"Wei Shao——" Liu Shishi, as a woman, sensitively realized that Liu Wei's interest was no longer in her, so she couldn't help calling softly, trying to get Liu Wei's attention back.

Compared with the pretentious Liu Shishi, Han Yingxue is naturally charming. Just being looked at by those big watery eyes, it seems like her whole body is on fire. The two women are not of the same order of magnitude at all. I have been filming for a whole day, and I should be very tired, so I should go back and rest first."

This is to drive people away, he's so picky

Since Liu Shishi is a woman in the entertainment industry, how can she not see what Liu Wei is thinking? Immediately, she turned cold, stood up, and said: "People say that when you have a new love, you forget the old love Liu Wei. The eldest son is really unfeeling, people get tired of it before entering the bridal chamber, tsk tsk tsk"

She turned around, twisted her slender waist and plump buttocks, and walked out of the restaurant.

Liu Wei glanced at the back of the other party, feeling a little bit reluctant in his heart, and secretly thought that this little slut hadn't played it himself, it was inconvenient now, and he would call her back later. Isn't it just investing in making movies? He doesn't care about the money

Zhang Yang took out a bank card from his wallet, threw it to Fatty Han, and whispered a few words in his ear. Fatty Han immediately nodded, put the bank card in his pocket and ran out.

Liu Wei didn't know what they were playing, and he didn't care about it. He just looked at Han Yingxue and said, "Miss Han, I am very interested in the development concept of Xianxian Group. I don't know if I have a chance to discuss it with Miss Han. one time?"

Han Yingxue didn't have the time to pay attention to him, she was arguing with Wei Yan'er for a piece of snow muffin, and the two pairs of chopsticks were fighting with each other.

Liu Wei couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. This pair of sisters is at least a standard rich second generation. The real family has a lot of money. It's like they haven't had enough food in eight lifetimes. They are even blushing over a piece of cedar pancake. He really wants to say you Don't argue, as long as you are willing to be this young lady's woman, I will satisfy you whatever you want

How did he know that this is a way for sisters Han Yingxue to communicate with each other... Although it is a bit weird

With a lotus in his mouth, Liu Wei took out the full copy of his collar for picking up girls, but it was the first time he met the queen Han Yingxue, and Liu Wei began to doubt his own charm, or, could Han Yingxue be a lace?

In the end, Wei Yan'er was no match for the experienced Han Yingxue. Being distracted by Han Yingxue's tricks, she could only watch helplessly as the piece of snow muffin that had been robbed for at least three minutes fell into Han Yingxue's bowl. She gave Liu Wei an angry look, and said angrily, "Why are you still here, you annoying guy?"

annoying? Liu Wei's face twitched. You must know that he is the vice president of Mingsheng Technology and the first heir of the Liu family. He is also handsome and humorous. He has always been sought after by women. In the "Big Man" selection, he even topped the list

Such a Prince Charming who is loved by everyone and blooms when he sees flowers, is actually scolded by a little girl as an annoying guy, Liu Wei feels aggrieved all over his body

Tread Tread

The sound of high heels sounded again, Liu Wei turned his head to look, and almost twisted his nose in anger

It turned out that Liu Shishi, who was his girlfriend just now, was now cuddling in Fatty Han's arms with a coquettish expression. The two had an intimate attitude, like a man and a woman in love. People who don't know the situation will think that they are lovers who have been talking for many years

Well, the fat in the bowl is flying again before the two beauties, one big and one small, have had sex?

It was only then that Liu Wei realized Zhang Yang's intention for giving Fatty Han the bank card earlier, and his eyes immediately turned cold.

For the first time, Zhang Yang kicked his chair away, causing him to fall in public and lose face

The second time, he deliberately did not reveal the identities of Han and Wei, which made him leave a very bad impression in the hearts of the two women...

The third time, knowing that Liu Shishi was his woman, he actually let that fat man hook up with her

Once was an accident, but twice or three times was intentional

What kind of enmity does Zhang Yang have with him? Why should he target him? Liu Wei claims to be smart, but he doesn't know why Zhang Yang is hostile to him. He is absolutely sure that the two have never met before today, and one is in Zhou Su and the other is in Lin Hai. There is no intersection at all. possible

"Hi, Westbrook." Fatty Han sat down with a smile, while Liu Shishi sat beside him with a gentle face, without looking at Liu Wei at all.

