Lightning bolts blasted past Zhang Yang's head, frequently causing 11,000 and 12,000 high injuries to him, and soon forced Zhang Yang's Fury Recovery and Shield Wall, and Desperate and Life Blood were also used soon after. When it comes out, the blood bottle will be sucked as soon as the cooling time is up.

And Messick's hatred value is also soaring, Zhang Yang believes that he does not need to use the shadow of the void to get out of the battle, as long as he stops for a while, Messick's hatred value will definitely surpass him in an instant!

"By the way, bitch, your two breasts are not only fake, but also the doctor who made your breasts is so substandard, he made two meat balls, one big and the other small!" Messick mouthed Speech nonsense, provoking the Duchess desperately, "Hey, don't stare at me like that! I'm telling the truth, don't forget that I'm your tailor, which part of your body have I not touched?"

Zhang Yang's head was covered with cold sweat, this guy is definitely the best of the cheap!

The Grand Duchess was so angry that her chest was about to explode, she decisively ignored Zhang Yang, pointed her staff at Messique, and with a "slap", a bright punishment blasted past! -[


Messick doesn't have a blatant damage reduction effect. The boss attacked him this time and he was thoroughly eaten!

"Wow, you shrew, a cruel bully, you'd better be taken back by some bandit and bandit, and be your bride every night!" Messique yelled loudly.

This guy's mouth is indeed poisonous!

Zhang Yang still used the Shadow of the Void to escape from the battle, sat aside and ate snacks to recover. Although Messick has surpassed him in the hatred list, if he doesn't leave the battle, he can't eat snacks to recover. If the boss comes to the starlight, he will die immediately!

Soon, his blood volume returned to full value, Zhang Yang immediately screamed and ran towards the boss, the Broken Spear blasted out, and at the same time a charge hit the boss.

"You despicable traitors!" The Grand Duchess gritted her teeth. Although Zhang Yang didn't slap her face with a shield, her face kept turning green and red. It was obvious that Messique's "filthy words" had great power beyond imagination!


A translucent mask suddenly appeared on her body, protecting her, and at the same time, a spell casting bar began to be read.

Light of the stars!

"Fei Ling, fight quickly!" Zhang Yang said quickly, if the boss's skill is chanted, it will cause 100,000 points of holy damage to all targets within a hundred meters. !

Moreover, if the boss comes again soon, both he and Fei Ling will have to confess here!

According to the skill description, the light of stars can be interrupted, but you need to break the boss's magic shield first!

Fortunately, the amount of damage this shield can absorb varies with the number of players! Although there are three "people" and one pet attacking the boss now, only Zhang Yang is included in the calculation, and this shield can absorb a total of 10,000 points of damage!

But skills have a public cooldown, and magic also needs to be chanted. It takes only two seconds to break the shield and interrupt the casting. If you are not prepared, it can only depend on luck!

Fei Ling dashed down from the air. Although her flames blasted through the boss's shield with one blow, it took 2 seconds to cast the spell, and the flames still had a process of attacking. When they hit the boss, it was almost It will be 22 or 25 seconds later!

Transforming into a human form, Fei Ling stabs with a spear-

7825! -

16175! [

A fire dragon gun followed by a flat slash not only broke the shield directly, but also caused 24,000 damage to the boss!

As soon as the shield was broken, Zhang Yang immediately raised the shield and shot it, and the magic-breaking attack was launched!


The Duchess's nearly finished reading was interrupted immediately, she let out an angry roar, and with a wave of her staff, a thick bolt of lightning immediately struck Messick's head.

Messick was screamed again and again, but he couldn't change his bad habit. He still criticized the Grand Duchess's figure, appearance, and temper, almost calling the Grand Duchess the most tasteless in the world. The ugly woman spit out a few mouthfuls of blood from the grand duchess in anger.

No wonder Zhuge Liang was able to piss Zhou Yu to death, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel chills all over his body when he heard Messick's poisonous words! But thinking about the fact that this flirt and the grand duchess have a vendetta against killing their father and mother, it's still easy to swear!

Not long after, the Grand Duchess put on a magic shield again and began to read the light of the stars.

