Although the hero Olaf is quite popular in the S6 World Championship, Sofm doesn’t particularly like to use it.

In his own words, even though he is fast at clearing the jungle, he is rather stupid when ganking, and has no control skills at all except for a deceleration.

But the reason why Olaf is so popular is of course his reasons. He has a fast speed to clear the field, and has a strong ability to stand up. At level 6, he also has a big move that avoids control. At the same time, he can rush into the enemy’s formation and disrupt their formation. It can be described as a “mad dog”.

In this game, after Flash Wolves first selected the policewoman, although other junglers can also be selected, Olaf is better. At the same time, it can be regarded as a practice for Sofm to avoid using Olaf when needed in subsequent games. hands raw.

After Olaf was selected, he went to the second floor of QG to select candidates.

After thinking about it, Zhang Mingrui decided to use Nami again for Xiao Ming. After all, the policewoman is still very capable of spotting people. Nami can give a certain amount of reply. At the same time, if they really fight together, Nami also has a certain amount of output. .

Then came the Lightning Wolves’ two-handed selection.

Karsa on the second floor didn’t hesitate at all. After seeing that Sofm chose Olaf, he immediately locked the blind monk. It seemed that he wanted to reproduce the scene where Sofm used the blind monk to beat Blank in the first game against SKT.

As for the third floor of the Lightning Wolves, after a long time of thinking, they chose Poppy as the top laner.


Seeing Bobby’s appearance, Brother Holy Gun laughed at that time.

Originally, I wondered if Manager Zhang would let me take Bobby again in this round, but who knew that the opponent would choose first!

“It’s great, it’s great, I can finally stop using Bobby.”

Brother Holy Gun laughed and said, watching his teammates show off every day, he can only be beaten passively, more or less he has some thoughts in his heart.

“It seems that I let you use Bobby every day. I just told you that this round can let you play output.”

Zhang Mingrui rolled his eyes at Brother Saint Gun, but felt funny about the BP thinking of the Lightning Wolf coach.

Because his BP thinking seems to be deliberately imitating himself, when on the blue side, first grab an absolutely confident or strong hero on the first floor, and then choose a fixed-point counter position on the second floor according to the lineup of the red side .

Immediately afterwards, there is another anti-pressure position on the third floor, so that the fourth and fifth floors can counter again according to the third and fourth floors of the red square.

But the question is, is such an imitation really useful?

I’m afraid he doesn’t know that there is a saying, those who learn from me live, and those who imitate me die!

“Scout, choose a troll for Brother Holy Gun.”

The next moment, Zhang Mingrui said solemnly.

So, Trundle, the king of trolls, locked in!

“Troll time is up!”

The holy gun brother beside him was so ecstatic that he shouted out the troll’s lines, his face was full of joy like rain after a long drought!


“Holy Spear 21 brother has come a long way!”

Seeing the appearance of the troll, Xiaosan also burst out laughing on the commentary stage.

“In the previous few games, Brother Holy Gun has been resisting the pressure and resisting the pressure. Every day, Bobby fights Rambo, or Bobby fights a troll.”

“Now I finally have the opportunity to fight Bobby with the troll in turn. I look forward to his performance!”

Xiaosan chuckled. As a former professional player, he naturally knew how joyful this transition between offense and defense at the line end was.

“QG’s counter on the fifth floor should be reserved for Scout. After all, it is useless if it is reserved for Uzi.”

“Just look at Uzi’s game.What style are you going to play, Lucian was banned, and the policewoman was robbed, then the Lightning Wolves duo will definitely play stronger in this round. ”

“If you admit it, it should be the mother of the wheel, but it doesn’t feel like it, because the mother of the fan was banned by QG himself.”

“But if it’s Jhin, it doesn’t seem to be a particularly good choice to cooperate with Nami… Oh oh, here it is, Uzi took out ez again!”

When Park Zeyuan was analyzing Uzi’s selection, as expected, he didn’t have any consideration between Wheel Mom and Jhin, and directly chose the explorer Ezreal!

“I think ez is still okay. Although I don’t have a female police chief, as long as the Q is accurate, it will definitely not lose money in exchange.”

“And we also saw Uzi’s EZ in the Summer Split before. The Frost Fist and Magic Cut set, the damage is quite high. Unexpectedly, on the stage of the World Championship, Uzi took him out again!”

Xiaosan was also very pleasantly surprised. This is the advantage of the deep pool of heroes in QG. Even if the heroes of the version cannot be obtained, or are not easy to obtain, you can still use some extra heroes to fight against, which will make the enemy The BP is very difficult to do, and the players are also very difficult to play!

