MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 772: Taking down the old one

Therefore, after discussing for a while, everyone decided not to kill the mobs! They have already figured it out, without turning on inheritance and transformation, the firepower of the team is barely enough to kill the boss within 10 minutes, and if they want to allocate firepower to deal with mobs, then only the team can be wiped out by the wrath of the undead share!

As a matter of fact, Yugong Yishan had already led a group to kill Lao Yi several times, but they were all killed due to lack of firepower within ten minutes. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http: Although Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, and Wei Yan'er have joined in this time with powerful output, the gap in damage is really too big, and Zhang Yang can't fill it up with just a few people!

Without inheritance transformation, you can indeed kill the boss within 10 minutes, which requires each team member to exert 100% firepower! However, due to the existence of the boss Frost and Burning Pain, the team must be constantly moving, and it is impossible to achieve the maximum output when standing.

The tactics were formulated as follows: Zhang Yang, Xingguangjian, and Shi Luoye would each pull two mobs, and the remaining three monsters would be one for each of the remaining two tanks. For a weak output class, let him fight the last monster—as for the 10th mob spawned in 10 minutes, one Wrath of the Undead will destroy the group anyway, and it makes no difference whether it is pulled or not. [

Each tank is assigned 7 people to follow, eat fire meteors together, and hide from burning bones and hailstones together.

This has quite high requirements on the tank. Once the tank runs out of position, a group of people will suffer extra damage, which means that almost all the people in the team will die! And as long as any team collapses, not to mention what will happen to the out-of-control mobs, just the gap in the output boss will determine the fate of the group!

In fact, after all, it is still insufficient firepower!

If you can kill a mob and deal 1.7 billion damage to the boss in 10 minutes, then you don't have to fight so hard!

No way, what kind of equipment level can only use what kind of tactics! If they want to use violence, Zhang Yang's team is obviously not qualified-no guild in the entire server has such qualifications!

And inheritance transformation? The powerful halo of the boss determines that if the transformation is enabled, the blood loss of the team will be too terrifying. Calculated with 10 million blood after transformation, that is 200,000 blood loss per second. This is even for Han Yingxue after transformation. It's hard to add up!

What's more, Zhang Yang's blood volume reached 58 million after transformation, which... lost 1.16 million blood volume per second, and adding all the treatments in the team may not be able to add him!

It's not impossible to use inheritance transformation, but it can only be used in the last part of the battle, at most output for 1 minute, and you will be killed by your own high blood volume!

In other words, the boss battle here allows players to have the advantage of inheriting transformation, but this advantage is very limited, making the dungeon battle a little bit more balanced! This is fair to ordinary players, but it is quite unfair to inheritance transformation players!

Zhang Yang ran forward to start a monster, and blew the horn of attack. ("Literature Network 7*

"Ho ho ho!" The boss shook his bones and jaws, bumped into each other and gave out weird smiles, swung his ax and slashed at Zhang Yang.

The five pieces are full, and the team members have poured the mid-level firepower potion and started crazy output. Although this is very expensive, the land reclamation dungeon is piled up with potion, repair costs and time!

The team is divided into six waves, and each of the six small phalanxes is led by a tank (one of which is a pseudo-tank), which is constantly moving around the boss.

30 seconds later.

"Bone-burning pain!" Boss roared, eight screen-like black "" rays of light poured out of his body, spreading in all directions at a very slow speed. As long as you react in time, you will never get hurt.


After eight rays of light passed, the boss roared again, and with a move with his left hand, hailstones hit a very wide area, causing 100,000 points of damage! If he was hit by Burning Pain before and fell into deceleration, he was very likely to be directly crushed to death by the hailstone!

Every team uses tanks as arrows to constantly dodge and attack. This is nothing for physics professionals. Anyway, skills are basically instant, and walking and running have no effect on output—of course, this is for experts. That said, ordinary players forget about other things as soon as they start running. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

But the legal system is miserable, because the skills basically need to be read, and you can't stop casting spells in a certain place, which has a great impact on the output! [

Fortunately, I knew this earlier. Apart from the essential healing, the team did not have too many mages, and basically consisted of thieves, berserkers, and hunters, so the impact was not too great.

60 seconds!

"My servant, come out and fight for me!" Andal roared, and struck the ground in front of him with his battle axe. The ground suddenly cracked, and a skeleton inspector crawled out from inside, and opened his mouth to roar at the team.

