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In retaliation for Zhang Yang's "invasion" of the Gulatu Icefield, several players with inheritance transformations in Japan and South Korea sneaked into the wasteland of Dubai to kill the players in the "Green Novel Network" country. There are a total of 5 people on the other side, and all of them have turned on inheritance transformation. Although they are all super inheritance, but the five people added together form a result of one plus one greater than two!

A super-inherited player can single out at least 10 non-inherited players, and five-level inherited players form a team, especially if there is a healing profession among them, but this team is enough to eliminate a hundred non-inherited players! []

The main reason is that inherited players have too high a resistance rate to the skill control of non-inherited players, and when it comes to blood volume and attack power, the advantage of inherited players is undoubtedly huge!

After this inheritance team killed about hundreds of people in the "Green Novels" area of ​​China, because the time for inheritance transformation expired, they came to the "Green Novels" of China The large troops from the district also began to mobilize, so they withdrew to the Japan and South Korea district, and left aside the scene. If Zhang Yang went to the Japan and South Korea district to act wild again, they would act again! [

Originally, Zhang Yang didn't make public the fact that he brutally abused Japanese and Korean players in Anga Castle. The players in the "Green Novel Network" area in China were a little confused and kept asking. Zhang Yang couldn't stand the inquiries of so many people, so he had to publish the video of killing Japanese and Korean players with Princess Helena on the forum.

This time, Japan and South Korea suddenly became a laughing stock again.

To be tricked like this by a single person, do you still have any face left?

The five-member team originally planned to carry out an act of revenge, but instead made the family scandal public, and immediately became "sinners" in Japan and South Korea. Angry, they vowed to kill more "green" novels. "The players in the national region intend to expand the flames of war and provoke a big melee between the two regions!

The two districts were not in harmony at all, and there were often small frictions. They were full of hostility to each other. Now they provoked each other, and the conflict suddenly escalated. A vigorous national war.

The experience of Yijian Qingcheng was proved not to be a rumor, but within a few days, the spiritual pillar of the Huangtian guild posted on the forum, indicating that he would never quit the game just because of this, but would put more energy into it, and would never Yield to someone's lust!

In this regard, Fatty Han laughed and said that the other party's dick was gone, so how could there be any "spiritual" energy, but everyone stared at him angrily.

Not only did he not lose face with his brave face, but he won the sympathy and respect of many people! This can be seen from the surge in the number of membership applications on Huangtian's guild forums in recent days, and the official forums are filled with shouts of support for One Sword and Allure, supporting Huangtian, and the reputation of Huangtian and One Sword Allure has reached a new level. the height of.

As for the mastermind who caused the accident, the players demanded to find out and give the public a satisfactory answer.

The power of the masses is limited, and the complicated relationship between Yijian Qingcheng, Liu Wei, and Luo Xinyan was soon revealed. Because One Sword Allure and Luo Xinyan were labeled as victims, and Liu Wei is a typical tall, handsome and rich man, the public opinion naturally favored One Sword Allure and Luo Xinyan.

The originally disgraceful affair has also turned into a sword and Luo Xinyan. They were lovers who had been in love for many years, but they were bullied by Liu Wei and took their love with a sword. But the fateful mandarin ducks overcome all difficulties, break through Liu Wei's obstruction, and come together again, finally letting Liu Wei's beastly "beast" go wild, and do something that both humans and gods are angry with!

For such a version, Zhang Yang could only shake his head and smile wryly after reading it. He had to admire how amazing the imagination of the people who don't know the truth can be exerted under the guidance of public opinion.

But in any case, Huangtian did not fall, nor did the city fall with a single sword. Instead, it took this opportunity to develop further, and its momentum has the potential to approach the lonely smoke in the desert. blessing!

"President Zhan Yu, come and do me a favor!" When Zhang Yang was looking for goods at the auction house, he suddenly received a voice communication from Xue Qianxun.

Because of the close cooperation between Xianxian Group and Hongyan Group in the commercial field, and the fact that the two guilds are originally allies, the relationship between the two parties has always been very harmonious, and some social activities are often held.

An angry confidante is an all-female guild, and most of the players in Damo Guyan are male players. The so-called male and female partners are not tired of work. He often ran over to help out of his own accord, causing Baifa No. 1 High School to shout that Damo Guyan was about to become a branch club with angry girls.

"What help?" Zhang Yang asked casually.

"It's very easy to fight a boss!" Xue Qianxun said casually.

It will be simple! If it was simple, they could handle it with their own strength, so why bother to ask him for help! [

Zhang Yang chuckled and said, "I'm very busy. Since it's easy, I'll let Xing Guangxian and Fatty Han help you. Anyway, they both have inheritance transformation!"

These two guys are both heroes, sad and beautiful, and when they are called "Fatty Brother" and "Starlight Brother" by the beauties who are so angry, they are both so confused that they don't even remember their last names, even if Zhang Yang doesn't. Speaking, these two people are also ready to leave at once.

Xue Qianxun deliberately sighed, and said, "President Zhan Yu is a big man, so why don't you let me order?"

