Chapter 213: Queen Medusa

Not long after the announcement was made on the server, Zhang Yang received congratulatory messages from Xue Qianxun, Wu Tian, ​​Chi Lianhuo and others. escape.

Because the boss only dropped silverware, Wei Yan'er also lost interest in picking the loot, and irresponsibly pushed the job to Zhang Yang.

Luo Xi'an dropped a total of five pieces of silverware, four of which were suit parts, all of which belonged to the Berserker, Combat Rogue, Flame Mage, and Beastmaster Hunter. Zhang Yang bought them out with guild points.

The last piece of silverware is the cloak of the legal system.

[Fire Cloak] (silverware, cloak)

Stamina: +17

Intelligence: +17

Equip: Increases spell damage by 10.


Requires level: 50

Due to the majority of players protesting against the unidentified attribute of the equipment, there was a need for Luan when distributing the equipment. Therefore, Dream Technology was under pressure and quietly modified the attribute of "unidentified" a few days ago.

Before the equipment is identified, you can see its special effects, but all attributes are reduced by 30. Only after the identification is made, these attributes will be filled back.

After some bidding, she was taken away by Narcissus, and she immediately replaced it with joy.

"Anemia warrior, the dungeon is over, let's hurry up and grab the battle mount." Wei Yan'er was a standard impatient, and was about to run to the entrance of the dungeon immediately.

"Little girl, don't worry." Zhang Yang hurriedly pulled her back, "There is still a hidden boss that I haven't beaten yet."

"Hidden boss?" Everyone was surprised. Since the first dungeon, Bangadi Xue, they haven't encountered a dungeon with a hidden boss, and almost forgot that there might be a hidden boss in the dungeon

"Where is it? Where is it?" Wei Yan'er became interested again. Equipment such as rings and necklaces are more difficult to obtain. The equipment on her body is still at level 30 and urgently needs to be replaced.

Zhang Yang pointed to the magic circle next to the boss's body, and said, "Everyone step on it."

Everyone walked into the magic circle according to the words, and suddenly, dark lights flashed one after another, and the people who stepped in disappeared out of thin air. Zhang Yang was the last one to step in. A black light swept past him, and he immediately appeared in a strange place, with Han Yingxue and others beside him.

This is a huge barren space, with no sun and no moon, only a creature that doesn't know where to surround it, but the lower body is a snake body, holding a longbow in both hands, screaming continuously.

Just looking at her upper half, she can be called a sexy stunner, but her long hair is full of little gray snakes that are making "sizzling" sounds, and a pair of cold eyes are flickering, which makes people look at her. As for the cold light, the snake body is extremely long, and if it is stretched out, it will be at least ten meters long.

She is being bound by three chains of fiery red light, and the three chains of light are all tightened around her tall breasts, making the two round things even more proud

The other end of the three chains is connected to three dwarves, and they should also belong to the flame dwarf family. attack.

"This is the most authentic snake tie..."

"heavy taste"

Fatty Han and Unlimited Starlight both murmured.

Everyone selected the beautiful girl with a snake body who was trapped and bound to check her information.

[Aigwa, the sealed female king of Medusa] (silver-level leader, demon)

Grade: 59

HP: 8 million

Armor value: 600

And the three dwarves were named Mag Arthur, Lingeman, and Bassian. They were all level 55 elites, with 180,000 HP and 300 armor points.

"Who are you and how did you break in?" The three dwarves noticed Zhang Yang's intrusion and turned around at the same time. The dwarf Lingman standing in the middle immediately asked sharply.

Zhang Yang gave a common salute for adventurers, and said, "Dear dwarf warriors, we are adventurers from Baiyu City, and we are here to kill demons."

"Bah, it's up to you?" MagArthur, who was standing on the left, said contemptuously.

But Basian on the far right said: "They must have defeated Rothian if they were able to enter here. Only his blood can activate the seal and open the magic circle."

"You defeated Rothian?" Margaret showed a look of shock, "I underestimated you."

Lingeman is obviously the most authoritative. He just raised one hand slightly, and the other two dwarves immediately closed their mouths, saying: "In order to pursue power, we turned to the devil. In the beginning, our power did get Our three elders have discovered the conspiracy of the devil, they want to enslave our hearts and become their slaves completely."

"But... we found out too late, too many clansmen became crazy because of the twisted power, the three of us tried everything to seal this yin* our fallen demon But, her power is too strong , we can only maintain the power of the seal by burning our own fire of life."

