MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Five hundred and ninetieth IX Myth Strikes

This dude is also a character!

In the demon camp, the strongest one is of course the demon lord, like Rogril and Corinna the Corrupted Wind Ranger, all belong to god-level bosses. Under the Demon Lord is the Demon Commander, and then the Demon General.

The wife of Hakiris who messed with the boss was not killed, but was exiled, which reflects its strength from one aspect—whether it is the strength of the hand or the strength of the second child!

To see whether a boss is strong or not, you only need to look at his group damage ability to know! Even if a single skill can kill with one hit, it can kill 1,800 people in an hour with one attack per second as usual.

For example, Queen Celine has the Sword of the Dead, and Helena also has Ten Thousand Shadows Slash. These are all tricks to deal with a large number of people. It guarantees that even if there are many people to fight the boss, Lei will have to pay a huge price! [

This Harris possesses the two rough damage skills of Stonefall and Shadow Slash. Shadow Slash can be avoided as long as you don't stand in front of the boss, but Meteor Fall is thrown randomly. I don't know how big the attack area of ​​this skill is and how frequently it is activated.

The most annoying thing is that the 'boss also has the skill of demon toughness, a passive blood recovery skill. Hajiris has a total of 300 million blood volume' every 3. It can recover 1% of the life value in seconds, which is equivalent to recovering 100,000 blood per second! In other words, 'the team's output firepower must reach more than 100,000 points in order to cause effective damage to the boss', otherwise' the boss will not be able to deal with the boss until next year.

This also determines that Zhang Yanghua's elite fighting style with a small team is not suitable for using this boss' because the key to killing the boss lies in a grinding space, coupled with the explosive power of Hades Gaze!

But the boss's passive continuous blood recovery blocked Zhang Yang's elite tactics. Of course, the small team is not very afraid of the group damage skills of the boss, but especially when there is level suppression, the damage caused by the player is also very limited. It will not work when encountering this and a boss that can restore blood.

Like Zhang Yang, the s-level and level mission bosses that Zhang Yang and the others have never defeated are all big bosses with passive blood recovery skills. If you can't beat them to death, you will only be beaten to death by the boss in turn!

Unexpectedly, this丨Hakiris also has this skill!

"President Zhan Yu is looking at you!" Xue Qianxun smiled sweetly, showing the mature charm of the beautiful woman, which made it very difficult for Fatty Han and Xingguang to swallow their saliva.

"Yeah, 'How Thick and Long', take it out!," Shuixiu Huaxiang started to be rascal again," stared at Zhang Yang's lower body, and a few little sisters giggled.

Zhang Yang can only shake his head' but Fatty Han is not afraid' and said: "Shuixiu Meimei Yangzi's model can only be said to be medium-do you dare to see Fatty's heavy artillery?"

Bai Lan snorted' and said: "Fatty, if you have the ability, take it off Bibi right now!"

"Yeah, take it off now!"

"Take it off!,'

A group of female hooligans are getting excited' shouted one after another.

Fatty Han was shy, and he quickly covered his crotch with his hands, as if he was really serious about these female hooligans: while Xing Guangjian secretly rejoiced, "Fortunately, he didn't talk too much", otherwise he would have been teased to the point of tears!

"Wait!," Zhang Yang suddenly stared into the distance and said, "We have guests! —'

"Who?" Xue Qianxun asked subconsciously.

"Myth Guild, Liu Wei!—" Zhang Yang said word by word.

A cloud of dust rose in the distance. Countless ground mounts were flying towards them, and some flying mounts were leading the way in the sky. The direction of the entire army was precisely this not-so-high mountain!

Within a few minutes, the team had already appeared in front of Zhang Yang and the others, and a piercing scream sounded, "A giant insect covered with spikes descended to the front of the team." This giant insect was more than four meters long. The red-headed flies look very disgusting. [

This disgusting flying seat is sitting on an equally disgusting player. This disgusting is not his appearance, but his personality—Liu Wei is the pride of heaven in the game:

"Haha, it turned out to be President Xue! ,'Fan Wei made no secret of his greedy gaze' he kept sweeping around Xue Qianxun's bumpy and alluring body'"I didn't expect such a coincidence' to meet Xue here Chairman! How about we have a good chat! ,'

Xue Qianxun smiled faintly, and said: "I'm not familiar with the president of the proud son of the sky' and we are having an event. I think you will do the same. Let's do our own thing!,'

"If that's the case, please let all the beauties who are angry beauties let us fight the myth." SS is in front!," Liu Wei glanced at Zhang Yang," a flash of disgust but also a little fear" and Did not speak to him Taobao Shang Hai's prison disaster let him know Zhang Yang, or someone around Zhang Yang's great energy.

