MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 197 Fire Resistance Potion Formula

 Zhang Yang hurried to Han Yingxue's direction. 

Because Han Yingxue could only follow the boss idly, waiting until she was really bored, so she had to use Zhang Yang to relieve the boredom, harassing him in every possible way along the way, asking him who his first love was and when did he lose his virginity...

This icy wasteland is really too big, and the boss is almost half a map away from Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang rode his horse and galloped for nearly half an hour before finally seeing Han Yingxue's light spot on the small map. The distance between the two has been shortened to less than a hundred meters.

Hulala, the white bone war horse splashed the flying snow, Zhang Yang reined in the horse and stopped beside Han Yingxue, the woman was yawning boredly.

"Stupid Yu, waiting for you is really hard!" Han Yingxue complained.

Zhang Yang sighed, and said: "If you want the silver utensils in my shop to practice runes for you, there is absolutely no way!" I have known her for three months, still can't see through her little tricks?

Han Yingxue rolled her eyes immediately, and said, "Sister practiced runes, isn't it for you?"

"Please, silver wares above grade are so precious now. Few people will take them out for sale! The few silver wares in my store were also made by us together. Do I have the nerve to break them down for you?" Zhang Yang He rolled his eyes at her too. Who can't roll their eyes, who is afraid of whom!

Seeing that rolling her eyes was useless, Han Yingxue began to wink and said, "But, the rune stone in your mouth must use the second-level silver essence, so you don't want to strengthen your weapon?"

"Damn, you haven't even given me ten rune stones yet, so return it!" Zhang Yang selected the target as the boss flying in mid-air. The height of meters, the speed is very slow.

[King of Frost Chimera Bathurinck] (bronze-level leader, beast)

Level: 55

HP: 55000

Armor value: 300

Yes, that's it!

Zhang Yang rode his horse and whipped his whip, and quickly came to the boss, picked up a snowball and threw it into the air. It hit the boss with a slap.

This kind of throwing will not cause a little damage, but it can form the most primitive hatred and pull the boss into the battle.

Immediately, Baselink let out a roar, fluttered his wings, and swung down from the air, bleating a bitter cold air towards Zhang Yang.

"Ding! Baselink released the breath of ice!"


A damage number immediately floated above Zhang Yang's head, and at the same time, the anger value immediately soared by 42 points.

! Normal Attack.

Broken Armor! -

692! Shattered Armor Damage-

3389! sweep-

3512! Devastate.

Zhang Yang vented all his anger in an instant, and within a single encounter, about 9,000 of the boss's blood volume was blown away, almost reaching 20% ​​in percentage terms, which is very, very terrifying!

Baselink roared angrily and swung his claws, grabbing Zhang Yang's head and neck.

File! +30 Rage -359! The grid file counter-injuries.

Blood Rage! +30 Rage.

Broken Armor! -

752! Shattered Armor Damage-

868! Shield Slam-

1648! Hit hard.

Zhang Yang threw three more broken armors on the boss, and completed five layers of broken armors. Suddenly, the boss had zero armor in front of him!

"You can solo the boss now!" Han Yingxue said emotionally from behind. Zhang Yang's attack power has far surpassed the boss, and his health has reached 12,000. Even if he doesn't use the fury recovery skill, he can probably defeat the boss.

"I'm wearing gold and silver weapons, and I can't even defeat a bronze-level boss alone. Is this still a mess?" Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.


Zhang Yang laughed out loud, and with the tomahawk in his hand, with his 2,000-point damage per second, it only takes half a minute to blast the boss's 55,000 blood points! After only losing 5,000 blood points, Zhang Yang killed Barthelink easily.

"Silly Yu, what exactly will this boss drop that makes you so anxious?" Women are all curious creatures, and Han Yingxue was even more obvious, asking Zhang Yang with her beautiful eyes blinking.

Zhang Yang took a picture under the boss, and suddenly there was a recipe drawing in his hand. He smiled with satisfaction and immediately patted it on his body to learn.

Han Yingxue immediately said angrily: "Well, you stupid Yu, you dare to use the distribution mode of free picking!" She originally wanted to coerce Zhang Yang and let Zhang Yang call her sister a few times, so she gave up and refused to vote. Used free pick up.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "How can you subdue demons and eliminate demons if you don't have much morality!"

