MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 496 Mega and the Countess

When the boss appeared, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel overwhelmed!

This countess is a level 135 Xuanling boss, and the level alone is 32 levels higher than Zhang Yang's. The damage hit on him has already been suppressed by the level! On the other hand, Zhang Yang and the others couldn't cause effective damage to the boss!

Moreover, this is a boss at the Xuanling level!

Zhang Yang has not forgotten how tiring it was when he fought the undead queen of the Tianwei Empire who had been dead for thousands of years! In contrast, although they now have an extra purple-gold riding pet and a higher-rank follower, in fact their strength has not increased but decreased!

Because at that time, they were all equipped with level 110 mysterious spirit weapons! But even so, they were exhausted from the fight, and they managed to knock down the boss! Now there are only three of them, and it would be foolish to want to knock down the boss! [

I hope that Meijia will quickly regain her former glory, erect her dick and kill the Quartet, otherwise they will have to confess here today!

"Kill!" The Countess just glanced coldly at Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue before giving the order to attack without mercy. All of a sudden, random arrows flew, and the sky was full of magic, bombarding Zhang Yang and the others in a mighty manner.

But how big can the hut be? Most of the attacks hit the wall, causing the wall to tremble, piece by piece!

Zhang Yang has a big head, now they can barely support by relying on the terrain, but if the wall is blown down, then they will face a blow from the air and low, and these more than a thousand elite monsters can almost kill them in an instant without a boss of!

Boom! Boom!

Under the constant bombardment, holes were finally punched in the wall. Suddenly, many arrows and magic attacks came from it, which greatly increased the attack surface of Zhang Yang and the others!

The three of Zhang Yang quickly retreated and came to the last entrance of this small hut!

Meijia was lying on the ground, and in front of him was a small stove. The middle-aged man was constantly pouring herbs into it, his face was covered with sweat, and his expression was focused. He didn't even attract Zhang Yang's attention when they came in. .

"A bunch of trash!" Countess Kate snorted coldly, and walked towards Zhang Yang and the others with a look of impatience on her face.

"My lord, please forgive me!" The ground was filled with people kneeling in darkness.

The countess ignored her, raised her right hand, and the black staff was pointed at Zhang Yang, and a flash of white lightning struck Zhang Yang immediately!

Zhang Yang quickly took a few steps forward to meet the blow from the boss!

Lightning kills can not only hit the main target, but also jump to nearby people, so Zhang Yang dare not stand with the little girl, lest Wei Yan'er be dragged into the water!


A large scorching mark appeared on Zhang Yang's chest immediately, and a very high damage number floated above his head, and the blood bar suddenly lost a lot! According to the normal attack power of the boss, there is no such high damage, but because of level suppression, each blow may cause double damage!

"Silly Yu, the boss's damage is too powerful, I can't add it up!" Han Yingxue knew her own healing ability, at most, she could only recover 7000 points of health in seconds, which couldn't keep up with the speed of the boss's damage!

Besides, this is just the boss's attack. If those elite monsters on the side cooperate with the boss to launch a fierce attack, how long can the team last?

"Try to delay the time, I don't need to kill the boss for this mission, just drag the bad uncle on the ground to get up!" Zhang Yang said.

"I don't think it's much easier to do this than killing the boss!" Han Yingxue pouted. [

Zhang Yang laughed, if he could hold the boss down, he would naturally have a chance to kill the boss. The key is how long to delay, one minute, two minutes...or ten minutes, twenty minutes? In one or two minutes, it can still be done if the major skills are fully activated, but in ten or twenty minutes, it is still early death and early superbirth!

Zhang Yang stood alone at the entrance, whether it was Han Yingxue, Wei Yan'er, Fei Ling, or Xuanshuigui hid in the last room. They couldn't kill the boss anyway, so how long they could drag it on.

Nourish! Nourish!

The boss blasted out one after another lightning strikes, frequently causing large numbers of damage to Zhang Yang's body, almost turning him into a roast chicken, with white electric currents constantly jumping and flashing on his body, and he could faintly smell a burning smell .

Wei Yan'er was heartless, and immediately burst out laughing, which made Fei Ling half dead, and immediately shot at the little girl, beating the little girl to call for help.

Fury Recovery, Shield Wall, Desperation, all the skills that can be activated are all activated, and even the life-saving skill of Titan Shield, which is the bottom of the tank, has been used, but under the strong crush of the 135-level Xuanling boss, this is just a drop in the bucket , drinking dove to quench thirst, turning quick death into chronic suicide!

