MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 273: Spider Queen Katerina

Baifa No. 1 Middle School is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a burly figure and a full beard, and his speech is full of the rough taste of northerners. And Narcissus Huakai is a fashionable girl in her twenties, she is not perfect, but she should have a high rate of turning heads when walking on the street.

Everyone was naturally very happy to meet each other, and Han Pang took the opportunity to look shyly at Narcissus.

After chatting for a while, everyone went back to the room and started the game.

Sun Xinyu is still not online. According to what she said earlier, she has to work more overtime these days, and then take ten days off at a time to participate in the activities. In fact, in her capacity, no one would dare to take leave even if she asked for leave every day, but this woman with a deep background is very independent and has her own set of codes of conduct.

The three of Zhang Yang cleared the mobs for a long time, and finally came to the final boss.

Those little bosses in the front all have human-faced spider bodies, but the final boss Katerina is further humanoid, the entire upper body is a beautiful woman, but unfortunately there is a huge silk sac on the lower body, eight long tui roots Roots are like sharp spears.

Beside her were many human skeletons, some of which still had blood on them, which was shocking and made one's hair stand on end.

[Spider Nv King Katerina] (gold-level leader, beast

Grade: 68

HP: 5 million

Armor value: 1200

Note: The youngest daughter of the spider god was expelled from the spider kingdom because she likes to eat flesh and blood.

"Silly Yu, just the three of us, can we beat the boss?" Han Yingxue asked worriedly. A gold-ranked boss is not comparable to a silver-ranked boss. This is currently the highest-ranked boss.

"If there is no berserk time, you should be able to grind her to death!" Zhang Yang drew out his weapon, "Try it once, if you can't pass it, call someone again!"

"If it goes out, you will have to pay us for equipment repairs!" Wei Yan'er said immediately.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, ran towards the boss, and said, "You two, one day you will pick your men to death!"

"Haha!" Both Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er laughed indifferently.

"Human? Or a man?" Katerina bent her legs and leaned out her upper body. The beauty's face met Zhang Yang, and she sniffed, "Yes, she also has a strong body, which can give me more It has been planted several times!"

After finishing speaking, the boss suddenly swung a sharp foot and smashed it down on Zhang Yang's head.

Zhang Yang finally understood why the men from Baiyang Village and the robbers from Elangzhai disappeared. It turned out that they were both caught and bred by this boss! Female spiders also have the habit of eating their partners after mating, that's why so many men disappeared one after another, and there are so many human skeletons on the ground!

No wonder this boss will be expelled from the Spider King Field by the Spider God. With her way of doing things, the country will perish sooner or later!


Zhang Yang raised his shield high to block the boss's attack, swung his ax and began to give priority to the broken armor.

Wei Yan'er slashed wildly behind the boss, looked at Katerina's bulging silk sac, and couldn't help laughing: "Boss's butt is similar to that Liu Shishi, round and big, and a Twist it!"

Damn, how did this little girl's head grow, she would think of such a question at this time!


Talk about ass, move your ass! Katerina raised the tip of her tail suddenly, sprayed out four silk threads, and rolled towards the three of Zhang Yang and the golden-eared bear king respectively.

"Ding! You are affected by the spider silk entanglement effect and cannot perform any actions for 5 seconds!"

This group control skill should be how many people there are, how many threads the boss will send out, even pets are not immune!



"Ding! You are affected by the spider venom (1 layer effect, and you will suffer 5000 points of nature damage every three seconds for 30 seconds!"

After Katerina's giant feet hit Zhang Yang's body twice, she opened her mouth and spit out four streaks of bluish green liquid, which splashed onto Zhang Yang's three people and the big white bear, immediately infecting them with a layer of poison at the same time. yao effect.

If you have a poorly equipped tank, you can't use the "block file" during the five-second stun, and you can increase blood without healing, so you have to hang up here!

The biggest difference between wild bosses and dungeon bosses is that wild bosses don't need to consider balance, they can be very simple or very difficult! Anyway, there is no limit to the number of people, and if you can't push it away with five people, use ten, one hundred, or ten thousand people to fight and fight with wheels! Unlike the dungeon boss, the ten-person team must use the attack power and endurance of the ten-person team as the basis for design, and there must be no situation where it is absolutely impossible to destroy it!

At this time, the effect of entanglement by spider webs ended, and the three of them and one bear regained their freedom at the same time.

"Dispel the poisonous medicine of yourself and the little girl first, and then the baby and mine!" Zhang Yang said immediately, he has 20% passive immunity and 994 points of damage absorption effect, the poisonous medicine is the least harmful to him obvious. .

