It is a good thing that the bottom lane can rely on Uzi and Xiaoming’s personal strength to play an advantage, but this so-called “advantage” is actually very small. Focusing on CS, it is just an extra CS.

If you want to continue to expand, you need to do more things!

On the middle lane, because Kuro went online earlier, he upgraded to 2 first.

Although Scout was later upgraded to 2, the pawn line was pushed over by Kuro in the end, so he had to temporarily retreat to defend.

This gave Kuro the opportunity to enter the wild area, and inserted the first accessory eye on his body directly into the F4 camp to make sure that F4 was still there. This also helped everyone in ROX to confirm again that Sofm’s leopard girl is from top to bottom wild route.

“I’ve seen this scene before.”

On the commentary stage, the baby said immediately.

“Last time, when QG played C9, it used this F4 eye position to determine the position of C9’s jungler, which then caused a series of subsequent butterfly effects.”

“This time, Team ROX used the same trick on ~QG!”

Saying that, the doll’s expression turned serious.

Because if the previous QG games were all very easy to win, then this BO5 against LCK No. 1 seed ROX must be very-difficult!

Because whether it is lineup matching, laning details, or tactical thinking, the ROX team has achieved perfection, and if the QG team wants to win, it must seize the one other than ROX’s perfection. The “unbeautiful” place, and then tear the wound!

Moreover, what made the LPL audience even more serious was that although Scout had already pinned the signal and clicked on the F4 area, Sofm still jumped in and began to clear the jungle.

On the other hand, Peanut, after arriving at the F4 camp, was not sure whether Scout level 1 was here or not, so he passed F4 directly to the river, and went first to destroy the river crabs.

Maybe in Little Peanut’s mind, his whereabouts have already been seen, but from the perspective of God, the audience can clearly see, because Little Peanut’s route is from bottom to top, so Brother Holy Gun The eye position that was done has long since disappeared.

Scout didn’t even look at F4, so that QG didn’t even know what Peanut was doing!

“This round is difficult…”

“Sofm was captured by ROX, but Little Peanut was not exposed. This is not a good thing for Sofm. Basically, there is no way to counter the wild invasion normally.”

“Little Peanut is indeed a little Peanut. He didn’t even touch Sofm’s face, and he directly cracked his wild route!”

“This is the strength of the LCK teams, especially the summer champion ROX!”

“Before QG was able to beat SKT, it was entirely because they didn’t enter the state. Although SKT has been eliminated by SSG, if QG meets SKT again in the semi-finals, it will definitely not be able to beat!”

“Let’s not even mention the ROX team!”

Just because of the exposure of Sofm’s vision, in the bullet screen of the official live broadcast room, a lot of viewers began to despair, even though at this time, the game time had only reached 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

However, everyone in QG naturally couldn’t see these remarks. They continued to play the game according to their own thinking, and firmly believed that this round could definitely be won!

After fighting F4, Sofm went to fight the red buff, and then the stone man.

And this jungle route is completely known by the ROX team, so that although Peanut is brushing his own F4 red BUFF, etc., he can accurately pin out Sofm Leopard Girl in the case of blind vision. s position.

Even when Sofm was about to hunt down river crabs, he also pinned a warning signal on the river to prevent the bottom duo from being caught.

In this regard, Pray and Gorilla also had early warning. After the first wave of exchange and defeat, they began to release the line continuously. At the same time, in the process of retreating, they placed a defensive eye position in the grass in advance to prevent Sofm from ganking from the flank. .

As for the hard front?

The two of ROX are just one step away from the defense tower behind them, and the QG trio doesn’t have a hard control, how could they kill them?

The situation seems to be getting worse and worse for Sofm.

If the wild route is caught, if the gank opportunity is also lost, then the early rhythm that Sofm is proud of may be invalidated on the spot, so that it will not be able to continue to do more things in the subsequent game time!

And just when all the LPL viewers were worried, or looked down on Sofm.

There was an evil smile on the face of the bandit jungler.

