MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 509: Han Yingxue and Sun Xinyu

It was a great joy to finally get the God of War inheritance. Zhang Yang simply called out Fatty Han. In the evening, a group of people came to a very high-end hotel and ordered a table of dishes to celebrate his acquisition of the God of War. inherited.

When it came to the various skills inherited by the God of War, especially the transformation effect, everyone exclaimed and called it abnormal.

Zhang Yang's head was covered with cold sweat, and he hurriedly said, "Please, is it transformation or perversion?"

"Transformation is not transgender, transgender is not perverted, anemia warrior, you are really stupid!" Wei Yan'er patted Zhang Yang's shoulder, looking like a good sister.

Zhang Yang had no choice but to bury his head and eat, ignoring these bastards. [

"Yangzi, give Fat Brother the super hunter inheritance!" Fatty Han said expectantly.

"Hey, fat and wretched, do you want to be a pervert too? But you are a pervert in the first place, if you look in the mirror you will become a pervert!" Wei Yan'er laughed loudly.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Fatty, you should just go get a b-level inheritance honestly. If you can't do it, you can also use a level-level inheritance, and you can transform anyway!" After completing the inheritance of the God of War at the first level, I deeply feel that with Fatty Han's strength, it is very difficult to complete the inheritance of the B-level.

Fatty Han immediately blew his beard and stared, and said, "Yangzi, how dare you underestimate your fat brother? It's not that fat brother is bragging. Fatty can complete such a difficult task with only his second child!"

When he said this, he was immediately reprimanded by all the girls. His girlfriend Xiaowei even pinched the fat around his waist with one hand, and twisted it hard, causing the fat man to sit up straight in pain.

"That's right, the anemic warrior is too bad! I have done the only super-inheritance task of the warrior department, what should I do, Miss!" Wei Yan'er spread her hands, showing that you are very disrespectful.

Zhang Yang chuckled, this topic is not easy to pick up, so he continued to munch on it.

Everyone was very happy and drank a lot of wine, but except Zhang Yang and Fatty Han who were tested by "alcohol", the other women became drunk after drinking a few glasses of red wine. Xiaowei was naturally sent back by Fatty Han, but there were five people on Zhang Yang's side, and the sports car he bought could only seat four people. Five rooms, just one night here.

The four beautiful beauties were so drunk that they even walked staggeringly. Zhang Yang didn't want the male sh to take advantage of him, so he had to do it himself, carrying the four girls into the elevator one by one, and sent them to the room one by one.

When he hugged the last Han Yingxue and was about to leave, suddenly this woman entangled her like a spirit snake, and kissed his mouth with two bright red cherry souls.

"Are you pretending to be drunk?" Zhang Yang yelled strangely.

"Of course, haha, that frigidity has suffered a lot this time!" Han Yingxue laughed like a devil. She was the one who deliberately provoked Sun Xinyu to fight wine at the wine table before, and ended up drinking all the girls to the ground. , I didn't expect this woman to pretend to be drunk on purpose, but it made Sun Xinyu miserable, and she was still lying in the bathroom tossing around!

"Hey, I've also drank alcohol, and my self-control ability is poor. Don't get burned! If you provoke me again this time, I'll kill you directly!" Zhang Yang's mouth was a little dry, and he swallowed.

"Hmph, I still don't know who's going to do it!" Han Yingxue pushed her breasts up without showing any weakness, and the two round things on her chest kept rubbing against Zhang Yang's chest. It was hot in summer, and Zhang Yang was only wearing a shirt. , and Han Yingxue only had a low-cut camisole, not even a mask!

During the constant friction, Zhang Yang could clearly feel that the two grapes on the demon girl's chest became firmer, the breath from her nose became thicker and thicker, her small mouth kept opening and closing, and her starry eyes revealed a strong of spring.

"Demon girl, you asked for this!" Zhang Yang couldn't bear it any longer, and threw Han Yingxue onto the mattress in one fell swoop. The two of them entangled each other, warmly kissing each other, and stroking each other's body with their hands.

"Want me!" Han Yingxue eagerly went to untie Zhang Yang's belt as if she couldn't help crying.

"You pervert!" Zhang Yang didn't expect this witch to be so active.

"Bah, do you still have to put on an act in front of the man you like?" Han Yingxuefei gave him a charming look, but the more anxious she was, the more trembling her hands became. Hanchun, the beautiful land is almost dripping water. [

"I'm coming!" Zhang Yang was also furiously teased by the witch's obsequiousness, and hurried to untie his belt.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Clothes fluttered around, and soon the two of them faced each other naked, and hugged each other tightly again.

