"Little girl, how long is it?"

"He's not a scud, he's running!"

"Hurry up, a few people from Aoshi have come, and they have seen Qi Chong, and they are probably calling for someone to come over! You are going to be late, if I can't beat you, I will slip away!"

"Come on, anemia warrior, you are so mighty, you can definitely pick a hundred of them one by one, at worst I'll give you the nude photos of your cousin!" Wei Yan'er was in a hurry, and even brought out the ultimate killer.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "Hurry up!"

With the Shadow of the Void in his hand, he is not afraid of being surrounded by people at all! No matter how bad it is, it's amazing. Using the teleportation function of the Acacia Talisman once, you can get out of danger no matter what.

After a while, the fluttering fireball went back and forth, and there were 20 more people around, a small team of 25 people in total! When Zhang Yang swept his eyes and found that the other party had only five mages, he couldn't help but feel relieved and didn't care!

"Zhan Yu, I thought about it, and I think you should sell this face to me!" Fluttering Fireball sneered at Zhang Yang with his hands crossed and his chest full of confidence.

Zhang Yang got on his mount, shook his battle axe, and said, "Since you don't want to toast, I can only give you a ride for free!"


The twenty-five Proud World members shouted loudly, and the ranged occupations immediately began to attack, while the melee occupations surrounded Zhang Yang, blocking Zhang Yang's advance route, so as to provide a safe output space for the ranged occupations behind.

Zhang Yang rushed out like a big truck and crashed into the rushing melee profession. The progress of the Proud World Guild dungeon was extremely bad. Except for the fluttering fireball, which was covered in silver, everyone else's equipment was only level 50. Bronzeware, physical occupations can't harm Zhang Yang at all, the only one that is a bit threatening is the legal occupations behind the team!

Unfortunately, there are so few of them!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Zhang Yang bumped into a thief player and immediately sent him flying, but the speed of his mount also slowed down, and the others immediately surrounded him.

Blood Rage, sweep!

A gorgeous damage wave floated up, the purpose of Zhang Yang's attack was not mainly to injure the enemy, but to fight out the stealthy thieves, so as not to suffer their "sneak attack"! Although these people can't do harm to Zhang Yang, the control skills are quite annoying!

Hammer of Sanctions!

Chest hair flicked the hammer in Burning's hand, and a golden light shot out from Zhang Yang's body, sending him into a forced coma for five seconds!

Zhang Yang resolutely turned on Warrior's Fury, and jumped off the big white bear, because the fluttering fireball had pulled out the seal rein, and was about to catch the Chocobo chicks!

I really underestimated him, but he still played this trick!

Swiping, savagely charging, under Zhang Yang's control, the big white bear slammed towards the flying fireball, while he himself still pushed forward, approaching the opponent's long-range line.





The fireballs and ice arrows of the four mages hit Zhang Yang's body, causing four damage figures. Unfortunately, with a level 50 bronze outfit, the magic damage was only 700. It's only three times the magic damage, so it can't deal much blow to Zhang Yang!

And the hunter's attack is completely soy sauce, and the arrows hit Zhang Yang's body with 0 damage!

What are online games? Isn't it just equipment? The gap between bronze ware and gold ware is not even a star!

Swipe, Zhang Yang charged towards a mage.

The time has not passed 8 seconds, and the crit boost effect of Warrior's Fury on Destroy Strike still exists!

-8848! Destroy Strike Crit.

"Ah!" The sorcerer only had 5120 blood points, how could he withstand such super damage, immediately a white light flashed, and he lay down!




Pyroblast and Ice Dragon Kill both have a 10-second cooldown, and the second round of attacks for these mages can only use spells with twice the spell damage bonus, such as Fireball and Frostbolt, and the damage they cause is immediately sharp. reduce!

However, these long-distance occupations were separated by a large distance under the arrangement of the fluttering fireball, and Zhang Yang was not given a chance to catch them all.

The world-defying melee professions are swarming up again!

Although these professions can't cause any damage, the disgusting thing is that they all have control skills, whether it's deceleration, immobilization, or coma, they are all very unpleasant! Zhang Yang immediately summoned the puppet Qinglian, ordered her to sneak away, and turned around to kill the burning chest hair and others.

Oscillation shooting, deceleration poison, a bunch of control skills hit Zhang Yang immediately. .

