I don't know how much enmity you have with Qihang, it's all because of reading books for book friends, why bother to gossip! ! ! !

The masked male Spade K couldn't help being furious, and said: "Diamond J, you're fucking crazy about women, and you can't bear it even for this little time! Damn it, we made this vote, you fucking want to fuck for a day Ten women can do it!"

"Boss, you know me. Once I get angry, I can't hold back! Otherwise, why would I go to jail?"

"Tmd, what a ghost!" Spade K compromised, he looked at his watch, and said, "Hurry up, ** will be here in eleven minutes!"

"That's enough, enough, I'll hurry up, and I'll finish it in five minutes!" The masked man Square j was overjoyed when he got the leader's approval, and immediately picked up Yan Feifei.

"Don't! Help—help—" Yan Feifei kicked her long legs again and again, screaming desperately.

"Hahaha", the masked man Square j pressed Yan Feifei on the bank window sill, one hand pressed the woman's vest so that she could not struggle to escape, and the other hand tore the other's skirt.

He exerted great strength, only to hear the sound of "la la" and "chu la" the cloth shattered, Yan Feifei's brown skirt had been torn to pieces, only a few pieces of tattered cloth were still hanging around her waist superior.

The masked man Square j smiled strangely: "The sluts are wearing thongs, which makes me almost think that I don't wear underwear. I have to poke them in directly, so I don't want to break my dick!"

He pulled hard, only to hear Yan Feifei let out a scream, and there was already a pair of torn purple T-shaped underwear in his hand. He put the underwear in his nose and smelled it, and said: "It's really coquettish, it's so coquettish, it's a piece of The smell of it!\

,"Still pressing Yan Feifei's back with one hand, he reached out to squeeze his pants.

"Don't! Don't!" Yan Feifei burst into tears, how could such a tragedy be borne by an ordinary office worker like her!

Everyone was silent. Facing the threat of guns, no one dared to stand up and resist.

Zhang Yang clenched his fists tighter and tighter. He really didn't want to make a move. Between money and life, he naturally chose life without hesitation. But he couldn't do it if he wanted to watch a woman being insulted in front of him!

But, don't act recklessly! He has a gun in his right hand and others can't save him, so he becomes a dead ghost instead!

Zhang Yang's gaze swept across a mush urn on the table, and then stared at the masked male Spade K who was pointing a gun at them with the corner of his gaze, waiting for the best opportunity to make a move!

"Beautiful girl, let me give you a good fuck!", the masked square j quacked with a strange smile, had already unbuttoned his pants and used his free hand to tear off the shirt on Yan Feifei's chest. "Ah—" He suddenly roared, and hurriedly retracted his hand, and there was already a bloody bite.

"You rotten bitch, how dare you bite me!", the masked man Square j grabbed Yan Feifei's hair" and slammed her head against the window sill forcefully, with a "bang", Yan Feifei's forehead was broken. Blood overflowed from the child, and a pair of beautiful eyes immediately became confused.

"I fuck you!" The masked man CuanJi lifted Yan Feifei's buttocks and was about to find the right position to "deduct".

At this moment Zhang Yang shot decisively, grabbed the ashtray on the table, and slammed it on the head of the masked male Spade K who was a little distracted to see his companion.


This smash was so powerful that the masked male Spade K immediately leaned back with his upper body and fell backwards!

Zhang Yang threw out like lightning, and rushed to the Spade K at once, and punched him again, knocking the opponent unconscious, clasped his hands, and locked the Spade K in front of him, knocking the opponent out. His pistol was taken!

This was like a falcon falling from the sky, and it was extremely fast. The masked man Fang Ji just grabbed the shotgun that was placed on the side, and Zhang Yang also successfully snatched the gun!

The masked man Fang j quickly blocked Yan Feifei in front of him to protect his body, and said loudly: "Spades k", spades k, what's wrong with you? Hey, boss, boss—”

Zhang Yang held Hei Tuo in one hand, pointed the gun at the masked man Fang Ji with the other hand, and said, "You boss is tired, you need to sleep for a while!"

"Sleep!" Cube J also pointed his shotgun at Zhang Yang's direction and shouted, "Release my boss soon! \

,""Let that woman go first!" Zhang Yang said without showing any weakness.

"Damn it, if you don't let her go, I'll kill her with one shot!" Fang Fangj's eyes showed a fierce look.

Zhang Yang smiled coldly, and said sternly: "Okay, shoot! If you dare to shoot her, I will kill you with one shot!"

