Chapter 198 Zhou Kangming

The three walked out of the parking lot and entered the hotel lobby. At the entrance, four welcoming ladies in cheongsams immediately bowed to the three of them, and said in a coquettish voice, "Welcome!"

The fat man's eyes flicked on the beautiful faces of the four women, and he immediately revealed his seductive seductiveness, and leaned into Zhang Yang's ear and said, "Yangzi, look at the second one from the left, her nipples are pointed and her butt is upturned, what a fucking idea!" have to mop it up"

Zhang Yang sighed, and said, "Did you come here after eating hundreds of catties of *yao?"

Fatty Han suddenly laughed, and said, "Yangzi, you seem to have changed recently. Didn't you always like to stand on the road with the fat brother to admire beautiful women? How come you have become serious all of a sudden?" ?”

Zhang Yang couldn't help being startled, yes, when he was in high school, he often admired the girls passing by on the street with the fat man, commenting on which breasts were bigger, which buttocks were tighter, and sometimes he would brag Whistle, causing people to spit "little wolf" shyly.

It's a pity that his thoughts are no longer that of a brat who just graduated from university, but after five years of hard work in society, and even died once. It would be really strange if there was no change in the slightest.

Seeing Zhang Yang talking and laughing happily with Fatty Han, Liu Qiming couldn't help feeling jealous.

In high school, everyone was busy with their studies, coupled with their youthful vigor, they all had a kind of arrogance that they would not bow down to five buckets of rice. It's a pity that in college, I heard and saw more luxury cars picking up beautiful girls. In the scene of life, the once passionate young man is slowly being corrupted by money - his backbone can't be eaten, how can money be real, without money, beautiful and beautiful, even looking at you is stingy

Liu Qiming also just graduated from university, found a job in a small business, and bought a car with the support of his parents. The ordinary nine-to-five job made him bored. When he saw the fat man's luxury car, he immediately Realized that Fatty Han must have become a boss and made a fortune

In high school, he would never have flirted with a fat man who had poor academic performance and fought all day long. Lala relationship, let the other party see it as an old classmate's love

He judged others by himself, thinking that Zhang Yang was also flattering Fatty Han. And it was obvious that the relationship between the two was extraordinary, Liu Qiming couldn't help but feel contemptuous, and secretly cursed flattery.

"Han Guang, what have you done in the past few years after graduating from high school? You even bought a Maserati luxury car." Liu Qiming spoke to Fatty Han, unwilling to let Zhang Yang snatch all the opportunities to "flatter".

Fatty Han didn't want to talk to him at first, but when he heard him praise his car, he couldn't help but feel complacent, and said, "It's nothing, I just help people do some business and get some commission. I'm a Maserati gt2034. I've hua fat brother 387." Wan Dayang, shit, the Yankees are really black"

Zhang Yang had taken care of Fatty Han not to reveal his details, so Han Guang had no choice but to deal with it vaguely. Don't look at him with a fat body, but his head is not stupid, but he didn't focus on studying. He immediately saw that Liu Qiming was deliberately trying to curry favor with him. He couldn't help laughing secretly, thinking that the big Buddha would not worship in front of you, but he would come to worship himself as a fake Buddha, he deserved to die of stupidity.

Zhang Yang laughed so hard that he almost choked, and said, "Fatty man, Maserati is made in Italy, so it's none of Yankees' business."

"Ah——" Fatty Han stared, "Shit, that shitty manager, I told me to give me the best sports car, and that guy dared to use a bird car made in Italy to deal with Fatty? No, Fatty has to go later smashed his shop"

This fat man didn't know the brand of the famous car at all, he just thought that he was cheated by the sales manager, and he felt sorry for all the savings he had spent.

But Liu Qiming heard these words, but he thought that the fat man had so much money that he could throw it away casually. Look, people don't even look at the brand when they buy a car, they just throw money at it, how domineering

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said, "Fuck you, you bastard of American imperialism, do you think that all the good things in the world are made by Americans?"

"No?" Fatty Han's eyes widened, full of puzzlement.

"Nonsense, your burberry is a British product, and it has a half-money relationship with the United States." Zhang Yang sighed, no wonder they said that three generations will raise a nobleman, and he will die of the quality of a fat man. Give him 10 billion and he is still a bumpkin. upstart

Fatty Han didn't feel ashamed at all, he laughed loudly, and said, "Forget it, forget it, don't care about American or British products, as long as Fatty has money, he can buy anything."

Liu Qiming also knew that Maserati was an Italian sports car brand, but he didn't dare to correct Fatty, but he didn't expect Fatty Han to be despised by Zhang Yang. Instead of being angry, he looked very happy. .

In front of "Zhang Yang, Liu Qiming, Han Guang" came a young man in his early twenties, dressed in famous brand clothes, with shiny hair, but average appearance, neither ugly nor handsome, with a medium build.

