MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 849 One-shot god-level boss!

Chapter 849 One-shot god-level boss!

This boss is a standard battle type, the more players attack him, the happier he will recover blood! Theoretically speaking, how many people can stand 300 meters around the boss? That's an area of ​​280,000 square meters. If it's in the air, it can accommodate more players!

Huggins and Ankers are almost the same, they are both the type that the more enemies there are, the more fearless they are! To deal with this type of boss, you need an elite team!

Of course, this is for others!

Zhang Yang showed a weird smile, could this boss be tailor-made for him? The phoenix pet has the special effect of seeing the flame attack, and can also recover the life value by absorbing the flame. Although the boss has the physical attack ability, the damage of the flat cut plus the hammer of anger is almost the same as the attack value of the fury of hell plus flame piercing, which is just right. The life value of the Phoenix pet! [

That is to say, the Phoenix Pet is inherently invincible!

Then, the main tank of this boss is Phoenix Pet. He acts as the output, and before 20%, he will only suffer 1 million oe damage every 2 seconds. With his current defense power, the actual damage he endures is only 450,000. Holy Church http: After Zhang Yang turned on God of War Transformation, his HP was as high as 333.54 million, and it would take at least 25 minutes for his HP to be wiped out by oe damage!

This is not counting the blood recovery from God of War and the 30% extra injury protection provided by the rock-steady, in short, Zhang Yang's blood volume will definitely last for 30 minutes!

The Light of War God has a 30-minute cooldown, so during the 2-hour inheritance transformation period, as long as Zhang Yang doesn't become the main target of the boss, he can't die!

He can't die, and neither can the phoenix pet, so it depends on whether the output is enough to kill the boss within the 2-hour time limit!

The answer is yes, theoretically he can kill the boss at 110 minutes. Moreover, if it can still trigger the gaze of the god of death, then it can shorten the time.

Single out the god-level boss!

A surge of excitement surged in Zhang Yang's heart. Although artifacts were no longer unusual for him, being able to single out a god-level boss still made him inexplicably excited!

He looked carefully, and although there were many elite-level hellfire demons in this valley, all of them were several hundred meters away from the boss, as if keeping an absolute distance from the boss out of awe. ("Literature Network")

"Shouldn't attract monsters!"

Zhang Yang thought in his heart, and immediately patted the phoenix pet and flew towards the boss. When he was 300 meters above the boss, he jumped away from the phoenix pet, and started the transformation of himself and the phoenix pet at the same time!


The Phoenix Pet was the first to meet the boss, and opened its mouth to spit out a red flame. The damage figure of up to one million jumped up, and immediately caused a heavy blow to Huggins.

"Bastard!" Huggins suddenly let out a roar, swung his fiery fist and punched Phoenix Pet, and at the same time opened his nostrils, and a flame went straight to the ground, forming a wave of fire that radiated in all directions. go.



A damage number jumped up on Phoenix Pet's head first, but then a green "healing" number jumped up, and the lost HP immediately returned to full!

This is the housekeeping skill of the phoenix pet, any flame attack on it will heal it in turn!

But Zhang Yang didn't have the ability to absorb flames, so he immediately ate this wrath of hell, but the basic attack of 1 million was only 450,000 damage to him, what a joke! [

Zhang Yang summoned Fei Ling, and the little girl immediately entered the initial form of the Goddess of War, stabbing the boss violently.

Theoretically speaking, if the damage per second exceeds 500,000, it can cause effective damage to the boss, otherwise it will be dragged back! Feiling's current damage per second has reached about 900,000. Although the boss will recover blood every time he suffers the wrath of hell, he can still cause 400,000 effective damage, which is quite impressive!

But Fei Ling couldn't recover blood in this form, so he could only fight for a while, and then he had to take back the follower space.

Accumulate the attack, smash the sky!

In order to maximize the output, Zhang Yang used his strongest skill right away, causing nearly 250 million terrifying damage in an instant, and also drew the main hatred all at once. ("Literature Network")

Shadow of the Void, out of hatred.

Zhang Yang immediately reappeared and continued hacking at the boss! A few minutes later, he pulled the aggro again, immediately reloaded, and used the Shadow of the Void to clear the aggro for the second time.

After these two visits, Fire Phoenix has built up enough hatred—after reaching level 230, the Phoenix pet has been automatically upgraded to the god level, and the damage has greatly increased—so that he can fight steadily for 10 minutes, and then the shadow of the void is gone. Cooldown, after using it for the third time, it is impossible for Zhang Yang to ot within 10 minutes, which also means that he will never be able to ot!

Although Fatty Han also has a fire phoenix, Fatty's own defense is too weak, at most he can last for 5 minutes under the boss's hell's fury, there is no possibility of a single brush! Only Zhang Yang, who possesses the fire phoenix, super high defense, and sky-defying attack power, has the conditions to solo a god-level boss!

