The Forsaken is a branch of the Undead Clan, and the leader is the King of the Forgotten, a god-level boss other than the Seven Witch Kings of the Thousand Undead Clan!

In Zhang Yang's last life, the highest level of the players was just over level 200, which is still far away from defeating the god-level boss! Therefore, Zhang Yang only felt that Smaillow's name was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember more information.

No wonder Smaillo was hailed as the man who was closest to the god of war before his death. After death, he can become a god-level boss after being transformed into an undead. This is really awesome!

The favor of a god-level boss!

Although goodwill is nothing but ethereal, but maybe one day it will play a huge role! It is definitely more valuable than a gold utensil that will be eliminated with time!

Smailo stretched out his right hand, and countless dark green rays of light converged on his hand, condensing into a crystal jade pendant. He handed the jade pendant to Zhang Yang and said, "My friend, this is a gift from me! There is my breath on it, as long as you wear it, no undead will attack you!"

Zhang Yang was overjoyed, and quickly took the jade pendant over, saying, "Thank you!

[Adornment of Friendship] (gold utensils, accessories)

Equipment: Allows you to disguise yourself as an undead, which is enough to fool most undead. But as long as you wear the pendant of friendship, you will also become the common enemy of all living beings!

Use: Summons a phantom of Smailoul to fight for you for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 24 hours.

Use times: 33

Requires level: 60


made money! Make a lot of money and keep making money!

Smailo is a god-level boss, no matter how inferior his phantom is, it must at least be of the heavenly or earthly holy level! It's a pity that it can be used three times, or else it will explode!

However, another equipment attribute is also very good. If he disguises himself as an undead, he can enter the Great Evil Spirit Tower, and if he steals the holy tome of undead, he will have a great chance to restart the main task of "Materials for making magic tools!"

This mission that he received at level ten has been lying in his mission bar for almost half a year!

"Zhan Yu, take care! Smailo grabbed Liya's waist, and suddenly spread out a pair of bone wings on his back. When his wings fluttered, he flew across the sky like a shooting star, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Does this count as lovers finally getting married?

Zhang Yang took out the teleportation talisman, and after ten seconds, a white light flashed, and he returned to Thunderstorm Fort.

With more and more players above level 50, Thunderstorm Castle has also become more and more lively. Many players have set up small stalls outside the castle, selling potions, snacks and other necessary things, saving players The time and money to go to and from the main city, of course, their asking price will not be too harsh, after all, the transfer fee back to the main city is only a gold coin.

The more players reach level 50, the more benefits Zhang Yang can get through the teleportation array. In the past few days, the daily passenger flow of teleportation has reached 2 million, which is equivalent to a net profit of 6 million gold per day. This is an absolutely terrifying numbers!

Two days later, Han Yingxue and others reached level 60 and urged Zhang Yang to play the new instance Thunder Prison.

"I can't fight now!" Zhang Yang spread his hands.

"Why? Wei Yan'er rolled her eyes, she just equipped a level 60 gold weapon, her forehand is itchy!

Zhang Yang explained: "Thunder Prison is a very special 10-person dungeon, which adopts a dungeon design concept called "competition" mechanism! The dungeon will only be opened if there are four teams. These four teams will enter the same dungeon and compete for it! ,

"How to compete?

Zhang Yang said: "The terrain of the dungeon is similar to a cross-shaped street. The four teams entered from one end of the street and pushed towards the middle! There are many monsters along the way, and there are three small bosses each, and the big boss is in the middle." Boss. There is only one big boss, whichever team hits the middle position first will have the chance to overthrow the boss!,

"Then what if the boss is attacked halfway through by another team?

"No, when fighting the final boss, a mask will be built around it, the players outside cannot enter, and the players inside cannot get out. Only when the boss dies or the team is destroyed, the mask will disappear .Moreover, the final boss only has one chance to try. Regardless of whether the first team has passed or not, the boss will disappear, and you can only wait for the instance to reset after two days!,

"This design is too perverted!,.

"It's still very troublesome. The Thunder Prison is located in the Thunder Mountain Range. It takes several hours to drive there from Thunderstorm Fort. Moreover, you have to wait for three other teams! time wasted?

