[Hellfire Demon] (Elite, Demon)

Level: 60

Health value: 150,000

Armor value: 1000

These monsters made of boulders are burning with turquoise flames. They are more than 10 meters tall. As soon as they climb out of the pit, they roar and run towards the player. Far away from the player's side, the "-500" damage number keeps jumping up on the player

These hellfire demons also have a halo of fire, but the damage is not as terrible as the magic flame lion king. After all, the magic flame lion king is the boss

"Speed ​​to kill the boss"

Everyone shouted loudly, the personnel sent by the major guilds to encircle the boss are all elites among the elites, without these players with the best equipment, their defenses are easily defeated by monsters

"Everyone work harder"

"Kill the boss, let's go back and kill the mobs, there is still hope to complete the seizure"

"do not give up"

"come on"

At this time, everyone let go of their rivalry, and a greater sense of glory stimulated everyone's hearts. No one wanted to fall on the tenth wave, and they were so close to victory.

9, 8, 7...

Mimina's health continued to drop, but the Hellfire Demon had already started massacring the player base. Without the command of the boss of the guild, without the presence of powerful figures, the combat effectiveness of the players dropped sharply, and the casualties were extremely heavy

Zhang Yang immediately said: "Baifa, Fatty, transfer the team back to support the main force, it's enough to leave the snow demon girl, little girl, ice cube and narcissus here." If you don't go to support, the whole team will collapse

Baifa Yizhong nodded immediately, gave an order, and led the team back to help.

Fatty Han said with a strange smile: "Yangzi's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. He originally flew together, but now he flies three times and four times, 5p, Yangzi, in a few days, fat brother will buy some tiger penis for you Replenish the body"

"My sister, get out of here!" Zhang Yang wished he could kick this unrestrained guy away, didn't he know that Sun Xinyu was a dynamite bag, if he really wanted to set her on fire, this violent girl would shoot her in the head with a gun

Fatty Han and Starlight Infinite both left with sinister smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, the guild leaders of several other guilds also directed their elite forces to rush back to support. The boss only needs to leave melee fighters who can grab the equipment in the first place.

bang bang bang

Meteorites fall one after another, just like bombs. If they fall next to the player, they will immediately cause 3000 points of damage to the player and make the player unconscious for two seconds. Therefore, the players dare not huddle together , if you are hit by several meteorites in a row, and then burned by the flame halo a few times, you will definitely die.

But once people disperse, they will face the situation of being besieged by monsters. These hellfire monsters are all elite monsters, with armor up to 1000 points. There are no fighters to go to the five broken pieces, and the physics profession can't beat them at all. Moreover, hellfire Demons are of the fire attribute, and they are born with high fire resistance, and all fire mages are very embarrassed.

Returning to the troops in the past can be said to be a timely response to their urgent needs. With the addition of these elites to the defense line, especially the addition of commanders, the combat effectiveness of the players was immediately greatly improved, and the casualty rate was immediately reduced. many


A meteorite fell behind Han Yingxue, the aftermath vibrated, and immediately a -3000 damage number floated above her head, and knocked her into a coma for two seconds. A huge hellfire demon crawled out of the meteorite pit Out, while the turquoise flame was burning, a damage figure of -500 was still jumping up on Han Yingxue's body every second

Zhang Yang immediately retreated a few steps, rushed to the ground and bumped into the hellfire monster, and shouted: "Speed ​​up the boss, I will hold the little monster!"

He summoned the shadow of Malinda to replenish his blood.

5, 4, 3

Mimina's blood volume is as high as 20 million, and the blood volume of 1 is 200,000. There are only sixty or seventy people around the boss, and the damage output has dropped significantly compared to before. It takes about every 15 seconds to gnaw down boss1 with difficulty. blood volume...




"Ah——" Mimina let out a scream, her long snake body twitched wildly, and finally fell down with a bang, bursting out spoils all over the ground.

Zhang Yang, Wei Yan'er, and Sun Xinyu immediately took action in melee, brushing and picking up items with a golden luster as much as possible On the contrary, the silver utensils all over the floor are dazzled, and they are used to grabbing items with silvery white luster naturally.

When they reacted, it was already two or three seconds later, but there were only four or five golden objects on the ground, which had been wiped out by Zhang Yang and these three fast hands. I got one, but the other one was snatched away by an angry beauty. After all, the skill book is so easy to recognize

Zhang Yang didn't have time to count the harvest, and immediately said: "Go back quickly and support."

bang bang bang

They wanted to leave, but the rain of meteorites in the sky became denser and denser, falling down like hailstones, smashing the ground to be riddled with holes, and hundreds of hellfire demons crawled out of the pits, blocking the their way forward and backward

You must not go forward. Once you are surrounded by hellfire demons, although the effects of the same kind of aura cannot be superimposed, it is undoubtedly more dangerous to be attacked by enemies.

"Back to the back" Zhang Yang immediately directed the five-member team to retreat up the hillside, where there is an air wall that can block monsters in one direction and reduce a lot of pressure


The number of survivors is decreasing sharply, but the hellfire demons are still falling from the sky, continuously replenishing the number of monsters.


"Day, Yangzi, Brother Fatty is dead!" Fatty Han's exasperated cry came from the team.

Zhang Yang couldn't help being surprised, and said: "Aren't you a hunter, at worst, lie on the ground and feign death."

"Fat brother held back his urgency for a long time, so he feigned death and lay down on the ground to go to the toilet. When he came back, he found that he had been directly burned to death by the flame halo," Fatty Han wailed.

"Shit, why don't you go when every wave of monsters is over?".

"At the beginning I was too nervous to fight, I kept holding back and didn't realize it, but then I couldn't hold it anymore..."