Sure enough, when it was the Lightning Wolves’ turn to choose the last two players again, they fell into a long time of thinking.

After a long time, Maple first selected his trustworthy Victor on the fourth floor. After all, this hero is not slow to push the line, and is not particularly easy to be countered. When he is gank, although he does not move, he has a position as a protection.

As for the fifth floor of the Lightning Wolves, it was the most tangled position. They were frantically switching between Bron and Tam, and they didn’t know which one to choose.

If you choose Tahm, the protection is very strong, but at the same time it means that you give up the suppression of the line end… After all, Tahm’s dog licking passive is not easy to trigger when facing soft assistants.

But if you choose Bron… the effect doesn’t seem to be much better!

She showed Bud again, but quickly switched back to Bron, apparently feeling that the policewoman would be very sad no matter whether Bud wandered away or not.

So, when the countdown finally ended, Snake had no choice but to make his decision.


“Policewoman Gablon, this pair is relatively average, especially when facing ez Kanami.”

“But there’s nothing I can do about it. Manager Zhang banned Niutou Fanzi as soon as he came up. It’s really hard to choose a support for Snake!”

“If Snake is forced to choose Braum, then the Lightning Wolf’s advantage in grabbing the policewoman will be instantly reduced!”

Seeing the final formation of the Lightning Wolves’ lineup, Xiaosan laughed repeatedly, admiring Manager Zhang’s godlike BP thinking again.

“The last move is left to Scout. According to the consistent thinking, facing Victor, he should choose the Tsar or the Ice Maiden.”

“Because when Ryze is banned, the Dragon King, Snake Girl, and Syndra don’t have any displacement skills. Once Karsa catches them, even if they only use summoner skills, life in the middle lane will be very difficult.”

Pu Zeyuan analyzed lightly. He really guessed it. Manager Zhang’s choice for Scout on the last floor was Lissandra, the Frost Witch!

“Scout, you don’t need to roam in this game. No, you don’t need to roam in the three lanes. We only need to play the right lane.”

“Do you understand guerrilla warfare? If the blind monk goes to a certain road, the other two roads will fight against the line.”

“As for Sofm, whether to back squat or jump over the other two towers, you make the decision according to your position.”

“I only ask for one effect, that is, when the blind monk does something, you do it immediately, and you have to do it!”

“If you do this a few more times, I’m afraid he won’t even dare to gank.”

Zhang Mingrui arranged for the team members with a smile and said, although in the near future, Karsa will get the title of “Radar Jungler”, and in fact, now has the potential to become a “Human Radar”.

But the problem is that the premise of the radar is that the opponent’s jungler implements a regular jungle clearing route, but facing the bandit Sofm, no matter how effective his radar is, it will definitely fail on the spot!

“That’s right, there is one more thing to say.”

“If you have a big laning advantage in this round, don’t be in a hurry to make a flat push, and look for an opportunity to fight a team battle with them.”

“Continue to fight if you can beat it. If you feel that you can’t beat it, just end the game.”

“In this round, although they have late stage abilities, they are relatively average. They can cooperate with us to practice.”

Zhang Mingrui whispered to the players, afraid that the referees behind him would hear.

But in fact, they had already heard it, and each of them showed astonished expressions.

Playing the quarter-finals as a training match? Thanks to you, Manager Zhang, who figured it out!

“Okay, let’s check the talent runes and summoner skills for the last time. I’m going to shake hands.”

After speaking, Zhang Mingrui took off his earphones and walked towards the center of the stage.

“Karsa will never go to the LPL!”

When shaking hands, Coach Lightning Wolves gritted his teeth and said.

“Oh? We’ll wait and see.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, let go and left.

While waiting for the game to load, the final lineups of both teams were shown on the big screen again.

The FW team on the blue side has Poppy in the top lane, blind monk in the wild, Victor in the middle lane, policewoman in the bottom lane, and Bron as an assistant.

The red side QG team, top lane troll, jungler Olaf,Ice girl in the middle, EZ in the bottom lane, assisting Nami.

“Although LPL’s record in this year’s S game is still not satisfactory, only one team, QG, broke into the quarterfinals.”

“Although in the hearts of many LPL viewers, QG, the new team in the World Championship, may not go very far in the World Championship.”

“But I still hope that all LPL viewers will cheer for the QG team at this time!”

“E-sports needs a miracle. What’s more, the paper strength of our QG team is really much stronger than the Flash Wolves!”