As long as it is not a coma effect, Zhang Yang will not be relieved, anyway, there are people around him who can be killed! As for the remaining three mages... Even if they can cast Pyroblast and Ice Dragon Kill regardless, it will take at least 20 seconds to kill Zhang Yang, which is enough for Zhang Yang to kill the people around him. !

At that time, when a fury recovers, he will be a hero again!

Shock wave!

Zhang Yang stepped back a little, and immediately shot out a cone-shaped shock wave, knocking all Aoshi's melee combat into a coma for four seconds!

Thunder strike!

After the two group wound attacks, Ao Shifang's melee blood volume dropped by more than 1500, and with the sweeping ate before, there was not much HP left - this is because Ao Shi's healer was desperately adding blood, to Otherwise, the combo of sweeping, shocking wave, and thunderous blow would be enough to kill all these people with less than 5,000 HP!

"My day, hurry up and help me kill this bear!" The fluttering fireball shouted.

The Golden-Eared Bear King is a gold-level riding pet, with a theoretical damage per second of more than 1900, and the flying fireball is an extremely thin cloth armor. The little armor is not enough to look at, so he was caught by the big white bear a few times. Can't stand it!

The fluttering fireball quickly covered the ice barrier, entering a state where he could not take any action, but he would not receive any damage, and at the same time asked his subordinates for help.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "I'm really sorry, they can't even save their lives now!"

Although the opponent has 4 healers, there are 13 melee fighters in front of Zhang Yang, all of which are full of residual blood. It is useless to add any of the 4 healers, Zhang Yang just picks the one with less blood to fight!

Hit hard!

Shield bash!

Killing one and killing the other, even the additional damage of the Broken Armor has reached over 1000, which is most suitable for making up the knife!

When the four-second control time is over, there are only 9 melee classes left for Ao Shi!

Kidney Shot!

The thieves couldn't wait for the five-star Kidney Shot. The first thief shot the Kidney Shot with only two stars, putting Zhang Yang into a coma for three seconds.

Substitute skills are activated!

Zhang Yang entered a state of invincibility for five seconds, and because the puppet Qinglian had entered a stealth state and ran away under his control, even if others wanted to beat her, they would not be able to find her for a while!

Chop chop! Sha Sha Sha!

By the time his five-second invincibility time expired, only 6 melee fighters around him were dead!

Sweeping Cooldown, Thunder Blow Cooldown, both ways!

Amidst the screams, three more melee were killed! Zhang Yang raised his ax and dropped it, the Destructive Strike struck again, and another melee fell down!

"Oh my god, this guy killed 12 people in a row within ten seconds!"

"Dizzy, his blood volume has only dropped by 25%, and the upper limit of his health is at least over 20,000, how can he fight this!"

All the people in the world complained endlessly, such a monster with high immunity, high blood volume, and high damage, how can others play it?

This is the gap brought about by the quality of equipment!

If it was Narcissus Blossom instead, even with Zhang Yang's high damage immunity, she could still deal at least 1300 points of damage per second, killing Zhang Yang in less than 20 seconds! Moreover, this is still a daffodil with level 50 equipment. If she reaches level 60 and puts on a golden equipment set, even if she is a high-explosive person, she will have to activate her big skills again and again!

At the beginning, Zhang Yang could kill more than 30 Aoshizhong people with a set of silver weapons, but now he has widened the equipment gap to two ranks, showing an absolute crushing trend!

"Day! Day!" The ice barrier can only last for 10 seconds. As soon as the effect ends, the flying fireball is immediately chased by the golden-eared bear king and runs all over the ground. Thanks to a milk knight who is desperately adding blood to him, it is barely worth it. Hang up, but can a bronze-level healer add up to the damage of a gold-level mount?

The answer is obviously no!

Zhang Yang attacked a few more times, killing all the melee fighters around him, and then ran towards the long-range profession.

"Boss, we can't fight, let's retreat!" Some people retreated. The mage profession is better. Like a hunter, when he sees that his damage is all 0, he really wants to die! The treatment is even more depressing. In front of Zhang Yang, the god of killing, their treatment effect is completely useless!

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" the fluttering fireball shouted in embarrassment. Although dying at the hands of a player will not drop the level, it will lose all the experience points of the current level. It takes about 7 days to upgrade to level 50, which is not a joke!

But can he get away?

What is the biggest advantage of riding a pet? Isn't it just running fast? Comparing speed with riding pets is absolutely foolish! .

The fluttering fireball didn't take a few steps before being chased by the big white bear and slapped it to death!


