MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter Two Hundred and Twelve: Slim Underwear

"Damn it, you are too shameless, isn't this harmful?" Fatty Han scolded with a smile.

This time the roll call killed Baidu Niang, and the other three returned to the team after the duration of the flame chain was over, what should they do.

Zhang Yang said: "Fatty, hunters are the best to hide from the flame chains, as long as you "jump away", you will immediately distance yourself from others by 10 meters!"

"Yeah, I actually forgot to use the jumping skill just now!" The old man slapped his forehead proudly, as if waking up from a dream.

After the first flame chain was activated, only 30 seconds later, Rossian activated it for the second time, randomly selecting four targets and teleporting to a distance of 100 meters, this time in the direction of 12 o'clock.

Because the location of the teleportation is also random, it is impossible to pre-arrange the location of the teleportation to heal and add blood, and we can only watch the performance of the individuals who have been named.

Compared with the first teleportation, the handling this time was much better. It should be said that luck was much better. The four people chose four different directions from the beginning. Although they did not form a perfect rectangular coordinate system, but because there were With the support of fire resistance medicine, and another blood bottle, they all managed to stay 30 meters away from each other, and none of them were hanged.

Although the boss has the effect of destroying blows and reducing healing, Naihe Zhangyang and Han Yingxue already have several gold items, which formed equipment suppression for the boss and did not pose much threat. The only difficulty is the roll call!

The third roll call, one died.

The fourth roll call, unfortunately, the four people ran in the same direction at first, then turned around at the same time, and ran in the same direction again... still ran in the same direction... In the end, one of them died. That person was able to survive because his blood bar was long enough, and he could eat one more fire explosion than the other three. Once the other three died, he would naturally survive.

The fifth roll call, "one of them didn't hang up.

the sixth time…………

After 11 roll calls, 9 members of the team died, and the boss still had 38% of his health left. Fortunately, none of the players who died in battle were eight members of Zhangyang County's main team. All the main output personnel of the team survived, and the firepower did not drop too much. There is still a fight!

"How about it? I'm right. If you have a long blood bar, you can't hang up!" Starlight Unlimited can be regarded as a child of the mist. The boss called a total of 11 times, and he was included in 6 of them because he was more bloody than others. The amount is too much, so even if the other three people are all killed, he still lives very well!

"Get out" What kind of life do you have, no output! "One shot at a time responds to him.

"Flame, burn them to me!" Luo Xi'an swung his ax again, and activated the teleportation skill for the twelfth time: Han Yingxue, Wei Yan'er, Dream Sweetheart, Lao Na Tiaojiao!

The team originally had 4 healers, and one of them died during the roll call. At this time, the two priests, Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart, were called at the same time, and there was only one holy knight left who could heal Zhang Yang. With the negative effect of destructive strike!

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the biggest danger since the start of the war appeared!

Zhang Yang quickly summoned the puppet Qinglian, activated the stand-in skill "immediately gaining invincibility for five seconds, clearing all negative effects, so that Ban Jin Bu Ba Liang can calmly raise blood for him, and wait for the return of Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart.

Let's talk about the four named ones, as soon as they were teleported, they immediately ran like headless chickens.

Han Yingxue had no sense of direction, put a shield on her body, applied recovery techniques, closed her eyes and ran away, regardless of whether there was anyone in front of her. As a result, "Old man Aojiao lost his life tragically. He had already used the jump to get away from the crowd." Wei Yan'er and Dream Sweetheart also ran in different directions, but Han Yingxue withdrew her legs and chased after her. .

The old man was arrogant and anxious, and hurriedly pulled his throat and said: "Vice President, you are running in the wrong direction, turn around quickly! Turn around!"

Han Yingxue turned around exactly as she said, but she made a 360-degree turn, and still chased after Lao Na Aojiao.

Although there is fire resistance medicine to reduce the damage, it only increased the running time from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. Although the old man Aojiao was filled with a blood bottle, Han Yingxue added a recovery technique to him, but Han Yingxue couldn't stand it. The back of the butt keeps blowing up" and was blown to death alive.

