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"Gold-level boss?"

Everyone said in unison, with expressions of excitement on their faces that could not be concealed.

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "The old king is already level 48, so the guard boss is very likely to reach level 50! Generally speaking, the guard boss must be much stronger, so it may be a gold rank!"

Han Yingxue thought for a while, and said, "It's like the Bone Spirit Cave. The first few bosses are all bronze-level, but they will become silver-level in the end?"

"Not bad!" [Baidu magician updates the fastest]

Wei Yan'er was immediately amused, and said: "Then will the boss show bones?"

Players can buy mounts from mount merchants in the main city when players reach level 40, but they are all ordinary mounts. They look like the most common horses. There are only three colors available: white, squeezed, and black. You only need to spend 10 gold coins You can buy it, and it is not rare to have one in hand!

Moreover, the horses sold by mount merchants can only reach 200% movement speed, which is far from comparable to the 300% riding speed of bone warriors!

Although Su Lian has been hit by the car all the time, he never fell off the rope of the bone war horse. Wei Yan'er never forgets the bone war horse!

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Then I don't know! However, if the gatekeeper boss is really a gold-level boss, it must also be the first gold-level boss in China, or even the eight major regions of the world. s things!"

"Walk, walk" to kill the golden boss! ", Wei Yaner shouted excitedly.

Seeing her stepping away, she shook her head calmly and sighed: "Snow Demon Girl", is this girl really good for business? Are you not afraid that she will give away the entire company on a whim? "

Han Yingxue didn't show any rejection of the nickname "Snow Demon Girl". On the contrary, Xinxinran was very happy, but seeing Wei Yan'er's appearance, she also sighed, and said, "Yan'er, don't you want to touch the boss's body anymore?" Baidu magician updates the fastest]

"Ah!" Wei Yan'er remembered that the corpses of the two bosses hadn't been opened yet, so she rushed back and said, "Don't snatch it! Don't grab it! The boss is mine! "

Narcissus giggled and said, "Yan'er is really interesting!\

,"Wei Yan'er didn't care so much, and went to touch Anne Balmore's body first.

, Crown of the Shadow Priest, (silverware, cloth armor)

Armor: +4

Stamina: +96

Intelligence: +48

Spirit: +16

Flavor identification

Requires level: 40

"It's amazing, it has added so much physical strength!" Narcissus Huakai murmured. Compared to the level 30 bronze helmet on her that only added 36 points of stamina, this shadow priest crown is terrifying! [Baidu magician updates the fastest]

The two legal systems share the same needs, this time the feng shui took turns, and the things fell into Han Yingxue's hands.

, Ring of the Sacred Heart, (silverware, ring)

Stamina: +20

Intelligence: +20

Flavor identification

Requires level: 40

Note: The treasure of the centaur family was given by Shatola Tak.

"Poor Shatola, I must find a good woman in my next life!" Fatty Han said hypocritically after seeing the note on the ring.

"It's not nice to meet people!", Starlight Infinite also began to talk.

Narcissus immediately retorted: "As a woman, of course I have the right to pursue happiness!\

,""Damn, is it reasonable for her Hong Xing to cheat?" Starlight said immediately.

The narcissus bloomed full of longing and said: "Maybe Anne was taken by the evil prince for her beauty" and was forced into the palace by him and forced to marry him as his wife! Little "Then it's okay for her to have sex with the old king." What? "Baifa No. 1 High School also joined the discussion.

"Shouldn't a woman just swallow her anger and deserve to be crushed by your men?" Narcissus Blossom said loudly, "If a man dares to force me, and I can't resist him, maybe I'll seduce a man too" to him Wear a green hat! "

As expected of a corrupt girl, she dares to say anything.

Moment" discussion rose to the eternal topic of men and women.

Wei Yan'er didn't care so much, and continued to touch the boss's body.

, Pattern: Cloak of Eternity,

Use: Teaches you how to sew an Enduring Cloak.

Requires: Senior Tailor

It was another toss between Han Yingxue and Narcissus Blossom. Both women are tailors and have reached an advanced level. In the end, it was taken down by Narcissus. After she learned it, she released the attributes of Yongwei.

, Cloak of Eternity, (silverware, cloak)

Stamina: +30

Strength: +20

Equipment: Every time you are attacked, you can absorb 50 points of damage.

Requires level: 50.

The real tank equipment appeared!

Immediately, Starlight's eyes lit up, and he said, "Sister Narcissus, you must make one for me!"

Narcissus opened her mouth and said, "Anyone can do it, but you can't!"

Zhang Yang said: "If this cloak is made, it can be sold for a very good steal!"

"Really?" Narcissus Blossom asked a little suspiciously, absorbing 50 points of damage didn't seem to be particularly powerful.

Zhang Yang said with a smile: "Of course a piece of equipment is nothing, but how about a complete set?\

,"A whole set, that can almost absorb... 500, 1000 points of damage!