Spit blood, spit blood

Looking at Fatty Han's figure, Liu Wei lost the idea of ​​getting Liu Shishi to bed. He didn't want to play with the worn-out shoes worn by Fatty Han. His face twitched, Liu Wei knew that if he stayed any longer, he would only suffer more ignorance and humiliation, so he left in embarrassment after saying "see you later".

"Anemia warrior, do you have a grudge against him?" Wei Yan'er looked at Zhang Yang with wide eyes.

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "No, it's just that he doesn't like it. By the way, Snow Demon Girl, I want to fight a few bosses. Later, you can ask Bing Cube to take the lovesickness talisman and send it over to help me increase my blood."

"I'm going too," Wei Yan'er said hastily.

"...In this way, if the ice cube is not online, you will come here together. If the ice cube is online, don't waste time." Zhang Yang made a compromise.

The few people had almost eaten, so they got up and went back to the room.

"Yangzi, who will say that Liu Shishi's bad acting skills are a vase in the future, the fat brother will be the first to fight with him!" Fatty Han looked at the back of Liu Shishi leaving with an itchy face. The bank card that Zhang Yang gave him before was only 10 yuan. Wan Dayang just asked Liu Shishi to come back and perform in front of Liu Wei.

Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling.

Obviously, Liu Wei's intention to enter "Miracle" will not be given up just because he hit a wall in front of Zhang Yang. There are still a lot of guilds for him to choose from. I'm sorry, he will lead Desert Dust to fight that guild to the death, and will never let Liu Wei grow his power in "Miracle"

In memory, Liu Wei first invested in a large guild, then slowly bought most of the officials in that guild with money, and finally let those officials bring elite members to break free and establish the "Mythology" guild

In this life, Zhang Yang will never let the "myth" have a chance to be staged

Back in the room, Zhang Yang logged into the game. Unfortunately, Sun Xinyu was not online, so he could only wait for Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er to come over slowly.

If he uses the Friendship Peel to summon Smailo's phantom, I believe he can definitely knock down the boss, but this precious number of uses can't be wasted on a mere silver boss, at least it needs to be exchanged for the first kill of a purple-gold boss

Two hours later, the two daughters, Shanshan, came late, and when Wei Yan'er saw the boss, she curled her lips and said, "Anemia warrior, it's really embarrassing for you to call someone for a silver boss."

"I didn't expect my image to be so tall in your heart." Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Silly Yu, don't be poor, hurry up and open the boss"

Zhang Yang drew out his axe and rushed towards the boss quickly.

"I smell the smell of a stranger!" Mazarosik let out an excited cry, and walked towards Zhang Yang with his eight long legs.

The battle started immediately.

With Han Yingxue dispelling the effect of the poison, this boss has completely become a dish. As long as Zhang Yang maintains a recovery spell on his body, Han Yingxue has nothing to do. Taking advantage of the free time of dispelling magic, he can also use the light of punishment to make a guest appearance Export occupation.

In just five minutes, Mazarosik roared and fell down, bursting out with spoils all over the place.

"Hey, anemia warrior, what is this?" Wei Yan'er picked up a silver-white item from the boss's drop, and stuck it in the team column. …

[Xuanming Sword Blade Fragment] (Silver Ware, Weapon Fragment)

Use: Gather seven pieces of Xuanming Sword body fragments and a Xuanming Sword hilt, which can be reforged into Xuanming Sword.

Requires level: 60

"Combiner" Zhang Yang saw Wei Yan'er's bewildered expression, and said again, "Just like the description on this item, after collecting seven fragments and the hilt, you can go to the main city to find a blacksmith to reforge this sword .Not only weapons, but also armor, even rings and necklaces can be crafted from fragments. According to the rule that the quality of the combiner increases by one, if this Xuanming Sword can be combined, it will be of the quality of a golden tool."

"Then why don't you just drop the gold utensil and forget it, and save some effort"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said: "First of all, this is a measure to make up for the scarcity of high-level bosses, but because the combiner needs a lot of fragments, it can give players a hope without flooding the high-level equipment. Second , It takes money to find a blacksmith to build a combiner, and... it costs a lot of money, and it also costs money to appraise it, which is another great tool for game companies to attract money."