Zhang Yang smiled slightly, and said: "That's not the case! Because this dungeon is quite special, it's really troublesome to wait for other teams to join together, so there is an npc in the main city that accepts "reservation, business, as long as the team leader submits the entry to the dungeon at the npc." Request, you can enter the queue of the corresponding difficulty, once the team is complete, the system will send a message to each team member. Five minutes later, the npc will open a portal, and the players whose turn it is to enter will be directly teleported to Thunder Prison! ,

"Oh, that's about the same!

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said, "I'll get the team together first, and then go to the NPC to register. If we can get the team together, we'll set off right away!"


Zhang Yang's team was full of ten people, and then he ran to the npc to sign up. However, after a whole day, he still didn't receive a reminder from the system that the four teams had assembled and the dungeon could be sent. Zhang Yang also understands that just because they have gathered 10 players at level 60, it doesn't mean that other guilds also have this ability!

The next day, Zhang Yang continued to form a platoon of ten people... still no results.

On the third day, it was still the same.

But at eight o'clock in the evening on the fourth day, the situation finally changed!

Ding! The warriors heading to Thunder Prison have gathered. Please return to your main city immediately. Five minutes later, Jobs will open the portal directly to Thunder Prison. Please hurry up! ,

After receiving this news, the ten members of Zhang Yang's team immediately used the teleportation talisman to return to Thunderstorm Fort, and then went to Baiyu City through the Thunderstorm Fort's teleportation array. Fortunately, that Jobs is on the side of the teleportation array, which is very convenient.

Appearing with Zhang Yang and the others, there was also a group of female soldiers led by Xue Qianxun. The ten Meimei were all beautiful and beautiful.

Zhang Yang smiled at Xue Qianxun and said, "It seems that we are going to become competitors again!

The female hooligan Shuixiuhuaxiang immediately said: "Zhan Yu, you Damo Guyan have also won a lot of dungeons for the first time, let us this time!\

,"Fatty Han hurriedly raised his hand and said, "I am willing to change the course, abandon the dark and turn to the bright to join the Angry Beauty Guild!

Xue Qianxun smiled elegantly and said, "It seems that we are going to study with the prince again!

"Haha, Guild Master Xue is not interesting enough. He is obviously full of fighting spirit, but he set off smoke bombs to confuse us!" Zhang Yang glanced at the opponent's lineup and said with a smile, "It seems that new blood has joined. A strange face! ,

Although he said so, he has already "recognized, the two new team members of the opponent... Strictly speaking, he remembered their names.

Gentle Poison, a shield warrior by profession, was one of the top ten tanks in China in the previous life, ranked fourth, and also the highest ranked among female tank occupations! The tank profession has always been known as the exclusive domain of male professional players. Gentle Poison not only won the top ten rankings, but also squeezed to the fourth position. This strength is definitely not covered!

Ziyue Knight is also an excellent healer in Zhang Yang's previous life, and his occupation is a holy knight. It's a pity that the healing profession doesn't rank among the top ten schemes, so Purple Moon Knight isn't as famous as Gentle Poison and Xue Qianxun, but it's still enough for Zhang Yang to remember her name.

As the professional team league approached, those star-level players who had heard of it in the previous life also emerged one by one! The main lineup of the angry girl is about to make up to the size of the previous life.

Xue Qianxun didn't feel embarrassed because Zhang Yang exposed the lie, she just smiled and said: "There is competition to make progress! ,

"I don't know who the other two teams are! Zhang Yang is a little curious, this can only be known after entering the instance!

Five minutes passed quickly, and Jobs didn't have any nonsense, and immediately raised his staff and chanted spells.

Ten seconds later, a portal similar to the entrance of the dungeon appeared in front of everyone.


Zhang Yang and Xue Qianxun said at the same time, and the team members from both sides walked in one after another.

"Ding! You have entered Thunder Prison (death mode)!,.

After entering the dungeon, Zhang Yang's ten-member team was separated from the angry girls, and in the upper left corner of the player interface, the four teams that entered the dungeon were represented by red, yellow, blue, and green team names. Each team can also be expanded to show the current location of the team and the names of specific personnel.

Zhang Yang and the others were marked as the blue team, and they are currently located in the No. 1 Prison in the West District.

The team of the angry girl is standard as the red team, and the current location is Dongxi No. 1 Prison.

The other two teams are from the Radiance Guild and the Huangtian Guild! Among them, the Radiant Guild is the yellow team, currently in the No. 1 Prison in the Southern District, and the Huangtian Guild is the Green Team, currently in the No. 1 Prison in the North District. The names of the guild leaders of both teams can be seen in these two teams: Jian Zhimang and Yi Jian Qingcheng. Obviously, they have mobilized the elite forces in the guild!

