MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 357 Mine Defense Battle

Baifayizhong immediately summoned the high-level players in the club and asked them to rush to the location of the mine **. After these days of development, the sub-alliance has accumulated enough guild experience points to upgrade the guild to the second level with the second-level guild upgrade order. full.

A total of more than 20,000 high-level players from the main and sub-alliances are marching around the mine.

Most people play games not for the pleasure of fighting bosses and PKs, but team melees are undoubtedly the most exciting!

Zhang Yang's fixed team of nine came to the top of the hill near the mine, from here he could clearly monitor the only road leading to the mine.

The nine of them already have battle mounts, but their pets are all silver-level pets with infinite starlight, one hit in a hundred shots, and never returning to their dreams. Fatty Han is even worse, riding a big bronze-level lizard. Yan'er died laughing.

With battle mounts, everyone's combat power will naturally increase, especially in pk, the upper limit of blood volume after life sharing greatly increases the player's survivability.

It's a pity that the battle on land is not suitable for the black water turtle at all. If the black water turtle is used, the opponent only needs to retreat a little, and it is enough for Mr. Turtle to run for half a day!

Zhang Yang used the golden-eared bear king, and his health reached 32,700. It's a pity that the gold-level riding pet obviously can't compare with the purple-gold level. Although the golden-eared bear king has a passive skill that increases the upper limit of health by 30%, it is still far from the upper limit of the maximum health of the black turtle 50480!

Not long after, Zhang Yang and the others saw a large group of people appearing on the distant horizon, all riding on war horses and war wolves, rushing towards the mine with murderous aura.

Their number definitely exceeded 30,000, and the blackness was like a tide.

Zhang Yang said in the guild: "Brothers and sisters, the enemy is already in front of us, prepare to fight!"

"Clang clang clang", the people in Desert Guyan pulled out their war blades one after another and roared to the sky.

Zhang Yang also drew out his battle ax and shouted loudly, "Charge!"

Teng Teng Teng, Zhang Yang rode out first, behind him were Han Yingxue and the others, and behind him was the army of Da Mo Gu Yan.

The two armies quickly approached, then stopped and confronted each other.

The long-lost modest gentleman came out out of the crowd. He sat down as a big khaki-colored grasshopper. His hind legs were astonishingly thick. A pair of thin wings were still fluttering, but he couldn't fly. Jumping to the ground, but the distance of each jump is more than seven or eight meters, showing excellent jumping ability.

This is obviously a battle mount, and there is no such style in ordinary mounts.

He looked at Zhang Yang with extreme resentment in his eyes, and said, "Zhan Yu, long time no see!"

This hypocrite indeed has enough reasons to hate Zhang Yang. Without Zhang Yang and his Desert Dust, Tyrant would have definitely been able to go to Shanghai, and now he will also be galloping in the S-level team league, not the weaker A-level league. .

Zhang Yang laughed, and said: "You hypocrite, you really haven't learned enough lessons, and you're here to provoke me again!"

Gentleman Qianqian looked at Zhang Yang coldly, and said: "Now the Light Guild also has territory, we don't have to go to Thunderstorm Castle to teleport, we don't need to be blackmailed by you anymore! Zhan Yu, you have the right to occupy this mine." It's been a while, and it's time to let it out!"

At this time, a few more people came forward on their mounts, and a male human warrior with the title of "Dragon Slayer, Level 76, Brilliant" said: "Zhan Yu, if you have money, we are not non-war fighters." No! As long as you promise to let our people go down to mine together, not only will we not use violence, but we will protect the mine together!"

Another person said: "Yes, fighting will only cause losses to everyone, why not work together?"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "If I ran to your house and asked you to give me half of your property, would you agree?"

Gentleman Qianqian looked cold, and said: "So, you must fight?"

Wei Yan'er was furious, and said: "You hypocrite, you are really shameless, you are the ones who come to fight, it seems like we are forcing you, your shame is really thicker than the city wall!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just fight, isn't it just a lonely smoke in the desert, our four guilds join forces, and we are afraid that they will fail!" said an orc thief with "Ji Yumei, level 77, star rain" on his head.

The players in the opposing army are from four guilds: Overlord, Brilliant, Star Rain, and Death Wish. In terms of one-on-one, there is no second guild that can compete with Desert Dust! .

Gentleman Qianqian snorted softly and said, "Zhan Yu, you forced us to do this!"

Obviously he came to snatch other people's territory, but he still said it so aggrieved, the name of a hypocrite is really well-deserved!

The humble gentleman raised the staff in his hand high, and shouted: "The overlord, charge me!"

"Brilliant people, it's time for you to show your power!"

"Let the world see the strength of our Xingyu!"

"Our Death Wish is the strongest guild!"

The guild leaders of the four guilds roared loudly, mobilizing their subordinates to attack Desert Guyan!

