MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 688 Taking advantage of the chaos to raid

Chapter 688   Taking advantage of the chaos to raid

Three taboo scrolls work at the same time! What is this concept?

For players with less than 1 million health, that is 30 blood deductions per second, and they will die in 4 seconds at most! And for players with more than 1 million health, that's 300,000 blood loss per second, and it won't be affected by any defensive factors!

Although the names of these three taboo scrolls are different, and the attack scenes displayed are even more incompatible, but the blood deduction effect is the same! The end of the three forbidden spells will cause super high damage of 9 million to each player!

——Of course, as members of the three guilds of Barbaric Domain, Judgment, and League of Justice, they will suffer one less attack from the taboo scroll, but they will also suffer 6 million damage. [

This is a devastating blow!

Even equipped b-level non-tank inheritance transformation players only have a life limit of more than 5 million at most, and the worst thing is that everyone has used their best skills in the battle so far, so how can there be any life-saving skills that have not been used?

The healing after transformation is indeed very powerful, but as I said earlier, because the equipment is up, even the S-level transformation can only increase the second damage by 3 times, which is similar to the improvement of healing, and the B-level is also Just increase it by 2 times!

This... It's not bad to be able to barely survive, but do you want to add others?

With the crazy raging of ice spikes, fireballs, and earth quakes, the number of survivors is decreasing sharply! If it's just a scroll of taboo, that level of inheritance and transformation players can eat it hard, but three together, it's enough to kill 95 people!

For Zhang Yang, his blood volume of up to 20 million can force him to eat 6 taboo scrolls, no pressure! And he was always worried about when the other party would use such a big killer move, and kept telling the people of Desert Guyan not to leave him too far. When he saw the taboo magic falling from the sky, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately activated the self-sacrificing skill.

A water-blue light curtain spread out, enveloping everyone in Desert Dust. However, the taboo scroll directly deducts blood and has no attack effect, so it is useless to give up! Don't say it's useless to give up, even enemies with shield walls, ice barriers, and even accessories are useless!

Otherwise, how is this called forbidden magic?

A lot of people died while using the life-saving skills. This is the second time that a group injury taboo scroll appeared in the game. Few people know how powerful the taboo scroll is!

"Damn!" Zhang Yang yelled softly, since that's the case, he would take the opportunity to kill people, anyway, his 20 million blood volume is far above the power of the taboo scroll! It just so happened that with the "help" of the taboo scroll, it was just right for him to use his hands to harvest heads!

How can ordinary people dare to fight at this time, and think that they don't die fast enough? You must know that they are not here to kill, but to seize the territory order. At this time, even if they win, they will have to pay a considerable price. Both losers will die faster under the emotional bombardment of taboo magic!

Healing can't be added anymore, many people can only drink red bottles and tie bandages, but don't say that the bandages will be interrupted when they are attacked, even if they don't, what is the use of tens of thousands of blood recovery? But when it comes to life, how can you care about these things, just like a drowning person who grabs a straw and grabs it to death!

Zhang Yang moved Feiling into the space of followers with one hand, so that the little girl could avoid this catastrophe, but Huo Fenghuang had no choice but to throw it beside Han Yingxue. Huo Fenghuang added a few mouthfuls without forcing it.

While the light wings were vibrating, Zhang Yang went out, and now he is the only one who dares to do so!

Because even Sun Xin's "Yu" and Han Yingxue, who are also S-level inheritance, do not have the high HP of the tank, and the original HP is relatively low. After turning on the transformation, the difference is even worse, and they lost 28 points when Zhang Yang ran away. The increase in physical strength, the life value is around 12 million, so I dare not go out to take risks at this time!

The Devouring Sword rolls like a dragon, and Zhang Yang kills to his heart's content. Originally, he needed the cooperation of a charged attack to kill a player who inherited transformation, but the charged attack has a 1-minute cooldown, so although Zhang Yang's damage is high, But in fact, few people actually died in his hands.

But it is different now, everyone's blood volume is precarious under the bombardment of the taboo scroll, and it is the best time for Zhang Yang to start killing.

Killing a person in ten steps will never stop a thousand miles away!

Zhang Yang slaughtered to his heart's content, and all kinds of high-damage skills soared, especially the sweep. If the special effect of the devouring sword is triggered, it will cause a million-level damage. This is even worse for players who are struggling under the taboo magic—— No, it should be the straw that broke the camel's back! [

It's a pity, I can't hit many attacks in 30 seconds, Zhang Yang tried his best to use God of War Crack to bomb a large area, at any rate, it can cause 100,000 points of "chaos" damage at a time. Human life!

Thirty seconds later, the world returned to silence, but the ground and buildings of the entire castle were shattered under the bombardment of taboo magic, and the number of survivors dropped from 2,500 to more than 100!