"Yo, the fat man is disgusting"

The four Meimeis in the team spat at the same time.


"Boss, I died too." Starlight Infinite said in the team, "It's unlucky, I pulled the monsters well, but a few monsters ran over from behind, and they gave the sweetheart a second, and I died without any treatment."

The one he calls sweetheart is the pastor of the second regiment of Desert Dust, Dream Sweetheart, who has a pretty good consciousness, but she was able to enter the second regiment mainly because of her sweet appearance and a pair of domineering breasts. Fatty Han exclaimed "children's face and big breasts" and joined the second team.


"Zhan Yu, I'm dead too." Not long after, a weak voice came from Baifayizhong.

It's been 40 minutes, and the rain of meteorites in the sky has finally slowed down, but it's only 10 minutes before the boss appears

"Server notification: The expedition of Longgar City has failed"

Suddenly, a system-specific red letter announcement floated out from the World Channel.

"The group of homeboys and rotten girls failed?" Fatty Han sat by the bank in Baiyu City, appreciating the passing female players together with the gangster Starlight Infinity.

"They started 40 minutes later than us, and they collapsed just after the tenth wave of monsters appeared," Zhang Yang thought for a while.

The narcissus bloomed full of worry and said: "I don't know if we can make it to the end"

"Yes, definitely can," Zhang Yang said firmly. The main difficulty in capturing the fortress lies in the 10 waves of monsters. As long as it can last, the npc will send reinforcements to attack the fortress together. At that time, the npc will take the lead. As long as the player can ensure that they are alive, they will be able to complete the final capture of the fortress




The number of players is still decreasing sharply, but the monsters are also becoming sparse, at most two or three hundred

"Ding, the leader of the tenth wave of monsters, Hellfire Demon Lord Barriada, has joined the battle."


A huge meteorite fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, causing the earth to roar and tremble. A huge meteorite crater with a diameter of more than a kilometer suddenly appeared at the place where it fell. Radiates dust waves up to 3 meters


Two big hands protruded from the stone pit, and then a huge stone demon crawled out of the pit. Its huge body as high as 100 meters seemed to be able to pierce the sky, and blue flames lingered around its body. The bear burns, scorching the air until it distorts and deforms

[Hellfire Demon Lord Barriada] (gold-level leader, demon)

Level: 60

HP: 30 million

Armor value: 1500

"30 million HP and 1500 points of armor"

"Goo—" The more than a hundred people who survived swallowed hard at the same time.

Zhang Yang immediately said: "The Snow Demon Girl will follow me to hold the boss, and the little girl, Ice Cube, and Narcissus will help others deal with the remaining mobs." He then spoke on the regional channel: "Everyone, let me hold the boss first." , everyone quickly kill the mobs, and fight the boss together"

This should be the only solution. If you still go to grab the boss now, you won't wait until the boss has 30 million HP, and you have already been killed by mobs. Little monster, anyway, the boss has a lot of blood, so I'm not afraid that Zhang Yang will take advantage of this time to kill the boss

bang bang bang

Barriada walked towards the player with big strides, every step made the ground tremble violently

Zhang Yang quickly went up to meet her, followed by Han Yingxue.

If you look down from the sky, you can see that Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue are like two tiny praying mantises, desperately trying to stop Barriada's giant chariot

100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters

As soon as he entered the 30 meters around the boss, Zhang Yang felt a hot air, as if he was going to burn his whole body, and the top of his head began to lose 350, 350 blood continuously - the boss also had a halo of flames, and he would attack every second. All targets within 30 meters cause 1000 points of fire damage


Barriada slammed down with a punch, "Boom", although the attack was blocked by Zhang Yang's shield, but the huge force still drove Zhang Yang's feet into the soil.

The "Ambala Sidok" boss roared in devilish language loudly, as if he was dissatisfied with his attack being blocked, he raised his left fist and slammed it hard again.


This time Zhang Yang didn't have a block, and immediately a damage number floated above his head.

The melee attack of the boss is around 6000, and it can attack once every two seconds. The power is quite amazing, but when it hits Zhang Yang, the second damage is only about 2000, and the 5-second block will be deducted. In essence, the damage per second is only Less than 1400

As long as Zhang Yang can guarantee the success of each block, then Han Yingxue's healing ability can definitely add up

On the other side, the number of monsters is also rapidly decreasing, from hundreds to double digits, and then from double digits to single digits. In the end, all mobs were cleaned up, and the surviving players were also wiped out. Only 53 people

Among them, there are 11 people from the Desert Guyan, 8 people from the Angry Beauty, 8 people from Ling Tian, ​​5 people from the Tyrant, and 5 people from the Paradise Lost. The remaining 14 people are from 9 guilds, and they are all lonely

Excitement and excitement flashed on everyone's face. Although the boss still had 97 HP, everyone seemed to have seen the dawn of victory and stepped forward to besiege the boss.




Immediately above the heads of the rushing crowd, damage numbers floated up one by one, the boss has a halo of fire

Zhang Yang frowned, and said, "All come into my team."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, they didn't promise to know, once they entered Zhang Yang's team, as long as Zhang Yang changed the distribution mode to the captain's pickup, wouldn't they fight for nothing?

Zhang Yang shook his head angrily. He didn't even kill the boss, so he was already thinking about distributing equipment. Equip my team and you join the team because of the halo effect."

He posted the link description of the physical halo on the regional channel, and then asked Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er to post the link descriptions of the life halo and the brute force halo.

Han Yingxue sneered at the petty heart of these people, and reluctantly posted the link of the halo of life. Wei Yan'er was much more heartless, but she didn't put on a bad face.

When everyone saw it, they realized that Zhang Yang and the others also possessed halo skills.

Come on, this is a good thing



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