MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter five hundred and eightieth: God of War Strikes Hard

The moment Zhang Yang threw the bomb, all the players on Rock Island were rescued by the same system prompt, and everyone immediately flew into the air on their flying mounts, flying desperately towards the opposite direction of the island, while cursing Zhang Yang. "Because Mourning Town has not been rebuilt, everyone's teleportation talisman cannot take effect.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and hurriedly drove Lei Ying to run.

Damn, goblin technology is really unreliable! When the system prompts the countdown to 11 seconds, suddenly there is an earth-shattering loud noise, and a huge mushroom cloud rises from the center of the island, heading straight into the sky!

Then, the powerful impact was like a thirteenth-level hurricane, hitting all the players who hadn't had time to escape the explosion range! The strong shock wave directly blasted everyone's HP to 1 point!

Zhang Yang hurriedly used the light of God of War to restore his HP to full. If someone stabbed him coldly at this time, he would be in a big loss! [

"Ding! You have completed the task: Du felt troubled and gained 10 million experience points!

"Ding! You got a reward: lucky value 3, skill point 3!

"Ding! You learned a new skill: [Dragon Strike]!"

"Ding! You got the item: Warrior Medal!"

A series of wonderful system prompts sounded in Zhang Yang's ears, and he became the biggest beneficiary of this epic mission!

Upgrading to level 110 gave 1 skill point, plus the 3 gifted now, all Zhang Yang added to Hawkeye, and Hawkeye at level 8 sees 85% of the target's armor value! The Warrior Medal was also equipped for the first time, providing him with a 5% damage increase.

The enemy effect of Death Warrior's Heart can only last for 3 seconds after level 110, but the important thing is that all negative effects can be cleared after activation. The next enemy time is just a bonus, which is equivalent to an enhanced version of Warrior's Fury!

Coupled with the Warrior Medal, Zhang Yang now has 3 anti-control skills!

What would happen to a shield warrior who could do terrible damage and couldn't control it?

Zhang Yang couldn't help but smiled with satisfaction, and said: "You go first, I have to learn new skills!"

One is not the exclusive skill of the shield warrior, but a new skill inherited by the God of War!

Separated from everyone, Zhang Yang went to find Ares, the God of War.

"Mortal, your strength improvement is too slow! After Ares was awakened, he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Yang's leveling speed, "When I was your age, I had already slaughtered hundreds of thousands of low-level players in the dark camp. God is dead! "Damn, if your father wasn't the king of the gods, Zhu Lanuo, would you be so awesome? You know how to fight!"

Zhang Yang showed what he thought was the most humble smile and said, "Great God of War, now that my strength has improved, can you teach me new skills?"

"Okay, since you're not stupid enough to look like a pig, I'll guide you casually! Ares stretched out a finger and tapped Zhang Yang's forehead, and the colorful streamer suddenly overflowed brightly and submerged In his [body].

Zhang Yang felt a pain in his head, and then a new skill appeared in the skill bar.

[God of War Blow]: Blows the target hard, causing physical damage equivalent to 300% of melee attack. In the state of God of War Transformation, every 1 point of Origin Qi of God of War can make you attack one more target, but it will also consume 1 point of Origin Qi of God of War. Requires: melee weapon. Consumption: 45 rage. Cooling time: 1 minute... 300% melee attack damage, which is the highest weapon damage bonus so far! It is an absolute nirvana when compared, but it is a pity that the cooling time is too long and cannot be used as a common skill for outputting bosses!

However, in the God of War transformation state, this skill will also become an attack target with a range of damage of 11 points of God of War Origin Qi, so with a maximum of 100 Origin Qi of God of War, it can attack 100 targets at the same time!

You know, under God of War Transformation, Zhang Yang has a 500% damage increase, and what he hits is a 300% bonus skill damage. This kind of area damage ability definitely surpasses the magic cannon, and he can be honorably promoted to the first group Kill big weapon! [


As expected of an S-class inheritance! There are only 6 s-level inheritance occupations in the world, which is not amazing, how can it be worthy of its rarity!

After Ares taught Zhang Yang this new skill, he went back to the cave to continue his dream of Qingqiu, and did not ask Zhang Yang about the Goddess of War. He had no choice but to summon Lei Ying and rush back to Mourning Town.

The reconstruction of the territory requires the presence of him, the owner of the territory, otherwise there is no way to proceed.

After spending an ugly 10,000 gold coins in one go, Mourning Town was quickly rebuilt from the ruins.

In comparison, the reconstruction of Winster Castle, which is only comparable to the first-level city defense, is much cheaper and only costs 2 million gold coins.

After this ancient creature invasion, the players in Japan and South Korea hated Zhang Yang to the core! Several top guilds in this area provided the most outstanding thieves in their guilds one after another to form a so-called "devil slaying team." They were looking for an opportunity to assassinate Zhang Yang.

Assassination is assassination, but they are still promoting it on the forum, and they have posted a battle post, threatening to kill Zhang Yang so many times!

