October 17, 2016.

Beacon Country, Chicago, Chicago Grand Theatre.

After three days of confrontation in the quarter-finals, the air in the venue seemed to be filled with gunpowder smoke. It looked quiet on the surface, but it could be faintly felt that a new war was about to ignite.

Today is the last match of the S6 Quarterfinals. The No. 1 seed QG team from the LPL division will face the No. 1 seed FW Lightning Wolves team from the LMS division!

Although the game will not start until six o’clock in the afternoon, but as early as three o’clock, all QG set off from the hotel to the venue to prepare in advanceRelated matters before the game.

On the bus, the team members seized the time to sleep for a while, because last night, as usual, they didn’t go to bed until two or three o’clock.

It wasn’t because the training tasks were too heavy that they forgot to go to bed, but everyone’s mentality was quite calm, thinking that today’s game was just an ordinary BO5, and there was nothing to be nervous about.

Zhang Mingrui likes this state very much. As long as he meets the Lightning Wolves or even the ROX team with a normal heart, then the QG team can easily win!

After a while, the bus arrived at the parking lot of the Chicago Grand Theater.

When getting off the car, everyone subconsciously looked into the distance, expecting the fans to cheer.

But unfortunately, this is Chicago, not Shanghai.

“I feel like not many people came to watch the game today.”

When walking towards the inside of the stadium, everyone also saw the spectators who were queuing up to check the tickets to enter the stadium, and Brother Holy Gun sighed softly.

“It’s no small feat to have so many. After all, today’s game has little to do with North American audiences.”

Zhang Mingrui explained with a light smile, after all, QG and FW are not from the European and American divisions, and they don’t have as many fans as the LCK, so those who can come to watch the game, except for the overseas fans of the two teams, are the locals who really like League of Legends. games, or summoners who couldn’t buy tickets for the first three days.

“That’s right. Anyway, both TSM and G2 are eliminated. For them, the next game will be about whoever likes to win and whoever likes to lose. It doesn’t have much impact.”

Uzi chuckled, but his eyes were full of determination.

After all, the game is for themselves, and the audience may not care, but as professional players, victory is the only goal they pursue!

While talking and laughing, everyone walked towards the lounge and started the final preparations before the match.

“Finally, I’m going to tell you about the characteristics of the Lightning Wolves team.”

“Although we expected the AHQ team to operate better than Flash Wolves, in fact, Flash Wolves’ operations are not bad.”

“Flash Wolves’ jungler, Karsa, is the core of the team. This person likes to invade the wild area and control the field of vision at the same time. So in this round, Sofm must be careful, be careful of his invasion, and be careful of his field of vision. Try to stay in our jungle area When you are walking, walk through every bush to see if there are any eyes.”

“At the same time, Karsa prefers to help mid laner Maple take advantage, so Scout also needs to pay attention to his gank.”

“The top laner here, last year their top laner was Steak, and this year they switched to MMD, which is more aggressive, but it is definitely not the opponent of Holy Gun. You can play freely in this round, but it still needs more Do vision to prevent Karsa’s gank.”

“Here in the bottom lane, I don’t have to worry about laning, but you need to pay attention to the support Swoardart, he is the team commander of the Flash Wolves, and he is very good at timing and roaming, so Uzi must be careful not to be fired. Come on, Xiao Ming should also pay more attention to his movements, if he leaves, you will also leave.”

In the waiting room, Zhang Mingrui once again emphasized to the team members the characteristics of each player of the Flash Wolves. As someone who has experienced it, he naturally knows that the Flash Wolves are relatively strong.

Especially some of the team members, although they didn’t achieve very good results when they were in Lightning Wolves, after they left, they took off directly!

“Okay, you guys are training to find out how you feel. I’m going to use the toilet.”

After speaking, Zhang Mingrui temporarily left the training room and walked towards the bathroom.

And what I never expected was that when I went to the toilet, I saw two “familiar” figures there!

Lightning Wolves’ substitute top laner, Steak, and jungler Karsa were originally laughing and booing while chatting, but when they saw Zhang Mingrui’s arrival, their expressions immediately stiffened, and they hurriedly turned aside. He did not want to have any eye contact with Zhang Mingrui.

In 2016, these two are really young!

