Zhang Yang quickly refreshed all the bronze utensils in his backpack to the warehouse of the canteen, rubbed several groups of anti-dark potions and threw them in. Don't look at the sales volume of this anti-dark potion is only a few groups per day, but the steady flow of water is still hundreds or even thousands of gold coins in income, and the most important thing is to attract some customers.

Coming to the "upgrade store" page, Zhang Yang swiped 100,000 gold coins and clicked the start button.

"Ding! Are you sure you want to upgrade Qingqing Commissary to a second-tier store? This upgrade will cost you 100,000 gold coins!"


"Ding! Qingqing Commissary has been upgraded to a second-level store, with a space of 2,000 square meters and a floor added! The next level is a third-level store, with a space of 3,000 square meters and a floor added. You need to pay 500,000 gold coins to the next level!"

Upgrade again!

"Ding! Qingqing Commissary has been upgraded to a third-level shop with a space of 3000 square meters and a floor added! The next level is a fourth-level shop with a space of 4000 square meters and a floor added. You need to pay 1 million gold coins to advance to the next level!"

That's enough for the time being, what we need to do now is to fill all the storage space with iron ingots, and try to spend all the money before falling down!

Zhang Yang set it up so that Natalia only accepts iron ingots instead of iron ore or iron ingots, and then increased the purchase price from 0.85 gold to 0.9 gold. Regardless of the price increase of only 5 silver coins, it is enough to make many miners frantically melt iron ore into iron ingots, and then synthesize them into hard iron ingots and send them to the canteen!

Of course, this hard iron ingot will not be sold now—then again, the current iron ingot market is unprecedentedly cold. It is less than the amount mined, so you may not be able to sell it if you want to!

With the improvement of the player's level, the materials for preparing the iron skin potion and the fire potion were finally available, but the quantity was still small. Zhang Yang made two sets of 800 bottles each, half of which were sold at the canteen to attract popularity, and the rest Put it in the backpack, ready to be used in the death mode of the wasteland castle area.

"Yangzi, big deal! Big deal!" Fatty Han suddenly sent a secret message.

"What's wrong, you got dumped again?"

"It's up to you! Fat brother just saw the news that the Huangtian Guild has won the first kill in the death mode of the No. 3 boss in the castle area!"

"Oh!" Zhang Yang frowned.

Huangtian Guild, one sword can conquer the city! The number one tank recognized by the Chinese region in the previous life!

finally come!

"Don't be so sure about the Yangtze River, we haven't even entered the castle area yet, the first pass will be robbed!" Fatty Han yelled.

Zhang Yang only knows that One Sword Allure began to rise around level 50, and since then he has dominated the Chinese region with awe-inspiring prestige! This person is not only superior in tank technology, but also extremely strong in personal strength. He brought the "Tianhai Electronics" team he founded all the way to the S-Level League, and became the strongest team in the S-Level League in China!

"Competition is a good thing, we can't take advantage of it!" Zhang Yang laughed.

"Then when are we going to fight the Castle District?" Fatty Han was impatient.

"I was too tired a few days ago, so I'll take a break early today and start reclaiming the castle area tomorrow night!"


Looking at the time, it was already approaching six o'clock, Zhang Yang hurriedly went offline to buy dinner.

He took out the wallet and saw that there was only a pitiful five-yuan bill left, curled up alone. Zhang Yang couldn't help shaking his head and murmured: "Who would believe that brother, a new multi-millionaire, only has five dollars in his wallet!"

After running out to buy a lunch box, Zhang Yang is really penniless, he doesn't even have the money to buy breakfast tomorrow morning!

"This... I can only treat it as a long-distance running practice when I wake up late tomorrow morning, and go to the bank to withdraw money first!" Zhang Yang thought while eating his boxed lunch.

After dinner, Zhang Yang logged into the game, teamed up with Han Yingxue and the others to scan the death mode in the garden area, and harvested a few pieces of silverware, and took them to the canteen to support the game. Starlight Unlimited and Narcissus Blossom were called by him to continue to work together as a team.

Regarding Zhang Yang's invitation to open up wasteland in the castle area tomorrow night, Narcissus blossomed a little reserved and agreed.

I was too tired a few days ago, Zhang Yang went offline early at 9 o'clock in the evening, and went to sleep in bed.

After sleeping until dawn, Zhang Yang struggled for a while, and didn't get up until after seven o'clock.

After exercising indoors until after eight o'clock, Zhang Yang took out his bank account and went out to run to the bank.

There is no bank near the neighborhood where he lives, and it takes about an hour to get there on foot. Zhang Yang trotted all the way, and it took about 20 minutes to arrive at the bank.

However, the bank here opened at 8:30, which was half an hour earlier than he thought at 9:00, and therefore, when he entered, there were already many people inside, most of whom were paying water bills , electricity bills, and gas bills, there was a long queue. .

Nothing to do, had to wait in line.


He hadn't eaten when he got up in the morning, and after a long run and high-intensity exercise, his stomach immediately protested.

