MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter five hundred and eighty first shadow clone

The appearance of this high tower is dark green, each floor is 100 meters high, and the eaves protrude very strongly, like a pair of giant umbrellas that are opened.

Outside the tower, countless undead are wandering back and forth, with different levels, there are skeleton soldiers at the lowest price, but there are also very high-level witch spirits and even bone dragons! This huge number is no less than the ancient creatures a few days ago, and the images of rotting corpses make people's scalp tingle!

Zhang Yang entered the Great Evil Spirit Tower, because of the role of the friendship adornment to cover up his identity, he was just a small skeleton soldier in the eyes of these monsters, and none of the undead monsters took a second look at him, allowing him to pass through Layer upon layer of obstacles, entered the tower.

Looking back at the densely packed undead monsters outside the tower, if you want to fight all the way here, you don't know how many monsters you have to kill! If he didn't have the Friendship Pendant, he would only be able to come after level 150, otherwise monsters suppressed by so many levels would not be able to benefit even if he transformed into a god of war.

The stairs in the tower are all made of skulls, and the white and miserable climbing ladders are shocking to the timid people! [

Zhang Yang was not a bloodthirsty person by nature, so he couldn't help frowning, stepped on these skulls bravely, and climbed step by step towards the height of the Great Evil Spirit Tower. Walking through these layers, as far as Zhang Yang could see, it was a hell on earth!

The bottom one and two floors are "producing" the cheapest unit of the undead clan-skeleton soldiers! Countless bone skeletons pushed carrion corpses into the dirty pools, and from time to time, new bone skeletons crawled out of the pools, becoming a new undead!

Not every corpse after death can become an undead!

It can be transformed into an undead after death, and one must hold resentment and lingering resentment in order to gather on the corpse and obtain another form of "life". Some undead are "born" with only resentment left, without a trace of emotion and reason. These are relatively low-level undead.

For example, ghouls only have the resentment of "eating", and skeleton soldiers only have the obsession of "killing".

However, some undead still retain the wisdom of their lifetime, and even some or all of their memories during their lifetime! These are the middle and high-level undead, such as witch spirits, witch masters, and the supreme leader of the undead, the Lich King!

Unlike the cheap skeleton soldiers, high-level undead are rare and hard to appear! Therefore, the undead came up with a way to build the Great Evil Spirit Tower, and "artificially" created a place full of resentment!

Starting from the fifth floor, Zhang Yang saw with his own eyes that the undead tortured a human, orc, and elf alive to death! Hatred and anger are the biggest sources of resentment. They are tortured before death, and the chances of becoming undead after death, especially high-level undead, are also greatly increased!

Even with Zhang Yang's nerves, he was terrified to see him go all the way, scolding the game designer who made such a setting, it is definitely a heavy taste among heavy tastes! It was like a nightmare, lingering in front of my eyes all the time.

After walking for about half an hour, Zhang Yang finally arrived at the highest floor of the pagoda. The place is still full of death, but the instruments of torture and facilities that torture people are no longer visible. Instead, it looks as elegant as a palace compound!

To be precise, this should be more like a library, with rows of bookshelves filled with all kinds of books. Zhang Yang could even bet that even Baiyu Country's collection of books couldn't be compared with this place!

Zhang Yang walked forward cautiously, looking at the flowers all the way. Although he didn't know what the holy tome of immortality looked like, since it was a mission item, there would definitely be a reminder!

This Great Evil Spirit Pagoda is really big, with a diameter of at least one kilometer. Because the stairs were designed in the center of the tower, Zhang Yang walked half a circle and came to the other side of the giant tower.

A tall figure sitting on the throne immediately caught Zhang Yang's eyes. This man's face was solemn, full of aura without anger, even if he was sitting in a chair, he could be seen to be far taller and taller than ordinary people. .

He was dressed in a moon-white robe, held a purple-red staff in his right hand, and had a tall white hat on his head. Judging by his appearance, he looked more like someone of high moral standing. Archbishop.

[Necromantic Witch King Madevic, Head of the Seven Witch Kings] (God-level leader, undead)

grade:? ? ?

life value:? ? ?

