a knife, and turned into white light and disappeared in front of everyone.

In the second game, September Chrysanthemum won, and Arirang team tied the score.

The scene was quiet.

"Wow ..."

A few seconds later, fierce applause rang out on the field.


Compared with the one-on-one sling, this one can be said to be ups and downs.

Originally, when I saw Minghu Huohai's bodyguard, everyone thought that this kid would have to be relied on, but within a few seconds after the end of Huohai, the dominant side changed three times in an instant.

Just when everyone thought that Mingdu had lost the Huohai body and was going to be killed by a move of September Chrysanthemum, Mingdu even flashed the skill of dodging, making the stone wall jedi counter-control.

Everyone just thought that when Ming had to win, September Chrysanthemum turned over the stone wall and rushed to Mingdu to successfully fight back in desperation.

The master moves, the move is fatal.

Both of them are the output professions that can be shot in seconds. Anyone who makes a mistake will be killed by the other side. The two players are fighting with each other, making everyone look admired, although Ming is cut by the chrysanthemum of September. The kill, but it was also a glorious defeat, this game left a deep impression on everyone.

After September Chrysanthemum was sent back to the team, it could not help but secretly pinched a cold sweat for himself, thanks to the block he had just reacted to, otherwise he would be killed by Mingdu thunder.

It seems that there are still two brushes in this team of Uzbekistan.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly." Seeing September chrysanthemum counterattack, thunder and embarrassed emotion: "It's really a strong middleman who has a strong middleman, one mountain is higher than the other. This time the standard of the game did not let me down."

"Ha ha!"

In March, Feng Feng smiled slightly: "The previous Chunxiang ~ ~ In the last Mingdu, their strength was similar in terms of fighting style. It seems that this is their average strength. The level of operation is also the level of the second-tier professional teams, but it is quite good for their amateur players. "

Speaking of which, the wind in March paused and said: "It seems that this group of guys is a tactics-based combat method supplemented by operations. Everyone must be careful to deal with it later. Don't get caught in their trap."


Everyone nodded in response to the instructions of the March wind.

Under normal circumstances, the main fighting mode of e-sports games, especially the heads-up games, is the operation flow. After all, the operation level can most intuitively reflect the player's single strength.

However, there are some alternatives in e-sports players, and the operation level is not sufficiently tricky. This kind of person is usually called tactical flow, and it is quite contemptuous to this guy in the eyes of normal e-sports players.

After all, in the face of operational flow, conspiracies and tricks seem to be a bit crooked.


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