This time her luck was too bad, the shield had just been opened, and the flames from Feiling just hit it, directly blasting the shield! Zhang Yang laughed, and made up a magic-breaking blow, and the boss's reading bar died again.

There are fewer people and fewer people. If hundreds of people come to fight the boss, let alone whether everyone’s second damage can reach 5000 (every one more person’s shield will increase the absorption of 10,000 points, and it must be destroyed within two seconds) Interrupt, so at least 5000 damage per second can be "enough"), just this secret room can't stand too many people, more people are helping the boss instead, there is no way to break the shield in time!

But the shield can't be broken, the boss's star light can't be interrupted, this thing can explode 100,000 points of holy damage, except for a tank like Zhang Yang with a good equipment, which can rely on high blood volume and 20% passive damage immunity, It is definitely a second word for other professions not to use life-saving skills!

"Guards! Guards!" The Grand Duchess couldn't attack for a long time, so she was naturally in a bad mood. In addition, Messick's stinky mouth was splashing dirty water on the side, which made her very angry, and hurriedly called for help.

Zhang Yang was taken aback, if the boss summoned a few elite guards at this time, the outcome of the battle would be hard to say! However, the boss obviously doesn't have the ability to summon guards!

After waiting for a while, but no new monsters appeared, Zhang Yang felt relieved, it turned out that this was just the boss's yelling in anger.

Although there are not many people participating in the battle, Zhang Yang and Fei Ling are both absolutely powerful output, especially Fei Ling, whose damage per second of over 10,000 is completely superior to any output occupation at this stage! Although the Grand Duchess' blood volume is high, it still drops rapidly!

However, the boss's attack power is not limited. Under the frequent bombardment, Messick also used the light of life again and again, but after six minutes, his blue bar was exhausted, and he could only stare blankly!

At this time, the boss still has about 2.5 million HP!

"Brother, promise me that you must kill this stinky bitch and avenge my parents for me!" Messique turned his head and said to Zhang Yang, his face full of the tragedy of a strong man gone forever.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will help you to avenge your revenge!"

"¥!#¥!" Messick just said a few words with his mouth open. Zhang Yang can only figure out what it is, but it is just some swearing words that have reached their peak.

Without the light of life to restore blood volume, Messick's health would only decrease but not increase. It quickly dropped from 500,000 to 300,000 to 100,000, and finally fell to the ground with a whimper. However, this guy is powerful enough, he beat the boss for nearly seven minutes, and he can take a beating even more than Zhang Yang!

"Haha, it's your turn now!" The Grand Duchess turned around and turned her gun to shoot at Zhang Yang. In the previous period of time, Zhang Yang tried his best to attract hatred, and Fei Ling also properly controlled the output. In the hatred list, Zhang Yang was a little bit ahead of Fei Ling.

But the boss only has a blood volume of more than 1 million, but Zhang Yang has all the skills, and the chances of winning are already in sight! [

Firepower potion is filled with water, and Blazing Flurry is launched!

Zhang Yang didn't hold back anymore, and displayed all his combat power.

The boss's blood volume quickly dropped to 1 million, and then fell to 800,000, 500,000. The Grand Duchess was so angry that she screamed again and again, and the frequency of launching the Wrath of the Stars with the shield increased significantly! Although the boss didn't clearly indicate that it will be berserk, it is no different from the berserk state at this time. The magic shield will be opened every 10 seconds, but the light of the stars is almost interrupted, within five or six seconds Will continue to read again!

Zhang Yang's Magic Breaking Strike has a 10-second cooldown, it's too late to interrupt all the stars of the boss!

The boss still has 230,000 health, and a new Starlight is singing, but Zhang Yang just interrupted the boss's spellcasting five seconds ago, so he can only stare blankly at this time!

Battle Dragon Spear!

Fei Ling rushed down and shot out with one shot, which not only caused super high damage to the boss, but also triggered the stun special effect, knocking the female archduke into a coma for 2 seconds!

The light of the stars was interrupted again!

"Nice job!" Zhang Yang praised, busy taking advantage of this hard-won time to output as much as possible.

