After everyone in QG went home again to renew their equipment, they did not continue to adopt the tactic of four-one-point push. Instead, they pushed together in a group, preparing to end the first round of the game in one wave!

It’s not that everyone in QG is impatient, it’s just because they know in their hearts that the equipment of everyone in SSG is very backward. Even if Chidi’s ez development catches up, but when the other four people are all stretching their hips, as long as they play in a group, they will still be able to fight. QG will definitely win!

So, the game time was 25 minutes. Following a wave of super soldiers, the five QG men aggressively advanced along the middle road towards the high ground in the middle road of SSG. It seemed that they did not intend to give SSG any chance to continue to develop!

“The QG team is preparing to end the game in one wave!”

Seeing this scene, the three commentators in the commentary booth all expressed surprise and said.

Although this round has not lasted too long, the whole process is still thrilling!

And just now, everyone in QG finally decided to end the crazy sit-ups of the LPL audience during the game ahead of schedule, and was about to end the game directly. How could this not make everyone look forward to it? !

While speaking, the five members of QG arrived at the high ground of the SSG team. At the same time, the four members of SSG also took a defensive posture in front of the front tooth tower, ready to swear to the death to defend against this wave of QG offensive!

Because as long as they can defend against this wave, then everyone can get a period of development again, giving them the opportunity to drag the game to 30 minutes later, so as to regain the chance to come back!

It’s just that although the dream is full, the reality is quite skinny, because judging by the fierce expressions of everyone in QG, they are not going to give SSG any chance to come back!

“Where’s Bobby? Why isn’t he here?”

While walking towards the front tooth tower of SSG, Uzi observed the surrounding situation, and suddenly found that Poppy of Cuvee was not on the high ground.


Before going to the high ground, Xiao Ming made a few eye positions in the wild passage in front of the high ground. At this time, Bobby, who successfully saw Cuvee, stood behind them maliciously, ready to launch a final counterattack at any time!

“Pretend to tap the tower, but get rid of this Bobby first!”

Uzi said decisively, and said to Brother Holy Gun at the same time.

“If they support you, you will force them back. As long as Bobby dies, we will win!”

After finishing speaking, he and Zach from Sofm walked towards the front tooth tower.

And just when Crown Ge Victor’s force field was placed in front of the front tooth tower, as expected, Cuvee seemed to have seen the opportunity, and directly activated the W skill firm demeanor behind the QG people, and quickly rushed towards the QG people.

As long as the two non-moving double Cs, Uzi or Scout, are pushed down the defense tower, and one of them is killed in seconds with the output of the teammates, then this wave of high ground battles can be completely won!

The entangled roots!

But the next moment, when Cuvee was rushing directly towards Uzi, Xiao Ming’s Zyra directly tied Bobby in place with a no-frills E skill.


Immediately afterwards, Weakness was dealt with directly, causing Bobby’s running speed to slow down a lot!

And just when the four people in front of SSG were about to rush up to support them, Zach from Sofm and Kenan from Brother Holy Gun rushed directly towards the four people in front of SSG!

Dynamic Pinball!

Secret meaning! Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!

The two big moves were released impressively, immediately messing up the formation of four people in front of SSG, turning the world upside down!

And behind the two, even though Cuvee hit Uzi with the E skill, even if his team members couldn’t keep up with the output, even if they controlled Uzi, it would be of no avail!

Bang bang bang!

Jhin, Verus, and Zyra instantly put all the output on Bobby. Although Uzi was still blown away by Cuvee’s big move, Scout still succeeded in taking Bobby’s last attack.The last trace of HP was taken away, which led to the reduction of the SSG team first!

QG.Scout killed SSG.Cuvee!

On the other hand, QG Ueno under the front tooth tower, at this time, after handing over his big move, Holy Gun brother knocked out a lot of blood volume of the four SSG, but also because the head of An opened Olaf’s big move and slashed at himself, plus Crown Ge Victor took the lead in throwing his own big move, and Kenan’s blood volume became precarious!


At this moment, the golden body that had already been made was pressed down brazenly, avoiding the damage of the defensive tower, and the four of SSG were unable to continue to cause damage to themselves!

Corrupt vines!

Perfect curtain call!

Everyone in SSG actually wanted to push Kenan to stand up, but at this moment, two more big moves directly attacked them. Among them, Verus’ big move even gave up the purified Victor on his body, and took the first step It hit the auxiliary CoreJJ!

At the same time as the vines began to spread, Uzi’s bullets also rushed in, hitting Olaf and Victor on the spot, making them want to quickly leave the range of Verus’ ultimate move, but they couldn’t do it in a short time!

As a result, Brother Crown had to hand over the purification to release the imminent control, but CoreJJ’s fan mother was not so lucky, and was directly shot away by Uzi in the distance!

As for Olaf, who is in charge of security, although he is quite fleshy, but because he has been carrying the output of Kenan and Zac just now, his blood volume is also at risk at this time!

Piercing Arrow!

Although Zac’s passive was played out, Head An tried to retreat to the spring water to make up for his condition.