At this time, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry. This was the first time between the two of them, and judging from his experience, although Han Yingxue was born, she was still a baby. This first experience must be gentle and gentle!

"Don't be so sissy, conquer me brutally!" Han Yingxue took a bite on Zhang Yang's arm, "I fell in love with you because you fought with that frigidity when we first met! I'm a witch, I want it Man, you have to be able to hold me down, can you?"

"Can I do it?" Zhang Yang began to smile evilly, "You witch, you asked for this yourself, don't ask me to be gentle later!"

"Man, did you make it with your mouth?"

Since even the witches don't want him to be gentle, Zhang Yang was already very angry after drinking, and coupled with the inheritance task he had done before, he had slaughtered for "a month" and his heart was a little twisted. Zhang Yang was already ready to go, and squeezed into the slippery flower path of the witch.

"Hiss—" Although Han Yingxue said that she didn't care, there was no reason for a woman not to suffer for the first time. She immediately frowned her pretty Liu eyebrows, but the painful appearance was extraordinarily enchanting, making Zhang Yang Her desire became even hotter, and she stood up suddenly, completely entering her body.

"Ah!" The witch is a witch after all, she opened her small mouth and bit Zhang Yang's shoulder forcefully, as if she wanted to let Zhang Yang taste the pain of bloodshed, Zhang Yang let out a tiger roar in pain, barbaric and rude Started to conquer this charming goblin.

Han Yingxue's adaptability is very strong, the pain of breaking the melon was only a short period of time, and she felt joy from it, she spread her limbs tightly around Zhang Yang, and constantly twisted her graceful body to increase the pleasure she gained.

If it weren't for Zhang Yang's ability to be greatly enhanced after his rebirth, he would definitely become a premature ejaculation man in front of this witch!

In the bedroom, the sound of affection was endless, and after more than half an hour of tossing, the rain cleared and everything returned to tranquility.

Ordinarily, when Zhang Yang and Yu Li enjoyed each other, it took at least an hour each time, but the prelude alone took up about two-thirds of the time. But just over half an hour, he has been sprinting with all his strength. Even with his strong body, he is exhausted enough. If he has to do this for an hour, he will probably be foaming at the mouth.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, there was a heavy knock on the door!

Zhang Yang couldn't help being stunned, who is this! If it's a waiter, it must be ringing the doorbell, and at this point there won't be a waiter who doesn't open his eyes to spoil the scenery! Then...he rolled up the blanket and came to the door, and looked out through the peephole. Oh no, it was Sun Xinyu!

He suddenly had the feeling of being caught and handed over to the bed, and hurried back to the bed with a painful expression on his face.

How clever Han Yingxue was, she guessed it right away, and said, "Is it the frigid one?"


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The door was knocked a few more times, but this time Sun Xinyu used a lot of strength, and she was about to knock down the door if she didn't open it again. [

Zhang Yang looked around and said, "Go and deal with her, I'll hide first!"

Han Yingxue shook her head involuntarily, wrapped a sheet around her body, and muttered, ""

She walked over to open the door, and Sun Xinyu entered the room uninvited, and turned around in the room.

"Hey, this is my room. Aren't you going to ask for my opinion?" Han Yingxue crossed her arms and kicked the door shut.

"Where are the others?" Sun Xinyu's eyes were murderous, and her face was flushed with drunkenness.

"Who is it?" Han Yingxue pretended to be stupid.

"Big cow, don't pretend to be mean, don't say you haven't had sex just now!" Sun Xinyu exposed it bluntly.

"So what, you bite me?" Han Yingxue puffed up her chest, and said again, "You're a poor man!"

In fact, Sun Xinyu's breasts are quite proud and round, which has nothing to do with being poor at all, but compared with Han Yingxue's hot bust that is comparable to Europeans and Americans, it is indeed much inferior!

"Big cow, those two balls of rotten meat of yours are about to fall to your navel!" Sun Xinyu shot back not to be outdone.

"That's better than poor breasts! Sigh, just looking at your breasts, I really don't know which is the front and which is the back!" Han Yingxue sighed and deliberately shrugged her shoulders.

This is a bit harsh!

When it comes to bickering, Sun Xinyu is really not Han Yingxue's opponent, she is a hard worker, she clenches her fists, it doesn't matter if she can't fight, as long as she can fight well!