“So, even if the LPL viewers are not optimistic about the team that QG can beat the LCK, you must cheer for QG at this moment, and wish QG can win the Lightning Wolves and win this BO5 victory!”

“Come on, I’ll count three two one…”

“Three, two, one!”

“QG come on!”

Under Park Zeyuan’s call, all the LPL audience, no matter at the scene or in front of the screen, shouted vigorously.

Although they were indeed not optimistic about QG before the game, when the game really comes, who wouldn’t want their division to win the game? !

Come on, QG!

Just when cheers from all over the world sounded, the game screen officially cut into the Summoner’s Canyon.

As soon as the 15-second spring water limit time expired, all the members of the two teams immediately ran towards the direction of the river, and then stood still in the form of a five-star string to face each other across the river, not to invade each other’s wild areas.

After all, neither side has any first-level regiment experts, and a rash invasion may cause changes.

Soon, the reminder sounded for the whole army to attack.

And when Xiaobing set off from the barracks, the opening plans prepared by the two teams for this crucial round of the quarterfinals also surfaced one after another.

On the QG team, in order to prevent Karsa from detecting Sofm’s jungle route, they chose the red BUFF start, and the holy gun brother even helped fight. In this way, the Lightning Wolves can mistakenly think that Sofm is still the stoneman’s usual start.

But in fact, Karsa’s opening route on Flash Wolves’ side is also unconventional. He didn’t open with Poppy in the first half of the jungle, but in the second half of the wild with stone men. .

But what shocked the Lightning Wolves even more was that the duo of the QG team did not choose toad to start the game, but chose to go online directly!

In this game, the two commentators on the commentary stage were really stunned.

“Although we keep saying that the QG team is stronger than the Lightning Wolves on paper, what we didn’t expect was that Manager Zhang still paid a lot of attention to the Lightning Wolves in the tactical arrangement of this round, and didn’t underestimate the enemy.”

“The two-person team goes online directly at the second level. This is the first time that QG has used this kind of tactic of grabbing the second line!”

Park Zeyuan was amazed. Although this move seems to be nothing, in fact, it can affect quite a lot of things.

First of all, on the Lightning Wolves side, the policewoman was chosen to suppress Uzi’s development.

But once Uzi and Xiao Ming grab the second level, then NL and Snake will become a suppressed combination instead.

At the same time, once the line of soldiers is pushed into the tower, Olaf, who is going wild from top to bottom, is very likely to jump over the tower and kill him very early!

At that time, even if Sofm trades his life for his life, it will be the Lightning Wolf’s loss. After all, once Uzi develops, the damage that the hero EZ can do to the Lightning Wolf lineup in the mid-term will be too terrifying.

“That’s right, the QG team should have this idea. In fact, there is a key point. In fact, ez Kanami still hurts the toad at the first level, so they don’t want to fight.”

“However, Lightning Wolves reacted very quickly. NL and Snake didn’t dare to continue to help Karsa open the field. If the pawn line really went directly to the tower, they would have a bad start.”

Xiaosan on the side chuckled and said, as Uzi’s former opponent, he naturally knows the puppy’s laning strength!

What surprised Xiaosan even more was that the moment the Lightning Wolf duo appeared, Uzi gave up pushing the line and went directly to Lightning Wolf’s bottom lane triangle grass to make a ward!

“It seems that Uzi realized that Karsa was beating the stone man.”

“I think so, if NL and Snake are really fighting Golems, they have to finish beating Golems before going online anyway. In this way, they won’t lose the experience of the army line, but they can increase their ranks one after another. Two grabs to level two.”

When Xiaosan was amazed, as expected, in the QG team voice, Uzi conveyed the news to the players.

“Sofm, Karsa may be driven by a stone man, please pay attention.”

“Scout, you push the wire to make an eye on F4 to determine Karsa’s position.”

Uzi commanded immediately.


Scout nodded.

For the hero Lissandra, the damage of ice shards with Q skill is still relatively high. Before Victor’s E skill evolved, he pushed the line much faster than Victor, so he quickly finished the first wave of six minions, and then moved towards Go down the river.

It didn’t go deep into the red area of ​​the Lightning Wolves. A ward was inserted in the open space in front of F4. When it lit up the entire F4 area, it also illuminated the intersection and grass where the red BUFF leads to F4, regardless of Karsa from top to bottom. Whether you swipe from the bottom up or from the bottom up, you can definitely be seen within three minutes.

