MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Three hundred and fiftieth chapters repay the other with the way of the other

Fortunately, the fourth key fragment was obtained, but the tragedy is that although Zhang Yang kept throwing the Broken Spear at Cazaro during the battle, he didn't even get any experience points, and the boss naturally didn't Drop a loot.

Forget it, getting the Titan armor is worth the ticket price!

And, more importantly, he has now cobbled together a second set bonus for the Titan set: every time the block skill is activated, your Shield Slam will not consume any rage and will increase damage by 100% for 3 seconds .

Back in Baiyu City, Zhang Yang replaced the titan's chest armor inlaid with gemstones, his blood volume immediately reached 76590, the damage absorption attribute reached 1774, the armor value was 2240, and his survivability was improved again!

He is currently the president of Xianxian Group, although all he needs to do is to sign, but sometimes he still has to attend company activities, like today, because of the negative news of the group, a large number of models quit some time ago, In the past month, Xianxian Group has also gone through the most difficult period, and everything is back on track. Naturally, it has to hire models again to shoot exhibition catalogs for new products.

As the president of the group, Zhang Yang naturally had to preside over the recruitment of models.

It was only later that he found out that this rule was set by Wei's father before his death. As for why, a man should understand it.

Fortunately, the interview process will not be boring. Those who can come to him for the interview have already passed a round of screening. Every applicant has a good-looking appearance and a good figure. He has no intention of "hidden rules" about anyone, but being able to appreciate beautiful women is always a joyful thing, so it is difficult for him.

He was the only one in the interview room, with a desk and a big sofa next to it, which felt a little out of place with the layout of the whole room. Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking evilly, was it suitable for doing some work on it? matter?

But he didn't know that when Father Wei saw someone he liked during the interview, he always pulled him directly to the sofa to accomplish good things!

One after another, the women participating in the interview came in, showing their most beautiful and coquettish sides in front of him, earning enough impression points to increase their chances of winning. These women all knew that Zhang Yang was the president and shareholder of Xianxian Group, and all of them did not forget to wink during the interview process, with an expression of "as long as you want".

Zhang Yang rated them separately. He didn't care about their professional qualities, he only judged them based on his own likes and dislikes.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm interviewee No. 21, and my name is Luo Xinyan—" a feminine voice came from the door.

Zhang Yang was still grading the last interviewee. She was a big bosom girl with a hot figure, but she had a childlike face, which catered very much to the tastes of some men. Hearing the word Luo Xinyan, he suddenly raised his head—what a coincidence?

Sure enough, the one who just closed the door and turned around, wasn't it Luo Xinyan who had met Zhang Yang once in this life?

In March, although the spring is still chilly, the beauty-loving women have already put on skirts. Luo Xinyan is no exception. For such an important interview, she even dresses up beautifully. She wears a pair of red high-heeled shoes, a pair of black thin silk stockings on her slender legs, and a thin thin dress on her body. A knee-length skirt with a tight waist, showing her devilish figure.

The room is air-conditioned, so you don't have to worry about being cold. As for going out, she probably prepared a coat.

Luo Xinyan also saw Zhang Yang, she couldn't help opening her mouth in surprise, shock was written all over her pretty face! She probably never thought that the gangster who molested her at the blind date party was actually the president of a large listed company!

She didn't know how many times she cursed Zhang Yang to herself a while ago, and she just forgot about him, but unexpectedly, she appeared in front of her again.

Zhang Yang admired the expression on Luo Xinyan's face at this time very much. He hugged his chest with both hands, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In the last life, Luo Xinyan hurt him too much, he would never let her go easily, and he had no intention of taking back such a woman.

In the last life, Zhang Yang was obedient to her, no matter what luxuries she wanted, he would satisfy her! However, since she didn't know how to be content, and didn't know how to be grateful, she wanted to stab Zhang Yang severely. Zhang Yang couldn't forget such a betrayal!

Luo Xinyan's expression gradually calmed down, and in front of Zhang Yang, she lifted up her skirt, took off a thin T-shirt, and threw it on the ground, then walked to the sofa on catwalks, bent over She went up and rolled up the skirt, revealing her peach-like round tun and the black grass in the middle. .

