MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 850: Successful Acquisition

Chapter 850 The acquisition is successful

In addition to the 9 pieces of the suit, Huggins also released 5 god-level bulks, including a two-handed axe!

[Arkens, the Battle Ax of the King of Hell] (artifact, two-handed axe)

Attack power: 83633-103633

Attack Interval: 38 seconds [

Damage per second: 24640

Nine level hole 1

Nine-level set hole 2

Equip: Increases your damage done by 70%. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

Equip: Increases your critical strike chance by 20%.

Equipment: Normal attack has a certain chance to cause 10 times damage.

Use: Within 5 minutes, every time it hits the target, it can add a negative effect to the target. When the target receives your attack, the damage it receives increases by 1%. It can be superimposed, up to 100%, and lasts for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 1 hour.

Requires level: 260

Special addition: Reduce the use requirement of level 30.

Note: This ax once belonged to the great Lord of Hell, and became Huggins' collection after his fall.

God level weapon!

Zhang Yang was overjoyed. After equipping this weapon, his basic attack power reached 789686-873286, very, very terrifying! You must know that a B-level inheritance player at the level of the sacred weapon will not reach this value even if you start to inherit and transform. It can be seen how amazing Zhang Yang's attack power has reached!

In addition to equipment, Huggins also dropped a lot of sundries such as skill books and high-grade magic beads, but unfortunately, none of them were suitable for publicity. But one of the red stones was snatched by Fei Ling, and it actually entered the "golden egg" state again, and the fourth seal was about to be released!

Because this process took a long time, after Zhang Yang returned to the holy city with a few level nine gems dropped by the boss, he immediately put gems on the two holes of the axe. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

Summoning Sun Xinyu and the others, Zhang Yang took out Huggins' trophies and distributed them according to occupation, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"Yangzi, did you kill the boss by yourself?" Fatty Han gasped.

"Haha!" Zhang Yang just smiled.

"Damn, boss, you are too fierce! This is a god-level boss, have you killed them all?" Xingguangqian screamed strangely, "It's amazing, even a god-level boss can be singled out, boss, you have nothing at all!" Pursue it!"

Zhang Yang was taken aback. He was about to reach the peak of "Miracle" at this time. If the official version does not open a new version, with a 400-level upper limit, and adding super artifacts, master artifacts, and supreme artifacts, then Zhang Yang really doesn't have much. pursued. [

When he is dressed in a god-killing suit, god-level weapons, shields, and accessories, what will he do next? There is no challenge in the dungeon, there is no challenge from the boss, and none of the players can resist him. This is really not very cold at the heights, lonely as snow!

"When I get a magic costume, it's almost time to leave the game!" Zhang Yang said in his heart.

Although "Miracle" is very realistic, it is fake after all. It can be used to kill time and relax, but there is no need to strive for it as a lifelong career. Moreover, he has also earned enough money. After reaching his level, the difference between 100 billion and 1 trillion is just a number, and he can't use it!

But before that, Zhang Yang still wanted to drive all the god-level bosses!

"Haha, these artifacts came at just the right time. We are about to play the World Team League Finals, and we will be completely crushed by then!" Meng Buhui said very excitedly.

The 4th World Team League finals will be held in Shanghai City in 10 days. The Xianxian team has secured a qualifying spot, and the second qualifying spot has also been locked in advance by Huangtian's Tianhai Electronics team. These two teams are in China. Team up. Church http:

The Crimson Flame Guild has always been stuck in a trough because of Zhong Xiuhua's "flower and willow disease incident", and can only hover in the top five in the S-Level League. Recently, because Huayi Investment Fund is fighting an anti-acquisition war with Zhang Yang, there is no way to squeeze out extra funds to support the development of the guild. People's hearts are even more dire, and the theory of doom hangs over every member's head.

And because of the explosive group marriage and childbirth of several main players this year, the results of Tianhai Electronics Team were not very satisfactory, and the Tianhai Electronics team won three runner-ups in a row. The results of this last season are already doomed up.

"Yangzi, do you really have to decide to do that?" Fatty Han pulled Zhang Yang to a corner and said without worry.

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "Zhong Xiuhua is too much of a threat, I really don't feel relieved if I don't get rid of him!"

"But what if he takes the risk?"

"I'm afraid he won't take the risk!"


Zhang Yang took a lawyer and a few business elites to Yanjing, and came to the board meeting of Huayi Investment Fund Group headquarters.

"The purpose of calling everyone for this board meeting is to re-determine the candidate for the chairman!" Zhang Yang smiled slightly, and sat on the sofa, with a tired, rough look that made more than a dozen people in the meeting room show their faces. With a look of contempt.

"Mr. Zhang, you are only the second-ranked shareholder of the group, and you don't have the right to make such a decision!" Wenxuewang said, wearing Armani's custom-made clothing, which is very well maintained, full of wealth, and has a strong aura.

She is Zhong Xiuhua's mother, Li Wanrong, who is also the largest shareholder of Huayi Investment Fund.

