MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 299 Devilsaur King Mokash

[Plundering Devilsaur] (Normal, Beast)

Level: 65

HP: 6500

Armor Rating: 60

This Devilsaur looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, with its head and head being about ten meters high, its lower limbs are thick and powerful, its front paws are relatively short, retracting in front of its body like chicken feet, and its long tail is like a steel whip. . The whole body is dark gray, and a big mouth is full of sharp teeth like blades!

However, Zhang Yang, an ordinary monster, would not pay attention to it. He patted the big white bear's head lightly, and said, "Don't fight on the road, let's rush in all the way, and pull as much as you can!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed to the valley with the big white bear first, and Sun Xinyu naturally followed him closely.

Along the way, a large number of Devilsaurs were attracted by Zhang Yang's hatred, and they threw off their two thick thighs and chased Zhang Yang!

Zhang Yang didn't care at all, he just drove the big white bear to the depths of the valley. If he saw a monster attacking Sun Xinyu, he would make a sweep or shock wave, or simply get off his horse and charge with a thunderous blow, and then quickly turn over Get on the bear and gallop forward again.

They didn't come here for leveling. After chasing monsters for a long time, throw away the hatred and just throw it away!

After traveling fast for seven or eight minutes, the two of them were approaching the bottom of the valley, and behind them there was at least a train of hundreds of monsters! If it weren't for many monsters who had escaped their hatred after chasing them for a long time, the size of this fire army could at least double in size!

Zhang Yang turned around, his anger gauge was already full, and he just swiped at the crowd of monsters chasing him!

Immediately, a 4000+ damage figure jumped up, and then the special effect was triggered, and then jumped again! Jump again! A second later, the public cooling time ended, and Zhang Yang blasted out another shock wave, which dazzled the crowd of monsters!

Sun Xinyu was not idle either, she kept using the fan of knives skill and threw throwing knives in all directions, which also caused considerable damage! But she suffers from the special effect of the weapon, in terms of total damage, she can't compare with Zhang Yang at all!

For another person, being surrounded by so many monsters, even if there are hundreds of healers standing behind him, he will be beaten in seconds! But who made Zhang Yang's equipment so strong that monsters couldn't even deal forced damage!

Ten minutes later, hundreds of plundering Devilsaurs all fell to the ground, dropping out a large pile of shiny trophies. Zhang Yang took a sweeping look, and only picked up a few pieces of equipment. As for other sundries, they take up space and can't be sold for much money. It's a waste of time to pick them up!

Zhang Yang glanced at Sun Xinyu and said with a smile: "At this time, you should look at me with eyes full of surprise and admiration to satisfy my sense of vanity!"


She began to summon the mount on her own.

"Wait!" Zhang Yang suddenly pointed in a distant direction, "There's a Devilsaur over there that doesn't seem to be the right size, maybe—" He already ran over.

Sun Xinyu followed her with her mount, and when she got closer, she saw a miniature Devilsaur, but it was red all over, which was very different! And this is not the main point, the key is that the level displayed by this little Devilsaur is 0!

[Crimson Devil Tyrannosaurus] (gold-level battle mount)

Level: 0

Health: 50

Note: Capturable.

Gold level riding pet! I was so lucky that I met another one!

Zhang Yang smiled at Sun Xinyu and said, "Have you brought the seal rein?"

"En!" Sun Xinyu nodded, took out a sealed rein from her backpack, and threw the rope at the little Devilsaur without being polite to Zhang Yang.

Start reading the article, 1%, 13%, 45%... Crack, fail!

The sealing rein suddenly broke into two pieces, Sun Xinyu remained calm, took out another sealing rein from the backpack, and put it on the little Devilsaur.

Read... Failed!

The third time, the fourth time... the eighth time!

"Ding! You have successfully sealed the Crimson Devil Tyrannosaurus as your battle mount!"

Finally, Sun Xinyu heard the beautiful notification sound from the system.

"Now, you are also a mother with children!" Zhang Yang said to Sun Xinyu in a serious manner, and the other party immediately rolled his eyes twice.

The two continued to move forward, and after killing dozens of mobs, they came to the deepest part of the valley.

A huge Devilsaur with a height of more than 30 meters was lying lazily sleeping in the nest. The airflow from its nostrils was like howling wind, and the nearby leaves were whirling around.

[Devil Tyrannosaurus King Mokash] (gold-level leader, beast).

Level: 70

HP: 7 million

Armor value: 1400

Sun Xinyu looked back at Zhang Yang and said, "With so much blood, how can the two of us fight?"

