It is indeed very eye-catching for a woman to have a pair of proud weapons.

But if it's too big to a certain extent, it's not sexy, but scary!

Under the continuous slapping of Zhang Yang's shield, the night phoenix's breasts, which would make 99% of women envious and 100% of men dream about, suddenly swelled up, like an over-inflated balloon, and the two lumps were about to hang down!

"Zhan Yu, I will never spare you!" Heiye Phoenix even shed tears, never had she ever been wronged like this, such a shameful humiliation!

Snapped! [

A flame fell from Feiling, sending this ferocious black phoenix to the cemetery again, ending her shame.

Soon, Black Phoenix's body disappeared from the spot. This time is far from enough for her to come to resurrect from the cemetery, so she must have chosen to be weak and resurrected in the cemetery.

After receiving such a big lesson, this chick should not dare to come over and take her own humiliation!

Zhang Yang thought so in his heart, but he didn't act in vain. He still waited on the spot for more than half an hour, but he still didn't find any suspicious movement. I don't know if the black phoenix really gave up, or if he was extremely patient and was still lurking in the distance.

This is the deterrent force of thieves!

Although a face-to-face battle is not necessarily very powerful, but a stealth can make most people fearful, who knows when he will jump out at a critical moment and stab himself!

Zhang Yang thought about it, and decided to open the boss.

Generally, people who are good at playing thieves have amazing patience. Even if they sneak and guard for a day or two, it is very common! And if you encounter a thief player who uses the game cabin to access, it will be even more outrageous. It is possible to guard for more than a month-of course, the person who can guard for such a long time is probably almost mentally abnormal!

Zhang Yang asked Fei Ling to stay far away, while he faced the boss, swiped a Broken Spear, and flew towards the Fire Elemental closest to him.

Immediately, the five fire element monsters roared at the same time, and chased after Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang hurriedly ran back, calculating the distance secretly in his heart, when he ran to a certain point, he activated the shadow of the void, and the whole person entered a different space with a whimper, and left the battle in an instant!

And the five fire elementals lost their hatred in an instant, and the four monsters chasing behind turned around and turned back to their original positions at the same time, but the elite fire elemental rushing to the front happened to drag Fei Ling into the battle, and continued to move forward. He dashed forward, swung the hammer in his right hand, and smashed it towards Fei Ling.

Zhang Yang canceled the Shadow of the Void status at the right time, and instantly saw the situation on the field clearly. He threw out a taunt, and immediately pulled the hatred of the fire element over.

"Human...dirty human...death!" The fire elemental made an indistinct sound, rushed to Zhang Yang's body in two or three steps, swung its warhammer and smashed it at Zhang Yang.

Raising his shield to block, Zhang Yang immediately launched a counterattack.

Because the fire element is immune to fire-type damage, Fei Ling did not enter the dragon eagle state, but picked up a spear in the human form. Unfortunately, although her dragon gun is a physical attack, it causes fire damage. Although this is very good for most bosses with high armor, it can reduce the reduction of armor value, but when facing monsters that are immune to fire damage, It is equivalent to abolished!

With only flat damage, Fei Ling's second damage immediately dropped to just over 4000, which was about the same as Zhang Yang's. This made the little girl feel guilty, and kept saying to Zhang Yang: "Brother, I'm sorry, Fei Ling is really useless!"

What a cute little girl, compared to her, Wei Yan'er is like a little devil!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sighed. [

Although Feiling's damage has dropped sharply, the overall second damage is still very considerable. It only took less than two minutes to cut the fire element, and a few pieces of burning ashes burst out, but it could only be thrown Store clutter is worthless.

Zhang Yang waited for ten minutes. After the Shadow of the Void had cooled down, he rushed up to seduce the boss and its younger brother. He successfully separated the second monster and killed it easily. But on the third time, Zhang Yang made a careless mistake and the boss came after him, so he had to order Fei Ling and Xiao Bai to fly away, and they ran for more than two minutes before leaving the battle.

Zhang Yang was much more careful the fourth time, and successfully separated the two mobs. After a little effort to clean them up, only the final boss, Laguana, was left!

He still couldn't be completely relieved, and rode Xiaobai around the area again, but he didn't find any sign of the black phoenix lurking. Of course, if you want to find a stealth thief who is single-minded in hiding in the wild, that is completely wishful thinking!

No matter, open the boss!

If it was really because of that chick that he failed the mission, then he would chase after that woman and flatten her breasts every day when the boss was refreshed, to let her know that men can sometimes be stingy and vengeful!

"Fei Ling, we're going!" Zhang Yang said to Xiao Feiling, waving his Mie Mie sword.

"Okay, brother!"

Broken Spear open monsters, on!

Laguana let out a muffled sound like thunder, and walked towards Zhang Yang with huge steps. With a bang, the warhammer in his hand slammed down on Zhang Yang with a blazing flame: "When will even the weak Humans dare to challenge the gods? Can you really think that you are the illegitimate children of the king of the gods?"