"Damn it! Damn it!" the masked man Cube j cursed repeatedly, he was not a quick-witted person, he was only brave and ruthless, and he was at a loss for a while. .

The two guns pointed at each other, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, time passed by little by little, and the face of the masked man Square j was dripping with cold sweat, and the mask was a little wet.

The longer the delay, the worse it will be for the gangsters! They calculated precisely that there was only thirteen minutes between when the bank sent out the alarm and when the police arrived, and they had to retreat before that! Otherwise, you will be surrounded." Either raise your hands and surrender, and sit in prison for 20 to 30 years, or you will fight to the end and be shot dead on the spot!

No matter which way it is, it is not what "square j" wants!

The fierce light in his eyes became more and more fierce. At this moment, he only cared about his own life! He wants to kill Zhang Yang" Even if he shoots his boss together - Bi, he will lose a penny later!

"Spades K, I'm done—" The masked male Hearts Q came out from the anti-theft door, with a big bag on his back, bulging, obviously full of money! He immediately noticed something was wrong, and immediately raised the gun in his hand.


Zhang Yang reacted faster, and shot it without hesitation.

The masked man Hearts Q suddenly threw his upper body up, and fell on his back to the sky, lying on the ground straight, with a blood hole on his forehead, a mess of white and red.

Zhang Yang quickly turned his gun, and pointed at the masked man Square J again!

His wide-handed shooting skills are not covered! When he first entered the university, his shooting scores ranked first in the school, and he even alarmed the battalion commander of the military i unit, who urged him to apply for the postgraduate entrance examination of the military academy after graduation, saying that his shooting skills can be improved after honed. Can catch up with the sharpshooter in the army!

The masked male square j didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so decisive, "He shot people without any hesitation, wasting a chance to attack!

The two confront each other again!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes!


There was a flash of madness in the eyes of the masked man Square J, he must act now, otherwise, there is only one dead end!

Raise your gun and shoot!



The two gunshots rang out almost at the same time, bang, bang, and Zhang Yang and the masked square j fell backwards at the same time. Of course, the hostages they were carrying were also the ones who fell together!

All together?

For a moment, the scene was silent. No one in the bank dared to stand up for fear that some gangster would suddenly get up and shoot himself!

"Huh..." the masked male Spade K's body suddenly moved, and everyone shrank back in fright.

Pa, "K of Spades" turned over and fell to the ground, Zhang Yang got up with a bang.

He quickly turned over the window sill to see the masked man Fang Xiao

Behind the window sill, the masked man Cube J was lying on his back, and there was a gun hole in his left forehead. His white brain and red blood were mixed together, and he was already utterly dead. Yan Feifei's upper body shirt was torn off a few buttons, revealing the purple bra inside, and her lower body was almost naked, exposing a large black forest!

The woman's eyes were messed up, and her body was trembling constantly, obviously she hadn't woken up from the panic.

They shot each other earlier, Zhang Yang blocked the shot with the "K of Spades", and killed the "J of Diamonds" with a single shot! It's just that the impact of the double-barreled shotgun was so strong that it also knocked him to the ground.

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, threw the pistol aside, and at the same time took off his shirt, wrapped it around Yan Feifei's buttocks, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, the gangsters are all dead!" Yan Feifei helped her up.

Yan Feifei was terrified, and after a while, she burst into tears with a "wow", holding Zhang Yang tightly with both hands, her face was pale, and she refused to let go no matter what. After experiencing the hellish fear just now, she felt that only this man in front of her could make her feel safe.

At this time, other people in the bank dared to stand up. Hulahula, the police blared loudly outside, and a voice through the tweeter said: "Listen, gangsters inside, you are surrounded! Come out and surrender immediately, and strive for leniency!"

The crowd in the bank immediately shouted: "Police, don't shoot, the gangster is dead!" They rushed out one after another.

Not long after, more than 20 armed police officers rushed into the bank, and they all showed surprise expressions when they saw the corpses of the gangsters lying on their backs, one on the left, and the other on the right. .

A bank robbery turned into a murder case, and all the people in the bank were invited to the police station to make detailed records.

It took a long time for Yan Feifei to calm down, and finally let go of Zhang Yang, looked at him with beautiful eyes swollen from crying, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you!" Without Zhang Yang's resistance, she would definitely not escape being raped end! And this kind of prisoner who comes out of the prison probably has various venereal diseases on his body. If he is infected... his life will be completely ruined!

