MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 211: Rothian Copper Hammer

"That is to say, everyone can carry a baby like a hunter?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said: "Mounting pets have great limitations, they can only function in the riding state, once they 'get off the horse', the riding pet will disappear immediately, and they cannot attack separately like hunter's babies. Only hunters can use pet mounts like babies."

"Wow, that's pretty good too, anemic warrior, let's grab battle mounts tomorrow." Wei Yan'er was happy again. She is a mount controler. Even if the mounts don't have any special abilities, she will do everything possible to collect them, let alone battle mounts. It can also increase the upper limit of life and increase combat effectiveness

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Little girl, do you think that battle mounts are easy to catch? First of all, the word 'rare' alone can make your head big. Who doesn't want a battle mount? He must have immediately taken out the seal rein to catch it, it is all about luck."

"Hee hee, I've always had good luck." Wei Yan'er grinned, "Anemia warrior, wait until I subdue the broken dragon at the entrance of the dungeon, and I will trample you to death."

"Little girl, the battle mounts that can be captured are only level 0, so you can save it." Zhang Yang immediately shattered Wei Yan'er's dream.

Baifa Yizhong hurriedly said: "Can the battle mount be upgraded?".

"Yes." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Like a hunter's pet, it can be upgraded by gaining experience. Moreover, riding a pet requires much less experience than players to level up. However, the level of riding a pet cannot exceed that of a player. Just like a hunter's baby."

Everyone didn't know much about battle mounts at first, and they were very moved when they heard the words. A milk knight named Lei Dong Jiutian said: "President, will you fail to catch the pet mount?".

Zhang Yang nodded and said: "Yes, and there is a limit to the number of failures that can be sealed. The pets that can be sealed are all green monsters, but after ten failed attempts to seal them, they will become red monsters, so there is no way to seal them again. "

"Let me tell you, brothers and sisters, are we here to fight the boss or catch the riding pet? Hurry up and don't let anyone snatch the first pass." Fatty Han never forgot the first pass of the dungeon.

"By the way——" Baifa No. 1 Middle School slapped its head suddenly, and said, "Zhan Yu, a person who claimed to be the advertising department of 'Yuanyang Electronics' contacted me today, saying that he intends to sponsor our guild. At the time of the first pass, the team name of "Ocean Electronics Desert Dust" was listed on the first pass list. Every time you get a copy of the first pass, you will be rewarded with 300,000 cash, and every time you get a copy of the racing list, you will be rewarded with 100,000."

"Damn, did you agree? This is a great thing!" Fatty Han's heart was moved immediately, and he hurriedly shook Baifa Yizhong's shoulder.

Baifa Yizhong shook his head and said, "This matter has to be decided by Zhan Yuna."

Zhang Yang entrusted him with the management of the guild affairs, which was a kind of trust, not letting him make his own decisions. This kind of important decision must naturally be decided by the guild leader.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said: "They are really stingy, do they want to send us away with 300,000 or 500,000?".

Fatty Han immediately slapped his head, that’s right, they’ve earned more than one million dividends from the sale of equipment these days, and each of them can get 300,000 bonus for the first pass of the copy. It sounds like a lot, but even if it’s 10 people , each person is only 30,000 yuan, besides, according to the game's convention, there is a copy every 10 levels, and you can only upgrade to a level after 7 days after level 50. It takes about two months to get the first copy of the copy, and usually you can only rely on copies Race for prizes.

But dungeon racing also has an upper limit for improvement, and there is competition from other guilds, and it is impossible to be refreshed three or four times by one guild. On average, everyone can be thankful if they can earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month.

For ordinary people, a monthly income of 10,000 to 20,000 is quite enough, but Fatty Han and the others have already grown their appetites, and they really don't take this little money seriously.

Han Yingxue's eyes lit up, and said: "If the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, let us do this as a sponsor."

"You?" Baifa No. 1 High School looked at Han Yingxue, a little dazed.

Han Yingxue smiled lightly, and said, "Yan'er's father owns a company, and I also have some shares in it. Currently, "Miracle" is so popular, the advertising effect should be good."

"Cousin, don't be modest, you have 55% of the shares, more than my father." Wei Yan'er said immediately, "Anemia warrior, haven't you lost your love? Here, I will give you my cousin, you Just don’t charge any sponsorship fees”….

"Hahaha", everyone laughed, only Sun Xinyu's eyes flashed.

"You damn girl, you sold me just to save such a small amount of money?" Han Yingxue glared at Wei Yan'er, but Wei Yan'er gave her a grimace indifferently, "Grand is Mr. Selfishness is privateness, and it can’t be confused, so tomorrow I will ask someone from the company’s advertising department to contact you.”

"Okay, I'd better find Baifa, just let me know when we've finished the talk."

