MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 508 Inheritance Acquired

Zhang Yang was in a hurry to turn in the task to obtain the inheritance of the God of War, so he took a big copy, put all the spoils on the ground into his backpack, and then drove Xiaobai to the Comoros Islands, and slowly put a bunch of them away on the way. Take out the trophies for inspection.

Laguana dropped a total of three pieces of equipment, one is a golden crossbow, one is a golden cloth armor, and the last is a purple gold shield, which has considerable attributes.

[Shield of Flame Molten] (Purple Gold Item, Shield)

Armor: 2016

Stamina: 11[

Equip: Absorbs 688 damage when attacked.

Equipment: When attacked, there is a 10% chance to reflect a pillar of fire to the target, causing 700 points of fire damage.

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 2800.

Unidentified Requires Level: 120

Shields have always been in high demand. This shield not only has a very high defense attribute, but also reflects damage and increases the tank's hatred. It can be said to be a small best!

In addition to these three pieces of equipment, the boss also released an alchemy formula "Flame Eruption Potion" and a skill book "Exile Demon".

[Flame Surge Potion] (Consumable)

Use: Fills you with the power of fire. Every time the attack hits the target, there is a 10% chance to send out a flame to the target, causing 1000 points of fire damage, lasting for 1 hour. Cooldown: 2 minutes.

Requires level: 100

This potion is good, it is equivalent to giving 100 points of fire damage for free for each attack, and it can play a very good role on the keen thieves with the highest attack frequency. Whether it is fighting bosses or pk, it has greatly improved.

The so-called not accumulating steps, even thousands of miles, accumulating less will become more!

"Exile the Devil" is another skill book that everyone can learn, but Zhang Yang didn't learn it by himself, but threw it in his backpack, intending to give it to Han Yingxue, Sun Xinyu or others, because he knows the role of this skill .

This skill can temporarily banish demon monsters, making them unable to attack without taking damage. When facing four or five elite demons, it can effectively control one of them and reduce the pressure on the team.

And he is the main tank, and this skill takes 3 seconds to cast. He doesn't have that much time to waste in a tense battle, so it's better for others to learn this skill.

In comparison, among the three mission bosses, Laguana's drop is the most inferior, making Zhang Yang sigh that he is also a servant of the gods, but there are also grades. The other two bosses are too shabby in comparison.

After several hours of flying, Zhang Yang came to the cave where Ares was. He had just entered it when the guy lying dead also got up.

"It's not too bad, if you measure it by human standards!" Ares said stinkingly, "If it was me back then, I only need to point out with one finger, even if the three annoying guys are separated by ten miles Tens of thousands of miles away, I will also be easily killed by me!"

Isn't this nonsense, old man?

Zhang Yang chuckled and said, "God of War, now I am qualified enough to inherit your divine power!"

"Yes, you have proved your strength, I can let you inherit a part of my strength! However, you still need to continue to grow, and the current you are far from enough to inherit all my strength!" Ares said. Rong said.

"Ding! You have completed the mission: the last level, and gained 10 million experience points!"

"Close your eyes, concentrate, and absorb my strength with all your strength!" Ares stretched out a finger and pointed to Zhang Yang's forehead, and the skeleton finger was full of colorful brilliance.

Damn, is this the legendary empowerment method in the martial arts? Zhang Yang thought for a moment before closing his eyes.

"Ding! You have obtained the inheritance of the God of War, inheritance level: S-level! Due to the uniqueness of the inheritance, you will never be able to obtain another inheritance, and you will never be able to forget the inheritance of the God of War!"

"Ding! With the support of God of War inheritance, you can equip a two-handed weapon in your main hand and a shield in your off-hand! You can learn the skills of shield warrior and berserk warrior at the same time, but you can't get them from professional trainers. You can only learn it through the skill book!"

"Ding! You have learned a new skill: War God's Fury!"

"Ding! You learned a new skill: God of War Shield!"

"Ding! You have learned a new skill: God of War Change!"

"Ding! You learned a new skill: God of War Light"

"Ding! You have learned a new skill: God of War Crack!"

"Ding! You are the first player to complete the inheritance profession, and you have received a system reward with a lucky value of 2!"

A series of system notifications sounded in Zhang Yang's ears. When the notifications ended, Ares withdrew his finger, and the fallen God of War sat back in his original position and said, "Whenever your strength improves, Come back to me and I will teach you new skills!"

After all, without waiting for Zhang Yang's answer, he fell into a deep sleep again.

"Server notice: The first inheritance job has appeared, the system will restart in 5 minutes, and a job fine-tuning will be carried out. All players are requested to prepare in advance!"

At this moment, the system also came to join in the fun, continuously scrolling and sending out announcements.

