Zhang Yang took out the God of War inheritance token from his backpack, the ax seemed to come alive suddenly, it broke free from Zhang Yang's palm, and turned into a stream of light and flew towards a certain place with a swoosh.

He quickly patted Xiaobai, the flying snake cut through the sky, and quickly chased after the streamer.

Fortunately, although the speed of this streamer is fast, it will stop for a while every time it flies a certain distance, as if waiting for Zhang Yang, so that he will not lose track of it.

This throwing ax can be rested, but Xiaobai has been flying desperately with all his strength, so tired that this guy's two mung bean eyes are swollen, and he looks back at Zhang Yang's cuteness from time to time, wanting to stop Take a break.

Zhang Yang laughed, patted Flying Snake's head, and said, "Little White Snake, work harder, I'll find you a young girl in the future, um, White Snake and Green Snake, you're even worse than Xu Xian!"

"Brother, who is Xu Xian?" Fei Ling didn't carry anyone, his stamina was astonishingly good, and he didn't feel tired at all. Besides, even if she feels tired, she can sit down on the flying snake, and the unlucky one will always be that poor big flying snake.

"Uh, Xu Xian is a doctor. His brother-in-law is the captain of the urban management team and a civil servant. He has a rich family background and a good job. He tricked him into a beautiful and gentle white lady, and he even gave him a hot young girl!" Zhang Yang said aloud. Nonsense, and told Feiling the story of the white lady.

Fei Ling was fascinated by what he heard, and he stopped flying. He turned into a human form and sat on Xiao Bai's body, making Xiao Bai stare at the red letter and burst into tears. After hearing Zhang Yang finished speaking, Fei Ling couldn't help touching Xiao Bai's body, and said, "Xiao Bai, will you really become a beautiful white lady?"


Flying all the way, after more than two hours, the flying ax suddenly fell from the sky, with a bang, it split the thick mountain rock and embedded it on a huge rock.

Zhang Yang drove Xiaobai down. He jumped off the flying snake, walked to the edge of the axe, held the handle of the axe with both hands, and pulled out the God of War inheritance token from the rock.


There seemed to be a strong magnetic field here, the ax was pulled out from the rock, Zhang Yang felt a strong force coming from the ax, pointing in a certain direction.

This is a deserted island, let alone uninhabited, not even a beast or undead monster. Zhang Yang rode Xiaobai again, followed the direction indicated by the axe, and continued to search forward.

Not long after, Zhang Yang was guided by the ax to the outside of a cave. The cave was not very deep, only about 30 meters deep. Zhang Yang turned on the display effect of the Titan suit, and his whole body immediately became gleaming, and strode into it like a coquettish bag.

Although the cave is not deep, it is very spacious and tall. The top is more than 30 meters high from the ground, and the width is at least 20 meters. It is more accurate to say it is a pit than a cave. The punch crater was left in the mud.

Zhang Yang stopped in front of a huge skeleton at the bottom of the cave.

It was a corpse that had rotted so long ago that only a pile of skeletons remained, sitting against the wall of the cave. The skeleton alone was about seven meters high. Moreover, this skeleton was actually golden yellow, as if it was made of Alternative works of art made of pure gold.

However, the rib on the left chest of the skeleton was broken. Obviously, the owner of this skeleton was shot through the chest when he was alive, and it may be because of this that he died.


The ax in Zhang Yang's hand suddenly burst into colorful light, pouring into the skeleton continuously!

Card! Card! Card!

Right under Zhang Yang's nose, this skeleton slowly started to move. After moving his hands and feet, he stood up like that, and stood majestically in front of Zhang Yang. Phew, the battle ax broke free from Zhang Yang's hand and flew out, and was held in the hand by the skeleton. Immediately, a wave of ripples swayed out, and only the sound of landslide and tsunami could be heard in the distance!

Zhang Yang couldn't help looking back, and saw a huge wave at least 100 meters high suddenly rolled up in the nearby sea area, rushing towards the distance! [

Hey, this master is so awesome, he has a bone frame left, but he can still cause landslides and tsunamis with his gestures, this power is really amazing!

Zhang Yang looked at the skeleton frame.