But at this moment, Scout shot through his body with a precise Q skill, and he was killed on the spot!

On the other side, Chidi’s EZ didn’t dare to get too close, not to mention how much he wanted to give output!

Because Xiao Ming’s Zyra has flashes and E, once he is caught, he is also sure to die. He can only transform into a QDC from a distance, and use the Q skill to consume the blood volume of everyone in QG.

At this time, the damage ability of EZ is really good, but the problem is that even if Emperor Chi has a higher output, in the case of only himself and Brother Crown left in SSG, the two crispy double Cs cannot be defended at all. The blood volume of the front tooth tower!

So, when Emperor Chi finally found a chance and succeeded in killing Kenan of Brother Holy Gun, their two front tooth towers finally both fell to the ground!

I thought that after Brother Crown’s Victor returned with full blood, he would be able to push back this wave of offensive from the QG crowd no matter what.

But what I didn’t expect was that because Zac, who had already gotten out of the Outlaw Armor, had been OB for a while, his blood volume had returned to a fairly healthy state again!

“Don’t kill people, tear down towers.”! ”

Although the remaining four members of QG still have the opportunity to abuse Quan at this time, Uzi did not issue such an order, and directly ignored the harassment of SSG double Cs to them, and hit the bullets in his hand one by one on the crystal of the SSG base. above.

The next moment, the base crystal finally exploded!


When a deafening roar sounded at the competition site, and the huge word of victory appeared on the big screen, the audience finally broke out into a burst of fierce cheers!

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

Immediately afterwards, the audience shouted the name of the QG team loudly, and all the fans of the QG team showed extremely enthusiastic and surprised expressions on their faces!

Because although they had already prepared in their hearts, when the QG team really took the lead in winning the first game in this finals BO5, the emotion in their hearts still couldn’t be restrained from flooding into their minds!

“Win! QG won!”

“Let’s congratulate QG!”

In the commentary seat, the three commentators were equally excited, congratulating Team QG’s victory with excitement!

Although from the time point of view, this game only took 27 minutes, which seems relatively fast, but after watching the whole game, you will know that if it weren’t for the 20-minute team battle, everyone in QG handled it well enough, and they would not be like this now An easy wave to flatten the base crystal of the SSG team!

Baby Miller remembered that the three had too much to say, but because of the setting of the finals, they had to return the camera to the commentary seat now!

“Let us once again congratulate the QG team for taking the lead in this finals BO5 and temporarily leading with a score of 1 to 0!”

In the comments section, Changmao and PDD were equally ecstatic.

“Congratulations to QG, QG is awesome!”

“Right now, there are only two victories left for the QG team to win the first championship trophy in the LPL World Championship!”

PDD was so happy that the fat on his face began to tremble, but in such an excited situation, he didn’t bother to do any expression management, he only knew how to shout QG awesome!

“That’s right, the QG team’s victory in the first round was a near miss. Although there were some tense episodes in the process, fortunately they still won in the end.”

“However, I think the QG team can’t take it lightly at this time. After all, the first game just now has shown that as long as the SSG team does not make too many mistakes, it is still quite difficult for the QG team to gain an advantage. .”

“And after the loss in the first game, Head An will definitely be instructed by the coach. In this way, as long as Head An returns to his normal state in the second game and has a better performance, the SSG team still very likelyIt poses a considerable threat to the QG team! ”

Pu Zeyuan murmured his analysis. Although what he said was to congratulate QG, his analysis sounded more and more like he was looking for a possibility for the SSG team to equalize the score!

“Ze Yuan is right, but I think Manager Zhang must have learned more about the SSG team through the first game!”

“I believe that in the next game, both sides will bring us even more exciting performances!”

“Let’s rest for a while and be right back!”

Changmao was no longer willing to listen to Park Zeyuan’s continued analysis. After interrupting it, he asked the director to insert a live advertisement.

Although they won the first game, when they returned to the waiting room, the expressions of the five members of QG were not particularly excited.

The reason is simple. The 20-minute big dragon team battle really left them with lingering fears!

“How is it? Can you feel the strength of the SSG team?”

Seeing that the team members were not particularly happy, Zhang Mingrui smiled lightly.

“Under such circumstances, the SSG can grasp the information about your lack of health and find a wave of opportunities to fight dragons.”

“If it wasn’t for the perfect cooperation between Holy Gun and Sofm, there was a real chance of being dragged down by them in the first game.”

Zhang Mingrui did not comfort the team members, and bluntly stated the biggest problem that occurred in the first game, but his expression was very calm.

“But don’t take this matter too seriously. After all, the SSG team’s ability to find opportunities is indeed very strong. It is impossible for us to always find their opportunities. They can’t find any opportunities for us, right?”

“What’s more, we were the ones who won the first game!”

“This matter is worthy of vigilance, but it will definitely not affect your mentality. It is enough to learn from a fall in the pit and think about the follow-up situation before making a decision in the next game, so as to avoid similar things from happening.”

Zhang Mingrui gushed to the team members.

Usually during training, he is indeed very strict with the players, but between games, he still needs to focus on encouraging and cheering up, otherwise it will affect the morale of the players!

