Three bids, with just three bids, Sofm helped the QG team gain an early advantage, and this advantage is quite large!

In the middle, Victor, who died once, would be delusional if he wanted to continue pressing the line without flashing. Once he was stunned once by the old man Shi Guang in QQ, he might die again and blow through directly!

Down the road, although Gorilla died once for Pray, but at this time Pray felt more uncomfortable than dying. He could only watch Peanut fill in for him, and he was eating experience from a distance.

After all, the RQ of Xiao Ming’s fan mother has been turned, and the flash has not yet been handed in. If these small soldiers rush to make up for the economy and die under Xiao Ming’s flash RQ, then ROX’s bot lane will also be instant It exploded!

“Sofm, this Sofm is really too strong!”

When Sofm successfully won the kills in two consecutive waves of ganks, the audience at the scene was already boiling, and the QG fans even shouted the name “Sofm” in unison, already conquered by his strength!

“If we say that in the previous group matches, Sofm’s performance has always been excellent because his opponents were too weak, then now, in the semi-finals, against Peanut, Sofm can still play his bandit style jungle style.”

“This already shows that the current Sofm has definitely secured his position as the world’s top jungler and shattered everyone’s doubts about him before the game!”

On the commentary stage, Miller said excitedly.

“And you should know that before the start of the summer split, Sofm played mid laner in the Yuenan division!”

“If Manager Zhang hadn’t traveled all the way to invite Sofm to the LPL and let him return to the jungle position, it would be absolutely impossible for us today to see Sofm playing so well!”

“And looking at the entire QG team’s games in the World Championship, almost all the early rhythms were driven by Sofm alone.”

“Although there is Uzi in the bottom lane and the talented mid laner Scout in the middle lane, the accumulation of early advantages depends on Sofm!”

“That is to say, if Sofm is restricted, the opposing team’s chances of winning will be very high, but can Sofm really be restricted?”

“We can see that in this game, 623 ROX was already doing this, but in the end, Sofm still caught the opportunity twice in a row!”

Miller exclaimed excitedly, feeling that Manager Zhang really got an SSR jungler card. Of course, Sofm’s outstanding performance is absolutely inseparable from the tactics Manager Zhang arranged for him!

In other words, Manager Zhang himself was also an SSR coach card drawn by the LPL!

“Now that Sofm has got two heads, he just needs to go home to restock his equipment and make a runic echo jungle knife. Then… hey, hey, isn’t Sofm planning to go home?”

After seeing Sofm jumping down the river, the baby thought that Sofm was going to go home. After all, Peanut had already started to farm his second group of wild monsters after eating the line.

But I saw Aura in SofmWhen Husband appeared in his field of vision again, Sofm canceled the return to the city directly, and walked towards the middle of the road again!

The director’s camera quickly shifted to the middle lane, and the audience was amazed to see that Kuro, who had just sent out his first blood, had returned to the line again, was pressed under the tower and began to make up his sword in a humble way.

Although Sofm hasn’t done much action yet, all the LPL audience straightened up and became excited.

“I’m coming!”

“Two two three four come again, come again!”

Seeing Sofm’s leopard girl sneak into the wild area again, in order to determine the position of Xiao Huasheng, she put the second eye position directly into the three wolf camp, and squatted down in the grass again.

And at this moment, Scout in the middle also slowly pushed the pawn line under Kuro’s defense tower. It seemed that everything was normal, just an ordinary pawn line advance.

But then, following Sofm’s order, Scout repeated his tricks and started attacking Kuro!

Time bomb!

Travel to the future!

Time bomb!

Without even needing to use E to accelerate, Scout walked directly to Kuro’s face and threw two bombs.

On the other hand, Kuro, relying on the help of the defense tower, without panic at the same time, directly gave the three skills of QWE to Shi Guang’s feet, trying to keep him and cooperate with the defense tower to complete the counter-kill under the tower.

But what I never expected was that just when Victor was unable to move again, another javelin shot out from the grass in the sloping field, and it was inserted into Kuro again with precision!

“Ah Xiba! Why hasn’t Leopard Girl come home yet?!”