【Ares, the Fallen God of War】(???)

grade:? ? ?

life value:? ? ?

Armor Value: ? ? ?

Attack Power: ? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Note: The unlucky ghost who died in the Battle of the Gods.

No matter how high the level of other bosses is, they will at least tell the player what level they are, just like the god-level boss Corinna that Zhang Yang met in Xinshou Village, even though the difference between the two sides is almost 300 levels, Zhang Yang can still see the boss Grade.

But apart from a name, this fallen god of war couldn't even see his rank! Probably, this is a real god, even higher than a god-level boss!

"Mortal—" the skeleton made a low voice, although the voice was not loud, but the air surge was like an eighth-level hurricane, and small tornadoes formed in the cave, showing the god's superpower .

If this boss is shot with a palm, probably the boss of the heavenly level will die in seconds!

Zhang Yang thought wildly in his heart, and respectfully said: "God of War, I have heard of your legend! I have worked so hard to collect all the fragments of the God of War inheritance, and I have come here all the way to get your inheritance !"

"Haha, mortal, you are quite straightforward!" Skeleton laughed loudly, and the sound shook the air, until the stone chips above his head rustled down, and even the rocks were moaning, as if they might collapse at any moment.

He nodded and said again: "Since you have found my inheritance token, you are naturally qualified to accept my inheritance! However, before that, you must pass my test! Getting my inheritance token can only prove that you It’s just luck, but to become the heir of Ares, you need not only luck, but also courage to fear, the will to kill, and a smart brain!”

Zhang Yang smiled lightly and said, "Then come and test me!"

"Well, my remaining power is limited, and I can only support my appearance for a short while. Soon, I will return to silence and continue to fall into a dark sleep!" Ares made a booming voice.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. This master knows that the time to manifest is limited, and he still babbles a lot of words. He doesn't know how to save time! But thinking about it, this old man hasn't come out to catch his breath for tens of thousands of years, and it's normal to learn from a gossip.

"The first test is courage!"

Ares stretched out his finger, pointing at Zhang Yang in the void, hey, a colorful brilliance surged past, immediately enveloping Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang felt that his eyes were dazzled for a while, and he closed his eyes involuntarily. When he regained his vision, he saw that he was actually standing on a cliff with a width of less than half a foot. The stone bridge connects the opposite mountain at least 1 km away! [

The mountain wind howled, and the stone bridge was still swaying like a long snake. Looking at the unfathomable bottom of the cliff below, it was enough to make the eyes of the timid people go dark, and they fell straight down. .

Even though Zhang Yang knew that this was just a virtual scene, his heart still jumped when he watched it. This is an instinctive reaction of a normal human being. If he didn't feel it, he must have a mental problem.

"Ding! You are accepting the first test of Ares! You must pass the stone bridge and reach the opposite side within two minutes. The timing starts when you step on the stone bridge. You can fail a total of three times, otherwise you will never complete God of War. Inheritance mission!"

Depend on!

With a thought, Zhang Yang was about to summon the Flying Snake, but he was immediately prompted by the system that he could not summon the mount here! Not only that, even Fei Ling couldn't be summoned, which cut off Zhang Yang's idea of ​​cheating.

Come to think of it, even if you bring Han Yingxue's Shadow Wing cloak, you will be banned from using it by the system!

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, pointed in the direction, closed his eyes suddenly, and rushed forward.

Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng!

His mind was distracted, but he controlled himself to run in a perfect straight line!

According to the character's standard running speed of 10 meters per second, it takes 100 seconds to run 1000 meters on flat ground! And walking on a stone bridge that is less than half a foot wide, even if there is no time limit, it is not easy to be able to cover a distance of one kilometer, let alone only two minutes!

That being the case, then simply close your eyes and don't think about anything, just rush forward!

Isn't this level a test of courage, brother, close your eyes and run, this courage is strong enough! Of course, this is only for publicity in the game to dare to try this.

call! call!

The gust of wind from both sides poured into his ears, but Zhang Yang remained unmoved, and just silently counted the time in his heart. He didn't dare to open his eyes at all, because as long as he saw the abyss on both sides, it would definitely affect his mind, so that he stepped on the ground and fell directly.

