When Sofm’s Zack was resurrected again, Scout’s Verus finally walked out of the attack range of the defense tower, and went around the wild area to re-enter the line.

At the same time, because Olaf, who is the head of security, is still in the second half of the jungle, there is no way to catch up with the bloody QG Nakano and the two to avenge Crown Brother, so he can only rush to the middle tower to fill the line and watch them helplessly run away.

At the same time, the audience was full of exclamations!

Because the arrow shot by Scout just now is really like the arrow shot by S5 last year!

In S5 last year, the LPL’s LGD team played against the LCK’s KT team, going down to the high ground. If Weishen Verus’s arrow hits Bron, LGD is still very hopeful to come back and advance to the quarterfinals!

But who knew, at such a critical moment, Wei Shen suddenly made a major mistake and shot his crucial Q skill backwards!

Then, LGD lost that game. When the group stage was stopped on the spot, the shameful stalk of “reverse Q” was talked about for a whole year!

And now, it’s also in the middle, it’s also Verus, and it’s also the Q skill piercing arrow!

But the result was ~ completely different!

This arrow not only killed Brother Crown’s Victor, but also made Scout officially take off. In the next game, he can directly control the rhythm of the middle lane, and even win the first game with a high probability!

“I don’t know that Wei Shen is watching this game-?”

“If Wei Shen is watching this game, I don’t know what he is thinking, anyway, I have already cried.”

“Wei Shen, have you seen it? The QG team shot back the arrow you didn’t shoot last year for you!”

In the live broadcast room, I don’t know how many LPL viewers were excited at this moment and burst into tears. After all, that arrow is really an eternal pain in their hearts!

And now, the QG team has already taken over the baton of the LPL division, and once again launched the final challenge to the LCK division!

At the same time, the three commentators in the commentary booth were also very excited.

“This arrow is finally not a reverse Q, but a forward Q!”

“Actually, Scout could have shot Victor without flashing, but he might have been worried that Brother Crown’s position was too good, so he shot to get closer to ensure that his arrow would hit!”

“And he managed to do it!”

The baby clenched her teeth tightly, as if trying to suppress her emotions.

“And this wave of ganks in the middle, we can also see the determination of the QG team!”

“The SSG team did become extremely cautious after the mistake in the bot lane, and basically didn’t give QG any chance.”

“But for the QG team, if there is no chance, heWe just want to create opportunities! ”

Miller spoke loudly.

“First, it was Sofm’s very spiritual wave of wild areas surrounding the field of vision, and then he and Scout released a resolute skill release without giving Brother Crown any chance to react, which resulted in this wonderful wave of kills!”

Miller was very excited. In this wave, although Verus and Zac’s various skills finally left only one Zac’s flash, as long as they get the head, it will be blood money!

“That’s right, and after this wave of kills is successful, the next initiative in the middle is completely in Scout’s hands.”

“If my guess is correct, Scout should be able to touch the Demon Sect’s sharp blade directly after returning home this time!”

“However, the only thing that needs to be careful is that in the next period of time, Verus will not dodge or sprint, and you need to be careful of Olaf’s gank.”

I remember also solemnly saying at the side, as long as Scout can survive the next period of time, at least until his sprint improves, then his situation in the middle lane will be very good!

“Yes, you two, can you kill someone so wretched?”

“No, we have to try!”

The kill in the middle lane gave Uzi in the bottom lane a lot of confidence. Of course, the most important reason is that Olaf is in the middle lane at this time, and it is impossible to teleport to the bottom lane.

So the next moment, Uzi and Xiao Ming pressed forward again and started to push the line, and soon pushed the pawn line to the front of the first tower of SSG’s bottom lane.

However, due to the attack of the defense tower and the SSG duo’s resolute clearing of the line, this wave of soldiers was also quickly destroyed.

The entangled roots!

At this moment, Xiao Ming pretended to retreat first, but suddenly threw out an E skill backhand, and precisely entangled Chidi EZ’s body!

The next moment, two flowers bloomed and began to spray ez continuously.

However, this attack only lasted for a short while before it ended, because with the arrival of the next wave of artillery soldiers, Uzi and Xiao Ming also had to retreat temporarily.

But who knew, at this time, Emperor Chi suddenly lost his temper!

When he saw the QG duo retreating, he actually stepped forward with the E skill Arcane Leap, chasing after Xiaoming Jiela who was also low on health and started A!

