MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 190: Snake Demon Queen

The damage of each sword of the Snake Demon is about 1000 points, and the four swords will fall at the same time, which is basically 4000 points of damage if it hits a non-tank class! However, due to the scattered attacks on the tank, every sword has to be reduced by the armor, especially Zhang Yang, who also has 450 points of damage absorption, and hits on him can only cause double-digit damage!

This can't help but make the other tanks salivate. If everyone has the same equipment as Zhang Yang, this monster is nothing to worry about, just abuse it!

But in fact, except for Zhang Yang, everyone was fighting with trepidation, all of them were elite monsters! The blood is thick, the skin is thick, the attack is high, and the players are horrified by the hacking. White lights flashed frequently, and they were sent back to the main city to be resurrected!

180,000, 140,000, 100,000, 80,000... The number of players dropped sharply!

But those who can survive to the present are all players with top-level equipment and operations, just like a Chenfeng sword, when the rust on the surface fades, it will explode with unparalleled lethality! Although the number of players is still decreasing, the speed is slowly decreasing.

60,000, 40,000, 20,000, 10,000!

When only 5,000 players were left among the 2 million players, the ninth wave of monsters was finally completely wiped out! And these 5,000 players should also be regarded as the very few players with the best equipment in Baiyu City and standing at the top of the pyramid!

Not only did they survive, but they also increased their level due to countless experience points! Originally, after reaching the level, you have to work hard for about seven days before you can advance to the next level, but all those who can survive until now have at least advanced to the first level, which shows how rich the experience value is!

Zhang Yang has been promoted to the mouth level, and the distance from the base level is only his experience value! "Ding! Mimina, the leader of the ninth wave of monsters, has joined the battle!".

The ninth boss appeared, but it was completely different from the previous eight bosses who showed people in a huge image. This king of the snake monster didn't look much bigger than the other snake monsters, but her snake body was extremely thick and long. When she hovers a little forward, she will show her giant snake body that is more than forty meters long!

Six hands and six swords, gold! [Snake Demon Queen Mimina] (gold-level boss, demon) Level: 59 HP: 20 million Armor: 1000 "Gold-level bosses really appear!".

Everyone's eyes lit up at the same time, all filled with a strong sense of possession!

Except for Zhang Yang's team, for all the players, this is the first gold-level boss they have encountered. When they think of the gold artifacts that are far beyond the quality of silver artifacts, no one's eyes show longing!

"Kill!" I don't know who yelled first, and the 5,000 surviving players all rushed out, and their depressed mood immediately became boiling.

"Anemia warrior, let's hurry up!" Wei Yan'er summoned the hell horse, looking eager to try. A gold-level boss is a huge temptation even for Zhang Yang and the others.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "No hurry, the boss is enough for them to kill for a while! Narcissus, count how many people we have left, how many tanks, how many healers!".

But after a while, Narcissus opened up and said: "We still have four people in total, including 89 tank professionals, 118 healers, and 620 output professionals!". Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Baifa, put everyone in a group!".

It's another half a minute." The remaining players of Desert Dust have all formed a large group, a real elite teacher! "Zhan Yu, come here quickly! ..." In the regional channel, a message from Xue Qianxun suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Tian also said: "Damn, this boss's skin is too thick, with five layers of broken armor and 500 points of armor, and the level is too high, I can only do more than 200 damage when I slash it." It's too late, the hatred is too unstable! ".

"What kind of hatred is too unstable? You didn't hold back the hatred at all. You have to wait until the person is killed before the boss will come back and beat you!" Chi Lianhuo complained.

Although the armor of the Snake Demon King is high, its magic resistance is quite average. Although the mage profession has a little discount because of the large level difference, it is much better than the melee profession. Will hate more than the tank.

Mages can't use feign death and disappearance skills to clear hatred like hunters and thieves. This OT can only be chased by the boss and slashed with six swords in seconds! Since the start of the boss fight, all mages have died, at least 200 or 300!

Zhang Yang laughed and spoke on the regional channel, saying: "I'll be there soon!..." Then he said in the team: "The first group, follow me!". Hurrah, Zhang Yang led 50 people straight to the boss.

Seeing him approaching, the players surrounding the boss immediately gave up a passage for Zhang Yang to pass through. Why are you so polite? It's very simple, other tanks can't hold back the hatred, and when the boss kills the mage, it's the turn to heal ot, and then heal the death light, there's no more to play! .

charge! Blood Rage! Zhang Yang slammed into the boss, and immediately struck it with an ax - 180!