Soon, the Grand Duchess woke up from the coma and chanted the light of the stars again, as if she didn't release one before dying!

Zhang Yang also activated the sacrifice skill, and activated the shield wall, fighting recklessly with the boss!


The starlight of the boss was finally released, and suddenly, the entire secret room was filled with starlight, dancing like a laser strafing continuously! -

37772! -


Zhang Yang and Fei Ling each had an injury, and this was the last time the Grand Duchess showed her power!

150000! 100,000! 50000!

"Ah——" the Grand Duchess let out a scream, her graceful body slowly fell down, and fell on Messick's body with a slap, bursting out a pile of spoils.

It's not easy, it's tiring to fight a legal boss! If it weren't for Messik's big meat shield and big mocking face, he really didn't know how to cut the boss!

The Grand Duchess dropped 1 piece of purple gold and 2 pieces of gold, and there was also a bright silver key, which was originally hanging around her neck, but was torn off by the sharp-eyed Fei Ling. Zhang Yang was sure that this must be the key to open the treasure chest, and immediately patted Fei Ling on the head and praised the little girl for her ability.

The 2 pieces of gold were naturally stuffed into the backpack, and Zhang Yang touched the purple shield.

[Winster Family Records] (Purple Gold Items, Shields)

Armor: 2016

Stamina: 1411

Equip: Absorbs 688 damage when attacked.

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 5600.


Required level: 120

It is worthy of being a level 120 purple gold weapon. In comparison, Zhang Yang's Titan Barrier only added 1344 points of stamina after the appraisal! After all, the equipment level difference between the two is 50%, and this attribute is also 50% different!

But when Zhang Yang reaches level 120, his eyes should also be on the mysterious spirit weapon! Although this shield seems powerful, it is not very practical because it can only be equipped at level 120. Zhang Yang plans to sell it when he returns to the main city. He can sell it for millions to supplement his family.

He was about to use the key to open the box, but at this moment, the boss' body actually moved!

Zhang Yang couldn't help being taken aback by this. Even though the equipment was exposed, he could still move. This is a real fraud!


A hand stretched out from under the boss, and then touched the body of the Grand Duchess, Messick got up, and immediately complained, saying: "Bah bah bah, this stinky bitch smells like shit, she's about to kill her!" I'm smoked to death!"

... Nima, what an immortal Xiaoqiang!

Zhang Yang walked over, pulled out the Devouring Sword and stabbed at Messick.

"Ah—" Messick jumped up immediately, grinning at Zhang Yang, "Why stab me with a sword?"

"See if you are a human or a ghost!" Zhang Yang said casually.

Messick: "..."

"Why aren't you dead?" Zhang Yang couldn't help being surprised.

"Damn, do you really want me to die that much?" Messique rolled his eyes at Zhang Yang.

Play dead?

Zhang Yang sweats profusely, this skill is not listed in the skill list of this np, but anyway, this guy who is full of trains is indeed alive again! He walked to the edge of the treasure chest, knelt down and opened the lock.

After a few clicks, the iron lock fell off, Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and opened the lid, and several bright rays of light shone out immediately.

Inside the box lay quietly an ancient pale yellow necklace, a bronze armor, a golden scale, a cyan token, and a scroll rolled into a bundle.

"Baby!" Messick, who was still half-dead, immediately regained his spirits, rushed over with one stride, and stretched out his hands to make a big splash!

Zhang Yang was so angry that he kicked that guy out, and said: "All the gold, silver and jewels outside belong to you, I only want a few here!"

"Bah, can those scraps of metal be compared to the treasures here? Don't think I'm ignorant!" Messick tried to rush back again.

Fei Ling intercepted him, pointing the spear in his hand at the guy who said nothing, with a cold expression on his face.

"Hey, we are also friends who have gone through hardships together! I said man, people say that there are three irons in life, we have fought, drank, and whored together. I also fought together, and I don't mind drinking and playing with women with you, you can't turn your face and deny people like that..."

This np started to talk at length again.

Zhang Yang shook his head, with Fei Ling stopping that guy, he could pick up treasures with peace of mind.

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