"Bah!" Han Yingxue spat, but she became more curious and said, "Siyu, you can always show what you have learned this time!"

Zhang Yang chuckled and posted a link to a potion.

[Level 3 fire resistance potion] (consumable)

Use: Increases fire resistance by 600 for 2 minutes. Cooldown: 2 minutes.

Requires level: 50

"This shit is something you've been thinking about for five days?" Han Yingxue couldn't help snorting, and said, "Just reduce the fire damage by 600 points, and my sister's recovery will come out in one jump!" "Long hair, short knowledge!" Zhang Yang pouted. .

"What, say it again?" Han Yingxue let out the might of the Lion's Roar.

"Hehe!" Zhang Yang quickly changed the subject, and said, "Many future  will have halo damage, just like the boss in the battlefield that can activate the fire halo. If we can use the fire resistance potion at that time, it will still be useful." Are you afraid of the boss?"

Han Yingxue paused, she believed Zhang Yang's words for the time being.

The last boss in Fire Toxic Land, which is the Rothian Copper Hammer that is required to be killed by a level 50 professional task, has a very powerful group fire damage ability, although unlike Mazawi, all rest personnel have the corresponding magic resistance. Sex can pass, but there is no doubt that taking fire resistance medicine can reduce a lot of difficulty, but it is very popular. But if it is said now, Han Yingxue will definitely clamor for dividends and beat him hard, so it's better to keep it secret for the time being!

As for the other drops of Batherinck, Zhang Yang threw them into his backpack without even looking at them. Just a few bronze and black iron items really didn't attract his attention.

After getting the formula and completing the mission, Zhang Yang immediately hissed the teleportation talisman and turned the white jade back. city.

To make the third-level fire resistance potion, you need to use white spot flowers and fire crystal fragments. The white spot flower comes from the medicine collection profession. It is very common in 40+ maps, and the price in the auction house is not high. The fire crystal fragments are dropped by fire element monsters. As long as 20+ fire elements will drop It is the life of selling directly to the store!

"Miracle" is like this, some things that seem useless at all, but because of a formula and a pattern, they will turn around gorgeously, and their value will be multiplied overnight!

Because the formula of the third-level fire resistance potion is very difficult to come up with, Zhang Yang didn't know the ingredients needed to prepare this potion in his last life, and he could only figure it out after he got the formula.

Back at the commissary, Zhang Yang told Natalia to immediately start buying the white spots and fire crystal shards.

The white spot flower is currently in the 10 gold group in the auction house, and no one will take the fire crystal fragments to the auction to waste the entrustment fee. If the auction is successful, the entrustment fee will be refunded and the commission fee will be deducted. If the auction fails, the entrustment fee will be waived up. The fire crystal shards are sold at a store price of 2 gold groups, so Zhang Yang set the purchase price as a group of white spot and gold, and the fire crystal shards are stone gold. Group.

This time, the teleportation arrays in the eight main cities are open, and players can come and go freely." Zhang Yang doesn't need to look for "distributors" anymore. As long as Qingqing's small shop is famous, the source of customers will naturally flow in.

By this afternoon, Natalia had also purchased a lot of materials, and Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing: the warehouse space was filled with iron coins, and there was no place to store the medicines made!

I didn't have any space left, so I had to make things and throw them to Fatty Han for safekeeping.

He is already an expert in alchemy. He can rub micro potions at a time. In less than half an hour, all the materials purchased by Natalia have been turned into fire resistance potions. There are more than 34 groups in total, all of which he mailed to Han. fat man.

Two days later, Zhang Yang not only filled up Fatty Han's bank warehouse, but even Wei Yan'er, Xingguang Wuxian and others were opened a few more bank slots by him to help him store fire resistance medicine. Wei Yan'er and Han Yingxue are both money lovers, wouldn't it be their lives to ask them to spend money to buy bank slots? There was no other way, Zhang Yang had no choice but to give them money. Fortunately, the first four warehouses of the personal bank are not expensive, but more than a thousand dollars.

October 9th, at night, at 6 o'clock.

"Bang bang bang!" came the knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Zhang Yang leaned over the cat's eye and looked. Fatty Han was standing with a big belly. He quickly opened the door and said, "Fatty man, brother just finished dinner, so don't even think about playing the autumn wind!"

Since the fat man bought the sports car, his life has been very tight, and he often comes to Zhang Yang to cheat on food and drink.