Woo la woo la, several police cars were dispatched together and dragged Zhang Yang and others to the Pingjiang District Police Sub-bureau.

The case was very simple, and the surveillance cameras in the bank were not damaged by the three gangsters. After comparing the testimonies of the people and the surveillance video, they confirmed the fact that Zhang Yang "fighted the gangsters bravely and rescued the hostages".

Not long after, Zhang Yang was invited to a separate interrogation room.

"Mr. Zhang!" A policeman with a gun and a star sat across from Zhang Yang, with a friendly smile on his face, "Coincidentally, my surname is also Zhang, Zhang Heyuan, a little captain!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Captain Zhang, hello!\

,"He himself found it very strange that he had obviously taken the lives of two people. At the beginning, it could be said that the situation was tense and he had no time to think, but now he sat down and sat down without any discomfort! Probably, I have died once, and I have taken a lot of light on life and death! Besides, those two were extremely vicious, and Zhang Yang didn't have any psychological burden.

"I have read all the transcripts, and I admire Mr. Zhang's courage, courage and skill!" Zhang Heyuan laughed.

Inviting myself to this room alone must have other intentions. What kind of accent and gesture are you making? Zhang Yang said: "Every citizen has an obligation to protest violence, I just happened to stand up!"

"But" Zhang Heyuan frowned slightly, showing a trace of worry, and said, "Mr. Zhang, two of the three gangsters died under your gun! Although it is for your self-defense, strictly speaking, It's overkill!"

If you are too defensive, be your sister! At that time, it was a close call, it wasn't you who died, Zhang Yang certainly didn't want to die, so he had to kill the other party!

However, this does not rule out that the other party is scaremongering and deliberately intimidating himself. As for the purpose, Zhang Yang has not thought of it yet, so he just smiled lightly and did not speak.

Zhang Heyuan thought that Zhang Yang was intimidated, and said: "As the people's police, of course we must protect the citizens! Mr. Zhang's behavior deserves everyone's respect, so I have an idea here, in order not to involve Mr. Zhang, you can try to change your words and blame our police for killing those two gangsters! It is only natural for the police to shoot the gangsters! \

,"Speaking of this, Zhang Yang understood that the other party wanted to take credit for the relationship!

He guessed right. As soon as the result of this case was put on the desk of Director Ma Yushi, the big man immediately gave instructions: This case has a great impact on society, and we must take this opportunity to vigorously promote the excellent capabilities of our people's police. !

Zhang Heyuan immediately agreed that according to the facts, the great credit for defeating the gangsters' plot and bravely rescuing the hostages fell on Zhang Yang's head. On the other hand, the police, when the police arrived, the matter had already been resolved—although m said, the police There was no delay for a second when the time came, but it couldn't hide the fact that they made a trip in vain.

The meaning of the chief is to transfer the credit to the police station. After all, the chief's beloved son also works in the police station. If you want to be promoted quickly, you must have credit, and this is a great contribution !

Of course, this big piece of cake cannot be eaten by the Chief himself. It must be divided up with several big figures in the bureau, and each of them will send out a relative or capable subordinate to share the credit for "bravely killing the criminals and rescuing the hostages".

Zhang Yang is not a civil servant, even if the credit goes to him, he will get a medal like "Outstanding Citizen" and tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. He is not short of this little money at present, and he has no idea of ​​becoming famous. If Zhang Heyuan tells him straight to the point, Zhang Yang doesn't care who gets the credit, but the other party wants to give him a blow first, which makes Zhang Yang unbearable!

Damn, I took the credit of brother, and I want brother to say thank you to you in turn? Can you be any more shameless?

If you change to a more timid person, you may really be intimidated by the other party!

Zhang Yang pretended to be troubled, and said: "Captain Zhang, I've been honest since childhood, and I can't do things like withdrawing lies!"

What Zhang Heyuan is most afraid of is Zhang Yang's good reputation, and he will refuse it at once, so he first scares Zhang Yang, and then slowly persuades him. Seeing that there is something going on, he smiles gently: "Mr. yourself!"

Zhang Yang thought for a while, shook his head again and again, and said: "No! No! If you do something wrong, you will be punished. I will never let you suffer for me!"

(to be continued)

Do you still remember Regan's masterpieces "Running the Tide", "The History of Beauty in Jiangshan", "The Boundless Magic Luck", and "Safari in Different Time and Space"?

Welcome to the new work Magician! ! !

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