The war hammer hit the shield, and the huge impact caused Zhang Yang's whole body to be in severe pain, as if his entire skeleton was about to be broken by the boss! He straightened his back with all his strength, and with a bang, the shield was raised heavily, setting aside the boss's war hammer!

"Hahaha, human beings are still so vulnerable!" Laguana once again raised the flaming warhammer in his hand, and slammed it down towards Zhang Yang.

This time, Zhang Yang didn't have any blocking skills to use. Although he still held up his shield to greet him, a damage number of "-12942" floated above his head! Under the special attribute attack of the boss, his shield A value suddenly became a decoration.

"Fire broom, don't be too complacent, see what's wrong with me!" Zhang Yang swung his sword to fight back, and Xiao Bai and Fei Ling also launched their own attacks.

Laguana laughed wildly, and said: "Arrogant and stupid human beings, I really don't know why the king of the gods favors you weak creatures! Let the flames purify your souls!"


The boss slammed a hammer on the ground, sending out a wave of flames that radiated to the surroundings, a "-13772" damage immediately floated on Zhang Yang's head, while Fei Ling turned into a dragon eagle extremely quickly, A "-15520, damage" floated above his head.

Because flying in the dragon eagle form has 4480 points of magic resistance, it is better than taking the damage from the boss all over the place in the human form!

Although Fei Ling has more than 100,000 HP, the boss's flame halo is also quite powerful, causing 5000 points of fire damage every 3 seconds. If she keeps the dragon eagle state, the damage she receives each time is only 520 Point, but in the state of Dragon Eagle, not only can she not provide any output, but she will also restore blood to the boss when attacking, which of course doesn't work!

After only 30 seconds of fighting, Fei Ling was forced to leave the battle circle, flew to the side to tie a bandage on himself, poured another bottle of healing potion with mutation 10, filled up his blood volume, and ran back to output. [

This is the power of followers, like players, they can drink potions, tie bandages, and eat snacks to restore their status! Of course, there is no way to eat snacks in a combat state.

After Zhang Yang started a round of skills, he hit the boss's blood volume to 80%. The Fire King suddenly put away his war hammer and shouted: "My people, I need your help!"

brush! brush! brush!

Two elite fire elements appeared around Zhang Yang, but at this time the boss had entered a frozen state, the burning flames seemed to be frozen, and they kept burning without any change!

Summon Fire Elemental Servants!

[Fire Elemental Servant] (elite, elemental creature)

Grade: 110

HP: 330,000

Armor value: 1200

Melee attack power: 7594-9594 (physical judgment, causing fire attribute damage)


[Fire Blow]: Causes fire damage equal to 100% of melee attack to the target, and stuns the target for 3 seconds.

Fortunately, although the attack power of this fire elemental servant is good, but the health value is not much, only 330,000, the sum of the two is not as good as the blood volume of the previous elite monster! Also, these two minions are not immune to fire damage!

Fei Ling immediately turned into a dragon eagle and began to spray flames, while Zhang Yang also slapped the flying snake and attacked a fire elemental servant. After a round of ping-pong-pong, the two monsters only lasted 40 with a combined HP of 660,000. After a few seconds, they all hung up.

The boss will reappear in a little over a minute!

Zhang Yang hurriedly tied up a bandage, and instantly regained his blood volume. After this time, the recovery of rage and the cooling of the shield wall were almost over!

He couldn't help laughing. The boss's big move of summoning fire elemental servants can play a huge role in dealing with a certain number of teams. After all, this elite monster is still very difficult to fight no matter how much HP is weakened. Otherwise, the output and treatment will be completely wiped out by these monsters in an instant!

When encountering Zhang Yang, this skill was tragically lost. Not only did it not cause any trouble for him, but it gave him enough rest time! Among the three mission bosses, it seems that the fire elemental king is the easiest to kill.

After two minutes, Laguana rejoined the battle. The first thing he did was to absorb the life of the remaining fire elemental servants. Unfortunately, the two fire elementals had already been killed by Zhang Yang, and the boss's head was just floating. Played a "0, healing number!

Zhang Yang laughed out loud and continued hacking!

Compared with the player's low-level "IQ", the boss showed up. Obviously calling the fire elemental servant would only give Zhang Yang a chance to rest, but Laguana would still use it once every time 20% of his blood volume dropped. Throw yourself into the fire pit!

The boss's blood volume was increased to 10% very easily and happily, Zhang Yang threw a Hades gaze on Laguana, but the tragedy was that the words "Resist" jumped on the boss's head!

Alas, it can only be cut slowly!

Gods and ghosts dance wildly! Blazing dance! Zhang Yang activated the super damage skills one after another, so as not to have long nights and dreams. After another slash, the fire elemental king finally fell at Zhang Yang's feet, and his body shrank into a still burning war hammer. pieces of loot.

Zhang Yang hurriedly checked the task list first, "The last level, this task has been clearly marked as "Complete!"

Haha, the God of War inheritance is finally here!

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