MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 153: Kill The Two Of Them

The battle was tossed back and forth between the old king's constant summoning of guards and being cleared out, because Kinlo Stark summoned guards too frequently, almost the last batch of monsters had just been cleared, and the next batch was immediately cleared. Summoned out, there is no time for the team to output the boss alone.

The overall damage of the group damage skills is high, but it is much worse when it is distributed to a single target. The speed of the old king's blood loss suddenly became much slower, and the battle time was prolonged all of a sudden!

Fortunately, Han Yingxue has an outstanding talent in healing. Before level 30, she was a master of mana control, and after learning the "Bright Heart", her milk is almost inexhaustible. Inexhaustible!

the other side.

Although the HP of the Shadow of Revenge is high, Anne Balmore's output is not overwhelmed, and the HP was quickly blown away—Han Yingxue wanted to add HP to it, but was prompted by the system not to cast spells on the target." I can only watch its blood volume being emptied.

"Haha, Shatola, you trash, you are a trash alive, and a trash in death!" Annie Balmo blasted out a Mind Blast, draining the last trace of the Vengeful Shadow's blood, and immediately showed an extremely contemptuous expression.

Losing this absolute hatred, Annie immediately turned her target to Han Yingxue, because no one attacked her, so Han Yingxue, who had undergone a lot of healing, undoubtedly occupied the first place in her hatred list.

Zhang Yang was always paying attention to the situation on the other side, so he quickly took out the spear from his backpack and quickly tapped it.

Immediately, the dead soul of Shatolatas reappeared, full of blood and state, swiped, and the centaur prince rushed towards Anne Delmo immediately, holding up his spear, and shouted angrily: "***, I want to kill you!" about you!"

Exactly the same action, exactly the same opening words.

Annie Balmore was taken aback, and after sending out a mind blast at Han Yingxue, she immediately stopped attacking, turned to face the Shadow of Revenge, and exclaimed, "Impossible! You are already dead! I killed you with my own hands, You are dead!"

"****, you betrayed me, you betrayed love, and you still want to kill me!" The Shadow of Vengeance roared, "Go to hell!\

,"The titular couple battled again.

90%, 80%, 70%... The blood volume of the old king is also dropping a little bit, and the guards are constantly called out, and they are constantly cleared.

Poor Kinlo Stark is the boss anyway, but he was killed and flattened by everyone like a mob. 20%, 10%, ... 3%, 1%"

"No! No!" Kinlo Stark roared before dying, full of despair that he was unwilling to go to hell, "I am the king of centaurs, I will rule the world, and all the land is mine! All the beauties are mine too! I am the Immortal Lord, I am not...dead...\

,"Pa, the tall body fell down with a bang, the old king who died a hundred years ago but was resurrected by the evil wizard with the necromancer finally died again.

"Ding! Your team killed Kinlo Stark, and you got 120050 experience points (50 team rewards)!"

"This old guy can really make a fuss. If he hadn't summoned so many mobs, he would have killed him a long time ago!" Xingguang infinitely let it go.

"Kinros" Annie Balmore let out a shrill cry immediately, countless black lights gushed out from her body, eight dark spots suddenly appeared on her originally beautiful face, and she also had a strange sex appeal.

"Crack!" Another mind blast was thrown, and the Shadow of Vengeance, which had 30,000 to 40,000 HP remaining, was instantly killed!

"Fuck, dead father-in-law, and discouraged husband, this bitch is cruel enough!" Fatty Han yelled.

Swipe, another shadow of vengeance was summoned, shouting "***, I'm going to kill you" as usual, and rushed towards Anne Balmore. But before he ran halfway, he was directly killed by the female boss with a shadow whip!

"No more summoning!" Zhang Yang greeted Annie Balmo, "The old king is dead, and the role of the Vengeful Spirit has come to an end. The game company will not let us push this boss easily!"

If there is a spirit of revenge, the team will have no pressure to heal, and the boss can be killed by just hitting.

"What if we hit the female boss first?" Wei Yan'er asked with blinking eyes.

"This...maybe immune to damage, maybe there will be a big increase in blood before death, who knows!" Zhang Yang greeted Anne Balmore, and immediately threw a skill on it.

Anne Balmore's hatred was still on Han Yingxue, she ignored Zhang Yang at all, and first threw the three negative effects of Shadow Pain, Weakness Touch, and Corrupted Soul on Han Yingxue, and then began to release Mind Blast and Shadow Whip , a lot of flowers -.

2000! -

1000! -


+1082! -

300! -


+363! -


Han Yingxue originally only had about 4300 HP, but after being bombarded by the boss for a round, there were only more than 600 remaining HP, she was so frightened that she quickly set up a holy shield, and screamed at the same time: "Silly Yu, help! "

Seeing her distressed appearance, Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing secretly, but counted one... give me up, throw it away, and immediately reduce Han Yingxue's damage by 90%!

