“Sorry, sorry.”

Accidentally snatching Scout’s first blood, Sofm immediately apologized.

“It’s okay, there is another assistant who can kill me!”

Scout didn’t care. After all, he failed to kill the head because of a mistake in calculating the blood volume. As a result, after the arrow was shot, Olaf still had a trace of blood left.


At the same time, Uzi, who moved after Wan Chidi’s step, finally walked over from the bottom lane, just in time to block the SSG duo who had escaped!

There were pursuers behind and interceptions in front. The faces of Chidi and CoreJJ were instantly filled with despair.

In the next moment, Chidi is not going to be with CoreJJ again.Life and death are in trouble, go directly to the wall, and then the E skill arcane leap directly over the thick wall.

As for QG, although Uzi can chase him, there is no need for it. After all, ez still has a lot of HP.

But Fanzi, who has less than one-third of her health left in front of her, wants to leave? Then it’s too late!


The third bullet fell, directly hitting the fan mother into residual blood.

Uzi originally wanted to give this head to Scout, but at this moment, Fan Mom’s skills improved again. When RQ reached the three of them on the river, Uzi bleed back with a W. At the same time, he used E again Accelerate yourself with skills!


In this situation, Uzi didn’t dare to be negligent. The fourth bullet was fired directly, and the fan’s mother was killed in one shot!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!

The game time is 3 minutes and 07 seconds, the SSG team sent the second head in anger!

“It exploded, exploded.”

“The SSG team has blown up.”

In the commentary booth, the three commentators who saw this scene were all dumbfounded. They never expected that as soon as the first game of the BO5 of the finals came up, the SSG team lost two heads in the opening stage!

What you need to know is that during the pre-match analysis, they kept talking about how stable and conservative the SSG team is.

But now, the SSG team has instead become the one that gave away the fastest kills among the three teams in the LCK division!

“It’s because Head An is too impatient.”

Miller smiled softly.

“He thought that his Olaf would have an advantage in the early field confrontation, but in fact, the support of Crown Brother in the middle is not as fast as Scout.”

“On the bottom lane, although Uzi and Xiao Ming seemed to be releasing the line all the time, but because Xiao Ming flashed into the field decisively just now, his support was one step faster than CoreJJ’s, and a situation of more fights and less was formed first!”

“Three minutes, two heads. Looking at the entire World Championship, the QG team’s start has never been smoother than this round!”

Miller said ecstatically in his heart that a good start is half the battle. Although this is only the third minute of the first round of BO5, the QG players have firmly gained the upper hand, at least psychologically!

“Actually, just now, after seeing the ward, it would have been good for the head of An to just line up and retreat. In the future, there will actually be a chance to continue targeting Sofm.”

“But he was too eager for success. He didn’t expect that the QG team would provide such resolute support. As a result, he not only sent out his own head, but also sent out the heads of the auxiliary ones.”

“In this way, although Olaf may still have some advantages against Zac in the jungle, but on the bottom lane, Chidi and CoreJJ have suffered unreasonable disasters, and they are a bit blown out!”

I remember also analyzing from the side, his face was full of joy.

Because after this wave passed, of the four summoner skills of the SSG duo, only one flash of EZ was left!

On the other hand, in the QG duo, Uzi still has all the double moves. In the next wave, if Xiao Ming can still find a chance to hit the opponent, Uzi will have the opportunity to achieve online kills again!

Of course, they also knew that after the start of the game was bad, the SSG players obviously didn’t dare to make any more aggressive moves.

After all, they are SSG, not ROX, or SKT!

In the game, the audience can’t be sure about SSG’s follow-up thoughts, but what is certain is that this wave of river battles has a great impact on the situation!

Sofm’s Zac originally didn’t have blue buffs, but after killing An Zhangmen, he already had both buffs on him.

The three commentators originally thought that Sofm would give up his first blue buff to Scout after getting the blue buff from the head of An, so that Verus could clear the line and poke more happily.

Unexpectedly, after Sofm knocked down the bottom crab, he directly took the blue BUFF himself!

“Sofm’s game is very big!”

When Zac finished brushing the toad, directly upgraded to level 4 and returned to the city, the baby exclaimed.

“Compared to Olaf, Zac is indeed a weak jungler.”

“But this kind of heroes have a common characteristic, that is, once they reach level six, they will undergo a qualitative change!”

