MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 771: Skeleton Guardian Andal

After distributing various medicines to all team members, 50 members of the team gathered at the entrance of the dungeon.

The entrance of this dungeon is very lively. As long as you reach level 170, even if your guild can't gather so many people, you will come to this group of wild teams to play hard mode and so on. Because even the products produced in the hard mode are phantom artifacts, under the premise that the current sacred artifacts only belong to a small group of people, phantom artifacts are still precious.

However, inheriting the practice of the dead swamp, the dungeon equipment is picked up and bound and cannot be traded, but it also means that it will not explode after being killed by the player, which greatly stimulates the player's pk desire.

Although the hard mode is quite difficult, as long as you are familiar with the style of play, you can still pass the level with a mysterious weapon, and there is no strict ps requirement. Therefore, there was a surge of people at the entrance of the dungeon, and many teams were calling for tanking or healing.

One by one, compared to output occupations, tanks and healers are very rare. , Among the three occupational branches, there are only two lines of tanks and healers, which together only account for 30% of the total. And because these two professions do not have high output, according to ordinary people, they are just uncomfortable to play, so the actual proportion is even less! [

A team of 50 people usually needs 5 tanks and 10 healers, which is exactly 30% in terms of percentage, which is similar to the composition of occupations, but because there are few people playing these two occupations, what is missing in each team formation is not healers It is a tank.

Therefore, the situation outside the dungeon is that a large number of teams are calling for tanks and healing, while many output professions are looking for teams by self-reporting HP and instant damage.

Wei Yan'er laughed loudly, and said: "Anemia warrior, you go out and call now, many people will definitely gang up on you!"

"Okay, I'll leave the boss to you after the boss, I'll change teams, it's easier to play in hard mode!" Zhang Yang raised the forehead of a little girl, and the little girl was so annoyed that her eyes widened for a while, and she muttered non-stop.

Zhang Yang also saw some acquaintances, such as Yi Nu Hong Yan, Huang Tian and other guild backbones.

For all current guilds, the benefits of fighting wild bosses are no longer comparable to dungeons! Because of the level suppression, the only ones you can fight in the wild are the earthly holy bosses, which is not as attractive as the 9 ready-made earthly holy bosses that are piled together in the dungeon!

Of course, compared to the top-level earthly holy bosses in the wild, the earthly holy weapons produced by dungeons will not have both offensive and defensive functions, and will not have special effects that reduce the use requirements of level 20, just like the barbaric impact necklace that Zhang Yang hit before, either attack Directional x is either defensive.

In short, it is a sentence: the best equipment is always dropped by the boss in the wild.

Because the entrance of the dungeon is in the Plaguelands, players from the eight major districts have to go here to enter the dungeon. In the process of forming a team, conflicts will inevitably occur. A "chaotic" word!

During Zhang Yang's gathering, there happened to be a small conflict between the players in the African region and the North American region. As a result, the oe spell would cause damage to the players in the other seven regions. Once an accidental injury happened, the players involved would be Too many, and finally turned into a big melee!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang and the others entered the dungeon in time, so they were not affected. Otherwise, although Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue were afraid, other relatively weak players would inevitably suffer casualties.

There is no advantage here, and the capture of the main cities in other districts is somewhat symbolic. Here is a chaotic battle, and there is no need for it.

After entering the dungeon, other people sat down to eat snacks after opening the halo. The chicken burger can increase the attribute by 400 points!

The dungeon environment is a dark underground tomb. They are standing at the entrance of the tomb. There is a long passage with no end in sight. A torch is inserted on the walls on both sides every four or five meters. It was a row of patrolling skeleton guards slowly walking towards them, but there were only six of them.

[Skeleton Patroller] (Elite, Undead)

Level: 170

Health value: 100,000,000

Nursing value: 11030

Melee attack power: 76321-115321[


[Fire Meteor]: Deals a total of 500,000 fire damage to enemies within 10 meters in front.

[Powerful Strike]: Causes physical damage equivalent to 100% melee attack to the target, and has a 10% chance to trigger an additional attack. [Resonance]: For every additional skeleton watcher within 10 meters, the damage will increase by 10%.

"The first team follows Zhan Yu, the second team follows Starlight Limit x the third team follows Shi Luoye, and the fourth team... Knowing Yugong Yishan is still the command of the team, assigning tasks according to the monster's skills," everyone in each team said. Stand in a group with your own tank to share the damage of the flame meteor, and in addition, Zhan Yu pulls the first and second monsters from the left, and the third monster from Starlight..."

