MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 259: King of the Forsaken

"Intruders! Intruders!" The surrounding soldiers shouted.

Smailo reluctantly opened his right hand and held the Blood Shadow Sword handed over by Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang immediately turned around, pulled out the battle ax at his waist with his backhand, and greeted the attacking soldiers.

"Burn! Burn that undead!" Edwin yelled.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Three or four torches were thrown onto the pile of firewood at the same time, and immediately ignited a fire that soared into the sky.

Zhang Yang has already gotten into a fight with those soldiers. Even though his attributes at this time are not the second person in China, facing ten elite monsters, and there are still a steady stream of elite soldiers surrounding them, He can't bear it either!


A powerful shock wave suddenly rushed through, everyone in the square staggered, and many people fell directly to the ground!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The firewood on the execution platform was blown away one after another, and flew towards every corner of the square with raging fire, causing the crowd to cry for their fathers and mothers, and become chaotic!

A blood shadow flashed past, and Smaillo broke free from the shackles with his long sword, and stood proudly in the center of the square with a destructive force, the evil fire of the undead in his eyeholes was blazing.


With a slash of Smailo's sword, all the soldiers and guards surrounding Zhang Yang were instantly killed, smashing into a bloody corpse!

"From now on, there will be no town of Bahrain in the world!" Smaillow uttered murderous words, and raised the Blood Shadow Sword in his hand high.

"Blood Shadow Sword? Smaillow's Blood Shadow Sword?" Edwin showed shock, pointing at Smaillow's Blood Shadow Sword, "How could you, an undead, use this divine sword!"

"Because I am Smailo!" Smailo roared, "I spilled blood on the battlefield for you, and you... actually forced my beloved wife into prostitution and took her life! Today, I want you all to pay with your life for the evil you have committed!"

In a flash, the shadow of Smailo's sword flashed, and the blood-red sword energy rushed over. Everyone was smashed into a piece of rotten meat in seconds!

The crowd suddenly panicked and fled in all directions.

Edwin laughed loudly, and said: "Smaillow, when you were alive, you were known as a man who was expected to become the God of War, but now that you are dead, it doesn't matter if you become an undead, you can still play a bit of the Blood Shadow Sword power?"

"It's enough to kill you!" Smaillow said coldly, striding towards Edwin with his bony legs.

"You little skeleton soldier, how can you be my opponent!" Edwin jumped out, took out a huge warhammer from nowhere, and smashed it hard at the top of Smaillow's head, " I'm going to smash you to pieces! By the way, I really miss your wife!"

"Beast!" Smailo roared angrily, and raised the Blood Shadow Sword to face Edwin's warhammer.


The swords and hammers collided, and countless sparks flashed out. As a level 65 gold boss, Edwin's strength was far above Smaillow's. The huge force immediately lifted Smaillow into the sky, and he hit him continuously in the air. After more than a dozen somersaults, he fell heavily to the ground.

"Smaillow, you are no longer the invincible man you were back then! Now you only have a dry bone that is about to corrode, your strength is too weak! Let me destroy your last will to live!" Edwin took advantage of the victory Pursuing, with both hands holding high the warhammer, he rushed towards Smail Luo.


Zhang Yang rushed straight at Edwin, but the gold-ranked bosses are completely immune to charge coma, and their strength is astonishingly strong. Zhang Yang is like a motorcycle hitting an armored vehicle that is running at high speed, and he is immediately knocked down by the shock. fly out.

Teng, Teng, Teng, Zhang Yang stepped on again and again, stopped his retreat, and chased after Edwin.

Edwin ran up to Smaillow, raised his warhammer high, and hit Smaillow ruthlessly.


Zhang Yang rode the big white bear and charged out from the horizontal direction, raised his shield high, and blocked Smailo.


Although the boss' attack this time was blocked by Zhang Yangge, the huge impact force still smashed the big white bear to the left and retreated a distance of three or four meters!

Smailo took the opportunity to fly out, the blood shadow sword slashed across, and a blood splash immediately splashed on Edwin's body!


In the battle between NPCs, the damage cannot be measured by balance at all. Although Smaillow's grade is only a normal level, the damage is at the level of a super boss! .

Zhang Yang was surprised to find that after cutting off more than 200,000 blood volume of the boss, Smailo's level had actually increased - level 66!

Smailo is getting more and more fierce, and the single damage has increased from 200,000 to 300,000, or even 400,000!

Moreover, as Smaillow continued to cut off Edwin's blood, his level continued to increase, the greater the damage, the faster his level increased!

Level 67! Level 68! Level 69! Level 70!

In the end, Smaillow's level was too much higher than Zhang Yang's, and the specific level was no longer displayed, but turned into three big question marks!