Baifa Yizhong said: "That is to say, there will be a lot of damage reduction equipment in the future?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yang nodded and said, "After level 50, there will be a real tank outfit with a lot of damage-absorbing attributes. Berserk warriors and punishment knights finally don't have to compete with shield warriors and guardian knights for equipment. !", [Baidu magician updates the fastest]

"Oh, that sister can finally relax!" Han Yingxue felt relieved.

Zhang Yang smiled inwardly." He secretly thought that if the tank wears more damage reduction equipment, the pressure of healing can be eased, but most of the bosses in the future will use group attack skills. The tank loses less blood, but the output profession loses more blood. The treatment couldn't have been easier!

Just let this demon girl be happy for a while.

After picking up all the good things that Annie Balmore showed up, Wei Yan'er went to Kinlostak to find them again.

, Seal of the King, (silverware, shield)

Armor: +400

Stamina: +160

Flavor identification

Requires level: 40

"Using Yin Kui as a shield is so damn creative!" Fatty Han rejoiced.

Zhang Yang glanced at Xingguang Infinite, who was full of longing expressions, and said with a smile: "Xingguang, you use this shield first!"

Starlight Unlimited suddenly showed a look of both emotion and panic, and said: "How can this be possible? You are still using a level 30 shield! Why don't you take the King's Seal and give me the thigh bone that stitched the giant beast together?" !"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Your basic equipment is poor, and shields are the most able to increase defense and blood volume! You can take the previous hammer and add this card, and you can block one side alone in the future! I can also rest assured Let you lead the second regiment!\

,"With that said, he clicked to give up.

Starlight Unlimited was so moved that he was about to cry, he sniffed hard and clicked on the demand. While silently equipping the shield, while secretly swearing that "you must lead your "second regiment" well, this is the only way to be worthy of Zhang Yang's trust!"

"Siyu, you're really not bad, you just deceived him to death!" Han Bixue suddenly sent a secret message to Zhang Yang.

This witch can see it quite clearly, knowing that she is buying people's hearts! Zhang Yang also sent a secret message, saying: "When did I deceive you so hard? The conscience of heaven and earth, there is nothing between me and you!"

"Hundan!" Only then did Han Yingxue realize that the word "renjia" is a bit ambiguous. It can be understood as someone else, or as a self-proclaimed one when she is a baby girl, but it was taken up by Zhang Yang for nothing. Head cheap. [Baidu magician updates the fastest]

After Starlight Unlimited is equipped with the King's Seal, the armor value reaches 430 points, which has surpassed Zhang Yang! And the blood volume has also soared to more than 5800 points, which is only slightly inferior to Zhang Yang! His weapon is a level 40 silver weapon, and his hatred ability should not be underestimated!

Before level 50, it's easy to arm a tank: a good weapon, a good shield, and that's it! Unlike after level 50, collecting damage reduction equipment is a process of gradual accumulation, instead of reaching the sky in one step like now!

Zhang Yang nodded secretly, "In the future, if you open up wasteland with five or ten people, you can pull out two teams at the same time! And if you play twenty or fifty people, you can combine them into one! However, for a big guild , Two teams with fast progress are far from enough, at least three or four teams that can win the death mode of the same level of dungeons.

Develop slowly, after all, it is impossible to become fat in one go!

"Wow, I found a good thing!" Wei Yan'er suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

, Puppet: Centaur Guard, (Bronze Level)

Use: Summons a centaur guard to fight for you for 5 minutes. Cooling time: , hours. You can only summon one puppet at a time, and calling any one puppet will cause other puppets to enter the same cooling time.

Requires level: 40.

"Little girl, you are just a copper-level puppet, so you are so happy?" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Tch, you don't know how hungry you are when you're full, so of course you say that if you have a silver-level puppet!" Wei Yan'er gave Zhang Yang a blank look, then bowed to everyone, and said, "Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, please take this puppet away!" Give me the puppet, thank you!"

Starlight Infinity and Narcissus Blossoms are still newcomers to the team, and they have already benefited from Zhang Yang's great reputation. Naturally, they are embarrassed to compete with Wei Yan'er, so they immediately clicked to give up. And Wei Yan'er has always been favored in the team, Sun Xinyu, Han Fatty, and Baifa No. 1 High School also gave up one after another.

Zhang Yang had a silver-ranked puppet, so naturally he would no longer fight for a bronze-ranked puppet, so he clicked to give up.

Only Han Yingxue raised a finger to the little girl and said, "Housework for a week!"

Wei Yan'er immediately jumped up and said, "Han Yingxue, you take advantage of the fire to rob me, I want to break up with you!"

"Housework for two weeks!" Han Yingxue raised her second finger.

"...just one week!" Wei Yan'er gritted her teeth.

"Deal!" Han Yingxue gave up.

This bronze-ranked puppet finally belonged to Wei Yan'er. (to be continued)

Do you still remember Regan's masterpieces "Running the Tide", "The History of Beauty in Jiangshan", "The Boundless Magic Luck", and "Safari in Different Time and Space"?

Welcome to the new work Magician! ! !

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