In this way, the boss's attack felt like itching when it was thrown on Han Yingxue, and I didn't feel it at all. After a few treatments from Han Yingxue, the HP was fully restored!

Zhang Yang didn't dare to be careless, so he hurriedly summoned the puppet Qinglian, to cause as much damage as possible, and to draw the hatred of the boss onto himself as soon as possible! Otherwise, after ten seconds, the effect of "Give me up" will end, and Han Yingxue, who doesn't have any damage avoidance and life-saving skills, won't be able to last long under the bombardment of the boss.

8.7, 6....2.1.!

The duration of Shewo's Fengshou ended, and the mask covering Han Yingxue's head disappeared immediately!

Annie Balmore's first hatred was still locked on Han Yingxue's body, "-2000", another mind blast was thrown over, smashing nearly half of Han Yingxue's HP.

"Ah silly Yu" Hurry up and hate, my sister is going to die! "Han Yingxue screamed.

Wei Yan'er hadn't seen Han Yingxue lose her composure a few times, so she suddenly laughed out of affection—


Destroy Strike Critical Strike!

After a high injury, Annie Balmo finally turned around and stared at Zhang Yang with eyes full of resentment: "Foreigners, you killed my beloved man, and I want you all to be buried with me!"

"Damn, this shameless woman really dares to speak out! How can this embarrass the former prince and queen!" Xingguang murmured infinitely.

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of the pain of shadow, and you receive 500 points of shadow damage every three seconds for 18 seconds!\

,""Ding! You are affected by the touch of weakness effect, all damage and healing effects are reduced by 5% for 1 minute!"

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of Corrupted Soul, and you receive 300 points of shadow damage every two seconds for 24 seconds!"

In a series of system prompts, Zhang Yang's profile picture has a row of negative effects, and his body is surrounded by black air." He was on par with Han Yingxue.

It’s okay.” This hatred finally pulled back!

"Ding! Anne Balmore unleashes Mind Blast!" -


Another damage figure floated on Zhang Yang's body. The boss's skill is not only instant, but also has a very high damage. Fortunately, there is a six-second cooldown, otherwise it would be unbearable to fire every second!

"Ding! Annie Balmo is channeling Shadow Whip, causing 1000 shadow damage per second for 3 seconds!"

With a wave of the boss stick, a black light wrapped around Zhang Yang's body immediately, and a "-640" damage number jumped every second.

Break the magic strike!

No skinny!

There is no interruption to the boss's Shi Shi, so he can only eat hard!

"Sister" watch me avenge you! "Wei Yan'er screamed strangely, and at the same time swung the weapon in his hand into the air, causing a series of blood sprays on the back of the boss, and the damage caused by the chug soared so high that it flew up.

"You damn girl, didn't you just smile very happily?" Han Yingxue said angrily.

Wei Yan'er giggled, and said: "No way, you must have read it wrong!"

The team started to work hard and slashed bssl

Although Annie Balmo has a lot of skills, the damage is not excessive, and the damage per second is only about 1200. Although it heals more per second than Han Yingxue, Zhang Yang can use skills! This is the biggest difference between tanks and treatment!

If the time dragged on for too long, then Zhang Yang's skills would definitely not have enough cooling time, but the boss's blood volume of only 900,000, with the team's more than 5,000 damage per second, it would only last three minutes! Zhang Yang opened Fury Restoration, Lover's Sword Persistence, Malinda's Shadow, Shield Wall, etc. one by one, and the boss couldn't help but lie down!

"No, no!" Anne Balmer yelled before she died, "I can't die! I'm the most beautiful centaur, and I'm going to be the queen of centaurs in the future. I can't die!"


Annie Balmore came crashing down.

"Ding! Your team killed Annie Balmo, and you got 117550 experience points (50 team rewards)!\

,""Ding! You have completed the mission: kill the two of them and get 100,000 experience points!"

"It's over!" Starlight Infinity and Narcissus Blossom both jumped up excitedly.

Han Yingxue and other old teammates have a flat expression. They have killed many silver-level bosses like this, and it is difficult to make them excited.

"Hey, they're all silver-level, why don't we have a few gold-level bosses for us to kill!" Fatty Han sighed.

"Yes yes yes" I want gold utensils! "Wei Yan'er's eyes lit up immediately.

For the ring that Zhang Yang got, everyone can be said to be drooling for a long time, and they are full of expectations for the gold ring!

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "Only after level 50 will there be a gold-level boss. However, according to the principle that the level of the boss gets higher as the time goes on, the old king is already level 48, and this boss who guards the bottom level really has it." It may be a gold-ranked big boss!"


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