“You still want to catch my jungle route?”

“If you can really catch me, read my Sofm ID backwards!”

Sofm snorted coldly, glanced at the real-time situation on the three lines, then turned into a leopard form, and directly used the W skill to jump into the small dragon pit, not giving the ROX team a chance to capture his position again!

Immediately afterwards, he crossed the river crab and walked into Little Peanut’s blue zone. He inserted the accessory eye that he hadn’t put down at the beginning, but was put down by Brother Holy Gun, at the crossroads of the blue zone!

Although in the past few minutes, Sofm’s position is controlled by ROX.

But after a while, after the next wave of toads respawn, the person under control will be Peanut!

“The situation has changed!”

Seeing that Sofm turned back to hunt river crabs at this time, his smile suddenly brightened.

“From the beginning to the present, the QG team may actually be just playing tricks!”

“At the beginning of the game, I wondered why Sofm didn’t look around and let Holy Gun do it for me. Only then did I realize that Sofm wanted to catch Peanut when the second wave of wild monsters spawned!”

“Because the cooling time of the accessory eye is 3 minutes, under normal circumstances, after inserting the eye at the beginning of the game, the second eye will turn around in the fourth and a half to five minutes.”

“At that time, the second wave of wild monsters had already been spawned, which meant that if Sofm had a regular start, he would also be unable to catch Peanut’s position when the second wave of wild monsters refreshed!”

“But at the beginning of this round, Sofm came up with a counter-routine!”

“Even his normal jungle spawning route is anti-routine. After all, before this, Sofm has never had a game where he would finish all the first wave of six groups of wild monsters plus a river crab!”

When everyone heard Smile’s analysis, not only the audience, but the two of them, Baby Miller, were also shocked to the point of dumbfounded!

“It seems to be true. When did Sofm clear the seven groups of wild monsters at the beginning?”

“The first wave of wild monsters will be completely wiped out, but it doesn’t mean that the second wave of wild monsters will also be completely wiped out. When Sofm launches a sudden gank again, can ROX really react?!”

“Damn! It made me worry for nothing. I thought that Sofm just misfired when facing Peanut. Now it seems that everything is under the control of Manager Zhang!”

Immediately, hope was rekindled in the hearts of the LPL audience, and they continued to stare at Sofm in the river, looking forward to the second round of wild route after he returned home after brushing wild monsters.

Because at this time, Peanut’s Olaf read the article and went back to the city directly after finishing the first half of the wild area. According to the mirror thinking, Sofm must also go home.

However, it is impossible for anyone to guess Sofm’s thinking, just like a man can never guess a woman’s mind!

The next moment, the step-by-step start suddenly changed!

Not only did Sofm not return to the city, but he was ready to go to Kuro in the middle lane!

Ding ding ding!

But just as Sofm stepped on the river crab acceleration circle and walked towards the middle, Kuro made a downward movement, and was directly seen by Scout’s eye position placed in the grass in advance.

“I’ll go around.”

Sofm smiled, and did not walk towards the grass in front of him in a daze, but stuck in the view of the river, and slowly came to the wild area in front of the first tower on the red square middle road.

At the same time, after Kuro made a defensive eye and believed that Leopard Girl must be at home at this time, he was going to continue to push the line to suppress.

But just taking a step forward, I suddenly noticed something was wrong!

Because of Scout’s time, instead of retreating, he ran towards himself directly through the soldiers!


The first E skill, Scout handed over to himself, immediately increased the acceleration by 40%, and quickly approached Kuro!

Time bomb!

The next moment, the first time bomb hung on Victor’s head.

Travel to the future!

And with the W skill pressed, the CD time of the two QE skills was reduced by 10 seconds at the same time!

Time bomb!

So, when the second time bomb was also hanging on Victor’s head, the two bombs exploded in an instant, stunning Victor directly on the spot!

Well, the smell of a coward!

Immediately afterwards, Leopard Girl, who had been hiding in the darkness for a long time, finally came out from the shadows.


Javelin Throwing!

