MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 298: Heading to Japan and South Korea

Baifa No. 1 High School did not disappoint Zhang Yang, and brought back useful news two days later!

The Huangtian Guild fought a gold-level boss named Devilsaur King Mokash, and it was he who dropped the monster siege order!

Baifa No. 1 Middle School also went to the database on the official website to look up information about Mocash: a level 70 gold boss, a wild beast, with 7 million HP, a melee attacking boss, 56 meters tall, a basic attack power of 10,000, and an attack interval of 2 Seconds, refresh in the northern part of Mount Miduo in the Maduo Plain, and the refresh time is 1 month (real time)!

Zhang Yang immediately became obsessed, and it would take a month to wait for the Devilsaur King to be refreshed. Moreover, even if the boss is defeated, the monster siege order does not have to be defeated! According to official data, the first kill has a 20% chance of triggering a monster siege order, but subsequent kills only have a 1% chance!

In "Miracle", you only need to know the name of the monster to find out the specific information of the monster, such as blood volume, basic attack power and attack type, as well as some of its unique drops. But if you directly inquire about the item, such as the monster siege order, then only the attributes of the monster siege order will be displayed, and the player will not be told how to get it!


Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, he quickly logged out and exited the game, turned on his computer and connected to the official website, searched Devilsaur King Mokash in the official database, and immediately listed all the information about the boss row by row.

Zhang Yang dragged and dragged the webpage while browsing, and came to the number of kills!

Devilsaur King Mokash has been killed 7 times in the eight regions of the world so far. Only Mokash in Japan and South Korea has not been killed yet!

Zhang Yang couldn't help showing a smile, and logged into the game again, but looking through the friend list, Sun Xinyu was not there.

He had no choice but to wait until night, only to see Sun Xinyu climbing up the line, and Zhang Yang hurriedly threw a team invitation.

"?" Sun Xinyu accepted Zhang Yang's invitation, but she didn't say a word, she just sent out a question mark, which meant why did you set me up?

"Do me a favor!" Zhang Yang said, "I need you—"

"...Dirty!" Sun Xinyu immediately reprimanded coldly.

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment before realizing that the other party had misunderstood his meaning, and hurriedly said, "Don't get me wrong, only you can do this, I really need you—"

"Do you want to die?" Sun Xinyu had already started grinding her teeth.

"Damn it, can you listen to me first!" Zhang Yang roared.

Strange to say, Sun Xinyu was silent when he yelled.

"I need you to go to the Turtle City, then go to the Maduo Plain there, and find a place called Miduo Mountain. Then, I will use the lovesickness talisman to teleport there, and I will kill a boss!" Zhang Yang said.

Sun Xinyu pondered for a while, and said, "How do I get to the Turtle City?"

The teleportation array between the main cities can only work within a large area, and to cross a large area, one must first enter the realm of chaos, and then enter other large areas through the domain gate! But to enter the realm of chaos, players must first reach level 100!

Zhang Yang chuckled, and said, "Shanren has his own tricks!"

"Slick tongue!" Sun Xinyu scolded lightly.

This cold woman can also tell others? Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel agitated, it wasn't that he liked being scolded, but that it was so rare for Sun Xinyu to have this kind of reaction! He rode the big white bear towards Sun Xinyu, who was not too far away from him.

Not far away, she saw Sun Xinyu standing pretty in a corner, her face was still covered with a black cloth, and her delicate and uneven figure was completely outlined by a delicate leather armor, it was too beautiful to behold!

Zhang Yang got off the bear, and took out the designated teleportation talisman that he had treasured for a long time from his backpack—this was won from a bet with Ye Guhun. He handed it over and said, "This is the designated teleportation talisman. In any one of the main cities in the eight major regions of the world!"

There was a trace of curiosity in Sun Xinyu's eyes, and she was about to tear the designated teleportation talisman.

"Wait—" Zhang Yang said.

Sun Xinyu stopped her movements and looked at him puzzled with her big black and white eyes.

"Be careful!" Zhang Yang said seriously.

I saw that Sun Xinyu's fair face suddenly flushed, even the black cloth couldn't hide it, and her delicate body trembled a little, showing the panic in her heart. A pair of bright eyes were so delicate and charming, she glared at Zhang Yang with a look of anger and strangeness, and then she continued to tear off the designated teleportation talisman.

A small teleportation circle was quickly formed under her feet, and with a flash of white light, it wrapped her body that had entered stealth, and suddenly disappeared before Zhang Yang's eyes. .


This is why Zhang Yang didn't go to Japan and South Korea by himself, instead of looking for Sun Xinyu!

The eight regions of the world are hostile to each other. If Zhang Yang teleports to the Turtle City, he will wait for the players in the Japanese and Korean regions and the NPCs to be violent! No matter how he can, can he be an enemy of players in a large area?