Zhang Yang recognized the other party at a glance——Zhou Kangming, who was also his high school classmate. Zhou Kangming's previous family background could only be considered average, but a few years ago, the government government built a road that happened to pass through Zhou Kangming's hometown village, and the compensation from the sale of the land is said to be more than 10 million yuan. Zhou Kangming's father used this I started a picture frame factory, and it's doing pretty well, with an annual income of two to three million yuan.

Of course, Zhou Kangming himself broke the news when Zhang Yang attended the class reunion in his previous life. He was so complacent at the time, and when he said that his annual income was more than 2 million, his eyes were full of showing off.

"Zhou Kangming" Zhang Yang greeted him calmly. He came today just to show off the fat man, and he didn't care about anything else.

Zhou Kangming smiled slightly, full of self-respect and self-respect, and said: "The three of you are short of Yang Zhixian and Li Ru. Let's go up together. I will ask Shanshan to call Yang Zhixian and Li Ru, and let Shanshan call Yang Zhixian and Li Ru." After they come, go directly to the reserved room”

When talking about Shanshan, he deliberately glanced at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang has experienced this scene once in his previous life.

Zhou Kangming's current girlfriend is Zhao Huishan, who Zhang Yang met in high school. The two will get married in a few months. In high school, Zhou Kangming's family hadn't made a fortune yet. What kind of heaven-defying handsome guy is so ordinary that he can't be more ordinary, so naturally he won't attract the attention of girls.

But which teenager does not admire and love her? Zhou Kangming liked Yang Zhixian, Zhao Huishan, and Li Ru in his class when he was in high school, but who would care about him at that time? Later, his family got rich, and he happened to enter the same university as Zhao Huishan. By giving some small gifts every day, he finally succeeded in winning Zhao Huishan's heart.

It is certainly a happy event to embrace a beautiful woman, but there is still a thorn in Zhou Kangming's heart, that is, Zhao Huishan and Zhang Yang have been in love for nearly a year, and he is not convinced. What is so good about Zhang Yang at that time, his parents died early How can Zhao Huishan like someone who has no surplus property, poor academic performance, and fights all day long?

Therefore, he has an inexplicable hatred for Zhang Yang. In his last life, he ridiculed Zhang Yang in all kinds of ways at the class reunion, and finally annoyed Zhang Yang. He directly punched his mouth and knocked out three of his teeth.

Zhang Yang couldn't help looking at Zhou Kangming's mouth with a half-smile, and thought to himself, are you still here? Is it possible that in this life, I will be bombarded by my brother's big teeth?

The four entered the elevator, arrived at the fourth floor of the hotel, and entered a large private room. There are eight round tables in the box, and there are about 60 people sitting in it, all of them are young people in their early twenties, whispering to each other, smiling, or expressing feelings—some of them came alone, Some people come with male and female friends.

Seeing Zhang Yang and the others come in, everyone stood up to say hello, the scene was extremely lively.

"Okay, only Yang Zhixian and Li Ru didn't arrive, let's eat first." Zhou Kangming nodded to the waiter in the box, indicating that the food could be served.

"Come on, Zhang Yang, sit here." Zhou Kangming pointed to the round table in the middle.

Fatty Han grinned and said, "Yangzi and I have to sit together, we are Meng Buli Jiao, Jiao Buli Meng"

Everyone sat down one after another, and after a while, several waiters pushed the dining car into the box and began to serve each table.

"Zhang Yang——" Zhang Yang just sat down, when he saw a very beautiful girl showing a proud smile at him, and shouted at him with a condescending attitude.

"Zhao Huishan..." Fatty Han called out first, laughed loudly, and said, "I haven't worked hard for a few years, I didn't expect you to become more beautiful now, and now your parents won't stop you from making a boyfriend. Come, come, come, it happens that my Yangzi is still Single, you guys have a good talk"

Zhao Huishan immediately put on a pretty face, and said, "Han Guang, don't bring up what happened back then. I was ignorant back then, and I didn't even know I was cheated."

Fatty Han was annoyed, and said, "What are you talking about? You were the one who pestered Yangzi in such a brazen way back then, what does it mean to be cheated?"

Zhao Huishan's face was uncertain. She admired powerful men very much at the beginning, and Zhang Yang was a famous fighter. She secretly saw Zhang Yang fighting with others a few times, so she fell in love with Zhang Yang. Later, when she entered university, she needed money for this and money for that, and went shopping with the girl in the same dormitory. When she saw other people spend a lot of money and buy whatever they wanted, she, who was from an ordinary family, began to change her mind. Worship of Power Turned into Worship of Money

When Zhou Kangming came into her life with a wealth of wealth, Zhao Huishan immediately felt that she had met a real prince charming, and she agreed to be Zhou Kangming's girlfriend with a little restraint. Now the wedding date has been set, and we will be married in a few months.

When she saw Zhang Yang again, Zhao Huishan couldn't help cursing herself how could she have fallen in love with a man who was so poor that she had fallen in love with a poor man. Are you a yellow-faced woman who worries about which vegetables to buy to save money every day?

Therefore, the harder Zhang Yang's life is, the happier Zhao Huishan is, and the more she can prove that the choice she made was right.

I have to say, this is a kind of bullshit logic.


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