Another day passed, Zhang Yang got up in the morning and just went online when he received an urgent call from Wei Kai'er, hurriedly returned to Thunderstorm Castle with a teleportation talisman, and arrived at the gate of the castle at the location she said.

The little girl was riding on a plain chocobo with bright feathers, smiling all over her face, as if she was so happy.

Zhang Yang laughed angrily, and said, "Little girl, you called me over in such a hurry just to let me see your little bird?"

"Of course not!" Wei Yan'er shook her head hastily, and then said eagerly with a smile all over her face, "Tell me, isn't little Huahua beautiful?"

From little Baibai to little Huahua, it can be seen how lackluster the little girl is when it comes to naming her! However, Zhang Yang is not much better, Dabai...

"Well, she's still prettier than you!" Zhang Yang said seriously.

"Bad Yin, Miss Ben is ignoring you!" Wei Yan'er raised her head angrily.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's fine if you don't talk to me, then I'm leaving!"

"Don't! Don't! Cousin is still waiting for you to rescue her!" Wei Yan'er hurriedly drove the chocobo to catch up with Zhang Yang who turned around and said, "I'll give you a chance to be a hero! Cousin will definitely be moved by you I can promise myself!"

"Ha!" Zhang Yang laughed, and said, "It's not about saving the beauties, it's about saving the demons! Saving the demons is risky, so you need to be careful before doing it! You see, Xu Xian saved the white snake, what a miserable life it is!"

"Bah, you must not be romantic!" Wei Yan'er snorted.

"Okay, what's going on?" Zhang Yang really didn't see Han Yingxue. This witch usually stays with the little girl.

"Do you still remember a guy named Luo Yangming?"

"Is that the one you mentioned, the one who went to England to chase after the snow demon girl, but was kicked out?"

"Yeah!" Wei Yan'er nodded again and again, "That guy's face is too old, my cousin ignores him, and he sticks it on like a dog skin plaster, making my cousin's head big! Call me every day to say something The disgusting words caused my cousin to smash three mobile phones, hee hee, but my cousin's heart aches to death!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing as he imagined Han Yingxue's heartache after smashing the phone.

"You really have no conscience!" Wei Yan'er hastily accused her, but she also giggled.

"You called me over like your ass was on fire, just to tell me about this?" Zhang Yang couldn't help sweating, this girl's thoughts were a little different from ordinary people.

"You're just burning your ass!" Wei Yan'er said verbally that she would never suffer, and then said, "Of course I'm not leaving. Is Miss Ben so boring? That Luo Yangming somehow knew that his cousin was playing "" "Miracle", and also knew that her four-year-old suddenly came to look for my cousin this morning, making my cousin's head grow bigger again! Miss Ben has acted bravely, so I specially came to summon you, a bear prince, to save the princess!"

"Damn, you just kill him, why are there so many troubles!" Zhang Yang shook his head again and again.

"You are so stupid, that Luo's face is thicker than the city wall, what's the use of killing him once! Miss Ben has a good idea, that is, let you pretend to be your cousin's boyfriend, and get rid of Luo's anger!"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Little girl, are you saving the Snow Demon Girl, or are you pushing me into the fire pit? Even if it's just pretending, it still makes me feel the chill from my bones!"

"Heng Heng, cousin has the same beautiful genetics as Miss Ben, and being your fake girlfriend is your blessing!" Wei Yan'er went to pull Zhang Yang, and said, "Hurry up, cousin This meeting is probably going to make my head explode! If she blows up, she will blow up, but if it affects my lunch, then it will be a big deal!"

"Fuck, I thought you were so kind!"


The two walked through several alleys along the bluestone road in the castle, and found Han Yingxue at a corner. In front of her was a male player dressed as a warrior, holding a bouquet of black roses in his hands. Offer flowers!

Shit, this one was burned with money!

There are many shops in "Miracle" that sell things that have nothing to do with improving attributes and replenishing status, such as various beautiful rings, necklaces, and accessories. These things sold by N Fertilizer do not add any attributes at all, but they are all well done. Very dazzling, of course, the price is ridiculously expensive.

For example, a platinum ring with the words "If you love her, give it to her!" is written on it, and the price is gold coins! .

This is the so-called luxury, and all kinds of fresh flowers are among them.

The fresh hua that the male player is holding is the most expensive black rose in the hua shop. Each bouquet is sold in copper and gold. Moreover, the duration is only one day, and it will be automatically adjusted after one day. It can be said to be the most expensive stuff!

You know, although a platinum ring is more expensive, at least it will not be damaged or disappear!

That person didn't hide his personal information, with "Favorite Han Yingxue, old level, human male, berserk warrior" on his head, no need to guess that this person must be Luo Yangming.

"...Xiaoxue, I really love you, so you just accept my heart!" When you get closer, you can hear Luo Yangming's oath pointing to the sky.

Han Yingxue's face was full of impatience, probably because she was so entangled that she didn't even have the mood to refuse.