He already had five layers of broken armor on his body, and Zhang Yang had eagle eyes, so he wouldn't be reduced by the armor value for any attack! Moreover, he is only 7 levels lower than the boss, as long as he does not exceed 10 levels, the attack will not reduce damage due to too much difference in level.

"Fuck, it's too fierce!." Wu Tian couldn't help but swear, thinking about the 200 points of damage he slashed, how embarrassing it is! The same tank, the gap is so big? - 357!

After Zhang Yang played a sweep, Wu Tian burst into tears, you must have activated a cheating device! "Everyone stop, wait for me to spread hatred!" Zhang Yang shouted.

At this time, who wants to die? Everyone stopped attacking and waited for Zhang Yang to stabilize the hatred. The only one who was still outputting was the hunter profession. Anyway, he could feign death. The cooldown time of this skill was extremely short, unlike the five-minute cooldown time for the disappearance of thieves!

In addition, the people brought by Zhang Yang are also outputting and treating, because they attacked at the same time as Zhang Yang.

Immune to ridicule, but Zhang Yang just attacked Miao, and completely stopped his hatred! Pa, the Snake Demon Queen resolutely abandoned Wu Tian, ​​and began to slash and mess with Zhang Yang.

Wu Tian burst into tears, anyway, my brother is also one of the best tanks in Baiyu City, and after pulling the monster for nearly a minute first, he was snatched away by someone in just a few days, shame on him, shame on him!

The Snake Demon Queen deserves to be a gold-level boss. The damage of each sword is around 2000 points. When all six swords are used together, it can definitely kill any non-tank class at the current stage. Wu Tian has more than 7000 damage. But when encountering Zhang Yang, the damage was reduced to 500

If the boss's damage can be superimposed, the single damage will be as high as 12,000 points. Zhang Yang's 450 damage absorption effect is insignificant, but it can play a huge role in frequent attacks with low single damage!

"It's time to attack!" Zhang Yang sent a message on Ou Bin's channel.

Immediately, the output profession that had died down just now immediately caused damage with all its might! No way, who let them meet the golden boss for the first time? When Wei Yan'er and Baifa Yizhong saw the evil wizard Shaq, they were also dancing with excitement!

But the big boss in the field must have a big skill with area damage, and it will never let the player kill it comfortably! "Ding! Mimina unleashes Tail Swipe!".

With a sudden body swing, he pulled the long snake tail backwards. Immediately, a "...Wangli" damage figure jumped up. At least a hundred players died from this move, and instantly formed behind the boss. A near-vacuum conical zone with a radius of 40 meters was formed, and no more than seven people could stand there, including five tanks and two daughters, Wei Yan'er and Sun Xinyu.

Although these two women are not professional tanks, because of their level 40 silverware, and even a few pieces of level 50 gold and silverware, coupled with their publicized stamina halo, their blood volume has already broken the 7000 mark, which is enough Bear such a high damage once!

Everyone was startled. Although there was a large space behind the boss, no one dared to step forward to fill the space. Instead, they squeezed closer to the front of the boss, for fear that the boss would throw another wild tail lash!

But unfortunately, this skill is not only cast on the back of the boss, but completely random. After a while, Mimina hits another frenzied tail swipe, sweeping a cone-shaped area in front of him, and again Send hundreds of players back to Baiyu City for free!

Now everyone is confused, and they don't know where is the safe place! But the presidents of the major guilds are ordered to take down the boss to the death, and the subordinates can only fill in it one after another!

60%, 40%, 20%, because the boss has thick skin and high blood level, most people's output is greatly reduced. After 10 minutes, the boss still has 10% of the blood volume!

"Ding! The tenth wave of monsters descended from the sky, and the war is coming to an end!..." At this moment, the system's notification sounded, and the tenth wave of attack was coming soon! "Speed ​​kill!." Everyone yelled!

If the boss and the newly born monsters join forces to attack, the players will definitely have nothing but hatred! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Burning stones fell from the sky one after another, hitting every corner of the battlefield continuously, leaving deep and large holes, and then, one after another, huge stone monsters burning with turquoise flames crawled out of the pits. Coming out, he waved his arms and let out a heart-shattering roar. .

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