Armor Value: ? ? ? [

Attack Power: ? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

At this moment, Madevic suddenly glanced at Zhang Yang's direction, and seeing that he was just a small skeleton soldier, he didn't take it seriously, and quickly turned his gaze away.

Zhang Yang was startled, and took a step back subconsciously. Fortunately, the boss didn't see through his disguise.

He glanced around again, and saw an exquisite desk thirty to forty meters away on Madevic's left, and on the desk was a book of Houhou, in Zhang Yang's eyes, it was just It exudes a twinkle of light.

It must be the goal of this trip - the holy scripture of immortality!

Zhang Yang slowly moved to the side of the desk, glanced at the boss, seeing that the other party didn't respond, he quickly reached out to borrow the book.

But this sacred book of immortality can't be put into the backpack immediately, but like opening a treasure chest, a progress bar appears, and it takes 12 seconds to finish reading!

"Hmm!" Madevich cast his eyes on Zhang Yang again, a stern look flashed in his eyes, murderous aura suddenly overflowed, and he shouted, "Mere human beings want to steal my undead's treasure in vain!" He pointed his staff Zhang Yang, a cloud of black gas flew towards him immediately.

The disguise was seen through! -

1982375! A huge injury floated up from Zhang Yang's head.

"Ding! You are dead, and the equipment on your body has suffered a loss of 10% durability!"


Zhang Yang released his soul, appeared at the cemetery, and started running away from the corpse.

Alas, even with the Friendship Pendant, this quest item isn't that easy to get! Zhang Yang was thinking of countermeasures while running away from the corpse.

Obviously, as long as he opens the book of immortality, he will be attacked by the boss. And although Madevic is a god-level boss, Zhang Yang doesn't need to kill the boss, as long as he can survive the 12-second reading time, even if he dies at that time, it doesn't matter.

Theoretically speaking, the Warrior Medal and the Death Warrior Heart can provide 13 seconds of enemies, but you can't do other things during the reading period. Zhang Yang can only choose to activate the Warrior Medal, but what about the remaining two seconds?

Feiling opened the absolute defense to go to the top?

Look at the boss's damage, it's almost over 2 million! Although there is a level suppression effect in this, the boss also has such a level suppression for Fei Ling. Even if it only deals 1% damage, one attack still has nearly 20,000 damage.

Besides, this is just the power of the boss's casual blow, I don't know if the boss has any more powerful moves! In case there is any big move that can kill Feiling in a short time, then Zhang Yang still can't finish reading the article!

Because Absolute Defense has a 12-hour cooldown, Zhang Yang didn't want to wait here for so long in case of failure, so he immediately changed his mind.

After returning from running the corpse, Zhang Yang didn't eat snacks to recover after his resurrection. Anyway, even if he was full of blood, he couldn't stop the boss' blow. [

The Warrior Medal was activated, Zhang Yang entered the 10-second enemy, and immediately went to read the article to pick up the holy book of immortality.

"Human beings who don't give up, are you still looking for death?" Madvic snorted coldly, pointed his staff again, and shot a jet of black gas directly at Zhang Yang.


Even a god-level boss can't cause damage to a player who has activated an enemy skill, and Madovic's attack on Zhang Yang was just a waste of effort!

"Stubbornly resist!" The boss's eyes were full of murderous intent, several black lights gathered on the top of the staff, and a 3-second casting bar appeared under the head, obviously the power of this blow was absolutely extraordinary!

Three seconds later, the spell that the boss had been holding back for a long time finally came out, a black light shot out from the top of the staff, and evolved into hundreds of jet-black light arrows, hitting Zhang Yang's body with a whistling whistling.




But the result is still the same. If the enemy can still be hurt, is it still called the enemy?

5 seconds, 6 seconds!

The enemy's time is passing quietly. With the last two seconds left of the Warrior's Medal, Fei Ling, who was hiding aside, shot out, and flew to the boss in a flash, transformed into a human form, and the absolute defense was activated. Play!

"Ah——" Madevici immediately turned around after taking Feiling's injury, his eyes were full of murderous intent, his staff pointed at Feiling, and a cloud of black mist immediately sprayed out, enveloping the little girl—


Fortunately, the damage wasn't too scary. Fei Ling had a HP of over 180,000, and Zhang Yang only needed 3 more seconds!