Kuro was completely unaware of Sofm’s arrival. By the time he realized it, Sofm had already flown out from the darkness beside him and landed directly on his face!

Ka Ka Ka!

Going down with three claws, Kuro, who had just left the house not long ago, died under his own defense tower again!

QG.Scout killed ROX.Kuro!

Although Sofm dealt a lot of damage, the head was still captured by Scout with a flat A.

But this is not the time for QG Nakano to celebrate, because Xiao Peanut, who was fighting the three wolves, immediately gave up the three wolves and quickly started sprinting to chase Sofm.

However, as Scout hooked the E skill Time Acceleration to Leopard Girl and flashed out of the tower, Old Man Time, who was supposed to be killed by the defense tower, also allowed Sofm to run faster when he was temporarily out of danger.

What surprised Little Peanut was that even though the hatred of the defense tower had been transferred to Leopard Girl, if he retreated at this speed, Sofm could resist the tower twice at most!

Throw against the current!

In this situation, how can Little Peanut let Sofm go again, and the Q skill is thrown directly at Leopard Girl’s back!

However, the first ax was twisted away by Leopard Girl.

So I had no choice but to continue running, picked up the axe, and threw it a second time…

But it was still twisted away by Sofm!

Just when Little Peanut was trying to pick up the third axe, Sofm’s leopard girl jumped forward lightly, directly pulling away a certain distance!

Although Leopard Girl’s W skill jumps distance is not very far, but in the case of Olaf’s ax is so far away, even if this distance is further advanced, it is still an unreachable scourge!

So Little Peanut stopped throwing the ax at random, and prepared to chase after him with the acceleration of his sprint.

This choice really made Scout and Sofm panic. Although they were confident in avoiding Olaf’s ax in their positions, if they were caught up and slashed in the face, no one could withstand the mad dog’s attack.

So they hurriedly separated to the left and right, and flew separately when the disaster was imminent. At the same time, they prayed for the other party that the person chased by the mad dog must be the other party.

But for Little Peanut, the leopard girl who bears three lives on her body is his only goal!

So, a few seconds later, when Little Peanut finally ran from the first tower of his own middle road to the first tower of the QG middle road, he finally caught up behind Sofm Leopard Girl!

Swipe recklessly!

Apart from anything else, Olaf’s E skill directly hit Leopard Girl with an axe.

Run wild!

But Sofm’s idea is also very simple, as long as he can live, he will switch directly to the human form, and then give himself a sip of milk.

But despite this, Sofm’s blood volume is still in jeopardy, and if he wins another QA, he may have to end his sinful life.

Throw against the current!

The Q skill was used again.


This time, in a situation where it was almost close to his face, he finally hit it!

But the ax was far away, and it was impossible to pick it up again for a while.

I had no choice but to activate the W skill and prepare to kill the leopard girl directly.

But who would have thought that at this moment, Scout, who had just run away, returned to the middle tower again, and then, two time bombs and a deceleration, fixed Olaf in place alive!


The audience exploded!

The audience was shocked!

Everyone thought that Sofm was going to die in this wave, but who knew that Scout ran back again with his blood remaining and saved Sofm’s life!

So much so that at this time, Sofm obviously only had less than 20 HP left, and when he was killed by Olaf A, he actually ushered in a chance to escape alive!

And Scout’s time also retreated around the wild area immediately after handing in the skills. Even if Olaf was carrying the tower, he didn’t have any unreasonable thoughts about him, so he wouldn’tSo I became Sofm’s scapegoat.

On the other hand, Peanut, when he finally resumed his actions, looked at the Leopard Girl who had gone far away, and saw his sprinting state, he could only look up to the sky and scream in pain, and then withdrew from the first tower in the middle of QG.

“not dead?!”

“It’s not dead?!”

On the commentary stage, the baby Miller smiled and the three of them were already dumbfounded.

Leaving aside the fact that Sofm insisted on not going home just now, he insisted on finding another wave of gank opportunities to “do it again two, two, three times”.

This wave of wonderful escapes alone is enough to be on today’s TOP5 operation show!

Of course, in addition to the wonderful moves of the two dodging the axe, Scout’s turn around to save people in the last wave is also quite exciting!