"Yeah!" Han Yingxue raised her hand, and a dispelling magic was added to her body. A second later, Wei Yan'er got rid of the spider venom, and finally it was the big white bear and Zhang Yang. Fortunately, the frequency of the boss releasing spider venom is not high, otherwise it would be very annoying!

Katarina's spider silk entanglement can be activated about every 30 seconds, which is very annoying. If the tank's HP is less than 10,000, it will definitely be caught in seconds! The spider venom is launched every 15 seconds. Although this thing can be dispelled, it undoubtedly greatly increases the mana cost!

The two of them had full firepower, and the firepower Yao water was to drink as soon as the cooling time was up, trying their best to knock down the boss as soon as possible! Otherwise, once Han Yingxue is empty blue, it will be their unlucky time!

90%, 80%, 70%... The boss's blood volume also drops very quickly. Although her skin is thick and fleshy, her blood volume is high, but Zhang Yang has eagle eyes and ignores armor. Wei Yan'er has the fastest attack speed. A slow two-handed weapon, the least affected by armor, the output did not drop too much.

Fortunately, Han Yingxue has the "Heart of Light", and the consumption of all healing spells has been reduced by 75%. Although the consumption of dispelling spells is not reduced, it can last much longer than other treatments! Besides, her equipment is also the top in China!

"Obey me, otherwise, you will die immediately!" Katerina let out a haughty cry, and four bloody spider threads came out from her tail, entangled the three of Zhang Yang and the big white bear.





Four big damage figures jumped from Zhang Yang's three people and one bear at the same time!

"Ding! You have lost 70% of your health due to the bloodshot poison, this damage will not be affected by any damage reduction skills!"

Zhang Yang originally had 24,890 health points, but after deducting 70%, there were only 4,779 residual blood points left in an instant!


A huge foot of the boss has already come down!

Zhang Yang hurriedly recovered with a fury to restore his blood volume to full. The bloodshot poison of the boss deducted blood by a percentage, which was very cruel!

Han Yingxue also read about joint therapy, which quickly increased her and Wei Yan'er's blood volume. In case the bloodshot poison of the bo nerve comes again, the group will be wiped out in an instant!

Fortunately, the bloodshot poison will only be used once every time the boss's health drops by 30%!

At this time, the small team's combat showed its advantages! If there were too many people, the spider venom would definitely not be able to be removed in time, and if they were to be stricken by the bloodshot venom, a large number of people would die in all likelihood!

Maybe the boss has the ability to eat human flesh and restore blood, then there is no end to it!

60%, 50%, 40%, Katerina used Bloodshot Poison again, but luckily they had few people and played slowly, the two-minute cooldown for fury recovery had already expired, and easily resolved the boss' big move.

When the boss's blood volume dropped to 20%, Wei Yan'er activated recklessness, one kill would cause 50,000 to 60,000 blood damage, very terrifying!

At 10%, Katerina released the Bloodshot Poison again, but this could not save her from going to death. It didn't take long before she howled and fell to the ground.


A black light floated from Katerina's body, converging into a demon form with double horns on its head and bat-like wings on its back. The black light and shadow made a strange laugh, "Damn humans, you guys! Ruined my plans, I will be back!"

The black light and shadow immediately turned into countless fragments, all of which were annihilated one by one.

Immediately afterwards, a translucent figure also climbed up from Katerina's body. It had exactly the same appearance as the boss, but it was complete with hands and feet. There was no hideous and terrifying appearance, but it was full of wisdom and dignity.

[Katalina's soul] (common, summoned

Grade 1

HP: 050

"Humans, don't be afraid, I am the real Katerina. The one who fought with you earlier was a body that was possessed by a demon and controlled its consciousness!" Katerina's soul waved to Zhang Yang and the three, saying, "Many years ago, during a traveling trip, my mind was controlled by that evil demon. Since then, my temperament has changed drastically, and I am cruel and easy to kill. I was finally expelled from the kingdom by God the Father! Later, I was expelled from the kingdom by a human mage The seal of the sage, until the seal was loosened recently, the demon controlled my body and reappeared!"

"It's so pitiful!" Wei Yan'er began to overflow with sympathy.

"The devil wants to use me to form an army of spiders to serve the devil! You guys smashed his conspiracy, but he will never stop there! Humans, I beg you, go to the spider kingdom and tell me what happened to me Father God, he can definitely prevent the invasion of demons!"

"Ding! Katerina's soul has sent you a mission: urgent news, do you accept it?"

The three of Zhang Yang looked at each other and accepted the task at the same time.

"Thank you!" Katerina's soul showed a gratified smile, her figure gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared without a trace. [Words provided by Qihang Update Team]


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