Of course, this is limited to Huggins, a very special god-level boss, and miracles cannot be replicated!

"Damn turkey, I am the king of flames, the controller of the flames!" Huggins was out of anger, and kept punching and spitting flames at the fire phoenix! In fact, if the boss only uses physical attacks, the fire phoenix can't last too long, but monsters are monsters, and even the boss can't use the skills that have been cooled down. Phoenix can do nothing.

"Hahaha!" Zhang Yang laughed. Such a joyous scene is rare. He has already started the video recording in the game. This must be recorded and watched carefully. It's so cool!

Finishing a god-level boss with a single player, just thinking about it makes people feel comfortable!

Underworld stares, resist!

The so-called, Zhang Yang said in his heart, as long as there are no other players to make trouble and restore blood to the boss, then he can kill the boss within 2 hours!


A super high damage jumps up, but it triggers the Heavenly Dragon Strike, 10 times the damage! But good things keep coming. When the frost blade battle ax is swung, another large number "-12551792" jumps up, but it triggers the special effect of 8 times the damage of the weapon!

This is called the east is not bright, the west is bright! It's a pity that even the 10 times damage of Heavenly Dragon Strike is far from comparable to the lethality of Hades' Gaze, that one jump is 265 million, and only Sky Shattering Slash after the Charged Attack can compare!

Sky Shattering can be fired 12 times in an hour, and the total damage is almost 10% of the special effect damage of Hades Gaze. Of course, that requires the cooperation of Charged Strike and Sky Shattering Slash to achieve such an effect, but it has a 100% success rate, unlike Hades God's staring which is not working more often than when it is working!

Thirty-four minutes later, Zhang Yang used the Light of God of War once, and his blood volume was fully restored in an instant, and he became a hero again.

50 minutes, 90 minutes!

The boss' blood volume has dropped to 20%, and he has entered the beheading stage. [

Immediately, the cooldown of the boss's Fury of Hell was shortened to 15 seconds, and the damage dealt to Zhang Yang increased by 50%!

Reckless open, beheaded!


The beheading that was bound to be a critical strike hit a lucky blow, but it became the misfortune of the boss. The nearly 40 million damage hit Huggins so painful!

Because Huggins is quite special, the block file has no effect. Zhang Yang gave the three skill enhancement bars of Apocalypse to the Light of War God, Shield Wall and Steady as a Rock to strengthen his survivability. The current light of God of War is once every 25 minutes, which has further improved Zhang Yang's life-saving ability.


Huggins' attack power has reached the most berserk stage. Hell's Wrath only has a 1-second cooldown. Not only does the damage to Zhang Yang increase sharply, it also doubles the boss's recovery speed—although it only increases from 230,000 per second. to 450,000.

Bear the burden of humiliation and start!

The wrath of hell can only cause 45 damage to Zhang Yang, but the back attack is an uncompromising 1 million, how embarrassing is this for the boss!

Because bearing the burden of humiliation can only last for 10 minutes, Zhang Yang chose to start this stage to cause more damage! Because Hell's Wrath is already used once a second, bearing the burden of humiliation is equivalent to increasing Zhang Yang's damage per second by 1 million, which is equivalent to another phoenix pet coordinating output.

9%, 8%, 7%!

Huggins' blood volume continued to drop, and in at most 10 minutes, he would become the first god-level boss in the history of "Miracle" to be singled out by players!

What a tragedy!

"Damn turkey!" Huggins was furious, but there was nothing he could do with the Fire Phoenix. Instead, it was because the frequency of Hell's Wrath's activation increased, and more HP was returned to the Phoenix pet!

As for the flame mine, it was even more pitiful. The fire phoenix itself regarded fire damage, and Zhang Yang relied on the flying ability of God of War to stay in mid-air, and it would not trigger the effect of the mine at all.

The boss is at the end of his rope, and can only watch helplessly as his blood volume dwindles and he walks into the abyss of death step by step!

3%, 2%, 1%!

At the 112th minute, Zhang Yang blasted the last trace of the boss' blood, and Huggins became the most tragic of all the god-level bosses - he was knocked down by only one player!


The huge body of the boss fell down with a bang, bursting out a lot of loot, the amount was so large that Zhang Yang smiled happily.

This time, it really made a lot of money!

He tidied it up and found that the boss gave a total of 9 god-level suit parts, and like Maya, it was a necklace. But it just so happened that Zhang Yang didn't get the shield warrior's necklace from Maya, which just made up for his loss.

[God Killing Necklace] (Artifact, Necklace)

Stamina: 26759

Strength: 3428

Agility: 3428

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 53510.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 15%.

Equip: Absorbs 3009 damage when attacked.

Use: When you open the shield wall, you can reflect all attacks on you.

Occupation needed: Shield Warrior

Requires level: 260

Special addition: Reduce the use requirement of level 30.

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