Zhang Yang was full of anticipation at this time, so he didn't have the mood to pay attention to what the np said, so he quickly opened the skill bar, and took advantage of the five minutes before the server restarted, to check the five newly learned skills.

In fact, it should be said that there are six skills. The God of War inheritance itself can be regarded as a skill, allowing players to hold a two-handed weapon in the main hand, a shield in the off-hand, and a giant bull fork!

[Wrath of God] (Passive): Increase your damage by 50%.

[War God Shield]: Summons the God of War to protect oneself, gaining an additional 20% passive immunity for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 1 hour.

God of War Fury and God of War Shield combine damage and defense in one, so awesome!

[God of War Transformation]: Allows you to temporarily gain the power of the God of War, incarnation of the God of War, increase the life value to 40 times, increase the armor value to 5 times, have a 90% chance of being immune to magic damage, increase the attack power to 5 times, and can fly . In the state of God of War, you will get 1 point of God of War Origin Qi every 10 seconds, and some special skills need God of War Origin Qi. War God transformation lasts up to 2 hours. Cooldown: 72 hours. [


Based on Zhang Yang's current attributes, after transforming, he will have 3,785,600 blood points, an armor value as high as 11,600, and an attack power of 26,552-29,152. Except for the slightly lower blood volume, he will completely crush the purple-gold level boss!

It's no wonder that the bosses in the later stages often require thousands or tens of thousands of people to go. If the original difficulty is still designed according to the original difficulty, it will be a gift for players with transformation inheritance!

With the support of God of War, Zhang Yang now has the confidence to single out the phantom-level boss!

It's a pity that this God of War transformation can be sent but not received! It would be even more awesome if the two hours could be divided into sections!

Zhang Yang laughed secretly that he was too greedy, and continued to look at the other two skills.

[Light of the God of War]: Absorb the light of victory, restore the injured body, and immediately return to the state of full health. Consumption: All rage points. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

"Furious Recovery" that can only be used once in 30 minutes?

In comparison, this skill is a bit scumbag!

Oops, actually forgot that! Zhang Yang frowned. In fact, when he played "Miracle" in his last life, he didn't have skills such as rage recovery and lay on hands, but he always heard old players remember that he had such skills as rage recovery and lay on hands. Awesome and peerless skills!

It is said that it was removed after an update!

From the looks of it now, it should be after the inheritance profession is acquired by the player!

Come to think of it, players with inheritance transformation are too powerful, especially warriors and knights who have short healing skills. With the support of powerful attributes after transformation, it is completely possible to use skills such as Warrior's Wrath. The existence of immortality, as long as it can last for two minutes without dying, and can knock down the boss within two hours, it can be solo as much as it wants, which really makes the boss look too worthless!

Alas, it's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, the system is going to be updated, and players have nothing to do!

[War God Crack]: Bombard the ground with the power of the God of War, bombarding all enemy targets within 100x100 meters, causing chaos damage equivalent to 10 times the strength value. Consumption: 3 points of God of War Origin Qi.

The Light of the God of War can be used in any state, but because the source energy of the God of War can only be obtained in the state of the God of War, so the crack of the God of War has become an exclusive skill in the state of the God of War!

Zhang Yang's current power value is 1332, and 10 times the power can cause 13320 points of chaos damage to all hostile targets within 100 meters. It can be launched every 30 seconds, and it will exert a huge lethality in large-scale battles!

Moreover, this skill has a good growth potential and can be enhanced as the player's equipment improves.

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he now has three professions: Shield Warrior, Berserk Warrior and God of War!

However, in addition to the God of War inheritance, you can find Ares to learn new skills after upgrading, and the skills of the two branches of Shield Warrior and Berserk Warrior can only be obtained through skill books. Now that he can equip two-handed weapons, he needs to prepare an output-oriented equipment!

The most urgent thing to replace is naturally the weapon! He can now hold a two-handed weapon in his main hand and a shield in his off-hand. Although there is not much difference in the damage per second between a two-handed weapon and a one-handed weapon, there is a big difference in the damage when casting skills!

It's a pity that there are still two layers of seals left unsolved for the Devouring Sword, but Zhang Yang's current pursuit must be two-handed weapons and he will no longer miss one-handed weapons! However, if devouring the scabbard opens the second layer of seal, devouring the special effect of a two-handed weapon, it can evolve into a two-handed sword...

Zhang Yang couldn't help shaking his head. Although such a design might exist, the possibility is really too small!

Before he could think about it, the five-minute system restart time had come, and he was immediately kicked out of the game, and his eyes were dark.

"Anemia warrior, my sister said, the server is upgraded, let's have a big meal tonight!" The door was knocked hard several times, and Wei Yan'er's voice came in.

Please, restart the server, okay? It will take a few minutes at most. If you want to eat free food, just say so, and make such a bad excuse

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