MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 687: The Taboo Scroll that Appeared Crazy

Some people are in the vanguard, and there will naturally be people behind who will not be willing to be lonely, and one by one will also start the inheritance transformation and follow up.

But super guilds such as Fengqing Xiaomanyao are standing still.

This does not mean that winning the territory order equals victory, but depends on who owns the territory order three hours later! Even if one person takes 2 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds, it is still a tragedy if the territory changes hands at the last moment! []

Although the charming little waist is not the president of the barbaric field, her status as the boss behind the scenes makes her actual power surpass that of the president, the king of barbarism. With a slight smile on her face, she sat and watched the fierce battle that had already begun. For her, it would be best for everyone except the barbaric domain to start inheritance transformation and fight to the death.

Then two hours later, she only needs to lightly throw a taboo scroll to wipe out 80% of the opponents. The subordinates who have been recharging their energy and energy have been cleaning the battlefield, and they can easily get the territory order! [

But, is she the only one who thinks this way?

The Judgment Guild of the Coquettish Little Wildcat, the Hell Family of the Night Phoenix, the Justice League of Captain America, etc., all have no intention of moving! However, if each of them has a taboo scroll of group injury type, it will be lively when they throw one next!

Powerful tanks such as Zhang Yang, Starlight Limit, One Sword Allure, and Jian Zhimang were responsible for blocking the door. When he saw the tiger man in flowery pants rushing towards him, Zhang Yang immediately realized that this was the heritage of the tiger man. This kind of inheritance players have played against each other, and they are no strangers to this inheritance trick.

When the tiger rushed over, Zhang Yang immediately charged to meet him, and after a slash to accumulate enough anger, when the opponent woke up from the coma, a brutal blow hit him, and he continued to be in a coma for four seconds "call!

The output occupations in the rear took the opportunity to "shoot" the damage, and smashed countless arrows, ice arrows, and fireballs on the tiger man. Being fired like this, even if the inheritance transformation is turned on, the tiger man will lose one-third of his health in just a blink of an eye! If it weren't for the improvement of the armor and the resistance to the magic ship after inheriting the transformation, the blood loss would be even more, so scared that he quickly activated the accessories and released the control technique.

But not every accessory that can remove control skills has an enemy effect, he is such a sad one! Zhang Yang glanced at it, smiled immediately, threw a shock wave, and blasted the opponent into Miao coma again.

Damn it, the tiger man is holding a group fear skill of tiger roar in his hand, but he has been taking control all the time, and he has no chance to use it at all.

Shuashuashuashua, another round of volleys, only about one-third of the tiger's blood remained! Although there are a few healers who are not afraid of death who have turned on inheritance and rushed in to replenish the tiger people, how can they afford the bombing of dozens of people? Many people have also turned on inheritance!

The tiger man's profession is a thick-skinned shield warrior who quickly opened the shield wall, and used Warrior's Fury to get rid of the third coma state. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang jumped over bravely from a distance, knocking him into a coma for the fourth time!

Sad about that reminder!

But Zhang Yang's skills that can stun people are also exhausted, and the opponent can't hang up after opening the shield wall for a while. He hurriedly greeted the top of the starlight limit. The guardian knight has sanction and hammering, and can also control it. , that tiger man should almost fall.

At the beginning of the melee, members of the guild, such as the angry beauty, have started inheritance transformation. Although most of them are only super-level, they are still transformations, which can greatly increase the upper limit of blood volume. This is the sharpest part of group battles!

Because the group damage skills are flying all over the sky, it is not easy to die if the blood volume is high. If you don't die, the output will fluctuate, and the one who falls will be the opponent!

The entrance of the church became a slaughterhouse. Every moment, players turned into white light and were sent back to the main city for resurrection! Yugong Yishan sat in the center of the town, constantly adjusting the formation and professional ratio, and firmly controlled the barrier without losing it!

Having an excellent conductor is really a peace of mind!

The great commander's outstanding performance in the War Canyon and at this time has won him the favor of many guild leaders, who have offered him a high price in private, Xu Yizhongli wants to poach corners! However, Yugong Yishan is not a person who lacks money. He has an enemy army in the desert and Guyan, and he has no plans to change jobs.

"Hey, you are too unkind. You charged our labor fee to help, but why did you dig our corner instead?" Zhang Yang said in a joking tone after knowing it, making Yijian Qingcheng and others quite obvious. Awkward.

The killing like a meat grinder continued, and more and more people started inheritance transformation under such high pressure! Except for super powerful tanks such as Zhang Yang, Starlight Limit, and One Sword Allure, ordinary tanks can't hold the line without turning on the inheritance transformation!