“And in this round, Sofm’s experience is significantly ahead of An’s, and may even be on par with the online team!”

“This will allow Sofm to take the lead first and launch a gank on the line!”

“Once an online hero is hit by Zac’s ultimate move, he will almost certainly die!”

The doll is looking forward to it. Although the game time is only four minutes now, she is already full of fantasies about the battle in a while.

However, in order to reach that time node, the time during the period still has to be passed bit by bit.

When the SSG battle directly gave up the invasion and returned to their normal LCK operation rhythm, the game scene instantly entered a state of “stable development”, which also made the “boring” situation come earlier.

But in fact, for the QG players, the laning process is not too boring.

Although it is difficult to achieve a single kill online, but in terms of suppression, the suppression is quite exhilarating!

Here on the road, in just four minutes, Saint Gun’s Kenan beat Cuvee’s Bobby by 8 knives, and even pushed the line of troops directly under the defense tower. From time to timeHe also secretly Q Poppy, making Cuvee’s tower knife even more difficult.

Here in the middle lane, Scout pushed the line ahead of time and went home. Although he only had one assist, he also went directly to the Tears of the Goddess, ready to take the poke route of the Demon Zong Blade.

In the bottom lane, Uzi and Chidi’s last hits are the same, but that’s because they didn’t play too strong before.

Now, under the circumstances that the SSG duo must be wretched, they will be very sad in the days to come!

Because Uzi’s Jhin has already made the first small armor-piercing piece of Youmeng Spirit. On the other hand, Chidi’s ez is also the production item of Tears of the Goddess!

Tears of the Goddess pierced armor? How could it be possible to beat it!

“Now we will see when SSG made a mistake. After all, the battle in the river just now definitely gave SSG a wake-up call. They know that if they show their flaws, they will definitely be caught by QG.”

“So it is quite difficult to wait until SSG makes another mistake, but I hope that when the next opportunity arises, QG can firmly grasp it!”

In the commentary seat, watching the boring game, the baby said lightly.

However, during this “boring” time, SSG also demonstrated their strong operation and vision capabilities as expected!

As soon as the accessories on their bodies get better, or the previous ward is about to disappear, no matter what state the SSG players are in at the moment, they will immediately fill in the ward to ensure their own safety.

This caused Sofm to go from the first half of the jungle to the second half of the jungle. When he was about to try a wave in the middle, he was directly seen by the jewelry eyes inserted by Brother Crown in the grass in the river.

As a last resort, Sofm could only use the true vision effect of F4 to remove the eye position, and then walked down the road.

But in the next second, Zach of Sofm turned his head again and got into the river grass again!

“Here we come! Deceitful moves!”

“I don’t know if Brother Crown can react!”

Miller’s eyes lighted up. Although deceptive moves are indeed very deceptive, but because the major teams have studied QG more and more frequently, they have become quite vigilant about deceptive moves.

The same is true for SSG!

When the eye position of the river channel disappeared, Brother Crown did not go up to make up the knife immediately, but continued to wait patiently at a place 300 yards behind the pawn line. come over.

But Scout also understood quite well, and directly gave up using skills to push the line, but quietly stood in the pile of soldiers to make up the knife, only A’ing the last hit of each soldier.


Brother Crown’s face suddenly turned ugly, because the pawn line on the red side of the center line was very uncomfortable for him. If he stepped forward to make up the knife, but Sofm didn’t leave, he might be pulled by Zach’s Q skill arrive!

But if you don’t step forward, it’s okay to miss one or two stabs, but if you miss three or four, your mentality will explode!

Ding ding ding ding.

In such an embarrassing situation, Brother Crown had no choice but to call Head An over.

Head An’s side, after playing another wave of F4, immediately walked towards the middle, but it also triggered the true vision effect of F4, and found the vision in the grass outside the red BUFF wall, so he immediately went to line up.

This situation made Brother Crown finally relax some vigilance. After all, Olaf, who is in charge of Ann, is now at level four, and Zac is only at level five. Although there is still a gap of one level, Olaf at level four is obviously no longer afraid of level five. Grade Zack’s!

And if Sofm is really still squatting on himself, he may not dare to bear the pressure of Olaf and come to gank himself!

So, when the head of An moved away from the eye position and approached the middle, Brother Crown finally had the courage to step forward.

But at this moment, a green jelly appeared directly in the sky, rushing towards Victor!