“Scout has actually been wandering around the whole time, and hasn’t gone too far.”

“In the end, after seeing Little Peanut throwing the axe, I went up to hand in my skills.”

“Actually, I feel that he is also betting. If Little Peanut had turned back and thrown him at that time, with his blood volume, he would definitely die with one Q!”

“But there’s no way. Little Peanut only has Sofm in his eyes. He’s already been beaten so anxiously. How could he see Scout next to him?”

Smiling and laughing, if he is still in the professional arena and sees the opponent’s first-level ADC take three kills, when he is in the lane, even if he has a chance to kill the support, he will definitely lock the first target On the opponent’s ADC!

“It’s understandable, it’s human nature.”

“However, the price paid by human nature is that Little Peanut could have at least one head, but now he returns empty-handed.”

The baby smirked badly, and was equally excited.

After all, when the LCK met the LPL team, when did it suffer such a big loss! ?

The game lasted 5 minutes. The mid laner died twice, and the support died once. He had a chance to fight back, but was forced to run away by the opponent!

If this was an ordinary rank match, Little Peanut would probably be so angry that he would just hang up the phone and give up the fight!

“That’s good, that’s good. In the first round, let’s get ROX’s mentality right. If the mentality explodes directly, as Xiao Xiao said, the entire BO5 will be won 3-0, and it will definitely not be a problem!”

Miller’s confidence in QG is getting stronger and stronger, and in fact, he has never lost confidence in QG!

What the three commentators didn’t expect was that even though the blood volume had been reduced to this level, Sofm still didn’t go home, and after using the E skill in human form to give himself a sip, he took away F4 first with the recovery ability of punishment .

Immediately ran to the three wolves, and after finishing brushing to the limit and playing the wolf spirit, he read the article and went home.

Then, the newborn wolf spirit immediately started to swim, just in time to see Little Peanut who got into the wild area and tried to defeat the Sofm stone man!

As a last resort, Little Peanut had no choice but to withdraw from the wild area directly, because Semb was going home, and at the same time, Brother Holy Gun also had the movement to retreat. If he rashly moved Toad at this time, then he might be left behind instead!

“Is this Sofm’s ability to control the jungle? It’s too strong!”

“Although there are no eyes, there is a wolf spirit, which can help me see Olaf’s location!”

“Sofm is really bold and careful. If Little Peanut came directly to Three Wolf to look for him when he was killing Three Wolf, the head might still have to be given away.”

“Sofm’s luck is so good that he would definitely die.”

“Luck? It’s because ROX is too conformist! Sofm’s three waves of ganks, which wave did ROX think of?”

“I actually feel that Sofm is in C for QG. If QG and RNG or EDG switch junglers, they may be the two teams that are fighting ROX now!”

In the live broadcast room, the LPL viewers said “what if”, but they also knew that there was no manager in the entire LPL team who could “know the pearl” like Manager Zhang!

Therefore, such a Sofm can only appear in the QG team!

Only the QG team is the last hope of the LPL!

During the game, Sofm, who finally returned home, directly took out the green jungle knife and ether essence, plus a pair of straw sandals, which can be described as fat…

Scout, who got the head, was also very fat. He directly took out the lunch box, which not only increased his ability to rely on lines, but also improved his survivability.

On the bottom lane, Uzi, who had gone home and bought two long swords, returned to the lane again and began to control the lane development.

At the same time, Xiao Ming’s fan mother routinely walked to the middle road after returning home, trying to find another chance for Kuro.

And when Scout used E to speed himself up, and Xiao Ming’s fan mother also used E to speed up herself, the two rushed towards Kuro together again aggressively.

This time, without knowing the location of Sofm, Kuro finally pressed his own sprint and avoided the double Q of the old man Time!

Not dead, but it’s no different from being dead.

“Kuro, this is too uncomfortable!”

“In just over 6 minutes, I was fucked by QG three times in a row.”

“Although he didn’t die this time, he was forced to sprint again, and it took more than half of the time for Flash to recover.”

“At this time, if Sofm comes to the tower again, it will really kill him as soon as he comes!”