Zhang Yang smiled and snapped his fingers. A lawyer behind him immediately took out a stack of documents and put them on the table. He said, "This is the equity transfer agreement signed by Mr. Ma, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Feng! But the major shareholder of the group, and holding more than 50% of the shares, can do whatever he wants!"

Li Wanrong's complexion changed drastically, she quickly grabbed those documents and looked through them one by one, her face twisted instantly. She slammed the table and said angrily: "Ma Yuansheng, Zhou Litao, Feng Dongming, hello! Hello!"

She pointed to the three people in the meeting room, they were the three major shareholders of Huayi Investment Fund Holdings who were second only to her before. The equity of these three people plus the shares purchased by Zhang Yang outside the company did exceed 50% in total. , reached the condition of complete holding.

Those three people all looked a little embarrassed, but they didn't have much fear, because the price Zhang Yang offered was high enough, they had already made enough money, and they had already found a way out, so they didn't have to worry about Li Wanrong's possible revenge.

"From now on, Ms. Li's position as chairman will be rescinded, and any investment decisions and intentions made by Ms. Li will be re-evaluated! Well, the meeting is here, let's go!" [

Zhang Yang walked out of the conference room first, leaving behind Li Wanrong who still couldn't accept all this and was still furious. She couldn't understand how Zhang Yang would take the bottom line and directly reach out to the group when he had won the anti-takeover battle!

Where did he get so much money?

"Ding!" The phone rang, and after Zhang Yang picked it up, a female voice with a strange accent rang in his ear: "My dear, is everything going well?"

"Thank you for lending me so much money, I will pay you back as soon as possible!"

"Honey, there's no need to pay it back, this is my dowry!"

Zhang Yang profusely, his own funds are not enough to fully control the Huayi Investment Fund, but with the full support of the future Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Night Phoenix, he has done it.

After chatting with the Phoenix in the night, the other party reluctantly hung up the phone, which made Zhang Yang breathe a sigh of relief. The borrowed money has to be repaid as soon as possible, he doesn't want to be harassed by this woman all the time, otherwise it's no joke if the backyard catches fire!

Leaving professionals behind to complete the complete control of Huayi Investment Fund, the first thing Zhang Yang did was to cut off the cooperation plan with Team Feiyan and completely cut off Zhong Xiuhua's financial resources. In addition, he will also dilute the shares, drive Li Wanrong out of the group completely, and "force" Zhong Xiuhua to show up.

Zhang Yang didn't stay in Yanjing for too long, but he returned to Zhousu three days later. There were only six days before the finals of the 4th World Team League, and he was almost ready to leave with Sun Xinyu and his daughters.

When he went to Shanghai this time, he also brought Luo Yurou's precious daughter with him, and he didn't feel at ease leaving their mother and daughter in Zhou Su Zhangyang. And it just so happened that Luo Yurou's second movie had already wrapped up and was released, so he just took this opportunity to come out and relax.

Time flies, and soon it will be the time for the finals of the World Team League. The top teams from all regions have come to Shanghai, attracting countless fans to watch.

On January 18th, the opening ceremony and the first 16-to-8 match started. The three-time champion Xianxian team faced the "Ghosting Team" in Japan and South Korea. The result was naturally two 5-0 sweeps, which ignited the audience. The enthusiasm and shouts of all the audience in China reached a climax on the first day of the competition.

"Miracle" has been running until now, and the gap in operation and awareness among top experts has become smaller and smaller! At this time, it is to see who has good equipment and who has strong skills, which play a decisive role.

Ordinary players also learned how much damage advanced equipment can cause and how powerful defense it is in the wonderful duels, and a super skill can even turn the tide of the battle!

If a super high damage skill like Sky Shattering Slash is not interrupted or activated in time, the damage it will cause will be measurable! In the game, you can't use inheritance transformation. If you get 10 sky-shattering slashes, even if you fight with the equipment of the earth sacred weapon, it can't be done unless it is a top-level tank like Zhang Yang with an unusually long blood bar and super strong defense. It may be hard to bear, and the others will definitely lie down!


Zhong Xiuzhong was at the top of the list, his eyes were blood red, showing ferociousness.

He was in a very, very bad mood!

Some time ago, his mother reluctantly provided a sum of money, which allowed him to temporarily tide over the difficulties and relieve his urgent needs. After knowing that the mysterious person who was secretly acquiring Huayi Investment Fund was Zhang Yang, his mother immediately used her relationship to force the bank to "force" Zhang Yang to repay the loan. You can also make billions of huge sums of money!

He originally wanted to see Zhang Yang's distressed appearance, but the news came back a few days ago that Zhang Yang had secretly acquired the equity of several major shareholders, realizing the complete control of Huayi Investment Fund. In order to win the anti-acquisition war, his mother also borrowed heavily. After being diluted by Zhang Yang, the market value has shrunk greatly, and it can only be used to repay the loan, and there is not much money left.

In other words, he is really out of food now!

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