“Now everyone cheer up and listen to the tactical arrangement of the second game!”

Immediately afterwards, his voice suddenly increased by an octave, and all the team members immediately stood up and raised their heads high.

“Our rhythm in the first game was good, mainly because SSG sent too many kills in the early stage. In the second game, they must become more cautious.”

“This means that if you want to catch the SSG, or forcibly gank them, the difficulty will be greatly increased!”

“So in the second game, we changed our thinking a little bit and focused on laning instead of roaming support that they thought we were good at!”

“In the second round, I will try my best to choose a more powerful pairing combination for each line, especially the top laner Saint Gun. If there is a chance in this round, I will let you choose the hero with the hole card.”

Speaking of this, Brother Holy Gun’s eyes lit up, and the eyes of the rest of the people immediately showed envy, thinking that Brother Holy Gun definitely played this round very well!

However, Zhang Mingrui’s expression was as calm as ever, and he continued.

“¨. Choosing such a lineup is high-risk and high-reward, so I need you to do more wards and fight more guerrillas when you are in the lane!”

“Master An went to look for you, and you backed up, and when you left, you pushed forward, trying to push down the opponent’s tower without the help of your teammates!”

“As for Sofm, in this round, it’s up to you to figure out the rhythm yourself, but I hope you can just make an eye stone and help them make defensive vision.”

“At the same time, try to focus on the top lane for gank. As long as Holy Gun is fat in this round, we will win pretty easily no matter whether we fight or not!”

Zhang Mingrui shouted loudly at the crowd, looked around, and once again landed on Brother Saint Gun.

“This game depends on your performance.”

“As long as you win the matchup, your name will be remembered by League of Legends players all over the world!”

As he spoke, he patted Brother Holy Gun’s shoulder solemnly with a smile on his face.

“Don’t worry, Manager Zhang, I will definitely not let you down!”

Brother Holy Gun clenched his fists and said, he thought that this hero could be used in the semi-finals against ROX, but how could he have imagined that ROX was so weak that he didn’t even need to draw out his cards before being smashed to pieces!

And now, on the stage of the finals, he finally has the opportunity to show this hero, win the game and become famous in one fell swoop!

After a short break, everyone in QG left the lounge again and walked towards the stage.

At the same time, three commentators showed their faces again in the commentary booth.

“Okay! Welcome to the audience and friends on the scene and in front of the screen to return to the scene of the S6 World Championship Finals!”

“In the just-concluded first round, the QG team defeated the SSG team, leading temporarily with a score of 1 to 0!”

“As for the SSG team to tie the score in the second game, or the QG team to make persistent efforts and win the championship point?”

“You two, what do you think?”

Chang Mao finished his opening remarks with a smile, then turned to look at the two people beside him.

“Needless to say? QG2 to 0!”

“QG is an indomitable team. After winning the first game, it is even more vigorous. I definitely want to make persistent efforts and directly win the second game!”

“Although I can’t guarantee this finals, whether QG can directly take away SSG 3-0, noAfter the second game, I think QG will definitely win! ”

PDD Dang (Wang Zhao) smiled and said, like all the former professional players who have been guests of the competition before, he has full confidence in the QG team!

“I think that if QG wants to win the second round, it will definitely be much more difficult than the first round.”

Park Zeyuan finally took over the quarrel, and analyzed it righteously.

“As I said just now, SSG lost the first game mainly because they made too many mistakes, which led to the fact that the QG team’s economy and equipment have always been ahead of SSG.”

“And based on my understanding of the SSG team, in the second game, they will definitely adjust their mentality, stabilize, and perfectly display their LCK-style operation style, truly becoming the strongest shield!”

“As long as QG can’t break through SSG’s defense like in the previous game, and the game is dragged to the late stage, SSG will have a good chance to win the game and tie the score!”

“So the second game is still a test of the offensive ability of the QG team. They must be better than the first game. Otherwise, if QG also plays defense, it will obviously enter the rhythm of SSG’s game.”

“But to be honest, the offensive ability shown by QG in the first game is already terrifying. Want to raise another level at this level? It’s quite difficult!”

“So in my opinion, whether the QG team can win the second game or not, the opponent is actually myself from the previous game!”

Park Zeyuan had a strong voice, and as always said some quite official words, but it was always uncomfortable for LPL audiences to hear.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as the QG team continues to win in the next second game, then, as an LPL spectator, it will be comfortable!

“Okay, I have received the news from the broadcaster. In the second game, the QG team and the SSG team switched sides. The QG team is on the blue side, and the SSG team is on the red side!”

“The players on both sides are all ready, and the second game will start immediately. Next, we will hand over the camera to the commentary booth!”

Following the sound of Changmao’s voice again, when the voice handover was completed with the three commentators in the commentary booth, the BP screen of the second game officially lit up on the big screen!

In the finals of the S6 World Championship, the second BO5 match between the QG team and the SSG team officially begins now!

(Thanks to “a very evil person”, “half crying, half laughing, half dazed” bosses for their monthly support!!!).

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