“Sofm is still there!”

Brother Crown is stupid. How long has Sofm been squatting? twenty seconds? Thirty seconds? !

But at this moment, he didn’t have time to think about this problem. The moment Zach landed, he hurriedly dodged and retreated!

After all, once he was hit by E, or even pulled together by the Q skill and the minions, even if he handed over the purification and flash, Scout’s Verus could immediately connect with the E skill to keep him behind!

As for Olaf who is in charge?

Now he does have the strength to fight a battle, but the problem is, when he rushes over from the river, his body will be completely cold!


Although this wave of gank, Sofm ended in failure, but it still aroused the audience’s exclamation!

The SSG players didn’t know it because they had no vision, but they knew from God’s perspective that Sofm waited for 20 seconds in order to squat to Brother Crown!

It wasn’t until Olaf appeared in the wild area that Brother Crown relaxed his vigilance before jumping out and successfully playing Victor’s flash!

“Steady! Really steady!”

At the commentary table, remember to tsk-tsk praised, not only praising Brother Crown’s flashy decisiveness, but also praising Sofm’s gank!

“If it was in the past, once Sofm was discovered by the opponent’s field of vision, basically he would not do anything again.”

“But in this finals, when facing the SSG team, Sofm also slightly changed his style.”

“Knowing that your SSG players are cautious, then I will become more patient!”

“Because no matter how cautious you are,It is impossible to be cautious all the time, especially when the wave of soldiers is stuck so dead by Scout. If Brother Crown waits until Sofm appears in the field of vision again before going to make up the knife, Sofm’s gank is actually a success in disguise! ”

“But now, although he didn’t succeed, he forced a flash from Victor. If the next wave of Sofm comes again, Brother Crown might be in trouble.”

I remember smiling and saying in surprise.

After the episode in the middle lane ended, the game returned to normal laning.

The junglers on both sides wanted to attack the bottom lane, but because both sides had better vision, they gave up one after another and continued to farm the jungle instead.

And just as Olaf, the head of security, was going from the second half of the field to the first half of the field, Sofm’s Zach was also going home to the top half of the field.

At this moment, Head An saw that Brother Shengqiang’s Kenan pressed the line very deep, so he thought about it again, and started sprinting on the river, and rushed towards the top road!

Although the holy gun brother made a vision on the river in advance, Olaf, who opened the sprint, ran too fast, so he didn’t dare to hesitate. He directly activated the E skill and retreated, and at the same time directly led the big move Wan Leitian prison to the hand In an attempt to dissuade the SSG Ueno duo from leaving.

Head Ke’an’s killing intent was still very heavy, especially after his first Q skill directly hit Kenan, he charged in with his ultimate move and continued to chase.

This time, An Zhangmen finally showed the world his solid basic skills!

Although Holy Gun has been turning around and walking around, Olaf still hits three consecutive Q skills, so that when he is chased under the defense tower, his blood volume is also at risk!

It wasn’t until the fourth skill, Q, that he managed to evade, that Zhangmen An gave up the idea of ​​continuing to hunt and kill him.

But just as Head An was retreating, with the arrival of Sofm, Holy Gun also decided to try to fight back. After all, Olaf had just been electrocuted to half health by himself, and Cuvee’s Poppy was already at half health. Down!

However, when Sofm used the E skill elastic slingshot to jump towards Poppy who was closest to him, Cuvee also showed amazing reflexes, and directly activated the W skill firm demeanor during Zac’s flight, taking Sofm from the sky It got stuck directly!


The audience was full of exclamations again. They never expected that the state of both sides would be so terrifying. It seemed that after QG got two heads, no more heads were recorded, but in fact, every wave of confrontation was quite thrilling!

“This is what the finals of the World Championship should look like!”

“Everyone is in full condition, and everyone is trying their best to ensure that they don’t make mistakes. If they want to win the game, it all depends on their ability to seize opportunities!”

“Although I firmly believe that the QG team will win, if the SSG team has always been in the state of the beginning, even if it wins, the world championship is meaningless!”

“But it’s better now, and the SSG players are back in form. I believe the next game will be even more exciting!”

In the commentary seat, Wawa said pleasantly, because as a fan of the QG team, it was the first time he saw the QG team repeatedly attacking, but was easily resolved by the SSG team.

Although it is not a good thing for QG to go on like this, it has to be said that the excitement of the game is full.