Seeing the awkwardness of the two, Zhang Mingrui smiled softly in his heart, but he didn’t speak immediately, and walked directly to the urinal next to Karsa.

Karsa was stunned for a moment. She turned her head and glanced at the empty urinals in other places, and landed on Zhang Mingrui next to her, dumbfounded.

“Zhang, Manager Zhang, there are so many vacancies, so you have to stand next to me?”

Speak pure Wanwan Mandarin, Karsa asked in astonishment.

“I don’t want to chat with you two, but I don’t know how to speak.”

Zhang Mingrui responded with a chuckle.

“Looking for a chat with us?!”

Karsa is even more stupid. Before the two armies fought, the enemy coach came to the bathroom to chat with him?

Isn’t this situation too weird!

“That’s right, I think you’re pretty good in your team, but if you want to beat our QG, it’s not easy.”

Zhang Mingrui got straight to the point, but just said one sentence, which angered Karsa.

“Don’t be angry, just listen to me.”

It’s just that when Karsa was about to get angry, Zhang Mingrui interrupted his spellcasting.

“Look at you Flash Wolves, you win the championship in the LMS division every year, and you go to the World Championship every year, but you can’t win the championship every year. What’s the point?”

“Was it the top 16 or the top eight last year? It doesn’t matter.”

“Anyway, this year, justEven if you Flash Wolves beat us and want to win ROX again, needless to say, you must think that the chances are not high. ”

“Although you may not like to hear this sentence, I can be sure that if you continue to stay in the LMS, you may not be able to win other championships except for the LMS championship in this lifetime.”

“How about this, next year S7 will come to our LPL, it is best to come to our QG, I will take you to win a championship.”

Zhang Mingrui laughed. Originally, he planned to wait for the end of the S6 World Tournament to recruit new recruits. As a result, who would have thought that this opportunity would come across in the toilet. If that is the case, let’s get straight to the point.

“Go to your LPL? Dreaming!”

“I will definitely lead Flash Wolves to defeat you QG, and then win the S6 championship!”

Karsa finally found a chance to speak, said angrily, pulled up her pants and left.

Naturally, the same is true for steak, but when passing by Zhang Mingrui, he asked with some doubts.

“Manager Zhang, why don’t you ask me if I want to go to LPL?”

The fat steak asked naively.

But Zhang Mingrui pouted and took a look.

“Brother, you can only play as a substitute in Lightning Wolves… But I can actually give you a suggestion, change careers and become a coach!”

“If you change careers and become a coach, you may be a good opponent for me in the future.”

Zhang Mingrui said to Steak with a chuckle, although it is not clear whether he has such an idea now, but it should be no problem to click him in advance.

After going to the toilet and returning to the waiting room, there was not much time left before the players appeared on the stage. Zhang Mingrui asked everyone to stop training, and then went to the player channel, preparing to make a simple pre-match appearance in conjunction with the main board.

While waiting, he could naturally see all members of the Lightning Wolves. Zhang Mingrui didn’t hide it, and frequently flirted with Karsa.

After seeing this, Coach Lightning Wolves frowned, and hurriedly pulled Karsa to his side.

“Why does he keep looking at you?”

“It’s nothing, I just ran into it when I was going to the toilet.”

“What did you say?”

“Call me to develop in LPL.”

“You didn’t agree, did you?”

“Isn’t this funny? How could I possibly win? I will definitely hammer QG in a while and let them feel my anger!”

Karsa gritted his teeth, and the Lightning Wolves coach also gritted his teeth angrily.

Other coaches would at most say some forgiving words before the game, but this manager Zhang is fine, he is ready to poach people before the game is played!

Do you really think they will definitely win the BO5? !

“Well, I will try my best to beat him in the BP for a while, so that it will be easier for you to win!”

He said that this game was not important, but as the time of the game slowly approached, the number of people in the auditorium of the competition venue gradually increased, almost to the point where there were no seats left.

After all, for summoners from all over the world, the annual World Championship is a time to appreciate the demeanor of the world’s top teams and feel the atmosphere of the live competition. Such opportunities are really rare!

“it is good!”

“Welcome to all the summoners on the scene and in front of the screen, to the scene of the quarter-finals of the 2016 World Championship!”