"Hahaha" Wei Yan'er laughed loudly, and said, "Cousin, you are so cruel. If you want to blow up people, you can just blow them up. You even gave them a recovery technique. If you want to blow up a few more times, you will kill me from laughing." Yes! You are a complete traitor, a spy lurking in our party and our army, and I will destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

Regarding Han Yingxue's poor sense of direction, Zhang Yang could only smile wryly, and said, "Snow Demon Girl, next time you will be called again, why don't you run away, just stand where you are and add blood to yourself!".

Han Yingxue smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm so arrogant, I'm so sorry!"

"No, nothing!" At this point, Lao Na Aojiao can only admit that he is in a fog.

"Dead under the peony flower, even being a ghost is flirtatious! Snow Queen, you blow me up, blow me up!" Xingguang shouted infinitely nympho.

"Quack quack, Xingguang, Xue Meimei is my Yangzi's dish, so stay where you are when you are cool!"

If there is no fire resistance medicine, the group may have been wiped out by this time. Don’t look at this thing, it can only increase the survival time of the player by two seconds, because in "Miracle", the player can run at a speed of 10 meters per second. Comparable to the best sprinters in the world, these two seconds are enough for the player to run 1 meter. If four people run in the directions of the four axes of the Cartesian coordinate system, each running 20 meters can open a distance of 30 meters!

Without fire resistance medicine, it is not necessarily impossible to pass the boss, but it requires the ultimate tacit understanding and cooperation! With fire resistance medicine, the difficulty of cooperation is undoubtedly greatly reduced, making this  with an extremely low fault tolerance rate a lot easier!

30%, 20%, 10%!

After two more people died, the team also managed to get the boss's HP within 10%.

"You humble bug, you can actually push me to this extent! Damn it, I want you to know how terrible it is to anger a royal dwarf!" Immediately, a blood-red halo surged.

"Ding! Rothian has awakened the power of the ancient royal family, and the damage dealt is increased!"

"Day, the boss is going berserk!" Fatty Han yelled.

"Strange, the boss won't go berserk in normal mode or hard mode!" Baifa Yizhong scratched his head, expressing his incomprehension, the team opened up wasteland in normal mode and hard mode" was the team led by him and Starlight Unlimited.

"That's why it's called death mode!" Zhang Yang replied-


After the berserk, Luo Xi'an's attack power was so strong that his basic attack power soared to 12,000 points. Only the chief tank of a top guild like Zhang Yang has such good equipment to withstand a blow without being killed in seconds!

"Speed ​​kill!".

The boss is berserk, but he can’t afford it. The single damage is as high as 8000+, and the effect of destructive strike and healing will be applied from time to time. In a short time, he can also activate skills, but it will definitely be unbearable after a long time. Only speed to kill the boss is king. !

"The flame burns these bedbugs for me!." Rossian launched another roll call teleportation.

Immediately, Sun Xinyu, Banjin is not 8liang, Baifayizhong, and Dream Sweetheart were teleported to the 3 o'clock direction 100 meters away from the boss.


While the flames were flickering, the four of them jumped up at the same time with the "Spinning Heart", and the damage figures of the flame chains increased by 50% as the boss became berserk!

Baifa Yizhong immediately "jumped away." He jumped 10 meters backwards in one direction, then turned and ran away. The other three were not as blind as Han Yingxue, and ran in other directions one after another. Half a catty wasn't about the same, it was one person in one direction, but Sun Xinyu and Dream Sweetheart ran in the same direction.

"Don't move, give yourself blood!..." Sun Xinyu turned her head and said coldly to Dream Sweetheart.

This ice cube has a very powerful aura, and the childlike beauty of Dream Sweetheart immediately stopped, and nodded her head vigorously, shaking a pair of murder weapons in her chest. She quickly set up a shield for herself and read a powerful healing spell.

Sun Xinyu has 7300 blood volume, and she can't wait for the explosion damage caused by the flame chain, but because she ran in the same direction with Dream Sweetheart, she wasted a little time. When she ran more than 20 meters, she had already suffered three damages, leaving only 100 Some residual blood!

Even if she poured a bottle of level 2 healing potion at this time, it could only restore 1000 points of blood, which was not enough to offset the damage of an explosion!


At the moment of the fourth explosion, Sun Xinyu raised her right hand, her body disappeared instantly, and then appeared again immediately, and continued to run forward to get away from Dream Sweetheart by more than 30 meters before the next second explosion!