And as long as the thieves are sneaking, they can go deep into the enemy's hinterland without anyone noticing! Besides, Sun Xinyu is the peerless thief king. When it comes to stealth skills, if she says that she is the second, then no one will dare to admit that she is the first. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang can't think of a better candidate than Sun Xinyu!

Can't dream? That's right, he is also a powerful thief, but the point is, he is also a man, how can Zhang Yang teleport to him with the lovesickness talisman?

Going deep into the enemy's territory alone, one must be careful everywhere, Zhang Yang is not in a hurry, he found a place to fight monsters.

Because of the adjustment of game time and real time, players will be able to level up much faster now! Before Zhang Yang reached level 72, Han Yingxue and the others chased after them, almost all at level 69.

But once you enter level 70, this upgrade speed will immediately become a turtle crawl!

Zhang Yang had only cleared out two waves of monsters, when Baifa Yizhong suddenly got through the voice communication with him, saying: "Zhan Yu, our people found a mine!"

At first he was stunned, then Zhang Yang was overjoyed, and said, "What kind of mines are mainly produced?"

"Mithril, and a small amount of brass!"

"Great!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but squeezed his fists hard. Mithril is a third-level mineral, and it is only refreshed on 60+ maps, but it is sporadic and difficult to mass-produce! And the mine is designed to make up for all of this. There is no need for players to run around, as long as there are enough miners to dig!

In Zhang Yang's last life, every time a mine appeared, it would attract great guild competition! In the middle and late stages of the game, the criterion for measuring a large guild is whether it has territories and mines. Without these two items, it is definitely not a large guild!

This should be the first mine to appear in the game, at least in China. Other guilds probably don't realize the meaning of the mine, or they don't know the existence of the mine! Zhang Yang said: "You immediately lead the miners in the association to station there, and arrange members with suitable levels to practice there to protect the mine!"


Baifa Yizhong is a stable person, Zhang Yang naturally trusts him, so he didn't intervene in the mine, but only asked about the location: the jasper mine in the west of the Danila Forest.

Zhang Yang continued to pull monsters to upgrade, and it took at least seven or eight hours before he received a secret message from Sun Xinyu: "Come here!" He hurriedly equipped the Acacia Talisman: Yang, swiped the ground, and came to Sun Xinyu's side.

"Ding! You have entered the Maduo Plain (Japan and South Korea area), which is a hostile area. Any player can attack you without being punished by the red name! You are automatically in the red name state. If you are killed and the equipment drops The probability is increased by 100%!"

The system's notification tone immediately rang in Zhang Yang's ears.

Sun Xinyu was standing quietly, indifferent and indifferent like a snow lotus on an iceberg, bright and clean without a trace of common dust.

Zhang Yang suddenly had an urge to pull her from the high clouds into the mortal world, wanting to see this cold woman laugh out loud! He couldn't help asking: "Can you laugh?"

Sun Xinyu looked at him strangely, then spit out two words, and said, "Nonsense!"

"Then, show me a smile!"

"..." Sun Xinyu raised her willow eyebrows, which was a sign of punishment before she got angry.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you remember the last time you laughed?"

Sun Xinyu revealed a look of reminiscence, but did not speak.

"Look, you don't even remember when you laughed with ease!" Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Are you happy? Are you happy?"

"Don't worry about it!" Sun Xinyu said coldly.

"When will you rest?"


"I'll take you out to play!"


"Then I'll go to the police station to find you!"

"I said no!"

Zhang Yang stared at her, and Sun Xinyu stared back at him without showing any weakness. The biggest characteristic of this woman is that she refuses to admit defeat.

Don't admit defeat?

Zhang Yang moved closer, and Sun Xinyu wanted to hide, but seeing the contempt in Zhang Yang's eyes, she forcibly endured it. But as Zhang Yang got closer and closer, she finally couldn't take it anymore, and stepped back, keeping a distance of about one meter from Zhang Yang.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the evening, I will take you to dinner, you must go!" Zhang Yang said.


Talking to this woman is tiring enough!

Zhang Yang relaxed his muscles, called out the great white bear, and said, "Let's go, let's find a boss to play with!"

Both summoned their mounts and started running in the Kaloga Mountains in the Japan-Korea area. Fortunately, this place is not a holy place for leveling, they only saw a few sporadic players, they avoided them if they could, and killed those they couldn't!

Although the two of them hid their character information, this option was automatically turned on as soon as they entered the hostile area. Not only did the two show their names, but they also had the three words "China District" on their tail titles, which were double red again. The name immediately attracted the pursuit of several Japanese and Korean players.

But to deal with Zhang Yang and Sun Xinyu, a player with ordinary equipment like them would have to mobilize at least a few dozen people. Wouldn't it be courting death if only two or three were involved? Not enough to fill two people's teeth!

After killing some annoying flies, the two gradually went deeper into Mido Mountain. Although the official database can find the approximate location of the boss, it doesn't show the specific coordinates, and the players have to find it by themselves.

After more than an hour, the two came to a canyon. Zhang Yang felt that he had come to the ground, because the valley was full of Devilsaur.

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