Lingeman sighed, and said again: "Perhaps, your arrival is arranged by the Titan God, because soon, the fire of our life will be burnt out, and this demon will come out and completely turn our family into a monster." Devil's Slave"

"Adventurers, if you are ready, tell us that we will open the seal and suppress the most powerful force of that demon to help you destroy this demon"

After all, the three dwarves looked at Zhang Yang and everyone, waiting for them to blow the horn to attack.

"How to fight?" Han Yingxue and the others all looked at Zhang Yang.

"The battle cannot be separated from these three dwarves. They have suppressed one of the abilities of the boss. As long as they don't die, the boss's damage will not be too outrageous. However, once the three npcs are dead, the boss's attack will have splashes. She effect, add 6000 points of shadow damage to the current target and all targets within 50 meters around. If that happens, unless the boss is about to die, we must be the ones who will be destroyed."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and then added: "This boss will lose his hatred every once in a while, chasing and fighting npcs, and we can't heal the npcs individually. After a long battle, the npcs will die one by one. So, This is completely a battle of output, either we kill the boss, or the boss kills all the npcs and kills us instantly."

"Without tactics, it's all about fighting damage. If the team's output ability reaches the standard, then it's over. If it doesn't, it's stuck here."

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "This boss has a higher level of difficulty, that is, without the help of npcs, if you can overthrow the boss, you can get an achievement."

Fatty Han quickly said: "Forget it, we just need to kill the boss honestly."

"After five seconds of fighting, drink firepower potion and activate all the big skills." Zhang Yang pulled out his battle ax and said, "I will talk to the npc, remove the seal, and prepare for battle."

He bowed again to the three dwarves, and said, "Dear elder dwarves, please break the seal, and let us work together to destroy this demon."

"Adventurers in Baiyu City, you are also worthy of respect. Please get ready, we will unseal the seal immediately, and the demon will wake up... There is only one chance, we have no power to seal her anymore," Lingeman said slowly Said slowly.

"Start" The three dwarves raised their hands to the sky at the same time, and began to sing incantations in the dwarf language. A spell casting bar appeared under the heads of the three at the same time, with a total casting time of 30 seconds.

"Ah—" boss Aigwa screamed sharply, "You three idiots, you can't trap me. I am the most powerful warrior under the great demon lord Rogel, and I will tear you apart with my own hands. body, piece by piece"

Zhang Yang ran to the boss's side, but the seal hadn't been released yet, the boss couldn't make a move, and the players couldn't attack the boss either.

"all in place"

The melee occupations immediately formed a circle behind the boss, waiting for the seal to be released.

25, 20, 15...

"The power of the seal is weakening." Aegwa's snake hair is full of splendor, full of monsters, "I feel it, the power that traps me is weakening, and I'm about to escape hahaha, I want to kill you all , kill everyone"

4, 3, 2, 1

Blood Rage +30 Rage.

bang bang bang

The three halo chains began to shatter from the dwarf's end and drove towards the boss. When the last chain of light was broken, Aigwa's snake body tingled and jumped at least three meters high.

-3037 sweeps.

The primitive hatred was established in an instant, Aegwa's upper body jumped seven or eight meters, and suddenly hissed, Zhang Gong shot an arrow at Zhang Yang: "Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, I just killed you, blood sacrifice to me out of trouble"

Broken Armor Broken Armor

"Attack, full firepower" Zhang Yang shouted, Wei Yan'er cooperated with him tacitly, helped him put on two layers of broken armor, and quickly completed the five broken armor against the boss.

Everyone knows that time is running out and there can't be any waste, so they immediately take out the firepower and pour it with water, activate all the long-cooling skills, and slash at the boss.

After 30 seconds, Ai Gewa suddenly abandoned Zhang Yang, raised his bow and attacked Lingemann.


The basic attack power of the boss is as high as 9000 points, and Ringelman only has 300 points of armor. Every arrow of Aegwa can cause 8000+ damage to this dwarf elder, and within 20 seconds, Ringelman was knocked down by nearly 90 points. Wan's blood volume was restored, and the original hatred system was restored, and the attack on Zhang Yang was launched again.

"Snow demon girl, Meng Meng, don't add blood to the two of you, it's enough to fight the boss with two holy knights and add me, a little bit of output is a little bit more," Zhang Yang roared.

Holy knights are good at single addition, so even if the equipment of the two holy knights is far inferior to Han Yingxue, but adding one of them, as long as Han Yingxue pays attention to supplementing Zhang Yang's recovery and holy shield, it can definitely add up.


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