That quaint necklace and bronze-colored armor are all made of purple gold. Unfortunately, the things are good, but they all require level 120 to equip them! Therefore, although it is the best at present, after Zhang Yang reaches level 110, he will pursue the mysterious spirit weapon. The purple gold weapon at level 120 just looks beautiful.

However, if these two pieces of Zijin wares are sold now, they will really attract attention and earn huge income, so why not do it!

That golden scale is not equipment, but just a material.

[Golden Dragon Scale] (Material)

Description: This is a scale that has sloughed off from the golden dragon. Even if it is separated from the body, you can still feel the terrifying power contained in this dragon scale! If you can collect a few more dragon scales and find an excellent craftsman, then you can make a powerful armor! [

Dragon scale, this is a good thing!

As far as Zhang Yang knows, the best formulas in foundry, such as colorful dragon scale battle armor and dragon scale shield, all need to use various dragon scales, which can create at least the level of sacred equipment!


Zhang Yang quickly put away the golden dragon scales. Although a piece of dragon scales alone cannot make equipment, if there is no 1%, how can there be 100%!

Next, there was the bundled scroll.

Before he picked it up, Zhang Yang felt that the scroll was full of evil aura, and black airflows continuously surrounded the scroll, and amidst the surging airflow, there were actually skulls emerging from it. Make a faint moan!

Could it be a taboo scroll!

Zhang Yang was surprised and delighted, the taboo scroll is a kind of magic scroll, but because of its terrifying lethality or strong control ability, it is also called the taboo scroll! Because he entered the game too late in his last life, he had only heard about some high-end rare items, and he had never held them in his hand to really observe them!

And how powerful is this taboo scroll?

Once a war broke out between China and Japan and South Korea. The China region had a total of 300 million players. They broke through the portal territories of the Japan and South Korea regions in a mighty way, and directly killed the main city of the Japan and South Korea regions. The main city!

The players in Japan and South Korea broke their boats and dispatched a surprise army to counterattack the portal territory of China, intending to encircle Wei and save Zhao, forcing the players in China to return to the army to save them! But the angry beauty who was in charge of guarding the city at that time remained calm even though she was facing an army that was a hundred times larger than her own, but Xue Qianxun tore open a taboo scroll "Heavenly Crash"!

It's really a disaster!

At that moment, the sky and the earth collapsed, the mountains broke, and the magma billowed. Except for the territory, the surrounding area of ​​10 kilometers became completely barren!

The army in Japan and South Korea, which was responsible for turning things around, was almost wiped out, and there were only a few hundred survivors!

And another example is the Super Boss Crystal Dragon Kaxidos of the Emperor's Guild attacking the Lost Land! Anyone who has beaten this boss knows that the crystal dragon Kaxidos is a bug. Not only does his blood bar look outrageous, but he is also the king of group injuries.

When the Huangtian Guild was fighting this boss, they took out three taboo scrolls "Holy Light" - providing all players within the range with 80% immunity from damage, and recovering a huge amount of blood every three seconds. Withstood the violent attack of the boss and slaughtered the crystal dragon Kaxidos, achieving the first kill on the server!

Zhang Yang's mood burst into excitement, and he unfolded the scroll, and as the scroll unfolded, the black air currents became stronger and stronger, almost united, breaking through the scroll and coming out!

[Forbidden Scroll: Doomsday Calamity] (Consumable)

Use: With the caster as the center, doomsday judgment on hostile targets within 5 kilometers around, deducting 10% of the target's HP every second, but up to 100,000 points, lasting for 30 seconds. [

Requires level: 100


The attack range has reached a radius of 5 kilometers! This is a bit ruthless, no wonder the angry beauty was able to wipe out the counterattack army in Korea and Japan with just a single piece of Tianbeng. It turns out that the taboo scroll is so lethal! 10% of the blood volume is deducted every second. This is the stronger the stronger. Although there is a damage limit of 100,000 points, it can blast up to 3 million blood volume in 30 seconds. The coverage is so wide, who can bear it?

Zhang Yang quickly put away the scroll, this is a big killer, just like the nuclear weapons possessed by the major powers, just putting it there can have a huge deterrent effect, who dares to provoke easily?

"Hey, buddy, you can't take all the benefits!" Messick looked like his parents had died—but it was the same, looking at Zhang Yang with pleading eyes, and said, "At any rate, I also I helped you a lot, I even told you how to get in this place!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "How about this, when I become the new Duke here, I will make you a high official!"

Messick rolled his eyes and said, "Although the stinky bitch is dead, it's too easy for you to think about it!"

Zhang Yang picked up the last cyan token from the treasure chest, patted it lightly, and said with a smile, "It will be different with this one!"