“If there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, but if there is no way to hell, you come here?”

Xiao Ming snorted coldly. He was worried that the SSG duo wouldn’t take the initiative to fight with them, but now they take the initiative to send them to the door, even if they are carrying a wave of artillery soldiers, so what? !

“Master Dog!”

Xiao Ming yelled to remind Uzi, and at the same time, he was weak and hung up on ez in an instant!

Emperor Chi suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly retreated, but he was still being chased by Xiao Ming to level A.

Naturally, CoreJJ on the side couldn’t let Chidi be beaten, and directly gave Chidi the E skill, and at the same time pressed in the direction of Zyra, forcing him to retreat, and even threw an RQ to Uzi’s Jhin, the same He also knocked out half of his blood volume!

This wave of fighting seems to be temporarily over?


It seems that the QG duo lost money?

That’s right, after all, this wave of Xiao Ming was weak, but he didn’t even use one of the opponent’s summoner skills.

But when the commentator and the audience were faintly worried, Uzi and Xiao Ming were as calm as ever!

They have already seen the wretchedness of the SSG players, especially in this wave just now. Although Chidi suffered from Xiao Ming’s weakness, he still didn’t dare to fight himself hard with a wave of artillery soldiers as support. Fight, I’m afraid I won’t be able to fight!

But now, Xiao Ming is completely weak, and Uzi’s blood volume has also dropped to less than half blood.

On the other hand, the SSG duo, Chidi and CoreJJ are also half-blooded, but the four summoner skills are…

If there is no way to deceive them and make them fight with him, then SSG is too cowardly, right? !

And in the ensuing struggle, Xiao Ming’s hard work finally paid off!

After the artillery car soldiers met, seeing Xiaoming Jiela stepping forward to press the line again, CoreJJ also had an idea about the bloody Xiao Ming, and wanted to step forward to harass him.

“Master Dog!”

The next moment, Xiao Ming’s eyes lit up, and he yelled again. At the same time, he immediately threw out a entangled root, and hit CoreJJ’s fan mother accurately again!


Fatal Brilliance!

The next moment, Uzi directly took over the control with his W skill, and then strode forward. A QA shot directly hit Fan Mama, immediately putting Fan Mama’s HP in jeopardy!



In this situation, CoreJJ didn’t dare to be negligent anymore, and hurriedly handed over his double moves and retreated. At the same time, following Chidi’s initiative to move forward to give healing and acceleration effects, CoreJJ’s blood volume finally stayed at 41 drops temporarily. Save yourself from trouble!

And at this moment, when another small soldier died on the red and blue sides, the levels of Uzi and Chidi both reached six at 7 minutes and 35 seconds!

“I’ll withdraw!”

Seeing CoreJJ flee back to the defense tower, Uzi snorted coldly, and took two steps back.

Immediately turn around in the next moment, and with a bang, the ultimate move is activated directly!

Perfect curtain call!

The moment the huge sniper range appeared, the SSG duo was shocked!

CoreJJ under the defense tower immediately began to move, hoping to have better luck.

As for Chidi’s ez, he didn’t move at this time, but pressed the big button directly towards the place where Uzi opened his big move.trick!

Precise barrage!



The next moment, the two ADCs completed a long-distance confrontation.

Although Uzi’s health is not enough, but because the damage of ez is too low at this time, Chidi failed to kill Uzi.

Deadly Bloom!

Rapid growth!

But Xiao Ming is not just for nothing. When ez pulls a big move and cannot move his body, he directly throws down the two skills of QW on the soles of ez, and immediately hits Chidi’s blood volume to a precarious level!


Jhin’s second bullet was fired again with a bang.

Arcane Leap!

But Chidi reacted quite quickly, and quickly pulled away his E skill. At the same time, his thinking was quite clear. The direction was the wild area, where Jhin’s ultimate move could not cover.

As long as you leave the range of Jin’s ultimate move, your own safety can be guaranteed!


The third bullet hit ez again with precision!


Chidi had to dodge again, and at the same time, he was amazed at the high precision of Uzi’s ultimate move!

However, what reassures Emperor Chi is that at this time, after two consecutive displacements, he has reached the end of the range of Jin’s big move. As long as he takes one step forward, he can escape!


The fourth bullet was finally fired.

And Emperor Chi, also laughing loudly, walked into the triangular grass.