Zhang Yang immediately swiped out, hitting both the boss and the mob at the same time, successfully grabbing the first aggro.

The team ignored the mob and still targeted the boss.

At 2 minutes, the second skeleton watcher was also summoned by the boss.

Xing Guangxian quickly took over and pulled the monster 10 meters away from the first one, so as not to resonate with each other and cause superimposed damage.

In 3 minutes, the third mob appeared, and Shi Luoye took over. The fourth, fifth, sixth... When all six tanks were drawn to the monsters, they formed a very interesting formation. Zhang Yang pulled the boss and a small monster in the middle, and then the other five monsters were on a circular arc 14 or 15 meters away from the boss. Each monster was separated by 70 degrees and 15 meters away from each other. about.

This is to move, that is, the whole circle moves together, which is very interesting.

The seventh monster appeared and Zhang Yang continued to pull it, the eighth one was Gui Xingguangjian, and the ninth one was Shi Luoye's. However, when ten minutes came, the boss still had 18% HP, and the wrath of the undead began to show its power, and the group was wiped out in two hits.

After running back from the corpse, everyone ate snacks to recover, while discussing the areas where tactics need to be improved.

"In fact, followers can also share the damage, we don't need to let everyone move together!"

"Yes, the healing is definitely enough. We can create four mages separately. They just need to take care of themselves. They don't need to move with everyone, and they can increase some output!"

"When the treatment is free, it can also help output!"

Brainstorming, everyone improved their tactics little by little.

Thus, the second battle started.


This is an improvement. If one can use inheritance transformation recklessly, everyone will have the confidence to kill the boss with ease! However, the existence of the halo of the strong makes everyone's output time under the inheritance transformation only 1 minute at most!

Don't look at the powerful transformation of the inheritance, but it is mainly reflected in the blood volume. In fact, the bonus of attack power becomes more and more "weaker" with the improvement of the player's equipment. Even the ostentatious S-level inheritance, after transformation At present, it has only increased the second damage by 25 times!

Then, the improvement of others will be even smaller.

In 1 minute, they can output up to 10% more damage under the inheritance transformation, so unless the boss's blood volume is reduced to 10%, there is no point in using the inheritance transformation.

Everyone worked hard to master the boss's tactics, one time, two times, ten times... After thirteen failures, the team was finally able to suppress the boss's blood volume to 11%! [

"No wonder this bird boss has never been killed by any guild, so it's so disgusting!" Fatty Han sighed.

"Stop complaining, we will definitely kill him next time!" Everyone is full of confidence, 11%, next time they only need to hit 10%, then in the ninth minute, they will be able to knock down the boss!

Go to war!

Everything went well, when the eighth minute came, the boss' blood volume was suppressed to 28%.

God stares!

Zhang Yang threw out this magical boss-killing skill. As long as this skill is not resisted, then 10% of the boss's health can be killed for nothing, which is equivalent to starting a inheritance transformation for the entire team!

Huh, a black skull is formed on the head of the boss!

No resistance!

Everyone cheered and seized the time to attack!

I didn't consider this skill in advance, because the chance of God's Gaze to take effect on the boss is too bad, and it is impossible to use it as a tactic. But I didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so lucky this time, he succeeded in one attempt!

After a while, under the bombardment of 50 people, in just four or five seconds, the 10 special effects of Hades Gaze were triggered, and the boss's HP dropped to less than 18% immediately!

Entered the beheading stage!

The firepower of the regiment fire was raised to a higher level, and it launched a wild bombardment towards the boss! One minute later, the boss's HP dropped to 9%!

In fact, if everyone starts inheritance transformation now, they will be 100% sure to kill the boss! But people are always greedy. If they can kill the boss without relying on inheritance transformation, then they might be able to make persistent efforts to kill the No. 2 boss as well!

Seeking wealth and wealth, everyone decided to only activate the inheritance transformation of half of the people, which not only guarantees that the boss can be killed, but also has a certain hope that the No. 2 boss can be blasted!

5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%!

"Ah—" Andal let out a terrifying roar, his huge body fell down suddenly, with a bang, the whole ground shook a few times! As soon as the boss is killed, the 10 skeleton patrollers will automatically disappear, leaving only loot all over the floor!

"It's over!" Everyone cheered. It had been a long time since they had encountered the dungeon boss that would take more than a dozen raids to kill, and they had the passion to open up wasteland again.

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