Then, under very inexplicable circumstances, when Kuro obviously couldn’t move, Sofm pressed Flash first, and then sent the Q skill that pierced the sky towards Victor’s mark!


The next moment, the question of why Sofm flashed was answered, because during the flight of the javelin, Kuro had woken up, and hurriedly flashed to open the distance, trying to avoid the javelin.


But the next moment, a solid hit sound resounded on Victor’s body.

“Predict Q?!”

“Sofm actually predicted the location of Kuro’s flash!”

The audience was stunned and shocked.

At this time, the audience suddenly heard that Sofm’s mark just now was not aimed at Victor’s fixed position at all, but aimed at the grass in the upper half of the river!

And when Old Man Time’s first-level stun was only 1 second, Kuro was stabbed by the javelin even though he surrendered his flash.

At the same time, it seems that this javelin was clearly caught by Kuro himself in a flash!



Fall down!

It’s the audience’s job to shock the audience. For Sofm, taking the head is what he has to do!

The next moment, the leopard girl transformed into a puma, and WEQ flew directly to Victor’s body, and immediately sucked away the last drop of Victor’s blood with ease!

QG.Sofm killed ROX.Kuro!


during the gameIn exactly 4 minutes, the first blood was born!

It’s Sofm’s head again, and the victim is the enemy’s mid laner again!

“Apologize! All those who said that Sofm is not good, apologize to him immediately!”

“It’s called bad? If Sofm can’t do it, who can do it?! How many people in the world can make this flash prediction Q?!”

“For Sofm, the first blood may be late, but it will never be absent!”

“ROX has worked so hard to capture Sofm’s position, but what’s the use? The mid laner is still dead!”

“Sofm’s creed in life, I only kill LCK mid laners! Before it was Faker, now it’s Kuro, and the next one is Crown!”

Immediately, whether it was on the scene or on the screen, there was cheering!

Leaving aside whether ROX can be won in this round, just the birth of a first-blooded head is enough to make people ecstatic!

After all, this is the first blood he got against the LCK mid laner in the BO5 of the semifinals, not to mention how much it boosted morale!

“Scary, this Sofm is really terrifying.”

On the commentary stage, even though Smile had just predicted that all of Sofm’s actions were “acting”, but not long after the voice fell, Sofm’s successful gank still made Smile shout out horror.

“Although Sofm has never had Peanut’s vision, he has always known where Olaf is and when he should return to the city. Otherwise, he would never launch a gank on the middle lane at this time.”

“The most frightening thing is that this flash predicts the Q. Sofm even counted how long the old man’s first-level double Q can be stunned, so he directly Q to Kuro’s flash landing point!”

“It’s also because Kuro’s state is too good, but if he flashes in a straight line, Sofm will miss the Q.”

“Or Kuro just stays where he is, and Sofm would be embarrassed if he just Q-emptied.”

Having said this, she no longer smiled slightly, but laughed loudly.

After all, if it weren’t for the “wonderful cooperation” between the two sides, this one-blooded man would not have been so wonderfully won by QG!

“This is Sofm! If it’s other LPL junglers, it’s definitely not possible to be such a bandit, and only Sofm can make such an unexpected operation for the LCK team! So as to gain an advantage and win!”

Wawa also said excitedly, after all, as a ten-year-old fan of the QG team, one blood means victory!

“The toad has already brushed it, but Sofm still hasn’t come home. Is this the toad who is going to fight against Peanut?”

“But Little Peanut has already come out of the house, and went straight to Toad!”

But then, Miller at the side became worried.

Because at this time, Sofm is crossing the middle road to go down the river, and the direction of action has been clearly seen by ROX.

However, the director’s camera didn’t follow Sofm for too long, and immediately switched to the bottom lane.

Because at this time, the four people in the bottom lane were wrestling together again!

The director did not show what happened in the front, but when the audience saw it, Pray’s Ashe had already been weakened by Xiao Ming, who was full of blood.