50 seconds... 80 seconds... 100 seconds... 110 seconds!

Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that he had already rushed across the stone bridge and appeared on another peak!

"Ding! Congratulations, you passed the first test!"

Zhang Yang's eyes blurred, and the scenery around him changed, and he appeared in an ancient arena.

"The second test is the will!"

Ares' indifferent voice sounded in the arena.

"Ding! You are accepting the second test of Ares! During this period, all your skills are temporarily forgotten, and you cannot use any items in your backpack. What you have to do is to keep killing and make Save yourself from being killed until you defeat everyone! Note that as long as you are killed, you must start from the beginning, and you can only die three times in total, otherwise you will never be able to complete the God of War inheritance mission!"

clang clang clang!

The iron gate on the other side of the arena was pulled up, and a burly man with a big hammer upside down jumped out with a whistling sound. Without answering Zhang Yang, he rushed over with a whistling sound, swung the hammer and smashed it at Zhang Yang. past.

At this time, the character's state had returned to zero, Zhang Yang's equipment had disappeared, and there was only a pair of diaper-like underpants covering his vital parts! But there was a row of weapon racks around the arena. He hurried over, took an ax and a shield, and fought hard against his opponent.

The damage calculation here is very different from the outside. The characters have no blood volume. There are many ways to kill the opponent. You can cut off the head, you can cut off the opponent's hands and feet to make him bleed to death, and everything simulates the real reality. , leaving aside the various attributes in the game.

Zhang Yang let out a loud roar, and slid sideways on his back. His body slid between the opponent's rushing feet. He swung the ax upwards in his hand, and the entire ax didn't get into the strong man's legs. The man immediately bled. As expected, he staggered a few times before falling to the ground and dying.

clang clang clang!

Before Zhang Yang could take a few breaths, the iron door was pulled up again, and a slender, one-armed middle-aged man came out. He held a sharp knife in his only remaining right hand, and swirled it from time to time, emitting a cold light.

At this moment, Zhang Yang's murderous aura was overwhelming, he walked to the side of the strong man who was killed earlier, leaned over and pulled out the axe.

At this moment, the one-armed man rushed over quickly, swung the sharp knife in his hand, and slashed Zhang Yang's neck!

Here, all blood volume and life points are useless. If Zhang Yang's throat is cut, he will definitely lie down! He didn't react too slowly. He raised the shield in his hand and hit the ground to block the opponent's blow!

But before he could fight back, the one-armed man swung his saber over again, as fast as lightning!

when! when! when!

This one-armed man's sword was like the wind, and he was so flamboyant that he could only keep raising his shield in front of him, he didn't dare to put the shield down at all!

Damn, so perverted!

Zhang Yang endured it, and suddenly raised his arm and slapped the shield in his hand heavily. With a slap, the shield hit the one-armed man's face, a stream of blood spurted out, and the one-armed man staggered back a few steps. But this guy was really fierce, and immediately counterattacked back with a sharp knife.

Ding ding ding!

The so-called one inch is short and one inch is dangerous, the one-armed man is using a sharp knife, and the speed of swinging it is extremely fast, far more flexible than Zhang Yang who is holding a heavy axe.


A ball of blood floated by, and Zhang Yang's chest suddenly had a foot-long wound, the depth of which was almost visible!

"Ah!" Zhang Yang also roared, his murderous spirit was aroused, and he threw out a sweeping kick, sweeping the one-armed man down, and the heavy ax in his hand slammed down, chopping off the one-armed man's head!

A killing feast has begun!

Clang clang clang, the iron gates kept opening, one after another murderous opponents rushed into the arena, and started a life-and-death fight with Zhang Yang.

This is a battle in which only one person can survive. Naturally, Zhang Yang will not let others slaughter him. He tried his best to chop off one head after another, and the blood gushed out, dyeing his body bright red. It was not clear whether it was the enemy's blood or his own.

The monsters that died here would not disappear, corpses lay there one after another, blood stained the entire arena's stone slabs red, broken limbs, wreckage, looked more tragic and bloody.

The killing never stopped. When Zhang Yang didn't pay attention, the blood on the ground even covered his feet. The thick blood even made Zhang Yang sticky when he lifted his feet!

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