Moreover, he also believes that the QG team will find an opportunity sooner or later!

After failing to gank on the road, Sofm walked into the river, first went to the toad in the SSG blue zone to place an accessory eye, and then went to brush the river crab.

Brother Crown immediately became vigilant, went to the round grass on the upper river and put a real eye, then took the blue BUFF from the hand of Mr. An, and walked towards the middle again.

At the same time, I also saw that Sofm, who had finished hunting crabs, did not immediately go to the real eye in the grass, but walked towards his wild area.

“Should have gone home first like Head An.”

Brother Crown thought so.

But it was not clear that after returning to his wild area, Sofm went directly to the top of the Dalong Pit, and then used the longest charge E to jump into the river again, without being spotted by Brother Crown at all!

“I’m level six, I can jump over the tower to kill him.”

Sofm said, and at the same time tagged Crown Brother’s Victor, because in terms of time, there should be at least half of the time before his flashing becomes better at this time!

“it is good!”

Scout nodded immediately, took a look at his two moves, and immediately began to exchange skills to clear soldiers. When the EQ went down, the ranged soldiers were instantly killed, and the death of melee soldiers was also accelerated.

This kind of situation has happened many times, so Crown Brother didn’t think too much. He retreated two steps first, and then when the red pawn line was about to enter the tower, he put down the W skill gravity field to block the minion and prevent him from entering the tower. , and use the E skill to clear the line at the same time.

But at this moment, Scout, who had never been interested in killing him solo, suddenly moved!

Corrupt vines!

The next moment, Verus swung out his big move and threw it directly at Victor’s face.

Pressed wrong?

Brother Crown was at a loss for the first time, because at this moment, Verus’s QE skills had obviously not improved. How could he kill himself with full blood just by relying on a big move and peace A? !

Chaos storm!

But Brother Crown didn’t want to be beaten by Scout for no reason, and he directly threw his big move on Verus with his backhand.

The next moment, when Scout directly started sprintingAt this time, Brother Crown finally understood why Scout was so “reckless”!

Because at this moment, in the wild area behind him, Sofm’s Zack actually used his E skill to jump towards the immobile Victor!


Although Brother Crown didn’t know when Sofm appeared there, he decisively handed over the purification to remove the control of Verus’ ultimate move, and at the same time quickly retreated towards the defense tower.

But it was still directly hit by Zach’s E skill, giving him a slight deceleration effect.

But to despair, a new wave of blue soldiers continued at this time!

Extend the attack!

Without further ado, Sofm directly bumped Victor and the soldier together, making them both stunned. Immediately afterwards, the ultimate move of dynamic pinball was activated, and Victor was ejected out of the tower in an instant!

On Scout’s side, after sprinting to get out of the range of Victor’s ultimate move, because his skills still haven’t improved, he can only keep leveling with Victor.

But the damage was still not low. Soon, Victor was hit below one-third of his health.

Victor, who was able to recover all his mobility, immediately Q’d Zac, and retreated to the tower again, trying to escape from death!

But Sofm was not willing to let Brother Crown go, and directly carried the attack of the soldiers line and the defensive tower, and continued to chase after him!

Just when Victor’s blood volume was finally down to 1/4, Sofm’s Zack finally fell under the defense tower.

But because of the passive existence, he didn’t die immediately, but turned into four clones, waiting for resurrection.

But the defense tower did not attack the clone, because at this moment, Scout’s Verus had already resisted the damage of the defense tower for Sofm, and at the same time, the piercing arrow of the Q skill began to charge again!

Brother Crown knew something was wrong, once he was shot by this arrow, he would definitely die, so he hurried to move in an S shape, hoping to avoid this deadly arrow!


But at the next moment, Scout also directly flashed to close the distance in order to ensure that his arrow hit the target!


Afterwards, this piercing arrow with infinite firmness finally came out of his hand and shot through Victor’s body!

QG.Scout killed SSG.Crown!

Then, the head is in hand!

The three commentators were about to say something, but at this moment, they suddenly saw the same icon appear on the heads of Verus and Zac!


The next moment, people all over the world instantly understood!

That arrow!

Wei Shen’s arrow!

That arrow from S5!

After circling the earth for a year, they are back!

(Thank you “ww” for your 100-point reward and support!!!)

(Thanks to “Ban Shi Liu Li” for his monthly ticket support!!!).

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