After the devastating attack, the Chinese region, which had the least number of players, unexpectedly became the one with the most surviving players!

That's because Han Yingxue, the super big tit, the God of Milk Cow, turned on Ripple, restoring 100 HP for all team members! Theoretically speaking, as long as the health value is higher than 4.5 million, and the blood is full at the beginning, then with the second tube of blood restored by the cow god, it is enough to turn the three taboo magic Deal with it!

As expected of an S-class inheritance!

Zhang Yang relied on high blood volume to take damage hard, while Han Yingxue used her super big breasts to forcefully kill most of the team members! Of course, it's useless to give him two tubes of blood for several super-inherited transformation players, after all, those three taboo scrolls are working at the same time.

At present, there are 33 survivors in China, including 19 people in the desert alone! Next came the three major guilds that threw the taboo scrolls. Because they lost one taboo magic, at least 80 people survived. At this time, their healers were fully engaged in healing, brushing up the bloodline of the team.

As for the next ones... there are no more than 50 in total!

Zhang Yang laughed out loud, and had already counterattacked out of the cathedral, and said loudly, "Everyone, thank you!"

Thank you sister!

The flamboyant little waist, Captain America and the little wild cat are about to explode! According to their thinking, they should take advantage of the opportunity of throwing the taboo scroll to kill Zhang Yang who is the most threatening!

But what I never expected was that the three guilds unexpectedly chose the same time to activate the taboo magic, so that they could only hide and defend, let the treatment deal with blood, and dare to go out to kill people?

It took a rare and rare taboo scroll, but in the end it cleared out the dissidents for Da Mo Gu Yan, how embarrassing is this!


These three guilds have now become the absolute dominant force, and they are also the only forces that can compete positively with Desert Dust!

They reached a consensus in a short moment, that is to join forces to kill the most powerful Desert Guyen, and then have a showdown!

If there are tens of millions of people, even if it is an iron wall like Zhang Yang, if it is exposed in the open midair, it will be bombed by volleys! But the current number of people is no longer enough to kill him instantly, so Zhang Yang faced the enemy fearlessly and launched the final decisive battle!

As long as these three guilds are defeated, the battle will come to an end.

However, at this moment, a small group of people in the rear of the China region turned their backs and launched a sneak attack on Meng Buhui, Wei Yan'er and others!

"**Your family!" Fatty Han was furious. In order to save his life, he gave up his original riding pet and rode on the Fire Phoenix instead. The two b-level transformations superimposed, breaking the upper limit of his health. 10 million, like an undead Xiaoqiang, draws his bow and shoots quickly, hitting those "traitors" who hide their character information and can only see the suffix of China.

Rebellion in the nest affected the morale the most, and was also the most irritating, Wei Yan'er and the others shouted loudly, roaring angrily, and killed those guys.

When the players from other guilds saw it, they also rushed up one after another, trying their best luck, as long as they can wait for another half an hour to get the territory order, they will become the masters of the new territory! [

Fortunately, Xue Qianxun and the others are still quite motivated, and they are still helping Da Mo Gu Yan to resist powerful enemies. But their number is too small, only 5 people, and they can't play much role.

Zhang Yang avoids the flirtatious little waist, and only picks enemies whose blood volume has not yet fully recovered. One must know that even if he can survive the three taboo magics, how can he still be in a state of full blood? The biggest advantage of legacy transforming players lies in their high blood volume, but their biggest weakness is also the super high upper limit of health, because it is too difficult to fill up!

In the past, if more than a dozen healers took action together, the million blood volume would be filled up quickly, but now, how many healers can survive? Moreover, you are not the only one who loses blood, everyone is waiting to be fed!

Zhang Yang charged into the battle, looking for people with less than 20 HP to attack, recklessly activated, every blow to these handicapped people is really a critical blow!

Kill! God of War Strikes! Ax of the God of War!

This is a damage of more than a million, which is basically a sword, without any discussion!

"Zhan Yu, don't try to be fierce!" Feng Feng Xiaoman shot an arrow at Zhang Yang's waist, splashing a blood flower on Zhang Yang's body.

This time is different from when he was in the war canyon, as long as Zhang Yang is restrained, because the territory order is on Zhang Yang, no one can get the territory order unless he is killed!

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

With a flick of the light wings, he shot in front of the opponent, a sword slashed across, slashing the delicate waist and tender head and neck away.

Feng Xiaoman's waist did not use kite skills anymore, but relied on the blind spot characteristics brought to her by the S-level inheritance, and started a hand-to-hand fight with Zhang Yang, shooting arrows into the sky quickly, and the arrows flew Kong flew back in a circle again, and attacked Zhang Yang from behind, effectively avoiding the high armor brought by Zhang Yang's shield!

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