Madevich seemed very dissatisfied with his attack power, a cloud of black light gathered on the top of the staff, and a 3-second progress bar appeared under the portrait again!

3, 2, 1!

"Ding! You got the item: Undead Holy Code x1!"

Zhang Yang was overjoyed, and quickly tore open the teleportation talisman. As soon as the teleportation formation was formed, he could immediately put away the flying talisman and leave!

At this time, the reading of the boss also ended, a black light shot back from the staff, and immediately evolved into hundreds of black arrows, launching a stormy attack on Fei Ling-

10334! -

22102! -



Every light arrow shot back can cause more than 10,000 damage to Feiling, some even reach 20,000—the level suppression has different damage increases such as 200%, 300%, and 400%. Cut Feiling's 180,000 blood volume to the bottom!

Zhang Yang was shocked, and quickly waved Fei Ling back to the follower's space with one hand.

"Bold thief, die!" The boss lost Fei Ling as the target of his attack, turned around and shot a black mist at Zhang Yang.

After the teleportation talisman was torn apart, it would take 10 seconds to form the formation. At this time, it was still more than 9 seconds away from completion, how could Zhang Yang get away! -


The million damage jumped up, Zhang Yang was second again, and went to the cemetery to report again.

"Hey!" Zhang Yang looked at the holy tome of immortality in his backpack, and showed a smile - he only paid 20% of the equipment's durability loss, and got the quest item, which is really profitable!

He directly revived weakly in the cemetery, then tore back the teleportation talisman, returned to Mourning Town ten seconds later, and then used the territory to teleport back to Baiyu City. Summoning Thunder Eagle, Zhang Yang flew towards the mage's tower and found the great mage Antony Phelan who was studying spells on the top of the tower.

"Well, you found all three of these things?" Fei Lun looked shocked and said, "With your current strength, it is quite rare to be able to do this!"

"Ding! You have completed the task: make the materials for the magic weapon and get 10 million experience points. Task evaluation: perfect!"

Well, that's it?

Zhang Yang quickly said: "Master Fei Lun, can we proceed to the next step now?"

Fei Lun nodded, and said: "I will make a magic weapon, and I can try to clear the grievances in Corinna's soul! But I'm not sure whether it will work or not!"

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, there is a need to work hard!" Zhang Yang said.

Fei Lun nodded in satisfaction, and kept pressing the three items with both hands, several soft white lights appeared, and soon a milky-white cane was formed in the void, that appearance... Zhang Yang couldn't help but evil Suddenly thought of "pressing the massage stick".

"Take it—" Fei Lun's voice seemed a little weak, "Find a way to sneak up to Corinna's side, use it on her, and try to clear the anger in her heart!"

"Ding! The Great Magic Returner Anthony Phelan has issued a mission to you: Calm your anger. Do you accept it? This mission is a link in the mainline chain. Completing the final mainline mission will give you a rich reward!"

Zhang Yang took the "massage stick" from Feilun's hand, and said, "I will do my best! However, Corinna is so powerful, it is difficult for me to get close to her!"

"I'll teach you a spell. When you master it well, it will greatly increase your survivability!" Feren said while pointing his finger on Zhang Yang's forehead, just like Ares.

"Ding! You have learned a new skill: Shadow Turning (Level 1)!"

This should be the real reward given by the mission!

Zhang Yang quickly opened the skill bar to check the description of this new skill.

[Shadow turn around] (Level 1): Summon a phantom turn exactly like you. The phantom split will help you attack the enemy, repeat all your actions, and have the same health as you, but it can only cause 10% damage, and the skill can only cause damage and has no control ability. Every time a skill level is increased, the number of phantoms summoned turns around by 1. The phantom split can exist for 2 minutes. Cooldown: 2 hours. amazing!

Especially in pk, when the shadow points turn around and the opponent sees 11 Zhang Yang, they must be so scared that they piss their pants!

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing secretly, but it's a pity that all the skill points he just got were added to Hawkeye, and there are no more skill points to improve the shadow points and turn around!

But it doesn't matter, you can get 1 skill point if you get the first pass in the death mode of Dragonmaw Fortress, and there are many main missions and hidden missions in the game, and even advanced bosses will drop skill points directly, top players don't have to worry about not having enough skill points use.

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