But Uzi and Gorilla did not continue to output, because both of them had less than one-third of their blood left, and except for Flash, all the summoner skills of the four players in the bottom lane had been handed in. The battle was quite fierce!

Just when everyone thought that the two sides were going to pull away from each other, and the two sides did pull away.

The director’s shot was once again given to Sofm’s leopard girl!

…… ..  

Because at this moment, Sofm had already rushed into Little Peanut’s blue zone once again with the help of the river crab’s acceleration circle.

But the target is obviously not Peanut’s toad, but the ROX duo who are going to surround the remaining blood!

At this moment, the camera suddenly zoomed to a very high position.

On the bottom side, Xiao Ming’s fan mother gave Pray another RQ. At the same time, Uzi, who was retreating, flashed a QA and gave Aixi. In an instant, Pray was hit to a point where he was out of health!


In this situation, how could Pray dare to make a fool of himself, so he hurriedly turned back to the tower, and shivered with Gorilla and hid under the defense tower, because they had heard the reminder from their teammates and knew that the Sofm leopard girl might have come down.

And just when Olaf finally reached the crossroads in the blue zone, the javelin that the ROX duo had “awaited” for a long time finally flew out of the grass.

The target is Zyra of Gorilla!


This time, Gorilla was very calm. After confirming that the mark was aimed at himself and not elsewhere, he handed over his flash, dodged the mark, and survived.

Then, Sofm’s leopard girl did not continue to stay in the triangle grass. Through the eye position inserted in the toad before, she knew that Olaf had rushed over, and she was ready to walk towards the river.

In this situation, how could Little Peanut let Sofm go so easily? He walked directly towards the river, trying to keep Leopard Girl on the river.

Even if the QG duo comes to support, I’m not afraid, because now I have updated the straw sandals and red crystals, as long as Pray and Gorilla support a little, I can complete the feat of one against three!

After all, QG’s duo is also full of blood at this time!

whenLittle Peanut finally reached the pass in the wild area, and when he saw Sofm’s leopard girl standing there quietly, ready to jump down at any time, Little Peanut sneered, and instead of chasing him in the wild area, he walked directly towards the river. Trying to keep Leopard Girl who jumped off the river.

But who knows, after entering the river, Little Peanut didn’t see Leopard Girl at all!


“Leopard girl didn’t come down!”

Little Peanut suddenly realized something, he was in a bad mood, and hurriedly turned around.

But at this moment, Sofm’s leopard girl had turned into a human form again, walked out of the triangle grass again, and aimed at the ROX duo under the tower, and directly shot the second javelin!

This sudden return to the carbine, oh no, back to the leopard, the ROX duo didn’t realize it at all!

So much so that when the duo saw the javelin flying, it was too late to move.

But when he wanted to press the flash in a hurry, he suddenly found that both Pray and Gorilla had already handed the flash!

The next moment, after confirming that Leopard Girl’s target was aimed at Ashe, Gorilla’s Zyra resolutely chose to turn around and took the initiative to block the deadly target for Pray.

QG.Sofm killed ROX.Gorilla!

The game time was 4 minutes and 25 seconds, and only 25 seconds had passed since the accident in the middle lane. ROX’s bot lane was taken away by Sofm again!

On the other hand, Peanut’s Olaf, even though he finally chased after him angrily, and at the same time slashed Sofm with his axes.

However, following Leopard Girl’s easy jump into the river, this time, the stalking and interception that was supposed to be inevitable turned into a play!

And the person being teased is not QG at all, but ROX!

Although Little Peanut was furious, he couldn’t continue chasing people at this time, because he needed to help Pray defend the tower.

And if at this time, Leopard Girl makes another turnaround and takes away the bloody Pray, then this round will start with a catastrophe!

If you want to regain the advantage from QG, I’m afraid it will not be as simple as giving away the head!

(Thanks to the boss of “Thunder III” for his support of 600 reminder votes!!!)

(Thanks to “Xia Yu Qing Feng” for the 100-point reminder and monthly support!!!) Son.

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