Xue Qianxun frowned, 'a glint of anger flashed across her pretty face' and said: "Heaven's proud son, president, we discovered this boss first, and it's also our mission boss, please do me a favor" and give us an angry confidant !—'

"Hey, you can let us go if you want." As long as Guild Master Xue is willing to be our brother Tianjiao's horse, then Shinhwa and Yiran Confidante will be a family. "It's easy to say anything behind closed doors!," a man with a shield on his back jumped out of the Shinhwa guild The knight' said beside Liu Wei.

As soon as this remark came out, the dozens of people standing in front of the Shinhwa Guild also laughed maliciously, while they glanced at the angry beauty Meimei, with an extremely unbearable expression on their faces:

Shuixiu, Huaxiang and other women were all furious, 'How can a stinky man moles their sister Xue', all of them have their brows upside down.

"Take the wrong medicine 'Go home and hold your mother's picture!—'

“Your dad should have shot you into the wall!,’

"Even if I haven't had a man for half a year, I don't like this and straight ones that are not two inches long!",'

The female hooligans fired one after another, so that the men in the Mythological Guild couldn't straighten up. You must know that these women's mouths are so strong that even Fatty Han and Xing Guangjian would shy away.

Liu Wei's complexion is getting worse and worse. These female hooligans have listed all the men from six generations of his ancestors as objects of disobedience, while the women are all whores who have cheated on each other, and the whole family is full of green: this Dang'er has already set his sights on the seventh generation of ancestors, how can this not make him face green!

"President Xue!," Liu Wei said with a smug face. "To be honest, I need an item dropped by this boss to complete the inheritance task! It’s better like this, ‘Our two guilds join hands with other loot, and we don’t take any of the myths’, and give them all to Yinu beauty as a reward’ as long as that task item is enough!

Hey, did Liu Wei also get the demon summon inheritance token?

Zhang Yang couldn't help frowning, "I remember that the inheritance that this guy got in the last life was the flame bird", which is also a "superior inheritance, definitely not the inheritance of demon summoning!"

Xue Qianxun waved his hand, and said: "It's a coincidence that we also fought this boss to inherit the mission, so I have to say sorry! Why don't you let the president of the proud son of heaven temporarily let' wait until the next one to kill the boss!—'

"Hmph, why didn't you give the boss to us in a fit of anger, and kill yourself next time!," a mage from the Mythology Guild also jumped out and said. Xue Qianxun is good, 'on the other hand, he doesn't want to give up the boss'. If he refuses, Liu Wei can't say it himself.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he received an appreciative look from Liu Wei.

"What's the point, the bosses in the field have always been snatched. 'Since we can't reach an agreement', let's fight!," Gentle Poison is actually not gentle at all, almond eyes are staring at the people of the Mythical Guild' with murderous intent in their eyes:

"Yes, let's fight!"

"This kind of thing, I can kill a few of them if I force it! '[

The female hooligans started to shock the world again, making both Xingguangxian and Fatty Han sweat profusely:

Xue Chihiro sighed, the beauties in her guild are all taken away now. "It's a pure women's guild. Everyone is a woman." There is no need to pretend to be gentle, and it is in a virtual world. I don't know who's true face, especially some white-collar workers who are under a lot of pressure at work, and they are crazy when they are in the game. They are completely different from everyone at work, Runxiu.

Liu Wei's eyes were gloomy and he said, "President Xue, do you really want to meet in battle?"

Fatty Han laughed loudly and said: "Liu Wei, you are really a mother-in-law! Every girl in the family fights whenever you want, but you are still dawdling over there, is it true that the second child is also killed by others?" Cut off 'No fucking manliness!,'

"Haha 'Fatty said it well!''

"Fat brother is also very mn' I can consider having a one-night stand with you!,'

"Brother Fat, 'Finish the boss and go to open a room!,'

A group of female hooligans cheered and cheered for Fatty Han, which made Liu Wei's complexion more and more ugly: his complexion darkened, and he said, "Zhang Yang, are you going to fight against me again?"