Row and row, finally it was his turn, Zhang Yang hurriedly handed the booklet to the salesman behind the window sill.

"Save money or withdraw money?" The clerk is a beautiful woman in her early twenties, with a white shirt on her upper body, which is held tightly by her tall breasts, and her purple-red breasts can be vaguely seen inside. Wearing a hood, a brown short skirt on the lower body, black translucent silk stockings on the two long legs, and a pair of high heels underneath, it has a uniform and seductive feeling.

"Withdraw money!"

The beautiful girl raised her head, glanced at Zhang Yang, saw his ordinary appearance, she lost interest, and said casually: "How much?"

"Ten thousand!" Zhang Yang didn't want to take more, as only ten thousand was enough to spend for a while.

The beautiful female salesperson casually swiped Zhang Yang's booklet on the machine, and said, "Enter the password!"

After Zhang Yang pressed a few numbers on the cipher device, the beautiful female waiter suddenly froze, staring blankly at the numbers on the display screen.

350,000? 3.53 million? It is 35.39 million!

No, such an ordinary-looking young man actually has tens of millions of assets? Sure enough, people should not be judged by appearances, the richer they are, the more low-key they are!

"Sir, please collect your money, and please count it face to face!" The beautiful female salesperson immediately changed her enthusiastic expression, and stuffed the pocketbook and 10,000 yuan in cash from under the window.

Zhang Yang picked it up and flipped through it, only to find that there was a small note in the folder: '1372345678, Yan Feifei! "This is obviously the other party's mobile phone number and name. He couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, looked up at Yan Feifei, and thought to himself, could it be that my brother is handsome enough to be seduced by a beautiful woman after a new life?

When Yan Feifei saw his eyes, she immediately smiled softly, revealing a few white and crystal-clear white teeth. Although she was not as beautiful as Han Yingxue and Sun Xinyu, it still made many men fascinated.

Zhang Yang doesn't have the idea of ​​"the red apricot is out of the wall" at the moment, he just smiles lightly, puts away the booklet and walks to the side. He originally wanted to throw away the note immediately, but doing so would hurt a beautiful woman's heart too much, so he would wait until he went out before throwing it away, anyway, he was not interested in developing a possible affair.


Suddenly, there was a sharp gunshot, and three big men came out from nowhere, all of them were covered with black hoods, only two eyes and mouths were exposed. All three of them had guns in their hands, two pistols and a double-barreled shotgun!

At the door, a security guard leaned against the door and slowly slumped to the ground. Blood gushed out from his chest, his eyes rolled white, and he couldn't breathe!

"Ah!" After a brief silence, a series of screams suddenly sounded in the bank!

Bank robbery! And, there are guns! Also killed people! Who is not afraid?


There was another gunshot, and the crowd suddenly fell silent again.

One gangster turned around and closed the bank door, another shot the crowd with a gun, and the last one said: "Be quiet, be quiet! We are here to ask for money, so as long as you don't hinder us from getting rich, we three brothers We won’t embarrass everyone! We are robbing the bank and paying the money of the country’s family, so listen to my brother’s advice, don’t try to be a hero! After all, guns don’t have eyes, don’t force me to shoot gun!"

"Okay, everyone put their hands on their heads and sit on the chairs! Ha, you see how considerate I am, I won't let you get tired! Hurry up!"

The man said again: "Heart Q, take the bank manager to the insurance room!"

"Understood!" The masked man code-named Heart Q took out a few matchbox-sized items from his backpack and stuck them on the side door of the bank. The door was immediately blasted open a big hole!

"Block j, blow up the window that gets in the way!"

"Yes, boss!" the square j who was attached to the double-barreled shotgun responded.

"Stupid, agreed on Ran's code name!"

"Yes, Boss K of Spades!"

The masked man codenamed Spade K was obviously the leader of the three, he shook his head repeatedly and said, "Hurry up, we don't have much time!"

"Understood, Boss K of Spades!" Diamond J also took out a few pieces of matchbox-sized slime from his backpack, and pasted them on the window of the bank. They all screamed again and again in fright, and hurriedly backed away.

Boom! clang!

The bulletproof glass was shattered in an instant, the square j took out a snakeskin bag from his backpack, threw it behind the window, pointed at it with a gun, and said, "Put money in it, old man! "

Those salesmen were pointed at with guns, and they dared not obey, they all walked over tremblingly, took out the banknotes from the desk drawer, and stuffed them into snakeskin bags.

Zhang Yang sighed, this is really unlucky, the probability of meeting a robber who robs a bank with a little money is not lower than winning five million in a lottery ticket! Although he was skilled, he didn't want to act recklessly, the opponent... had a gun in his hand!

"Hey, this girl is really... on time!" Square j suddenly grabbed Yan Feifei's long hair and pulled her up, and the barrel of the shotgun was pressed against the opponent's throat, "Girl, I don't want to face If you are blasted out of two holes, don't fight back!".

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