"Luo Yangming, you really have a thick skin! Cousin has told you to fuck off hundreds of times, why are you always unconscious!" Wei Yan'er couldn't help but spit.

"Cousin Yan'er, how can you talk like that to cousin!" Luo Yangming saw Wei Yan'er coming, so he didn't kneel down anymore, turned around and said rather sternly.

"Hey, why is he still your cousin, then he and the Snow Demon Girl?" Zhang Yang couldn't help being surprised.

"He is the son of my father's cousin, who is the daughter of my mother's sister, so there is no relationship between the two of them!" Wei Yan'er spread her hands.

Luo Yangming looked at Zhang Yang with vigilance, and said, "Cousin Yan'er, who is this man? What is our identity, don't hang out with inferior people all the time!"

Damn, this first sentence is very underwhelming!

Wei Yan'er snorted twice, and said, "Luo, what kind of air do you have? If it weren't for my dad to subsidize you, would the processing factory in your family be able to open? And you also have to cut corners and materials, and everyone is cheating. My mother and The brand that Auntie worked so hard to create was almost destroyed in your hands!"

Luo Yangming immediately turned ugly, and said, "Cousin Yan'er, don't spitting blood and wronging others!"

"Snow Demon Girl, let's go, didn't you agree to go to level training?" Zhang Yang waved to Han Yingxue.

Luo Yangming's eyes on Zhang Yang immediately changed from disdain to vigilance and hatred, and he turned to Han Yingxue and said, "Xiaoxue, who is this person?"

"Hey, I'll only warn you once!" Zhang Yang ran the big white bear between Luo Yangming and Han Yingxue, condescendingly, stretched out a finger of his right hand and made a "one" gesture, "Snow demon girl is my woman, Don't fucking pester her again!"

"Haha, where do you come from, what qualifications do you have to pursue Xiaoxue?" Luo Yangming's face was full of disdain.

"You bastard, she has been my woman for a long time, why is she not qualified, are you an idiot for his mother?" Zhang Yang deliberately swears, hitting Luo Yangming hard.

Luo Yangming's face was a little ugly, and his whole body trembled a little. After a while, he suddenly laughed and said, "Xiaoxue, is this the person you invited to act? I know, you have never had a boyfriend. Always pretend to be me!"

"Hey, Luo, can you be more disgusting?" Wei Yaner vomited.

"Husband, let's go!" Han Yingxue summoned the Gale Warriors, winked at Zhang Yang, and said sweetly, but Zhang Yang was trembling in the cold.

The three horses threw off their four hooves at the same time and ran away, quickly throwing Luo Yangming into the alley.

"Bastard, whether you are acting or for real, Han Yingxue is mine! It's mine!" Luo Yangming stared at the backs of the three of them, showing a ferocious expression, "Stinky bitch, you have humiliated me for so many years. When I get the Xianxian Group, I will play you to death!"

"I found that your relationship is a bit messy!" Zhang Yang said after running a long way.

"Then I'll tell you from the beginning to the end!" Wei Yan'er looked at Han Yingxue, and seeing that the other party had no objection, she continued, "Twenty years ago, when my mother and aunt were still in college, they took out loans. Founded Xianxian Group, both of them are the best designers in the world, and soon developed Xianxian Group into a big company!"

Zhang Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect that the Xianxian Group was founded by their mothers.

"Seventeen years ago, my mother and aunt went to Europe to participate in a fashion design exhibition. Who knew that there was an air crash on the way there! My mother and aunt..." Wei Yan'er showed a gloomy look, and her big eyes were full of pearls .

Zhang Yang's heart trembled, and he said, "Is that flight China Southern Airlines?"

"Hey, how do you know!" Wei Yan'er and Han Yingxue were both taken aback.

Zhang Yang sighed bitterly, and said, "Because my parents are also on that plane!"

The three fell silent at the same time.

"Anemia warrior, it turns out that you and others share the same disease!" Wei Yan'er patted Zhang Yang's shoulder, looking like an old friend.

Zhang Yang also quickly put the unpleasant memories back into his heart, and said, "Continue to tell the story just now!"

"En!" Wei Yan'er nodded, and said, "My mother and aunt have left all the company's shares to me and my cousin, but before we are adults, the company is temporarily managed by my father and uncle! A few years later, my uncle died of stomach cancer, and my cousin let my dad manage the group for my sake. However, my dad is very bad, and he used the company's money to help my relatives build factories and start companies!"

She shrugged and said, "That's okay! But those guys, like the one surnamed Luo, undertook all the button production business of the company, but they often used some defective goods to fool them, causing many times Returning the product will spoil the brand that my mother and aunt have worked so hard to create!"

"My dad has been helping his relatives all the time. Hmph, when Miss Ben turns old next year, I will destroy my relatives righteously. I must not let my mother and aunt's hard work be ruined like this!" (To be continued).

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