When the Titan's shield was also smashed by the boss's lightning strike, Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, just when he was about to give up, he only heard a long, hahaha laugh, and Mega suddenly jumped up from the ground, bang With a slam, the slender and strong figure suddenly broke through the roof, and with a slam, he stood outside the small hut like a god descending from the earth!

【Mega】(Xuanling-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 140

HP: 42 million Armor: 5920

Melee attack power: 25191-29191

Skill:? ? ?

Note: re-erected no, re-erected Mega!

"Hahaha, Kate, didn't you want to see me? Now you've got your wish!" Mega powerfully, without using any weapons at all, punched the void, and suddenly a stream of air visible to the naked eye radiated to the surroundings, bang Bang bang, those Snowflake Fort female soldiers who were swept up by the energy were not shaken forward and backward, and the clothes on their bodies were shredded one after another, revealing a happy spring.

The bad middle-aged wolf screamed, and then punched the ground again. This blow was so powerful that cracks appeared on the ground, and the ground groaned. Huge waves with a height of more than ten meters hit the shore, and the momentum was shocking!

——Finally, I saw this man's perverted and heroic posture sweeping the world with his second child!

"Mega, I've heard about your name for a long time, come and fight me!" the countess challenged coldly.

"If you want to fight, then have a good fight!" Mega roared as Kate rushed over, bang bang bang, he shot like lightning, Zhang Yang and the three were kicked out of the room by the middle-aged uncle without any time to be on guard. I saw pieces of torn clothes thrown out of the hut.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were crashing sounds, and the whole hut began to shake exaggeratedly.

Zhang Yang: "..."

Han Yingxue: "..."[

Wei Yan'er: "Wow, the two boss fights are so fierce!"

After an entire hour, the thatched hut stopped shaking. Not long after, the countess ran out with disheveled clothes, her eyes brightened, and she said "return to the castle", and returned home with a large group of men.

After another while, Mei Jia walked out slowly, and there was no longer the aggrieved feeling of constipation on her face.

Han Yingxue was trembling, hurriedly pulled Wei Yan'er away, and said, "Yan'er, let's go train your pet to the next level!"

After the two girls left, Zhang Yang walked towards Meijia and said, "Uncle Meijia, should you tell me the origin of that ax now?"

"Young man, of course I won't forget what I promised you!" Meijia nodded, and the breeze blew, his blond hair fluttered, and the mature charm of the old man rose exponentially.

"Ding! You have completed the task: do not disturb, and you have obtained 5 million experience points!"

Mei Jia turned her face to the right, stared into the distance, tried to organize her thoughts, and then said: "It is said that there was a fierce battle among the gods in the sky thousands of years ago! The battle was so fierce that even the gods would inevitably die. , I don’t know how many powerful gods have fallen!”

He paused, and then said: "Although these gods have fallen, their souls and wills are still immortal, looking for humans who can continue their divine power inheritance, so that their lives can be continued in another form! The ax you got is the weapon used by the God of War in the past, with it, you can find the place where the God of War fell, get his recognition, and inherit his divine power!"

"Sensing the power in the Fallen Ax with your heart, it will guide you in the direction you want to go!"

"Ding! You have completed the mission: find Mega, and gained 100,000 experience points!"

After only giving 100,000 experience, Zhang Yang shook his head involuntarily. He took out the God of War inheritance token. At this time, when he touched the ax again, he immediately received a system prompt.

"Ding! You know the origin of this axe. Under the guidance of Mega, you feel the power in it with your heart. In the dark, there seems to be a voice saying: 'Go to the Comoros Islands! Go to Como Ro Islands!'”

Uh, the next stop is the Comoros Islands!

Zhang Yang used the teleportation talisman to return to Morning Town, and after the call-to-call order was finished, he pulled Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er over, and asked the two women to tie the teleportation talisman to the teleportation formation here, so that they could freely enter and exit the chaos domain.

The little girl wanted to ride a flying mount in a hurry, so she took the wing tiger out to practice leveling again. But Han Yingxue was not so active. After asking Zhang Yang to help her identify the boots of the prophet's ghost, she wandered around the town to see the blind little sister Ruilina, and then went to Wens Visit the castle and get a taste of the chaos.

Zhang Yang summoned the Flying Snake and set off to fly to the Comoros Islands again.

To unlock the second seal of his Devouring Sword, he also needs to find the Yin-Yang Magic Fruit in the Comoros Islands. It’s just a matter of balance. Of course, the first priority is to obtain the inheritance of the God of War. No matter what other tasks, you can let it go. Let's talk about it after getting the God of War inheritance.

After flying for four or five hours, Zhang Yang entered the Comoros Islands. This is a level 100-130 leveling map.

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