But the next moment, Emperor Chi couldn’t laugh anymore.

Because at this time, he suddenly discovered that Uzi’s fourth bullet did not aim at himself at all, but shot directly at the defense tower!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!

Then, the kill appeared!

CoreJJ couldn’t understand until his death, why Uzi’s last shot suddenly aimed at himself? And the most amazing thing is that when he stopped walking and started returning to the city, he had already entered the blind spot of Uzi’s vision!

How did Uzi determine his position? !

Just when CoreJJ couldn’t figure it out, Chidi suddenly discovered that Xiaoming Jiela, who was still bloody, chased him directly to the triangular grass at this moment!

Looking at Xiao Ming’s blood volume and blue volume, looking at his own blood volume, Emperor Chi suddenly became murderous, and directly used the cover of the grass to attack Zyra first. After all, Uzi in the distance, It is impossible to support Xiao Ming at this time!

Rapid growth!

Xiao Ming didn’t panic at all. After throwing the W skill at ez’s feet with the last bit of mana, he began to stand up with ez, because after ez played the last Q skill, he was also in an empty mana state!

Thus, the imperial city pk between ez and Zyra began!

Chidi A, Xiaoming, Xiaoming, Chidi, flowers, Chidi…

Chidi A, Xiaoming, Xiaoming, Chidi, flowers, Chidi…


Just when the blood volume of both sides was only a little short of the last tie A and would be taken away, Xiao Ming flashed directly into the triangular grass, causing Emperor Chi to lose his vision in an instant, and at the same time, made a backhand A for the last tie A!

QG.Ming killed SSG.Ruler!

The game time is 8 minutes and 04 seconds, Xiao Ming, solo killed Emperor Chi!


The next moment, the audience was shocked! The audience roared!

“The support solo killed the ADC? Will Chidi play it?!”

“Uzi’s last bullet was too accurate, right? How did he know where CoreJJ returned to the city?”

“CoreJJ is really big-hearted. If I must go out of the range of Jhin’s ultimate move before returning to the city, he will press B on the spot when he arrives.”

“Nice, QG is not afraid of anything, except that SSG won’t fight with them!”

“It’s all right now, as long as SSG is willing to fight QG, QG can take the head!”

In the early 8 minutes of the game, when the head ratio on the field reached a terrifying 5-0 again, the LPL audience was already ecstatic!

I thought that the final BO5 would be extremely fierce, and the SSG team would be extremely cautious, but who would have thought that even if the SSG team was cautious, the result would be no different from the other two LCK teams!

“The QG team once again found their familiar rhythm!”

When the duo of the QG team completed the line kill against the duo of the SSG team during the laning stage, the three commentators in the commentary booth were overjoyed!

In fact, no matter how strong Uzi and Xiao Ming’s laning strength is, under normal circumstances, without the help of Sofm, it will be difficult for them to complete the laning kill against the opponent, and they can only achieve suppression in the last attack.

·· ·Ask for flowers········

But this time, in the first round of BO5 in the finals, Uzi and Xiao Ming completed a laning kill!

Among them, Xiao Ming’s support was the ADC that single-handedly killed Emperor Chi!

“This round should be stable, right?”

“Except for Brother Holy Gun, all four of QG have their heads recorded, and the economic lead has already reached 2,000 yuan in 8 minutes!”

Miller laughed loudly. He never expected that the QG team’s game was as smooth as ever, but their opponents kept changing!

“The duo of SSG was deceived in this wave. Uzi and Xiaoming have been exchanging skills to sell their flaws. If Chidi and CoreJJ are not on top, there is absolutely no way for Uzi and Xiaoming to complete this wave of line kills.”

“But Chidi and CoreJJ are still in a hurry. The teammates have been killed three times, and the opponent is crippled.Blood, so I also want to seize the opportunity to regain a little advantage in the bottom lane. ”

“But in the end, not only did he both die in battle, Uzi didn’t even hand in the healing and flash, and he can still fight in the next wave!”

“However, it is obvious that Chidi and CoreJJ should not dare to fight anymore. After all, if they continue to fight, they can only repeat the mistakes of the other two LCK teams. The more they fight, the more disadvantaged they will be, and then they will lose the game!”

I remember laughing softly. If I said this a few minutes ago, I would have been a little worried that SSG would slowly run the late stage, but the gank in the middle lane just now has reassured him.