“The upcoming match is the last BO5 match of the quarterfinals. Our LPL QG team will face the FW Lightning Wolves team from the LMS division!”

“Hi everyone, I’m Zeyuan!”

“Hi everyone, I’m Xiaosan!”

On the commentary stage, when the lights finally came on, the two commentators Zeyuan and Xiaosan also appeared in front of the audience.

Because Baby Miller, the golden partner, commented on SKT’s fight against TSM the day before yesterday, so Park Zeyuan and Xiaosan were on the shift today.

Although this pair is definitely not as good as Doll Miller in terms of audience acceptance, they are not bad in terms of commentary ability.

Park Zeyuan, the official commentator of the newly promoted faction of strength!

Xiaosan, a former OMG team ad player, Xiaosan, who is crazy about outputting beside her big brother, after switching to a career as a commentary, will also bring more professional tactical analysis and explanations to the audience!

“Before the official start of today’s competition, let me brief you on the situation of the previous three days.”

“In the left half, SSG and SKT have defeated their opponents respectively and will meet in the semifinals.”

“In the right half, ROX has advanced to the semi-finals and will be waiting for his opponent in New York.”

“And who is ROX’s opponent in the semi-finals will be determined by today’s two teams, QG and Flash Wolves!”

Ze Yuan said impassionedly, very excited.

“That’s right, but I think the strength gap between the two teams is quite large.”

“Although the Flash Wolves are learning the LCK’s operating style, they are not so proficient in their operations. Even if they gain a certain advantage in the early stage, they often cannot solve the game with a single decision in the middle and late stages.”

“On the other hand, our QG team is very good at the early stage, and it has been proved in the two B01 battles with SKT that they are not weak in handling mid-to-late team battles, so I think that the QG team has a great chance of winning today. It can be taken away 3-0!”

Xiaosan spoke loudly, full of confidence in the QG team.

“3 to 0? Are you so confident?”

Hearing what Xiaosan said, Zeyuan smiled.

“Although I also admit that the QG team is very strong, but II don’t think the Flash Wolves are completely defenseless. After all, they defeated EDG in the group stage and stepped on EDG’s corpse to advance to the knockout round! ”

“So I think that the Flash Wolves can actually wrestle with QG and win one or even two games from QG!”

Park Zeyuan also said the matter solemnly, and even punched with his right hand, hammering his left chest.

Fortunately, the Lightning Wolves players didn’t see this scene, and fortunately they didn’t have the “God’s perspective” in time, otherwise they would definitely burst their minds on the spot. Thank you Park Zeyuan for your encouragement.

And after the two chatted about the game data for a while, a pre-match trailer was played on the big screen again.

With the end of the trailer, the host appeared on stage. During her introduction, the contestants from both sides also appeared one by one, officially appearing as the top eight!

Team QG, top laner Flandre, jungler Sofm, mid laner Scout, bottom laner Uzi, support Ming!

FW team, top laner MMD, jungler Karsa, mid laner Maple, bottom laner NL, support SwordArt!

After the show was over, the players from both sides immediately got into their competition seats and started debugging the equipment…

At the same time, Zhang Mingrui and the coach of the Lightning Wolves went to toss a coin to choose sides. If they guessed correctly, they could actively choose the red and blue sides in the first round, and then proceed to the normal red and blue side exchange.

In this purely luck-based session, Zhang Mingrui still lost after all, and was chosen by the Flash Wolves to take the blue side.

This is absolutely beneficial to Lightning Wolves. After the ban ends, they can grab the heroes they want first on the first floor, or replace the heroes that banQG wants.

But it doesn’t matter, for Zhang Mingrui, no matter what side QG is on, he will easily win the game!

After all, the QG team wins the game based on strength, not luck!

“Remember our central idea in this BO5, practice with competition!”

“Of course, the ultimate goal is to win the game 3-0, so you should try not to make any mistakes during the game.”

Zhang Mingrui returned to the players’ bench and said to the players.

At the same time, the players on both sides are all ready, and the final BO5 of the quarterfinals officially begins!

“It’s coming, it’s coming! The screen is in BP!”

On the commentary stage, Zeyuan and Xiaosan, who had been waiting for a long time, became excited when they saw the scene of the game.

“The Lightning Wolves chose the blue side in the first round, so they can be banned first.”