A gleaming silver hat burst out from the body of the fluttering fireball, and Zhang Yang immediately walked over to pick it up. Although he doesn't like silverware, why not do it if he can disgust the fluttering fireballs!

Turning on his mount, Zhang Yang's speed increased immediately, he chased the scattered Ao Shi crowd and started a massacre, and three more people were killed by him, and the others took advantage of this time to tear off the teleportation talisman and escape!

In the last life, there were often high-level players blocking the door outside the low-level territory to play 1vn. Zhang Yang never understood, what's the point of you, a high-level player, killing low-level players?

In reality, even the special forces may not be able to fight against a hundred with one enemy, but in the game, as long as the equipment is good and the level is high, it can be done! No wonder Yankees like to make hero movies, it feels so cool to kill a group of people with their own strength!

Don't talk about abuse, 1vn is an unfairness, and requires similar levels and equipment, how is that possible!

Of course, Zhang Yang would not intentionally abuse low-level players for the sake of this moment's pleasure, but who made people like Ao Shi come to find out for him? If it doesn't kill them, how can they be worthy of this equipment!

After more than ten minutes, Wei Yan'er finally arrived late.

Seeing Zhang Yang from a distance, she shouted at the top of her voice, "Anemia warrior, is my baby still there?"

Zhang Yang sweated, and said in the team channel: "Little girl, don't you know that there is a thing called team channel?"

"Miss Ben just likes to roar, doesn't she?" Wei Yan'er ran to Zhang Yang, glanced away, and immediately saw the baby chocobo in the bird's nest, and immediately showed joy, dismounted his mount and ran over, saying, " Little Niao Niao, you will be my lady's man from now on, wow ha ha ha!"

"...You won't watch something like Wang Huo snatching a marriage again?"

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Wei Yan'er took out the sealed rein from her backpack, and instead of throwing it on it immediately, she clasped her hands together and said, "By God, you must bless this lady with a success! "

After finishing speaking, he bowed again and again, and then excitedly threw the seal rein at the little chocobo.

10%, 20%, 30%... Crack, fail!

"Hey, little girl, your character is too bad, and all the gods ignore you!" Zhang Yang couldn't help teasing.

"Hmph, those bad guys, Miss Ben doesn't believe them!" Wei Yan'er changed as soon as she said it, and took out another sealed rein and threw it out, "Brother Xinchun, there are little birds!"

Zhang Yang almost went astray in one breath, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Crack, fail!

Wei Yan'er suddenly became angry, and said, "Brother Chun can't be trusted either!"

Zhang Yang smirked and said, "Little girl, two sealed reins are worth 200 gold!"

Wei Yan'er suddenly looked bitter, and said: "Anemia soldier, you have to be reimbursed!"


"You asked me to come here! If you didn't ask Miss Ben to come here, how could Miss Ben waste the seal reins? This is called cause and effect, understand?"

Zhang Yang is sweating profusely, the sisters are about to develop stinginess into an art!

"Little girl, why do you have to save so much?" Zhang Yang couldn't help asking.

"How can I not save a little, 50,000 yuan a month is not enough!" Wei Yan'er sighed.

Zhang Yang was taken aback, and said, "Can you spend 50,000 yuan a month?" In his opinion, it is possible for the sisters to make a net profit of 50,000 yuan a month!

"Hey, perfume, bags, I don't have any money to buy, so I have to ask my cousin for it! My cousin used to only have 50,000 pocket money, so I robbed it from me. If you rush to grab it, you know how to save! "Wei Yan'er pursed her lips and said dissatisfiedly, "Cousin is even more stingy now that she has money. Alas, I have to help her with housework for every meal. I used to have a servant. After I ran to eat , was fired, people really suffer!"

... Such a tortuous history of character distortions!

"Ah! I got it! I got it!" Wei Yan'er shouted happily, the fifth seal was finally successful!

[Flame Chocobo] (Silver Rank Battle Mount)

Level: 0

Health: 50

The little girl immediately summoned the baby bird, because of the summoning contract, the baby bird was extremely dependent on her, holding a small head and constantly rubbing against Wei Yan'er's ankle, looking very cute.

"Anemia warrior, I have a bird!"

Thanks to Pross, Night, Tianxuan, Chen Xichen, Lonely Little Fireball for their rewards yesterday. Continue to celebrate the New Year, the red firecrackers are crackling, and the sesame seeds are blooming and knotting.


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