Putting her hands on the sofa, she turned around and said, "Didn't you just want to fuck me that day? Come on, as long as you are willing to sign a contract with me, I can fuck you anytime!"

Step, step, step, Zhang Yang came over.

There was a sneer on the corner of Luo Xinyan's mouth, didn't the man just want the pleasure of those few minutes? As a woman, she has nothing to lose, she won't lose a piece of meat if she is messed with, and she can enjoy it when she is good at kung fu!

"Ah—" She frowned and whispered, feeling a foreign object suddenly inserted into her lower body, cold but extremely slender. Luo Xinyan couldn't help being scornful in her heart, it turned out that this Yang Yang looked tall and big, but the thing underneath was just such an unpopular size!

Zhang Yang sat down on the sofa and said, "I don't have the habit of being a prostitute!"

Luo Xinyan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately felt something was wrong! No matter how long Zhang Yang's thing is, it won't be so long that one end can be inserted where she is, and the other end can be turned around to sit on the sofa! She looked again, Zhang Yang's clothes were neat, and that baby was still well hidden in his crotch!

She hastily stretched out her hand to mop the back of her buttocks, and when she retracted her hand again, there was already an extra pen! The cold, slender foreign body she felt earlier was naturally it!

Luo Xinyan couldn't help feeling angry, but Zhang Yang was the man who controlled her destiny, she didn't dare to yell at Zhang Yang like she did during the blind date that day, and deliberately said softly: "Mr. If you know Taishan, you should be an adult and ignore a villain, don't be as knowledgeable as a little woman like me!"

In the last life, why didn't I see such a beautiful skin like her with a superficial and snobbish heart?

Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing secretly, in his last life, he was so seductive and dizzy, or because of love, his head was so hot that he would no longer think about other things! The current Luo Xinyan will only make him feel sick, I really don't know how he was fascinated by her in the last life!

He smiled lightly and said, "I won't give you this job!"

Luo Xinyan's pretty face suddenly darkened, she stood up suddenly, turned around and was about to walk out the door.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Although I won't sign a contract with you to be the company's model, but there is another job with an annual salary of one million. I wonder if you are interested?"

Luo Xinyan's footsteps stopped immediately, she turned around with a swipe of the ground, her pretty face lit up, and said, "What are you talking about, a million...a million annual salary?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Luo Xinyan immediately came back and said: "So you are a rabbit and don't eat grass by the side of the nest, I thought you were so serious!" She thought that Zhang Yang wanted to take care of her.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I want you to be someone's mistress!"

Luo Xinyan's complexion changed, she became angry again, and said, "Who do you think I am?"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "You tell me, who should I take you as?"

Luo Xinyan was silent for a while, finally gritted her teeth, and said, "One million a year, not a penny less!"

In the previous life, Liu Wei used Luo Xinyan as an undercover agent for him. In this life, Zhang Yang decided to send Luo Xinyan back in the same way, laying a nail beside Liu Wei.

If according to the trajectory of the previous life, the current Xianxian Group has been divided and destroyed by Luo Yangming and the others, Luo Xinyan will not be able to apply for the job again. She should meet Liu Wei soon, and then he will be taken as his mistress. Years later, he was sent to Zhang Yang's side.

Use his own way to treat his own body!

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I will transfer 100,000 to your card on the 1st of every month, which is 1.2 million a year, which is more than you earn as an underwear model!"

Luo Xinyan gritted her teeth, it's not a concept to treat someone favorably.

Zhang Yang said: "After you go back to school, you don't have to do anything. You go to class normally, and after class, maybe one day, maybe a month, a person named Liu Wei will appear. At that time, you should know how to do it! I want you to do it. The thing is to record every word he said and email it to me!"

Luo Xinyan couldn't help being startled, and said, "You want me to be a commercial spy!"

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said, "That's right!"

Luo Xinyan immediately shook her head and said, "This is too dangerous, one million is not enough!"