Taking advantage of the terrain, although the Chinese area killed the most people, the price paid was also a heavy ratio. From the beginning, the number of people in Hutian quickly dropped to 2000 or 1000! After an hour of fighting, there were only 500 left in China! [

One hour, it's a turning point!

Almost at the same time, all the people who had not started the inheritance transformation all started the inheritance transformation and entered the strongest state! Because it would be a waste if you don't turn on inheritance transformation!

The colorful light wings behind Zhang Yang are dazzling, because the situation ahead is urgent, Fei Ling and Phoenix Pet have already started their transformations in advance, and this is the time when Zhang Yang is the most powerful, and the three major inheritance transformations come out together, facing a person fiercely. If you beat him up, even the super transformation players will die very quickly without follow-up treatment!

Sweeping, Shockwave, Thunder Blow, Zhang Yang constantly used group injury skills, but he didn't use the God of War Origin Qi at all!

He wants to come and kill!

With Han Yingxue, the top-level healer who turned on the God of Cow Transformation to increase blood, Zhang Yang rushed into the enemy camp without any scruples, devouring swords and dancing like a dragon, with amazing lethality! Because the church is an indoor environment, other players can only lie on the ground except for the S-level and S-level inheritance transformations, but Zhang Yang can fly freely. With action potions, trinkets and Warrior's Fury, almost anyone can stop it!

Of course, he became a complete meat target by flying so swaggeringly in mid-air, and was constantly bombarded and killed by concentrated fire. After fighting for a while, he had to flee back to the healer to replenish blood. Although his blood bar is terrifying, but a dozen healers can quickly return to the full blood state if replenished together

Finally, 1000 seconds later, Zhang Yang had accumulated 100 points of God of War Origin Qi, and hit a charged attack on a priest in Australia.

Sweep away!

Just as the priest was stunned, the God of War launched a blow!

Immediately, 101 lines of external air jumped up, and 101 damage figures of more than 2.2 million jumped up in the cathedral at the same time! The special effect of the copying skill of Devouring Sword was triggered without any suspense, another 101 sword lights flashed, and the large damage figure of more than 2.2 million continued to jump wildly!

Zhang Yang has already turned on the regional attack mode, all attacks will not hit the players in the Chinese region, and there is no need for any scruples between shots!

Cooperating with Sun Xinyu, Wei Yan'er, etc. who launched the area damage at the same time, 89 of the 101 players who received the "destructive" blow in the church, including the 'level inheritance transformation players', died immediately, and only 12 of them activated life-saving Skill escaped a catastrophe!

Zhang Yang's ferocious aura is on display!

Killing almost a hundred players who turned on inheritance transformation in seconds, what is the concept?

Everyone in the church was chilling. Although Zhang Yang had already demonstrated his ability to kill legacy players once in War Canyon, only players from China, Japan and South Korea saw it at that time. At this moment, Zhang Yang showed his peerless fierceness in front of all the top players in the eight districts!

Actually, for Zhang Yang to accomplish such a large-scale lore, he had to accumulate 100 points of God of War Origin Qi, a full 1000 seconds! But others don't think about it so much, only the amazing scene of Zhang Yang's sword and hundreds of people falling in his mind!

This is really the forty states with a sword of light and cold. Under Zhang Yang's sudden outbreak, the offensive momentum of the seven major districts was abruptly suppressed. I took it back again.

90 minutes, 100 minutes, 120 minutes... Time is slowly passing by, and the number of participants in the battle has dropped from the initial 20,000 to less than 2,500. In China, only more than 100 people are still alive. Tragic!

130 minutes! 140 minutes! 150 minutes!

"It's almost there!" Fengfeng Xiaoman secretly took out a magic scroll from his backpack, tore it open, and threw it into the air.

(Consumables) [

Use: Reproduce the Ice Age, centering on the caster, deal frost strikes to all hostile targets within 5 kilometers, deducting 10% of the target's HP every second, but up to 100,000 points, lasting for 30 seconds.

Requires level: 100

Immediately, the entire castle turned into an ice field, and countless ice swords pierced the ground, attacking all players except the barbaric domain guild differently! Obviously, she activated the guild attack mode. As long as it is not in the barbaric field, even players in the Indian region will be hit by emotion!

This is of course, even in the same region, guilds are full of competition, since the taboo scroll has been used, then simply do it once and for all, and kill all the people who are not in the guild!

But at this moment, a blaze blazed into the sky, and several fireballs fell from the sky, destroying the city walls and buildings one after another. Even if they hid indoors, they couldn't escape the doomsday bombardment!

Another taboo scroll, meteor fire rain!

This taboo scroll is from the coquettish little wild cat in Europe!

However, this is not the end, Captain America also threw a taboo scroll, which made the scene even more lively and the Earth Shocked!

The three taboo scrolls started wreaking havoc almost at the same time!

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