"Hmph, Miss Ben already has a level 60 gold utensil, it's not rare"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Little girl, there are two types of combiners. For example, for this Xuanming sword, the fragments of the sword body must be all silverware. If the hilt is also silverware, then the created Xuanming A sword is just an ordinary gold item, but if the hilt is a gold item, then although the synthesized weapon is still a gold item, it must be stronger than an ordinary gold item."

Han Yingxue also became interested, and said, "How strong is it?"

"For example, the same level 60 gold weapon, a weapon with an attack interval of 3.1 seconds, and a weapon with an attack interval of 3.8 seconds, which one would you choose?"

"It must be 3.8 seconds. Not only will it be less affected by armor, but the damage of skills will be much higher," Wei Yan'er said immediately without thinking.

"That's right." Zhang Yang nodded, "If the hilt of the Xuanming Sword is made of silver, then the combined weapon will definitely not be the best. For a one-handed sword, the attack speed may be 2.3 or 2.5 seconds. For a two-handed sword, the attack speed may be 2.3 or 2.5 seconds. It may be 3.3 or 3.6 seconds, and it is definitely not the slowest top-quality weapon like 2.8 or 3.8. However, if the hilt is a golden weapon, it must be the slowest top-quality weapon with special effects. For example, slashing with a sword can suck blood, or shorten the cooling time of a certain skill.”

"That's not bad," Wei Yan'er commented like an expert.

In addition to the fragments of the Xuanming sword that you can look forward to, there are only three silver wares and eight bronze wares. It’s expensive to sell.”

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Han Yingxue and Wei Yaner nodded at the same time, their eyes were shining with the luster of gold coins.

"keep going"

No matter whether it was a dungeon or in the wild, mobs were always the most. It took Zhang Yang and the three of them more than two hours to reach the No. 2 boss.

"Unfortunately, the hilt is not out." Wei Yan'er couldn't help sighing. The fragments of the sword body have no number and can be obtained by repeatedly killing the same boss, but the hilt is unique. A fragment of the sword body is useless.

Zhang Yang smiled, and said: "It's a good thing that the hilt is not released now, because if it comes out now, it must be a silver weapon. If the final boss is gold-level, and it comes out with a hilt, it will be perfect."

Entering the third palace, after Zhang Yang and the others cleaned up the blame for a while, Wei Yan'er and Han Yingxue shouted to go offline to sleep, saying that staying up late would affect their beauty.

Zhang Yang didn't continue to fight anymore, because he couldn't kill the boss alone, and the refresh time of the elite monsters was only five hours. Even if he cleared all the mobs now, he would still have to clear them again tomorrow...

After waking up the next day, Zhang Yang took Fatty Han to the hotel's gym to exercise for more than an hour, and when he returned after breakfast, he saw Liu Wei courting the two girls. Seeing Zhang Yang and the others coming back, Han Yingxue called "husband" sweetly as if she had met a savior, and dragged Zhang Yang into their room, shutting Liu Wei out.

"It's really unlucky. I managed to get rid of Luo Yangming, an idiot. I thought I could have a few days of peace, but I didn't expect to meet another idiot who thought that all women in the world should be around him, but it really annoyed my sister to death." Han Yingxue He fell down on the ostentatious mattress in a very disfigured manner.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Maybe that Luo has come, but I don't know exactly where you are."

Han Yingxue sat up straight again from the bed: "It doesn't matter, then Liu should have left, sister should go back to the room to play games."

Pulling Wei Yan'er back to his room, Zhang Yang and the others logged into the game again and continued to clean up the remaining three palaces. In the friend list, the profile pictures of Baifa Yizhong and Narcissus Huakai are always black, and they have all booked their tickets and set off on the road.

If the dream does not come back, they will have air tickets for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and everyone on the 15th can arrive at the latest.

It took Zhang Yang and the three of them a whole day to clear the embankment after entering the palace. Counting the first two bosses, they got a total of five sword blade fragments, and they don't know what will happen to the final boss.

In the evening, Baifa No. 1 Middle School and Narcissus came to the hotel one after another and checked in.



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