Zhang Yang smiled coldly, and said: "Don't think that you are the only woman in this world! The 1.2 million per year is an extra income. You don't want to be someone's lover for a lifetime. When you get enough benefits, you can just find a place and disappear." , that money is not enough for you to live freely? Also, every time you find out useful news, I can reward you another 100,000!".

Luo Xinyan was just pretending to make Zhang Yang pay a little more, and it would be nice to win a bonus of 100,000 yuan! She thought for a while and said, "Okay, I agree!"

Zhang Yang gave her a mobile phone number and asked her to contact her later.

Luo Xinyan twisted Feng Tun and left the room. Soon, Zhang Yang heard the sound of the room opening, and a woman said, "Mr. Zhang, I am the interviewee on the 22nd, and my name is Wang Ya—"

A tall and slender beauty walked in gracefully, with a good appearance, long wavy hair, and a round and bulging chest, as if she was about to break through her clothes and jump out!

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking, why are there so many masculine women these days! But casually he understood that they were an underwear company, and the models to be hired would naturally give priority to aggressive models, and this was the final round of review, and the "little xiong" applicants had already been eliminated before the previous ones.

The beauty glanced away and saw the black T-shaped ku left by Luo Xinyan on the ground, and she couldn't help showing a sense of comprehension, no wonder the last interviewer "fucked" for so long, it turned out to be like this!

Thinking she understood, she immediately smiled and began to take off her clothes.

Zhang Yang: "..."


I didn't expect to have an interview so tiring!

Zhang Yang closed the office door, put on a game helmet and went online. Since Luo Xinyan, the remaining interviewees seemed to have "opened up" and seyoued him as soon as they entered the door!

They didn't even think about it, even if Zhang Yang fell in love with a hungry ghost, how could it be possible to have such good energy that he could not refuse anyone who came, and he would go to the one he saw?

This time the company will recruit a total of 30 models, and there are 6-4 applicants in the final round, probably more than half will be eliminated. Zhang Yang selected 30 of them according to his own feelings, and then handed over the list to If it is given to the secretary, someone else will take care of the rest.

As soon as it went online, Zhang Yang went to the alchemy shop to buy a medicine bottle, and used all the materials in stock to make the fourth-level healing potion.

"Ding! You made a level 4 healing potion x6!"


"Ding! You made a level 4 healing potion x6! Because of the alchemy epiphany, the level 4 healing potion has mutated!"

[Level 4 Healing Potion (Variation 4)] (Consumable)

Use: Instantly restores 8000 health, and continues to restore 3200 health over the next 10 seconds. Cooldown: 1 minute. Using either potion puts the other potions on the same cooldown.

Requires level: 60

Great, Mutation 4 restores an additional 40% of the basic healing amount of HP, that is to say, Mutation 10 can heal up to 16,000 HP! It's a pity that this extra healing amount is like a recovery technique, and it needs to be recovered slowly within the next 10 seconds.

This is very useful when pk!

Zhang Yang distributed the mutated level 4 healing potion to the team members of the two S-level teams in the meeting. Let Mengbuhui and Gu Jialuo were all amazed, and they were even more grateful to Zhang Yang.

While rubbing the medicine vigorously, Zhang Yang suddenly received a report from Baifa No. 1 High School.

"Zhan Yu, there is a situation. I received news that Tyrant has united with several guilds to attack our mine, and they want to snatch the mine!"

——Placing undercover agents in hostile guilds is commonplace in all major guilds.

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "This gentleman is really unwilling to settle down, you can arrange it, since the overlord wants to fight, then we will not be afraid, if you want to fight, then fight!"


Zhang Yang also formed Han Yingxue and the others into a team, saying: "The hypocrites are here to make trouble again, let's teach them a little lesson!"

"Okay, okay!" Wei Yan'er immediately exclaimed excitedly. She has been working hard for the past few days, she has been reading books, and she doesn't even play games very much.

Apart from Wei Yan'er, Mengbuhui and Gu Jialuo were also standard militants, each of them was gearing up and excited.

"Go, let's go!" (to be continued) @. .

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