From the official database, we can know that the basic attack power of Mocash is about 10,000, so the damage hit on Zhang Yang is around 6200, the attack interval of the boss is 2 seconds, and Zhang Yang's block every 6 seconds is counted, and the damage suffered in that second The damage is also in the early 2000s-this doesn't take into account that the boss has other skills!

Zhang Yang has a blood volume of nearly 60,000 in the riding state. Counting two times of rage recovery and two shield walls, he can last for about 2 minutes! But if he wanted to kill the boss with 7 million HP in 2 minutes, he and Sun Xinyu's second damage would have to reach over 50,000, how could this be possible!

According to Zhang Yang's idea, at this time, Sun Xinyu should use the teleportation talisman to go back, give the lovesickness talisman: Yin to Han Yingxue, and let this super nanny come over, then they are equipped with the world's top equipment, and they want to slowly kill the boss Not a difficult task either!

However, when Zhang Yang opened the friend list, he saw that Han Yingxue's profile picture was bleak, as was Wei Yan'er.

Han Yingxue is a holy priest, leveling alone is strenuous and inefficient, so she always hugs Yan'er's thigh. Wei Yan'er is rarely willing to go to school today, so Han Yingxue is naturally not online, she probably went to shop!

For the time being, Han Yingxue can't be counted on! Moreover, if Sun Xinyu were to be thrown back to Thunderstorm Fort like this, maybe the ice cube would go crazy—what did she think she was? Call when you need it, and call it when you don't need it!

But there is no way to force it!

If he had reached level 80 now and was equipped with a purple gold weapon, it would be possible for him and Sun Xinyu to kill this Devilsaur King! But now... Zhang Yang raised his head and looked around. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to waste the last summoning times of the Friendship Pendant!

"Do you still want to fight?" Sun Xinyu said coldly.

A smile appeared on Zhang Yang's face, and he said, "Hit!"

"Huh? Since you're going to fight, why are you running back?"

"Silly girl, if it's just the two of us fighting the boss and fighting hard, isn't that waiting to be fucked by the boss?" Zhang Yang patted the big white bear and came to the edge of a mountain wall.

"...Who is the silly girl?" Sun Xinyu asked with a bit of teeth itch.

Zhang Yang was happy, and said: "What a silly girl, you have to say it twice, alas, this needs to be cured!"

"Qiang!" Sun Xinyu drew out her dagger.

"Don't be angry, I'm just kidding you! I said ice cubes, you have to smile more, don't keep a straight face all day, or you will become a wrinkled old lady when you are 30!" Zhang Yang laughed .

Sun Xinyu was silent for a while, and said: "The boss is on the other side, how do you fight here?"

"The mountain people have their own tricks!" Zhang Yang shook his head and said.

"Young poor!"

"See the cave above?" Zhang Yang pointed to the mountain wall and said.

Sun Xinyu raised her head, but saw that from 40 meters above the ground, the mountain wall seemed to have been stabbed countless times by a giant spear, leaving one after another cracks, some were shallow, and some were very deep. Looking over Heshy, at least seven or eight meters deep.

"so what?"

"The entrance to that cave is extremely narrow, and the big mouth of that stupid dragon can't get in. You can spend time with the boss there!"

"But if you want to hit the boss, you have to stand up. Don't you also have to suffer the damage from the boss?"

"Indeed! However, this kind of battle rhythm can be controlled by us. We can fight when we want to fight. If we run out of blood, we can retreat to the side and tie bandages. Slowly wait for the cooldown of the skills, and consume the boss little by little!"

Sun Xinyu thought for a while, and said: "That's the case, the key question is, how did you get into the cave above?"

Those cracks are more than 40 meters from the ground, and no player can jump into them, so Zhang Yang's idea is just a theory!

Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling, and took out something from his backpack that he had put away for a long time but never used——Frog King's powerful flippers, after using it, he could jump higher within 10 seconds, and the cooling time was only 1 minute !

This is still level 20 equipment, Sun Xinyu couldn't help being stunned, and said: "I didn't expect you to keep it until now!"

Zhang Yang smiled, such equipment without adding attributes has a special purpose, even if it is a level 1 equipment, he will not throw it away.

Equipped with the powerful flippers of the Frog King, Zhang Yang activated the special effects of the equipment, jumped suddenly, and jumped up to a height of five meters. With both hands, he climbed onto a sharply protruding stone on the mountain wall, Climb up slowly.