"Tell me, what kind of boss are you going to fight?"

"Well, a level 150 phantom boss!" Xue Qianxun finally told the truth.

Zhang Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "You guys got another B-level inheritance...or is it a B-level inheritance?"

If it is for equipment, then it is definitely not necessary. No player can equip the equipment dropped by the level 150 boss. It can only be used for inheritance tasks.

"B-level inheritance, demon summoning inheritance!" Xue Qianxun didn't hide anything, and said it openly.

"Wow, you guys are making a lot of money!" Zhang Yang exclaimed.

In his last life, he played many games with players who own this inheritance! The inheritance of demon summoning can only be obtained by the two armored professions of mage and priest. It has the ability to summon demons to fight together, and it is a very powerful existence in the b-level inheritance!

Seeing that the S-level league is coming to an end, the first place in the "Green Novel Network" national region has been confirmed to be the Xianxian team, but there is still a lot of controversy about the ownership of the second place. Taking advantage of Yijian Qingcheng's absence two days ago, the Hongyan team successfully grabbed the second place, but this is not safe, and there are many variables!

And if the own team can add a B-level inheritance player, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the chances of winning and maintain this leading advantage.

Although inheritance transformation cannot be used in the arena, inheritance occupations still have great advantages, such as passive damage increase, newly acquired inheritance skills, and a high resistance rate to control skills of non-inheritance players!

The inheritance of demon summoning can even obtain a resident demon guard, which is very helpful to players and can be brought into the arena for use. Zhang Yang suffered a lot from this inheritance in his previous life!

"Will President Zhanyu be willing to help?" Xue Qianxun asked with a smile.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said: "If President Xue can take a taboo scroll as a reward, then I will be willing to define it!"

Xue Qianxun let out a coquettish voice, her charming appearance could be clearly seen in the holographic image, she was extremely attractive, she shook her head again and again, and said: "President Zhan Yu, if I have a taboo scroll, why would I need to ask you for help?" ?”

An angry beauty is also a solid ally of Da Mo Gu Yan, since Xue Qianxun has already spoken, Zhang Yang naturally has no reason to refuse, and after molesting Xue Qianxun a few more words, he agrees to bring the elite players in the meeting together Go and help Yi Nu Hongyan win the boss.

Half a day later, Zhang Yang took five players who had inherited transformations, including Baifa No. 1 Middle School and Fatty Han, and rushed to Shihuoyan Land with the angry red-faced troop. Because Xue Qianxun only needs players with inheritance transformation, Zhang Yang didn't bring Sun Xinyu and the others with him. Under the suppression of levels, they actually couldn't play much role if they went.

The angry girls showed their best, almost all of the nearly 5,000 players who had reached level 100 were mobilized, and the women's army was mighty, and the whole journey was full of voices. Fatty Han and Xingguang were like fish in water, but they were molested when they met these female hooligans. They both behaved in a rare way, and followed Zhang Yang obediently, as if they were afraid of being dragged nearby by some female hooligans if they didn't pay attention As if indecent in the grass.

Shihuoyantu is a level 120-150 map. Once entering this map, players who have just reached level 100 suddenly become super big light bulbs, attracting a large number of monsters to kill them from a distance. There was no other way. The angry beauty just asked Zhang Yang for help. Naturally, they couldn't pin their hopes of defeating the boss on the success rate of Mingshen Concentration. Therefore, they had to mobilize all their strengths to fight the boss.

Even if Zhang Yang didn't mind helping the second or third time, Xue Qianxun couldn't say that by herself. [

Fortunately, there are so many people, even if there is level suppression, it doesn't matter. If hundreds of players shoot down in one round, the ordinary monsters must be killed, and the elite monsters can last for a while.

After killing and killing all the way, three hours later, the team came to a huge bare mountain peak, and saw their target on this trip - an exiled demon general!

This is a very typical image of a demon in Western mythology. It is 6 meters high, red all over, with horns on its head, bat wings on its back, and feet shaped like sheep's hooves. Contemplative.

(Phantom level leader, demon)

Level: 150

HP: 300 million

Armor value: 8870

Melee attack power: 129356-169356


: Randomly cast on a target, causing 150,000 shadow damage, if the target has a mana bar, it will also burn "Green" novel network to burn up to 70,000 mana points of the target. For every 1 point of mana burned by burning "Green Novels", the target will suffer 2 more points of damage. "Range": 40 meters.

: Shoot a cone-shaped shock wave straight ahead, causing physical damage equal to 100% of melee attack to each impacted target, and making the target stunned for 5 seconds. After stunning the first aggro, Khakiris ignores the target for a while. The coma effect can be dispelled.

: Summon meteorites to fall from the sky, carry out differential strikes on up to three areas, and cause 50,000 points of fire damage per second to all targets in the area, duration: 50 meters.

: Recover 1% HP every 30 seconds, and the recovery amount will not be affected by any effects.

Note: Hajiris was once a famous figure in the demon army, but he was exiled because he was found to have an affair with the wife of the demon leader Kashiri.

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