"Beautiful!..." Zhang Yang looked around, and couldn't help applauding after seeing this scene! Just now, Sun Xinyu took advantage of the "disappearance." The skill is invincible at the moment of activation, and she barely avoided the explosion damage. This is definitely a master performance among masters!

You must know that this requires accurate control of the explosion damage generation time to milliseconds in order to use the "disappearance" skill's invincible time which is as short as less than one thousandth of a second to avoid damage! Even if it was Zhang Yang, he couldn't be more perfect!

It is worthy of being the first of the top ten thieves in China in the future. Just this move is amazing and eye-catching!

Not only Zhang Yang, but others also cheered one after another, this is really amazing to hide! .

5%, 4%, 3%!

Rossian released another roll call teleportation, but his life came to an end, even if all four of them were killed, it would not change his fate of being overthrown!

2%, 1%!

"No, no! I can't die. I am the king of the flame dwarves. I want to take back the sacred objects and re-rule the entire dwarf race. I am...,...not......the mortal..." Pa, Luo Xi'an spun around on the spot, loosened his hands, the ax fell to the ground, and his short and fat body also fell down.

The blood flowed out, forming a magic circle on the ground strangely, emitting a dark light.

"Haha, it's over!".

Everyone jumped with joy and excitement.

Zhang Yang didn't expect it to be so smooth. Although he knew that the fire resistance medicine would reduce the difficulty a lot, he was a little shocked to be able to knock down Luo Xi'an in one go.

"Ding! Your team has won the first pass of Fire and Poison Land (death mode). As the captain, please name your team so that it can be listed on the list of the first pass of death mode for the world to praise!".

Zhang Yang paused, and said to Han Yingxue: "How about it, do you want to put your company's name on it at this time? The next first contact may be in a month or two!".

Han Yingxue thought for a while, and said: "Okay, you can use "slim underwear, give you the most personal care!" Desert Dust "This team name!".

Zhang Yang couldn't help sweating, and said: "Hey, you didn't say just now that your company sells underwear!".

Han Yingxuefei rolled her eyes at him and said, "You didn't ask!".

"Just write about the success of Xianxian Company or Xianxian Group?".

"Then it won't work!..." Han Yingxue said solemnly, "Siyu, you are too masculine, what's the matter with your slender underwear, it's not a dirty word! Hey, you can fill it out, or you can't fill it up with my sister." Going to be angry!".

Fatty Han was full of excitement, and said: "Xue Meimei, your company makes underwear, so do you have many underwear models?".

"Of course, every sample has to be worn by a model and made into an album and a product catalogue!".

Fatty Han rubbed his hands again and again, and said, "Then when will I take Fat Brother to visit a model changing clothes...,...,... Uh, let's go to your company!".

"I'm signing up! I'm signing up too!..." Starlight Infinity rushed up.

The narcissus blossomed, and said: "Sister Xue, Xianxian Underwear Group is one of the three largest underwear manufacturers in China. My graduation thesis also used your sales data from the previous year. That is a big company with an annual profit of 1 billion. ! All I wear are Slim brand underwear!".

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Little girl said that you accounted for 55% of the company's shares. Doesn't that mean that the annual income exceeds 500 million?".

Everyone was astonished, and felt overwhelmed by Han Yingxue's wealth. Starlight Infinity is full of stern expressions, saying: "Snow Queen, please take care of me!".

"Hey, Silly Yu, are you filling it or not!..." Han Yingxue put her waist in and said angrily.

"Fill,... the head office is ready!." Zhang Yang sighed, he would have stopped asking if he knew it earlier, and it would be a lot of fun when the server became popular.

Fill in the input box with "Slim underwear, give you the most personal care! Desert Dust." After that, Zhang Yang confirmed the name of the team to the system, and immediately, the server began to flash red.

"Server notice: slender underwear, I will give you personal care! Desert Dust Team successfully won the first pass of Fire Poison Land (death mode), this great deed will be on the death mode first pass list (China), Please cheer for them!".

Next, Zhang Yang didn't even look at the rewards given by the system, hey, all the elders in the desert and lonely smoke are going to blush now, maybe the quail quail and the deer will be sledged play. ㄎ甏甏?div\u003e.

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