But at this time, the duration of the "Super Jump" was over, Zhang Yang had to wait another minute, and continued to jump and climb up! It took him six or seven minutes to get into a crack, but finding it wasn't deep enough, he had to keep climbing. .

Another five or six minutes passed, and Zhang Yang finally found an ideal crack, which was nearly ten meters deep, 2 meters high and wide, allowing players to move freely.

"Ice Cube, go and lure the boss here. After I take over the hatred, you can see if the situation will start to output or disappear to clear the hatred."

Sun Xinyu didn't have any nonsense, and immediately patted the wolf and ran towards Mokash.

The boss's hatred field of vision was about 30 meters. As soon as Sun Xinyu entered it, Mocash roared violently, stood up, stepped forward with his thick, long and powerful lower limbs, and opened his bloody mouth to bite Sun Xinyu.

Sun Xinyu immediately turned around on her horse, turned around and ran away with a huff!

Mocash moved its long legs and followed closely. With every step, the ground trembled and there was a loud rumbling noise.

Zhang Yang drew out the Xuanming Sword, and when Mokash entered a distance of 30 meters from him, a Broken Spear immediately flew away.


A damage number danced over Mocash's head.

Sun Xinyu only had a little bit of original hatred in the boss's hatred limit list, which was hit by Zhang Yang, and Mokash was immediately pulled away by Zhang Yang, and opened her huge mouth to bite Zhang Yang who was standing at the entrance of the cave viciously. .


Zhang Yang raised the shield high, and it got stuck in the boss's big mouth. His fangs collided with the thick shield, making a loud clicking noise! When the boss withdrew his big mouth, there were a few more scratches on the fortress!

This is why equipment has the attribute of durability!

After the equipment has been used for a long time, it will naturally wear out and break down! In a fierce battle, the more times a piece of equipment is hit, the faster the durability of the equipment will be damaged. After it drops to 0, the equipment will lose its additional attributes and must be repaired by a blacksmith before it can be used again. !

And the higher the quality of the equipment, the higher its durability and the longer it can be used. For players, "damage" does not matter, even if there is only 1 point of durability left, the equipment can still play its full role, as long as it is not "broken"!

For tanks, the shield is the most easily damaged equipment part, so the durability of the shield is designed to be very high when the game is designed, such as the tough fortress has a durability of 800 points, which is higher than other players on him such as The 100-point durability of the anger breastplate is much higher!

Unfortunately, monsters do not have the attribute of equipment damage!

Otherwise, the big teeth of the boss will be broken alive, let's see how it's still pissed off!

Zhang Yang fought back with his sword, and said, "Ice, you can export it!"

As soon as the two of them got up and down, they began to attack Mokash with all their strength.

After hitting for a few seconds, Mokash suddenly let out a roar, his huge body rolled up, and his steel-like tail was drawn towards Zhang Yang! But before the giant tail could reach Zhang Yang, it hit the mountain wall first. The huge force actually shook the mountain, and the dust in the cave fell straight down!

Although the momentum was huge, this time the attack ended without a problem!

Zhang Yang couldn't help being proud, and said, "Ice Cube, how about it, admire it?"

Sun Xinyu immediately rolled her eyes again.

However, the environment in the cave does not allow riding a mount. After only 10 seconds of fighting, Zhang Yang's blood volume raised the alarm. He quickly opened the shield wall, and after triggering the blood recovery effect of the suit, he used it again Fury restored.

Even if he tried his best, he only lasted for 50 seconds, and his blood volume dropped to the bottom again.

"Ice Cube, use disappear to get out of the way, I'm going to hide in the cave!" Zhang Yang yelled, and then quickly put away his sword and ran into the depths of the cave. Of course, the big white bear followed him closely with his butt twisting. behind.

Mocash bit it again, but couldn't touch Zhang Yang, which made it furious, shaking its huge head and bumping straight into the hole, causing the rocks to shake and debris to fall down.

At this time, the boss is just a dynamite bag, whoever gets on it will crush him!

Zhang Yang threw a Broken Spear at the boss first, then took out a silk bandage and tied it on himself without haste.

[Silk Bandage] (Consumable)

Use:Restores 8000 health over 10 seconds. You cannot take any actions while the bandage is in place, or the effect ends immediately. Using either bandage puts the other bandages into the same cooldown. Cooldown: 1 minute.

Requires: Expert First Aid

He has the title of First Aid Master, and if a bandage is tied off, his health will be increased by 16,000 points!

【Provided by Qihang】.

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