Immediately, more than 30,000 people from the four guilds roared towards Zhang Yang and the others.

Territories, mines, and real estate are the three most profitable "resources" in "Miracle". Among them, territories can only be obtained through territorial orders and territorial competition orders, and real estate requires title deeds to purchase, which cannot be forced.

But mines are different. As long as there are miners who can go down and dig, they will definitely get benefits!

This also makes the mine the most competitive "resource" in "Miracle". As long as the entrance of the mine is occupied, the miners can be sent down continuously, and very considerable income can be obtained!

Zhang Yang also waved his hand and said, "Brothers and sisters, fight for the lonely smoke in the desert!"

"Fight for Desert Dust!"

Everyone shouted loudly, rode their mounts out from behind Zhang Yang, and faced the sea-like army on the opposite side!

When the two armies met, the players jumped off their mounts one after another, and began a fierce confrontation-after all, players who own mount pets at this stage are still in the minority.

The melee rushed to the front, and the long-range hung behind. Everyone was constantly releasing group damage skills, and the sky was filled with arrows, hail, and fire. Under such intensive blows, the vast majority of people were killed in seconds, and in an instant, a large number of players turned into white light and went to the cemetery.

"Snow demon girl, follow me closely, let's have Zhao Zilong make trouble in Cao Ying, seven in and seven out!" Zhang Yang laughed.

"...Yangzi, you're lustful! But, you're too silvery, and you're done with only seven ins and seven outs. Compared with Fat Brother, you're just a day away. You're far behind!" Fatty Han who hadn't seen him for a long time The colorful joke is here again.

"Fat brother, you're so talented!" Starlight Infinity immediately joined in.

"That's a must!"

Han Yingxue agreed, patted the red gold crab and followed Zhang Yang, and the two rode into the enemy's hinterland like sharp knives.

With Zhang Yang's current terrifying defensive ability, except for the violent warrior's whirlwind, he simply ignores any group damage skills - because the single damage of group damage skills is relatively low, it needs to be divided into several waves to read. For example, the hunter's random shot requires 10 It takes only seconds to unleash a wave of attacks, and the single attack damage is extremely low, it is impossible to tear open Zhang Yang's defense at all!

After rushing into the enemy's army, he immediately changed into the Xuanming Sword, oscillating waves and sweeping shots frequently, the Xuanming Sword's special effect was triggered, and it radiated countless damage like a bomb in the crowd.

"Kill Zhan Yu first!" Gentleman Qianqian yelled quickly, "Also, surround him tightly, and absolutely cannot let him escape!"

He knew that Zhang Yang had a great escape skill like Shadow of the Void, but he didn't know what it was called!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "Snow Demon Girl, come, let them taste the power of Tianshuangyuelu!"

Although this skill needs a 72-hour cooling time, that is the time in the game. In fact, the real time is only one day. It has been more than a day and a night since they killed all directions in Stromgarde last time!

Han Yingxue stretched out her slender hand and shook Zhang Yang.

Tianshuang, Moondew!

Immediately, with the two of them at the center, the entire 30-meter area was covered by frost, pieces of white snowflakes fell from midair, and a round of bright moon rose into midair, exuding a scorching brilliance.

Yuehua began to spin in all directions.





Immediately, countless damage numbers jumped wildly in this area, densely packed!

After only three times, some players started to die, and they died in a large area, and there was no time for the treatment to increase blood! However, in order to kill Zhang Yang, the humble gentleman specially dispatched a large number of people to deal with him and Han Yingxue. The crowd was extremely dense, and the people behind were still rushing forward, rushing forward to die!

"Retreat! Retreat! Don't get close to Zhan Yu again!" The humble gentleman wants to cry but has no tears! You said that your equipment is so good that it is against the sky, but you have also learned this kind of powerful group killing skills. Is this still letting people live?

After more than ten seconds, no one rushed towards Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue.

This is the difference between players and monsters. The monster doesn't care so much, as long as the hatred list is not empty, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, the monster will still rush forward! But the players will judge the situation. At this time, Zhang Yang is obviously untouchable. Whoever wins is the second best!

After 30 seconds, the Sky Frost and Moon Dew ended. Even though the gentleman called to stop in time, at least 1,000 players were still dead!

This is a very scary number!

A large area was immediately emptied around Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue, and at least a hundred pieces of equipment with bronze luster or silver luster fell all over the place!

"Let's go back!"

Zhang Yang said to Han Yingxue that the two of them had the combo skill Tianshuangyuelu at first, and when they released it, they could gain invincibility for 30 seconds! But this is like Cheng Yaojin's three-pronged axe. After using his big move, it's time to retreat. After all, no matter how brave an individual is, he can't fight against hundreds of players!

Of course, if you get an artifact at the end of the game, and then get a high-quality riding pet, you might really be invincible! .

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