On the commentary stage, the baby wailed for the ROX team, but his expression was extremely happy. After all, under such circumstances,The more uncomfortable ROX is, the happier they are!

This resulted in Little Peanut’s action area in a short period of time, which could only be locked near the middle!

Originally, it was ROX who tried to lock Sofm in the middle, but with the consecutive losses at the beginning, now, it was Peanut who was locked!

It sounds like there is not much difference?

But it’s actually huge!

Because at this time, Nakano’s initiative is in the hands of QG!

If QG Nakano wants to move, ROX Nakano must accompany him. If QG Nakano doesn’t want to move, they also have to do anti-squatting work at all times to prevent bad news from coming again!

However, after several consecutive ganks, Sofm has no intention of continuing to gank.

One is because ROX has obviously raised their vigilance, and made a lot of defensive vision in the lower river and wild areas, and the success rate is very low if they do it again.

The second reason is that if you want to expand your advantage, in addition to gank, there is also Sofm’s favorite anti-jungle tactic!

At 6 minutes and 55 seconds, after brushing his stone man, Sofm walked towards Peanut’s blue buff, knowing that his second blue buff was about to be refreshed.

At the same time, in order to provide Sofm with a safer environment to clear the jungle, Uzi and Xiaoming in the bottom lane started to press the lane again, which made it very uncomfortable for Zyra, who was able to play the effect.

But for ROX, it’s better to suffer a little bit than die in battle.

So, when Peanut’s Olaf hurried to the blue BUFF, ready to give up the second blue to Kuro, hoping that his mid lane would be easier, he could only watch the leopard girl thumping her chest and stamping her feet as she walked away.

For a while, the scene temporarily fell into a state of calm, and the two sides developed independently, waiting for the next wave of opportunities to come.

On the bottom lane, Uzi has already played an advantage, with 64 CSs ahead of Pray’s 55 CSs.

The lead in the middle lane is also very large, Scout has 53 and Kuro has 44.

The top gun is at a disadvantage, with 41, but Semb’s Rambo is as high as 66, which may be a big hidden danger for QG.

On the jungle side, Sofm’s and Peanut’s last hits are on par, but the difference between two heads and one head is enough to be frightening!

“I went to the upper half to go wild, and I didn’t have much chance in the middle and lower areas.”

While clearing the jungle, Sofm looked at the middle and bottom lanes. After confirming that there was no chance, he was going to visit his upper half jungle area and see if he could help Holy Gun.

But at this moment, ROX seized an opportunity that wasn’t an opportunity!

The game time was 7 minutes and 45 seconds. When Peanut’s Olaf used the real effect of F4 to clear the fresh wards left by Sofm, and after killing the three wolves and the toad, he did not go to the upper half of the field to brush his F4, but It touched directly behind Pray and Gorilla.

And at this moment, the group of four in the bottom lane, who had been developing for a long time, finally upgraded to six together!

Magic Crystal Arrow!

Although Uzi’s Jhin is thousands of miles away from Pray, he still decisively surrendered his big move!

This is something that Uzi never expected. He was directly hit when he was out of position.

So, Gorilla’s Zyra, and Peanut Olaf, who started sprinting again, started chasing directly, trying to kill the single QG bottom lane duo!

But when Zyra’s E skill hit Xiao Ming who had given Uzi the shield, a blue teleportation also directly lit up on the blue soldier behind the three of ROX.

“It’s Time’s TP!”

Kuro didn’t have Scout’s vision and cleared the troops under the tower, but Semb on the road could see that Kenan of Holy Gun was replenishing troops, so he made a judgment immediately.

Under the circumstances that it was impossible to kill Uzi, and with Scout sending persuasion, the three of ROX could only retreat immediately.

“You want to run if you hit me?”

“I’m afraid it’s too late!”

The vengeful Uzi snorted coldly, looked at the three of ROX who retreated quickly, and set up his sniper rifle on the spot!

I bloom in the midst of killing, like a flower in the dawn!

The ultimate move of the drama master Jin has a perfect curtain call, and it is now on stage!

(Thanks to “qqqqqqq” and “Just talking” for their monthly ticket support!!!).

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