“Yes, the QG team’s on-the-spot adaptability is getting stronger and stronger.”

SeeWhen the eye position fell, Xiaosan praised again.

In the group stage, this kind of warding in the second-level wild area is not very common in the QG team, but after entering the knockout stage, this kind of action has been added, obviously to strengthen training during the offseason.

“During the summer split, QG was already very strong. Unexpectedly, after coming to the World Championship, QG is still improving.”

“I have a hunch that after this round of BO5, this QG team will definitely be able to get an evolution, and then face a strong enemy like ROX, and there may be a greater chance of winning!”

Even though the 8-to-4 BO5 only started for two minutes, Xiaosan was already thinking about the semi-finals, but Park Zeyuan just smiled and didn’t say much.

In the game, after the opening plan is played out, the two teams will enter the normal initial stage of laning.

On the road, Brother Saint Gun finally regained the long-lost feeling of beating others when he got the troll and beat Bobby. He frantically chased Mimidan (MMD) hard, like Just like Duke did to himself last time.

In the middle lane, Scout is also constantly pushing the lane. If he can suppress the last attack before Maple’s Victor completes the evolution of his E skill, it will be quite successful.

The bottom lane here is not like the one-sidedness of the middle and upper lanes, the fight is very fierce.

Relying on its own female police officer, NL kept looking for opportunities to order Uzi.

Uzi, relying on Xiaoming’s Nami having milk, is also crazy to exchange blood with the policewoman.

As for Snake Braum? There is a chance to shoot Nami with Q, but Xiao Ming is really like a fish in the deep sea in front of a clumsy hero like Bron, swimming very fast, and a quick acceleration can directly open the distance.

However, no one in the audience knows when the bottom lane will be able to win or lose, or when the first head will be scored in the entire game.

But the LPL audience is quite looking forward to whether the QG team can get their first blood five minutes ago as usual!

If possible, according to the general game progress of the QG team, this game will definitely go very smoothly!

In the wild area, Sofm, who started with a red buff, hit F4, bypassed the three wolves, and was going to hit the blue buff first.

And at this moment, as expected, he saw the position of F4. The figure of the blind monk also did not touch F4, and went directly into the grass and walked towards the upper half of the field.

“The blind monk is here!”

Sofm directly pinned the location of the blind monk in the fog of war, reminding Brother Holy Gun and Scout.


Brother Holy Gun nodded, and directly handed in the E skill pillar to block Bobby’s position. He stepped forward to AQA and gnawed a set, then retreated, and immediately walked to the river, and placed a ward in the grass to prevent Karsa Come and catch yourself in a moment.

On Sofm’s side, after fighting the blue buff, they went to fight the toad, and then went to collect the crab.

This route surprised all LPL viewers!

“Sofm is this route, are you planning to grab the next route directly?”

“But it’s not easy to catch, right? Both NL and Snake have flashes, and once Xiao Ming stepped forward to hand in the Q, they would definitely respond immediately.”

On the commentary stage, Pu Zeyuan’s eyes widened. While he was surprised, he was also looking forward to it.

But it is regrettable that after taking away the river crabs, Sofm returned to his blue zone again, ready to fight the three wolves.

“Strange, Sofm saw that Karsa didn’t play F4, why didn’t he just go there?”

Park Zeyuan was stunned again.

“Maple has set eyes on the river. Scout just reminded me of this news.”

Xiaosan immediately explained that it was only at this time that Pu Zeyuan suddenly discovered that there was a blue square eye at the entrance of F4. Obviously, Lightning Wolves had already studied Sofm’s habits, and also guessed that QG had seen the information about Karsa’s wild route!

And at this moment, something happened that surprised Park Zeyuan even more.

When Sofm started to fight the three wolves, Scout, who pushed a wave in the middle, took two steps directly up the river.

As soon as he entered the grass, he directly saw Karsa who was hunting crabs, and once again confirmed the location of the blind monk!

At the same time, after beating Sofm of the three wolves, he immediately rushed in the direction of Lightning Wolf F4.

When Olaf walked to the grass at the entrance and exit of the wild area, he even stood in the grass and waited for a while!

At the same time, the ward that Maple placed at the entrance of the wild area before finally disappeared with a “pop” in front of Sofm!


“Didn’t it mean that Sofm only remembers the time when wild monsters refresh?”

“How could he even remember the time when his eyes disappeared?!”

Seeing Sofm rushing towards Karsa’s wild area with two axes in hand, not only the two commentators of the LPL, but also the commentators from all competition regions around the world were shocked to their souls! .

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