“And he directly banned Ryze in the first place!”

Seeing this ban person, Xiaosan chuckled lightly.

Although the last time Scout took out this hero, he didn’t have a lot of personal strength to show, but he sent a signal to the other teams, and then went back and started practicing.

Sure enough, in the past three days of competition, all three teams in the LCK have used Ryze, and the results are quite good, which is enough to prove how powerful this hero is!

“Although Scout may never get Ryze again, the exposure of this hand is not too bad, after all, it can be regarded as deceiving the opponent for a ban position.”

Xiaosan smiled helplessly. After all, this kind of trump card hero is used to win the game, which is the most cost-effective, not to cheat the ban.

But don’t worry too much, after all, Scout’s hero pool is quite good.

The QG team’s first-hand ban was to kill Snake’s support Zyra.

In fact, in the second round of the group stage, the appearance rate of Zyra’s support began to gradually increase, because her flower damage is very high now, not only can push the line, but also cooperate with the control of the E skill to output, and the ultimate move is even more important. Crowd control skills.

To put it simply, apart from Zyra’s fragile body, there are almost no weaknesses.

Although Zhang Mingrui knew how to deal with Zyra, he didn’t intend to expose it now.

At the same time, if you use other heroes to fight Zyra, it is indeed not easy to fight. In addition, Xiao Ming prefers hard support heroes like Bullhead Bron, so he simply banned it directly.

Lightning Wolves’ second-hand ban gave Xiao Ming’s bull head, there is nothing to say, you targeted my support, which means that Uzi and Xiao Ming still want to play the online advantage in this round, so the bull’s head was banned to protect NL and the development of snakes.

QG’s second-hand ban person was given to Leopard Girl.

Although Sofm’s Leopard Girl shocked the audience last time I played against SKT, Karsa is also a good Leopard Girl player, and he also likes to invade the jungle. If Sofm’s style of play is reproduced, QG’s jungle will change instead. It’s hard.

The last ban of the Lightning Wolves was given to Uzi’s Lucian.

The moment he was banned, Zhang Mingrui laughed, because it was obvious that this was the rhythm of the Lightning Wolves preparing to snatch the policewoman for NL.

After all, last time Bang’s policewoman didn’t beat Uzi’s Lucian!

“Ban the fan mom.”

After thinking for a while between Fan Mama and Syndra, Zhang Mingrui finally decided to release Maple’s Syndra and press Snake’s Fan Mama.

Although Syndra is Maple’s signature hero, is Faker as powerful as his signature?

After Scout had already defeated Faker’s Syndra once with a vampire, Syndra’s threat to Scout was no longer that big, let aloneIf you don’t ban, Scout can choose himself!

As for the fan mother, I still want to make it easier for Uzi to play in the bottom lane.

Because the double mother combination of wheel mother and fan mother often appeared in the group stage, but they were often beaten to the point of stunting, each team gradually gave up this combination, and began to cooperate with the female policeman after the fan mother was selected. In the early stage of ad, he played the ultimate online suppression.

Just imagine, with the policewoman’s hand length and the fan’s mother’s RQ, it’s really hitting someone pregnant!

As for the choice between the policewoman and the fan mother, it is still the fan mother. After all, if it is against the policewoman, as a user of the policewoman, Uzi naturally has his own countermeasures.

At this point, the ban stage is officially over!

And as expected, when the first floor of the blue square lit up, the next moment, the Lightning Wolf locked onto the hero Piltover policewoman Kaitlyn, which did not exceed Zhang Mingrui’s expectations at all!


Seeing the appearance of the policewoman, Zhang Mingrui sighed softly.

“It can be seen that the Flash Wolves have indeed carefully studied our lineup.”

“But it seems that when he was studying us, he didn’t study our opponents in every match?”

“How did the puppy’s policewoman get hacked to death by Olaf? Didn’t the Lightning Wolves see it at all?”

When Zhang Mingrui couldn’t laugh or cry, on the first floor of the QG team, Brother Holy Gun directly lit up this hero that made all online heroes fearful!

Berserker, Olaf!

(Thank you “Under the Blue Starry Sky” for your monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thanks to “Frey Z. Bunitania” for his monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thank you “ignorance” for your monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thanks to “127xxxx230” for the monthly ticket support!!!).

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