"Yangzi, you really forgot!" Today's dead fat man is dressed like a dog. His upper body is a shirt with b and b  on his upper body, and his lower body is trousers of the same brand. Unfortunately, the fat man's round belly Extremely ruined the beauty. He shook his head repeatedly, and suddenly leaned into Zhang Yang's ear and said loudly: "Today is a class reunion!"

"Ah..." Zhang Yang had forgotten all about this a long time ago, and only remembered after being reminded by Fatty Han.

"Ah, what, you promised Fat Brother to go together, let's go for a walk, it's only an hour away from seven o'clock! If there is a traffic jam on the road, I don't know that we will have to wait until the year of the monkey!" Fatty Han is a standard flirt, Now that I have money and a car, I naturally want to show off in front of those who used to look down on me.

If it was Zhang Yang in the previous life, he would definitely feel the same way, but after experiencing life and death, this kind of limelight seems too boring to him. .

Pulled by Fatty Han, Zhang Yang had no choice but to change into a new suit. This was originally what he wore when he was going to apply for the job. It cost him 700 oceans!

"Yangzi, you are a multi-millionaire now, why are you wearing such rags?" Fatty Han looked at Zhang Yang, and suddenly said, "I understand, this is called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! I said Yangzi, You are too boring!"

Zhang Yang is full of black lines! Didn't brother be dragged by you to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Fatty's sports car is indeed very dazzling. When it stopped outside the apartment, many young people gathered around and pointed, their envy was beyond words.

Fatty Han was very proud, he flirtatiously cast a wink at a few fashionable girls, first forced Zhang Yang into the car, and then turned to the driver's seat and sat down. It's just that he is too big, the whole person doesn't sit in it, but gets stuck in it abruptly.

With a bang, he sat down on his buttocks, and the whole car shook a few times, which shows how extraordinary his tonnage is.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Fatty, do you have insurance for this car?"

"Of course I bought it!"

"Fortunately, if you crush it, you won't lose everything!"

"Damn! Yunyun is crushed by the fat brother three times every night, and she hasn't been crushed! This car is also made of iron. If it can be crushed by the fat brother, I will sell the defective goods to my brother later. The store is smashed!"

"By the way, why didn't you take Yunyun with you?"

"Yangzi, do you really not understand or are you deliberately teasing brother? If you take Yunyun there, there is no chance for the fat brother to have sex!" Fatty Han said with contempt on his face, while starting the sports car and driving out of the community.

Zhang Yang frowned, and said, "You don't intend to live with her?"

Fatty Han scratched his head and said, "Yangzi, what era are you thinking about? I go out to find women, not necessarily because I want to break up with Yunyun, brother is not married yet!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help sweating profusely, you have a girlfriend and you're still too busy to have sex, is it because I'm 0m, or are you too fraternal? He shook his head again and again, and said: "Forget it, forget it, that's your private matter, I don't care about it, you love Ye Yang, so do Ye Yang!"

Driving all the way to the Sheraton Hotel, the fat man really said that he was caught in a traffic jam.

This traffic jam lasted for more than forty minutes. By the time Zhang Yang and the others arrived at the Sheraton Hotel, it was already 7:11.

"Zhang Yang, Han Guang," the two of them just got out of the car when they saw a young man who was two parking spaces away suddenly shouted in surprise. That man also just got off a Volkswagen car.

Zhang Yang looked at him for a while, showing a look of enlightenment, and said, "Liu Qiming!"

"Haha, it's me!" The man slammed the car door, walked over enthusiastically, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you are doing so well now, and the car is actually a Maserati! How much is this car, yes, much Ten thousand?"

Zhang Yang shook his head with a smile, and said, "The car belongs to Fatty, I'm just taking a ride!"

Liu Qiming said "Oh", the enthusiasm on his face faded obviously, but he looked at Fatty Han eagerly, and said, "Han Guang, you've made a fortune!"

Fatty Han and Zhang Yang are brothers, so if Liu Qiming looks down on Zhang Yang, it means looking down on him! Immediately, his face was neither cold nor calm, and he casually dealt with the other party a few words, then said: "Yangzi, let's go up!"

Although Liu Qiming received a cold reception from Fatty Han, when he glanced at the sports car, the slightest dissatisfaction that had just arisen disappeared immediately. .

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