"Server notice: A master's territory has appeared in the realm of chaos, and the competition will start in 72 hours. All players, please get ready! The location of the territory is the Gulatu Ice Field, and the specific coordinates will be announced when the territory competition begins! Territory The battle will last for 3 hours, and when the battle is over, the player who finally holds the territory order will become the master of the territory!"

This cyan token was the Territory Order, and Zhang Yang used it directly.

"Hey, the talisman of the city lord!" Both eyes of Messick stared out, "You actually got the talisman of the lord of the city!"

As soon as the server swiped the screen, Zhang Yang immediately received the secret message from Xue Qianxun and others, and he was very surprised that he was able to hit two territories in three or four days! You must know that Zhang Yang is alone in the realm of chaos now, as long as he has obtained the territory order, it means that the territory has been properly taken!

Zhang Yang intends to keep Messick in the castle, and when Fatty Han and the others reach level 100, they will come and take him in! This np has a super high blood volume, and it can regenerate blood by itself and taunt powerfully. It can play the role of a sub-tank very well, and it is very worth having!

I just don't know if the blood volume of this np will be so high after summoning Messick as a follower!

The second territory order is settled, and the next step is to wait for 72 hours to reap the fruits of victory. Zhang Yang used the teleportation talisman to go back to Moning Town, and was about to start the mission of inheriting the God of War. Just as he got on the flying snake and took off into the sky, he saw a giant dragon flying towards Zhang Yang's place in the blink of an eye. in front of.

This is a blue dragon, with a body length of a hundred meters, and sitting on the dragon is a majestic man with a spear.

[Dragon Knight of White Jade Kingdom] (elite, humanoid creature)

grade:? ? ?

life value:? ? ?

Armor Value: ? ? ?

Attack Power: ? ? ?

Skill:? ? ? [

Note: The elite forces of Baiyu Kingdom represent the most powerful combat power.

"Zhan Yu, by order of Her Majesty Queen Selina, I am here to call you back to the capital, and Your Majesty wants you to have an audience immediately!" The dragon knight patted the dragon and stopped in front of Zhang Yang, and said to him with great arrogance.

...Is there another main task for him to do?

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I will go back immediately to meet Her Majesty the Queen!"

"As soon as possible!" The dragon knight shouted lightly, and then patted the dragon and flew away. With a flap of the dragon's wings, it escaped a distance of more than 100 meters in an instant, much faster than the flying snake!

Zhang Yang watched it eagerly, thinking that he could catch a dragon as a mount sometime!

He landed on the ground, returned to Baiyu City with the teleportation array, and immediately summoned the Flying Snake to fly towards the palace. The Heavenly Snake danced in the air, immediately attracting the players below to stop and watch, inevitably salivating.

Zhang Yang got off his mount at the gate of the palace, and after being notified, he was taken into the main hall of the palace, the Sunshine Temple, by two palace guards. This originally belonged to the old king Derek, but now that Serena has inherited the throne, it naturally became her main hall!

At this time, Her Royal Highness, the former Eldest Princess, was wearing a gorgeous imperial robe, which tightly wrapped her slender figure. She wore a beaded crown on her head, and the ancient artifact, the Death Star Sword, was on her waist. The domineering power that dominates the world!

"I have seen His Majesty!" Zhang Yang saluted an adventurer.

"Mian!" Serena stood up from the throne, and said, "Zhan Yu, I want to conquer the world, expand the territory of Baiyu Kingdom, and establish an unworldly achievement. Will you help me?"

What does the new Her Majesty the Queen want to do?

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "Zhan Yu is willing to share the worries and problems for Her Royal Highness, and fight side by side!"

"Very good!" Serena nodded, and said, "I will designate you as the general of the expedition. Tomorrow, I will conquer the world with me. First, we will recover the seven kingdoms of Black Dragon, Green Willow, and Breeze, and then we will march into the realm of chaos and unify the world." All over the world, reappear the divine power of the former Tianwei Empire!"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, the eight main cities in the previous life had always been independent, and there was no war between them. But now Serena actually wants to start a war and unify the eight small kingdoms. This is a huge change!

"Go down and rest first, and follow me tomorrow!"

After Zhang Yang left the palace, he informed Han Yingxue and others of the news. Everyone was at a loss. If there was a war between the main city and the main city, what benefits would they get from participating in it?

But the server was quick to give an answer.

"Server announcement: Queen Serena of the White Jade Kingdom has launched a national war against the Green Willow Kingdom! The war will start in 24 hours. All players can participate in the battle and obtain merit points by killing enemy players and np. Merit points can be Purchase advanced equipment, gems, and scrolls from specific merchants in the main city, and for specific items, please go to the corresponding merchant in the war hall of the main city to learn more!"! .

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