Even if the SSG team has been wretched, the QG team will definitely take the initiative to find opportunities to expand their advantages!

Return to the game.

When Uzi went out again, he had already made two small pieces of Youmeng Spirit, only one synthesis fee was needed to produce the first complete outfit.

Xiao Ming also made eye stones here, and bought two real eyes at the same time, planning to continue the vision control to the end.

At the same time, in the case of pushing the line in the middle, the range of activities of Sofm Zac, the “weak jungler”, has gradually increased. At the time node when the blue side’s F4 refresh was stuck, he directly stole a wave of F4 from the head of the security .

… … … …

Although he was discovered and harassed by Brother Crown, he still punished Big Bird. At the same time, he used the real vision effect to eliminate the real eyes in the grass outside the red BUFF wall.

Although the head of An arrived later and also eliminated the real eye left by QG, ​​he still couldn’t see the fake eye left by Sofm in F4 in advance, and was beaten by Xiaoming Jiela who had already rushed over.

But it was such a simple confrontation that made the SSG duo ready to move again.

Because at this time, Uzi, who just went online in the bot lane, is the only one!


But at this time, CoreJJ was a little hesitant, after all, they really might not be able to kill Uzi.


But Emperor Chi gritted his teeth and said, firstly because he was angry in his heart, and secondly because his ez had also achieved brilliance, and finally had a certain output ability!

So the next moment, CoreJJ’s fan mother went straight to the grass in the river.

Immediately afterwards, Uzi’s Jin just came to the river, inserted his real eyes into the grass, and saw CoreJJ’s fan mother at the same time!


Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, CoreJJ puts the W skill on Uzi without saying a word.


But Uzi was not impatient, and directly QA Fanzima. After all, his support is not Xiao Ming’s Zyra!


But at the same time, Chidi, who had already rushed to the line, directly jumped face to give the skill, knocking out one-third of Uzi’s HP in an instant!


When he was about to be pulled by the fan mother’s chain, Uzi didn’t dare to push him too hard, and directly crossed and broke the chain.

Immediately turn around at the next moment, and backhanded the W skill Fatal Brilliance!

CoreJJ hurriedly used the E skill to speed up, trying to avoid the precise W skill.


However, he was still hit directly and was frozen in place, unable to move.

And at this moment, Xiao Ming, who was stepping on the acceleration circle of the river crab, had already arrived in the grass of the river!

The entangled roots!

Another shot of the E skill was thrown, and the Fan Mom who had just been able to move was tied up again, and this tie once again announced the end of CoreJJ’s life!

Deadly Bloom!

Rapid growth!

After the QW skill was thrown out, combined with Uzi’s flat A plus flower output, Fan Mom’s blood bar was instantly emptied!

QG.Ming killed SSG.CoreJJ!

The head was taken by Xiao Ming again!

Then continue to chase Emperor Chi!

Because at this moment, Sofm’s Zack and Scout’s Verus had already appeared on the river.

The SSG saw that the situation was not right, Emperor Chi hurriedly retreated, and head An also quickly came down to support.

Elastic slingshot!

When the head of security just walked out of the wild area, Zach of Sofm had already used the E skill to cross the thick wall of the wild area and directly blasted Olaf of the head of security into the air!

Dynamic Pinball!

At the same time that Sofm activated his ult immediately, Head An also hurriedly pressed Olaf’s ult Ragnarok to avoid being out of control.

But the problem is, the control is exempt, but the damage cannot be exempted!

Under the beating by the other three of QG, Scout fired another precise piercing arrow, directly taking away the last bar of Olaf’s blood!

QG.Scout killed SSG.Ambition!

The game time was 9 minutes and 20 seconds, and the head to head ratio was 7 to 0!

Although Emperor Chi’s ez managed to escape, the price was that head An died for him.

And, from now on, the rhythm of the SSG team will completely collapse!

(Thanks to “Huang Yahao” for his 1000-point reminder vote support!!!)

(Thanks to “Wu” boss for the 500-point reminder vote support!!!)

(Thanks to “Feng” and “Xinghuan” for their support of 100 reminder votes!!!)

(Thanks to “Feng”, “Xinghuan”, “Come on, let’s hurt each other”, Zhou Jianwen, “Emperor”, “Breeze Blowing Peach Blossom”, Big Huyou, “denn” for their monthly support!!!) Son.

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