Soon, the team of 50 people was divided into five battle groups, and five tanks went up to the boss one after another. They used long-range attack skills such as Broken Spear and Flying Shield to disperse the six monsters, so as not to cause the resonance effect to overwhelm the attacks of these monsters. The force is superimposed to an irresistible level.

'(..., these elites are completely boss-level existences!" Fatty Han yelled strangely.

"That's right, the boss has the strength, but only mobs drop it. The system is too stingy!"

"Think about a dungeon with 9 earthly holy bosses and you should be satisfied!" Meng Buhui said, "Everyone who reaches the level can create a dungeon. If it is easy to kill, then the holy weapon will be rotten. Already!"

"Okay, let's get rid of the monster first!" Yugong Yishan said seriously, he was the team's commander, and he was the biggest before the team disbanded.

Five tanks took over the monster, and the team's attack target was immediately placed on the monster pulled by Zhang Yang. First, the monster hatred he pulls is the most stable, and second, he pulls two monsters, which is the biggest burden, and he needs to deal with one as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang threw the co-existence and co-death skill to the worst-equipped "Single Fire." The guy immediately turned over, and his defense power even exceeded the starlight limit. Everyone couldn't help exclaiming how abnormal this skill is!

Of course, the equipment of those who can come here will not be too bad, it is only relatively speaking.

While cheering the monster, Zhang Yang screamed inwardly that it's a pity, he is now at the flying level, and he is almost able to equip Argus, the Destroyer Blade. If he has this heavenly sacred weapon in his hand, then the damage will be raised to a higher level !

If the response is correct, no one will die. Under the powerful firepower of the team, one skeleton patroller was quickly killed, then the second, and the third... In just four or five minutes, all the monsters in this wave were killed. Killed.

There are two types of monsters in this passage, one is fixed on both sides of the passage, usually one on each side, which is easy to deal with; the other is constantly patrolling back and forth, the number reaches six, It's a little harder to deal with.

The monster is not difficult to kill, as long as the tank can hold the monster, don't let the monsters "resonate" with each other and stack the damage together.

All the way forward, after nearly an hour of bombardment, the team finally came to the No. 1 boss.

This is a huge white bone skeleton, which is 30 meters high. It is covered with jet-black armor, but it looks like a dog. Holding a huge battle ax in both hands, the ghostly green undead evil fire in the eye hole is constantly shining and dancing, and it is quite powerful in terms of momentum!

[Skeleton Guardian Andal] (Earth Holy Leader, Undead)

Level: 175

HP: 1.75 billion

Armor value: 17660[

Melee attack power: 140153-200153


[Summon Skeleton]: Summon, a skeleton patroller joins the battle. Cooling time: , minutes.

[Destroy Strike]: Cause physical damage equivalent to 150% of the melee attack on the target, and reduce the healing effect received by the target by 50%, lasting for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 8 seconds

[Bone Burning Pain]: Radiate 8 rays to the surroundings, causing 200,000 fire damage after hitting the target, and reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

[Hail]: The hail that falls in the designated area will cause 100,000 points of ice and lightning damage every second for 10 seconds. Only used after Burning Pain. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

[Strong Halo]: Deals a blow to all hostile targets within 50 meters per second, causing chaos damage equivalent to 2% of the upper limit of the target's HP.

[Wrath of the Undead]: If the battle lasts for more than 10 minutes, Andal will use the Wrath of the Undead once every second, causing 1 million chaotic damage to all enemy targets within the range of the dungeon.

Obviously, this is a battle of damage. After 10 minutes, the boss will unleash the wrath of the undead. With this blow, all non-inheritance transformation players except tanks can be killed! And just a second of cooldown makes it impossible for even the inheritance and transformation players to take it-this is already the lethality of a god-level boss!

That is to say, the boss must be killed within 10 minutes. Even if the boss cannot be killed, there should not be too much blood left. The boss bombed and killed.

But look at the other skills of the boss, the combination of Burning Pain and Hailstorm, it is determined that you must run around when fighting. But the summoned mobs not only need tanks to follow them, but also have to send some people to eat the fire meteors. Should they be killed immediately when a monster comes out, or let the tank pull these monsters and blast the boss directly?

If the method of killing mobs is adopted, then the boss's blood volume is not only the number shown on the surface, but also one mob that needs to be killed must be counted. life value!

And the firepower of the team is already very tense, and if it is added to the weight, it will collapse directly! (To be continued.

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