At this time, Zhang Yang naturally could no longer hide and watch the show, so he hurriedly came out of the bathroom, laughed and said, "The moonlight at night is not bad!"

"It's raining outside!" Sun Xinyu said coldly.

Han Yingxue curled her lips and said, "Poor girl, you've seen me too, so you're satisfied! You can go now, we have to continue!"

Sun Xinyu snorted, and suddenly reached out to take off her clothes!

Zhang Yang was taken aback and said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"She can do it with you, but I can't?" Sun Xinyu glared at Han Yingxue, "I will not lose to her!" Drunken women are tough, but can they be compared in this way?

"Haha, you are a poor man, can you still fight with this girl?" Han Yingxue threw off the sheet not to be outdone, revealing her perfect figure with bumps.

Snapped! Snapped!

The two female sex wolves were about to throw Zhang Yang down, they both looked fierce.

Damn, I was reversed!


One night passed, and the early morning sun came in through the cracks in the curtains, shining fiercely on the floor.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hands, and each arm was pressed down by someone as a pillow. He looked at the shockingly beautiful faces on the left and right, and for the first time began to hesitate whether his idea of ​​accepting both beauties was really correct. .

The two girls, Sun and Han, were enemies at first, and they became even more angry when they were drinking. Last night, they competed wildly. One was about to die, and the other came to Suo Ai again out of anger!

What men like to hear most is "I want", and what they are most afraid of is "I want more", and last night, two women kept saying "I want more", which almost squeezed Zhang Yang into a fuck !

Sun Xinyu's long eyelashes trembled slightly, then she sat up straight all of a sudden, turned her head to look at Zhang Yang, and with a swipe, her pretty face suddenly flushed red, as if she could drip water .

Zhang Yang was still grinning at his little brother's faint pain, but seeing Sun Xinyu's embarrassing look, he couldn't help being happy, and said, "Now I know I'm embarrassed? Last night you were... hey-hey!"

Sun Xinyu glared at him with big eyes, and wanted to reach for the clothes, but she just moved her thigh, and the pain immediately made her frown, and almost fell down. But she immediately raised her hands and tried to climb out of bed with difficulty.

Compared to worrying about whether he will be crushed by the two women in the future, Zhang Yang is more concerned about whether he can use this great opportunity to resolve the tension between the two women. He quickly sat up straight and grabbed Sun Xinyu's slender waist. This woman's small waist is as smooth as jade, without a single bit of fat. Although it is slender, it is full of explosive power. Zhang Yang has seen her fully last night. The charming style of swaying willow waist and rope like a female knight.

"If you're injured, rest well, what's the matter with running around!" Zhang Yang chuckled.

"I'm a policeman, what kind of injury is this!" Sun Xinyu was still stubborn.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing to himself, this woman just has the character of never admitting defeat.

"It's so early in the morning, what are you arguing about!" Han Yingxue stretched her waist, half-supported her beautiful upper body, and a thin quilt was hung on her towering breasts, but she was caught by two mountain peaks and managed not to slip off , showing a small half round jade ball.

Even Sun Xinyu, the deadly enemy, has to admit that Han Yingxue is a natural, and even she, who is a woman, has a feeling of being moved! She quickly snorted and said, "Fox spirit, do you have any opinions?"

Han Yingxue slammed, then lazily fell back on the bed, and forced Zhang Yang's arm to continue to be her pillow. She looked too lazy to talk to you, which made Sun Xinyu very angry! This Tiansheng said vaguely: "Little sister Sun, be more respectful to my sister!"

"What, sister?" Sun Xinyu snorted coldly.

"Of course, I'm ahead of you, of course I'm older sister!" Han Yingxue shrank her snow-white body into Zhang Yang's arms, as lazy as a cat.

"Hmph, you were the one who went to bed first, so how could you pass the door!" Sun Xinyu argued.

"Haha, what a pity, it's just one step ahead of you anyway!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help being secretly pleased, he was still worried about how to get the two girls to accept each other, but it seems that the two girls have skipped this step and entered the final stage of competing to be the boss, it's so fucking efficient!

Feeling overwhelmed for a while, Zhang Yang couldn't help but slapped each of the two girls' snow tuns, saying: "Family, be kind!"

Unexpectedly, the bastard's spirit did not show sideways, but it aroused the big eyes of the two women. ro! .

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