"I told you, do you still want to fight the boss?" Fatty Han burst into tears.

The team advanced while chatting, cleared all mobs half an hour later, and stood in front of the final boss. The boss room has a large space, just like a square, and the boss is standing in the middle, and there are no other mobs around.

[Rosian. Copper Hammer, King of Flame Dwarves] (silver-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 58

HP: 5 million

Armor value: 600

The boss is wearing thick armor, with a huge ax in his right hand, the skin of his whole body is red, under the transpiration of the mist, it looks like a burning flame.

"Same as the other two modes, the boss is not different except for the increased damage." Zhang Yang still wants to talk about tactics, after all, Han Yingxue and the others have not fought before. "Among the skills of the boss, the most deadly is teleportation. Teleport 4 people to a distance of 100 meters, and add a 'flame chain' debuff to each of them"

"People who have been hit by the flame chains, as long as they are within 30 meters of each other, will receive 2000 points of fire damage per second, and the effect lasts for 10 seconds. Therefore, the difficulty lies in how the four people who have been hit by the flame chains will be killed before being blown up." Run a safe distance in four different directions"

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd and said: "This is the time to test tacit understanding and cooperation. If two or three people run in the same direction, who will give in to whom? You must react in an instant and pay attention immediately." , this is death mode, if you have 5 seconds to react in hard mode, you only have 3 seconds here"

"Oh, silly Yu, no wonder you want the formula for fire resistance, so it can be used here." Han Yingxue suddenly realized, and rolled her eyes at Zhang Yang, "Stingy, I'm going to make you another vote."

Zhang Yang smiled slightly, and said: "When the fight starts next time, drink up the fire resistance medicine, so as not to be in a hurry when you get in trouble. Fire resistance medicine can reduce 600 points of damage, which can greatly improve fault tolerance."

It is not necessary to fight this boss fire resistance potion, but there is no doubt that having fire resistance potion can greatly reduce the difficulty of the boss.

"Besides the Flame Chain, another difficulty for the boss is that it will destroy the tank and reduce the healing effect by 50. I will try to block it as much as possible. The priest will keep the holy shield and give it to me after I am hit by the destroying blow." Shields, shields absorb damage, not direct healing, and will not be affected”

Zhang Yang clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's talk about ten thousand and ten thousand, but I didn't really call it once to make it clear. I drank the potion and put it on."

He took out a bottle of fire resistance potion, gurgled it into his mouth, then pulled out his battle axe, and quickly ran towards the boss.

"Who are you, dare to break into the forbidden area of ​​my flame dwarves? Forget it, I just need to kill all of you." Rosian waved an ax that was at least three times taller than others, and greeted him, "I am Rosian , the king of the flame dwarves, remember my name, because this is the one who sent you to see the god of the underworld"

"What a stinky fart!" Wei Yan'er stuck out her tongue.

Zhang Yang ran into the boss with a quick charge, swung his tomahawk and slashed hard.

Wei Yan'er was not willing to show weakness, and immediately charged forward, swinging a big ax and slashing at the boss.


As soon as the boss slashed with an axe, a huge damage figure immediately floated on Zhang Yang's head, which indicated that the damage of the boss's single attack had already exceeded 8,000. It takes 3 seconds to swing an attack, and the team has 4 healers, which can quickly fill up Zhang Yang's health bar properly.

"Lie Yan, help me burn these idiots!" Not long after the battle started, Rosian roared and raised the ax in his hand high.

Immediately, four chains of flames shot out from the axe, hitting Starlight Infinity, Lao Na Tsundere, Zang Tian, ​​and Baidu Niang respectively. With a swipe of the ground, the four people immediately disappeared from the spot, and were teleported to the direction of seven o'clock, 100 meters away from the boss.


Four flames burst out at the same time, and Fei Bie jumped with -1400 and -1050 damage figures on the heads of the four people. Because Starlight Infinity is a guardian knight, it is born with a passive reduction of 75% of spell damage, so it suffers the least damage.


The four started running quickly, but only Zang Tian ran west, while the other three ran in the same direction.

"Damn, old man, Baidu mother, don't chase me, change direction quickly, I don't want to be killed by you!" Starlight yelled, taking out a red bottle and pouring it into his mouth, "Day, Baidu mother, what are you doing?" Those who are chasing me, turn around quickly"




The numbers of injuries kept jumping up on the heads of the three of them, and the distance between them became wider and wider. But Baidu Niang's equipment was the worst, only in the early 5000s. Although she ate a blood bottle, she only sustained one more explosion damage. Five seconds later, her blood volume was completely wiped out, and she immediately lay on the ground.

Once Baidu Niang died, Starlight Infinity would be safe, he couldn't help laughing, and said: "Anyway, I have a lot of blood, if you hit me next time, I won't run away, anyway, I'm still alive if someone blows up to death"



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