Zhang Yang scoffed at this! Don't you just want to divert attention and propose their capabilities? Now that all the spearheads in Japan and South Korea are concentrated on him, the voices criticizing the major guilds will naturally be much smaller.

The epic mission is over, and the attention of the top guilds in the eight regions has returned to the competition in the death mode of Dragonmaw Fortress! This time, she was so angry that she had a thick face and thin hair, and actually went down six cities in one go, leading the death mode with a progress of 1015, and leading the second desert lonely smoke by as many as three positions!

Zhang Yang later found out that the main tank, Gentle Poison, who was so angry and beautiful, had completed the b-level inheritance task and obtained the inheritance of petrification!

To evaluate whether the inheritance is good or bad, one cannot directly measure it by the level of the inheritance, it can only be judged by whether it is suitable or not! If the legal system goes to get a b-level physics department inheritance, then it is better to get one for your own improvement. The level of legal inheritance is great!

Although this petrochemical inheritance is only B-level, but only considering the improvement of this inheritance for tanks, it can at least reach the B-level score!

Not to mention inheritance transformation, the petrification state has a passive skill that increases armor value by 100%!

For output occupations, even furious warriors wearing armor, it's great! The fourth-level purple gold weapon provides 420 points of basic armor, doubled it and only 840 points, it doesn't matter! But for tanks, because of the extra shields, a set of 100-level purple gold equipment can provide inferior force point armor, which doubles to 56-40 points of armor, which is stronger than Zhang Yang with the 130-level mysterious spirit equipment shield. high!

More importantly, this is a resident passive skill, unlike the God of War shield which only lasts for 10 minutes! It is not only obtained after inheritance and transformation!

Therefore, an angry confidante can win six cities in a row!

If only relying on inheritance transformation, it will take two hours to clear the mobs and then go to a boss, which lacks battery life.

"The one-faced beauty hides it deep enough, and after getting the petrochemical inheritance, she just did the task quietly, and now she is a blockbuster!" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Han Yingxue turned a blank look, and said, "You, the first tank in the guild, haven't even joined the land reclamation for a day! If you also go to fight Dragonmaw Fortress, we can defeat at least 10 bosses now!"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I just don't want everyone to rely too much on me! The strength of a guild depends on the joint efforts of everyone, not one or two supermen!"

"However, it must have cost a lot of money for an angry beauty to be able to take down the big boss of the b-level inheritance!"

"Well, they don't have the backing of an S-level inheritance transformation like me, so they can only rely on the taboo scroll!" Zhang Yang thought for a while, and smiled, "Oh, if I knew it, I would have gone to help, leave the taboo scroll How nice to pay me!"

"It's a beautiful idea!"

Zhang Yang still didn't join the land reclamation of Dragonmaw Fortress. Fanya has only defeated 10 bosses now, and the last five bosses are the real difficulties. Don't worry!

As expected, the special effect of Devouring Sword was weakened the next day. In fact, a restriction is added: the copied attack will no longer trigger the copy effect. In other words, the screen where the special effect triggers the special effect is no longer visible, and it can only cause two attacks at most.

Who made him so eye-catching in the invasion of ancient creatures, it's no wonder he wasn't envied by others!

Zhang Yang is on his way to the Slender Land.

The land of addiction and thinness is the birthplace of the undead. Although the map level span is only 150-180, there is a holy land of the undead on the map - the Great Evil Spirit Tower, and the leader of the Seven Witch Kings sits in the Great Evil Spirit Tower "Necromantic Witch King, Madevic, god-level boss!

Seven top guilds from the [China] region in the previous life once joined forces to come to this boss, but they couldn't even enter the Great Evil Spirit Tower, and were directly overwhelmed by the sea of ​​skeletons summoned by the boss!

Of course Zhang Yang didn't come to the god-level boss, he just came to follow the holy book of immortality!

Originally, he had to come! . He is only qualified to challenge the monsters on this map, but since he got the Friendship Amulet, the Undead Codex has become the most accessible task item for him. The premise is that he has not been torn apart by the monsters along the way. Smash!

Running and fighting all the way, Zhang Yang only focused on controlling his skills, trying to escape, and finally entered this map full of undead after seven or eight hours.

Equipped with the Amulet of Friendship, he immediately transformed into a white bone skeleton. Looking at the undead all over the ground, they have all turned into green monsters, and he is on the same front as him!

As if walking into his own big garden, Zhang Yang flew Lei Ying in the direction of the Great Evil Spirit Pagoda. Therefore, this is the ancestral land of the undead. There is almost no living creature on the entire map, only various undead, but Zhang Yang is at home. If it is other types of monsters, the friendship adornment will not be effective.

Unhindered came to a valley full of bones, Zhang Yang put away the Thunder Eagle, and like other pilgrim-like undead, he walked towards a giant tower in the middle of the valley with no expression on his face.

That is the Great Evil Spirit Pagoda, where the god-level boss Madevic lives, and where the holy scriptures of immortality are stored! ! .

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