Light is the largest guild in Black Dragon City, and Emperor Sky is the strongest guild in Purple Star City. Today, these four competing teams can be said to be the most powerful dungeon team in the Middle Kingdom!

The area where Zhang Yang and the others are currently located is a long aisle in the prison, with open cells on both sides, and the prisoners inside are all missing.

The Thunder Prison is located in the Thunder Mountain Range. It is said that this prison was established before the human empire was divided. It held the most heinous criminals in the empire. However, due to an earthquake, the prison sank together with the prisoners and guards in it. Into the ground!

However, today, also because of an earthquake, this sunken prison has reappeared in the world! But the original prisoners and jailers have all turned into undead!

This is the background of the dungeon, and the mission of the player is to destroy all these evil spirits before they escape from the prison!

Zhang Yang said: "Everyone with halos, don't forget to activate the halo skills. Starlight, you look to the left and I look to the right. Let's hurry up and kill monsters! Don't forget, only the first team to hit the middle position can start the final boss , we are not here to accompany others to open the copy!,

Xingguang infinitely stepped forward, separated from Zhang Yang on one left and one on the right, and moved forward along the aisle.

Zhang Yang's lineup is: Zhang Yang, Fatty Han, Sun Xinyu, Han Yingxue, Wei Yan'er, Narcissus Blossom, Baifa Yizhong, Starlight Unlimited, Dream Never Return and Dream Sweetheart, 2 tanks, 2 healers and 6 output, belonging to a team of 10 Standard configuration. However, for Zhang Yang, a single tank is also perfectly fine.


Just a dozen or so steps away, three monsters in prison uniforms suddenly rushed over from the shadows, waving their skeleton arms and attacked Zhang Yang and Xingguang Wuwu who were walking in front.

, Thunder Prison Prisoner "Elite, Undead)

Level: 65

Health value: 500,000

Armor value: 350

Immediately, Starlight Infinity slapped it with a holy shield and started pulling monsters. Zhang Yang took over the other two monsters, and everyone didn't think much about it, and immediately gave priority to attacking the two monsters pulled by Zhang Yang.

Starlight Unlimited was very hurt immediately, and said: "Brothers and sisters, why didn't you hit the monster I pulled first?

"Smelly Xingguang, can you hold back the monsters that Miss Ben hits?" Wei Yan'er raised the golden ax in her hand.

Starlight nodded repeatedly and said, "Give me a chance, sister!

Although the elite monsters here had a lot of blood, they couldn't stand up to this group of fierce men like wolves and tigers. They were quickly beaten into skeletons and scattered all over the ground.

The main lineup of Desert Guyan has at least three pieces of gold equipment set parts, and the weapons are all gold equipment. For example, Wei Yan'er also got a 60-level gold equipment weapon. This kind of equipment accumulation has reversed and crushed the copy. It's really not difficult at all.

However, Zhang Yang said: "Comrades, we have to hurry up! The equipment of the women's army is not much worse than ours, we can crush the copy, and they will not be much slower than us!,

Because the respawn locations of those golden bosses in the wild are also known, the two guilds have made the following divisions: the Demon Crown Treeman King returns to the Desert Dust, the Flame King Sel returns to the Red Face, and Howling Wind Xiong Wang depends on the speed of both sides, whoever grabs it first will get it!

After more than a month, apart from the first cooperation, both parties have driven the boss six times, so they have accumulated a certain amount of golden equipment sets! Zhang Yang didn't dare to say that there must be more parts in the gold set of Desert Duan Yan than Yi Nuo's beauty.

Therefore, you must not have arrogance!

Pushing forward all the way, after clearing the monsters on this floor, the team went down the stairs to the second and first floors.

The prison cell on the ground floor has been completely destroyed. In the middle, there stands a huge undead. The left half of the body has almost rotted away, exposing the thick bones, but the right half is completely intact. Perfect, indescribably weird.

, "Lefty, Phil" Silver Boss, Undead)

Grade: 66

HP: 5 million

Armor value: 700

Note: The boss of the prisoners in Prison 1. . ) Thanks to Tian Liang Leu, Ye Yu Bing Han Lan Tian, ​​and Lonely Little Fire Ball for their rewards yesterday. On the second day of the new year, Pleasant Goat, there is a Big Big Wolf outside. .

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