Zhang Yang straightened his shoulders and said: "That should be a very big thing'isn't it?,'

As soon as Liu Wei waved his hand, the army under him immediately retreated slowly. The giant fly under him also began to retreat slowly. It opened the distance from the angry beauty. A big battle was inevitable:

"Don't use inheritance to transform, we still have to fight the boss!" Zhang Yang said in the team:


When Liu Wei retreated to a safe enough place, he clenched his fist with one hand and pointed forward suddenly. Thousands of players from the Mythical Guild swarmed up, sweeping towards the angry female army like a tide:

The mythical guild came from the Huangtian guild, and Liu Wei was willing to spend money, recruiting a lot of masters who are number one in other games. The overall strength of the guild is quite strong! But Yi Nuo Hong Yan is the top guild in China, and compared to the mythical guild, it is only strong but not weak!

As soon as the two sides exchanged fire, blood and corpses were scattered all over the field immediately. The sound of killing was earth-shattering.

Zhang Yang, Xingguangjian, Meng Buhui and others have all joined the battle group. Although they have not turned on the inheritance transformation, their lethality and defense power are not comparable to ordinary players. The six-person team formed an indestructible team. The sharp spears left countless corpses as they passed along the way.

Under the special care of Xue Qianxun, a healing team composed of 20 holy priests and holy knights followed closely behind Zhang Yang and the others, treating them all the time. One must know that Zhang Yang and the others came here to help on purpose. It was because they taught them to lose the experience bar. How could Xue Qianxun feel bad about it? She must die of being molested by Zhang Yang!

The so-called "capture the thief first and capture the king" hits a snake to hit seven inches!

Zhang Yang's target was directed at Liu Wei'Lei Ying Teng Kong' and killed Liu Wei who was already hiding under heavy protection' and said: "Don't follow me!"

He has the earth escape technique, the shadow of the void, and the magical ability of escaping. Naturally, he is afraid of the opponent's heavy packs, but other people can't do it.

"Zhang Yang, you are looking for death!" Liu Wei saw that Zhang Yang went deep alone, and wanted to kill him alone, so he pointed at Zhang Yang and said, "Kill him!" ,'

When he gave an order, he saw that Zhou Tun's subordinates were all moved. He couldn't help being furious, and said, "You want to rebel, don't you even listen to my words?—'

"Brother Tianjiao' that's not the case!" One person quickly untied it and said, "Zhan Yu is flying too high' Our attack range can't even reach it! ,'

Liu Wei snorted, "Focus on Zhang Yang in the air" and didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

After all, where is Zhang Yang's prestige? A few days ago, he was alone in making troubles in Japan and South Korea. Although he looked down on Zhang Yang, he dared not ignore Zhang Yang's strength at all.

Lei Ying Piaokong' Zhang Yang made a move with one hand, and Fei Ling Liwei appeared from the space of followers' He said: "Fei Ling, hit that scoundrel!" He pointed to Liu Wei:

"Got it 'brother!,' Xiao Feiling immediately replied crisply.

Liu Wei was so angry that he almost vomited blood, 'You're teaching the child! Before he had time to speak, he saw Zhang Yang riding Lei Ying rushing towards him like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of him. A sword shadow had already slashed in front of him! -


Immediately, a huge damage figure floated on his body, knocking out nearly one-third of his blood volume!

Liu Wei was taken aback, quickly opened the ice barrier and entered the enemy for 10 seconds! Although he is dressed in purple gold, his health is only in the early 60,000s, and he has reached the upper limit of his blood volume to 100,000 in the combination of human and pet, so he can't stand Zhang Yang's several times of destruction!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, 'Thunder Eagle High Sweeping' once again the flag was empty and flew to a distance that the ground troops could not reach. Although Liu Wei can use the "refrigerator, 'dodge a catastrophe', but the skill is not without a cooldown and can be used all the time, and it will kill him next time!

"Anyone with a flying mount will kill him!" Liu Wei yelled in the guild, "Whoever can kill Zhan Yu, I will reward him with 100,000 yuan!" '

The so-called heavy rewards must have warriors' more than 20 players with flying mounts suddenly flew up from the crowd' and attacked Zhang Yang.

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