Black iron level leader! Bronze level leader! Silver level leader!

Smaillow's rank is also rapidly improving, and finally stops at the holy rank!

This is the same grade as Princess Serena! "Bang!" The warhammer in Edwin's hand was sliced ​​by the blood shadow sword. He showed terrified eyes, half opened his mouth and looked at Smaillo, who was covered in blood, and said, "Such a powerful force ! Such a powerful force! Lord Tidar is no more than this kind of strength, how is it possible! How is it possible!"

Smaillow had no expression on his bony face, stood in front of Edwin, and raised the Blood Shadow Sword high.

"No, you can't kill me! I'm the brother-in-law of the Duke of Dattier. If you want to kill me, the Duke will definitely send someone to kill you!" Edwin yelled sternly.

"Today, everyone in this town is going to die!" Smailo said indifferently, as the blood shadow sword slashed across, even Edwin, as a gold-ranked boss, was worth a knife, and a big head suddenly appeared out of thin air. The throw flew up, and blood spilled all over the ground.

Tragically, nothing exploded from this boss!

With a roar of anger, Smailo raised the Blood Shadow Sword high, and the destructive power continued to gather, forming a dark ball of light above the long sword, which expanded rapidly, and instantly changed from the size of an egg to ten. More than a meter radius!

"Dirty town, destroy!" Smailo yelled violently, the blood shadow sword was swung out, and the black ball of light exploded immediately, like a large-yield nuclear bomb exploding, setting off a devastating shock wave in the middle of the town!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground cracked, the houses collapsed, there was no way for anyone to hide, and they were torn to pieces by the destructive force!

The power of this blow is definitely not weaker than Serena's Sword of the Dead!

With one strike, the soul is destroyed!

The only ones who are still alive are Zhang Yang and Smail Luo!

Smaillow glanced at Zhang Yang and said, "Liya...where is she buried?"

"The cemetery in town!"

Smaillow nodded, turned around and walked towards the cemetery. Zhang Yang thought about it and followed behind him. Although the task had been completed, he always felt that there might be a follow-up.

The two quickly entered the cemetery and came to Liya's tombstone.

Smilelo stretched out his finger bones, stroked Liya's name on the tombstone, and said, "Lia, my love, I'm here for you! My love for you will never die even if I become a dead soul! "


With a slash of his sword, the tomb immediately shattered, revealing a coffin. Smailo stretched out his left hand, and lifted it violently, and the coffin lid immediately flew up!

In the coffin lay a rotten female corpse, terrifying and disgusting.

But Smailo didn't notice it at all. He stretched out his hand to gently stroke the woman's face, and the dark green energy kept gushing out from his hand and penetrated into Liya's body: "Liya, wake up for me!" !"


Liya's body suddenly sat up straight, her eyes opened, and a dark green light lit up like lightning.

"Smilelow, my love, is it really you?" Liya looked at Smilelow affectionately.

Smaillow caressed Liya's face and said, "Lia, my love, I will never leave you again!"

The two embraced affectionately.

A pair of tragic lovers can only stick to the love that will never change as dead souls.

After a long time, Smaillo let go of Liya, walked up to Zhang Yang, and said, "Adventurer, thank you for everything you have done for us! You will always be my friend of Smaillo!"

"Ding! You are now facing a decision: first, reject Smaillow's friendship, and tell Duke Tidar what happened today! You will get a level +2 and a piece of gold equipment as a reward! Second, accept Smailo's friendship, and all the NPCs belonging to the Duke of Tidar will regard you as the helper of the undead!"

In the ear, the system's notification sounded.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly, and said, "Smaillow, you are a respectable person...or undead, I would also like to be your loyal friend!"

"Ding! You chose to accept Smaillow's friendship!"

"Ding! You will always be the target of attacks by all neutral NPCs in the Tidar Plain!"

Smaillow laughed loudly and said, "You are such an interesting person!"

"Ding! You have gained Smaillow's favor!"

It's a good impression again, why don't you give me something practical! Zhang Yang looked at Liya and said, "Where are you going to go next?"

Smaillow looked into the distance, and said: "Go to a place far, far away! I am not proud of human beings, nor am I ashamed of undead. From today, I am me, I am Smaillow Will be the one and only Forsaken!"


A thunderbolt flashed across the sky, and the thunder echoed. Smailo stood up with his sword up, and the faint crown on his head immediately became solid, full of domineering and unparalleled kingly aura!

[Smaillo, King of the Forsaken] (God-level leader, undead)

grade:? ? ?

life value:? ? ?

Armor Value: ? ? ?

Damn, it turned out to be him! Zhang Yang finally remembered, no wonder the name Smaillow seemed familiar, it turned out that he was the King of the Forsaken! .

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