In the second round, the two teams switched sides, and the QG team came to the blue side, ban first and choose first.

“Ban Jess.”

As soon as he came up, Zhang Mingrui said to Brother Saint Gun, press the point of Jess. After all, for the hero with the hole card, the threat of Jess in this hand is far more than other heroes.

It’s just that when Jess got into the ban position, all the commentators were a little confused. They didn’t know Manager Zhang’s attempt to directly ban Jess firsthand!

“This… What does Manager Zhang mean by Jess? Someone used Jess in the last game? Could it be that my memory is wrong?”

The baby said in a daze, thinking that the speed of switching the sound source to the commentary booth was too fast, which prevented them from experiencing certain things!

“No, this hand of Jess is indeed intriguing.”

Miller curled his lips, also puzzled, but immediately thought of a previous game of the QG team.

“Do you still remember that in the second round of QG’s match against ROX, Manager Zhang also took the initiative to ban Poppy, and then chose Rambo for Brother Saint Gun?”

“In this round, although I don’t know what hero Manager Zhang is going to choose for Brother Saint Gun, it must be aimed at the bans on the road.”

I remember and nodded, but I was still puzzled.

“But the question is, in the current version of the top road ecology, is there any hero who is particularly afraid of Jess? There seems to be none, right?”

Remember to frown. Although the hero Jess has a strong suppression ability, he hasn’t reached the level where he can defeat the opponent in line!

“I don’t know. After a while in the selection stage, the answer to why Ban Jiesi should come to light.”

The baby couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry, and was very speechless in their hearts. Every time they were in the BP stage, they were most worried, because they always had to guess what Manager Zhang wanted to do!

While the three commentators were guessing, the SSG team naturally also guessed. After thinking about it for a long time, they didn’t think about the purpose of Ban Jiesi, so they ignored it and banned Sofm’s Leopard Girl with one hand, and continued to prevent Sofm’s rhythm from taking off.

“Ban Olaf!”

The QG team’s second ban came again with a rather unexpected ban, banning Olaf who hadn’t played very well just now.


At the commentary seat, the three of them looked at each other again, and no one dared to speak for a while.

After all, judging from the data they collected, the player Sofm used Olaf relatively seldom. On the contrary, their opponents regarded Olaf as a non-ban must-choice hero.

But the ensuing problem is that when the hero Olaf appeared in the opponent’s hands, so far, he has not won a game, and it is even difficult to cause a particularly large disturbance to the QG team!

But even though it was just such a seemingly harmless Olaf, he was banned in the QG team quite abnormally!

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know why…”

Miller saw the doll looking at him, so he blurted out, but he couldn’t laugh or cry when he heard it..

And for the SSG team, Olaf’s ban really made them dumbfounded!

Because if the leopard girl Gaolaf is gone, then only the blind monk and the spider will be left as a jungler in the version.

Could it be that Sofm wanted to replace the leopard girl with a spider in this round, so as to continue to drive the early rhythm? !

So, without thinking too much, the SSG team directly banned the spider in the second hand, and extinguished the engine flame of Sofm again.

As for the Zac used in the last round? The SSG team didn’t intend to target it. Obviously, they thought of a way to deal with Zach when they just had a break!

“Ban Victor!”

Zhang Mingrui’s third-hand ban made the audience exclaim again, because the third-hand ban was also not something they could understand!

Still the same problem, so far, no matter Faker, Kuro, or Crown, they have never won when Victor is chosen!

Although Crown Brother’s Victor was indeed the best hero on the SSG side in the previous round, there’s no need to suddenly push him out in this round, right? !

“I really don’t understand the first two moves, but I can probably guess Manager Zhang’s intentions with Victor.”

I remember suddenly thinking of something, and said solemnly.

“Victor, as Brother Crown, has been used the most times since the World Championships, and is also the hero with the highest winning rate. His control over Victor has indeed reached a level of perfection.”

“If the last game hadn’t been for Sofm’s wonderful wave of forcibly jumping over the tower around the field of vision, then in the mid-to-late team battle, Brother Crown’s Victor can definitely play the effect he should have.”

“Based on this consideration, Manager Zhang banned Victor, and at the same time sent a signal to the SSG team…”

“That’s it for this round. Scout doesn’t want to continue playing online with Brother Crown, he wants to play against him!”

“If we draw an inference from this, the bans of Jess and Olaf in the first two hands seem to be able to apply for this point. In this round, the QG team does not want the jungler to interfere too much with the online matchup, so that the players on both sides are pure Go fight for personal operations!”

Remembering to hit the ground with a loud voice, it made Miller’s eyes light up!

“The analysis is indeed reasonable. As we all know, the top laner Jess is currently the most capable 1v1 hero among the top laners. Banning him means that Manager Zhang wants to choose a hero with strong 1v1 ability for Saint Gun. .”

“Of course it’s also possible that it was aimed at Jess in the middle, but Brother Crown has never used it, so the chances are very low.”

“As for the jungle heroes, the three junglers who were banned all had the opportunity to cooperate with the lane to complete the gank in the early stage, but now they are all gone, leaving only one blind monk, who wants to do it before level 6 When it comes to things, the difficulty is quite great!”

“So, even if the blind monk is snatched by the head of An, QG should be very confident in avoiding the gank of the head of the head before the sixth level, or avoiding the big move of the blind monk after the sixth level…Of course, The latter is more difficult.”

Miller murmured and analyzed, but although the analysis is analysis, it is still unknown what kind of lineup the QG team wants to choose and what kind of effect it will play. It is only in the ban stage.

The third-hand ban on the SSG team hesitated for a long time again, because if the last-hand ban was given to the blind monk again, it would be too wasteful.

But go to banScout’s mid laner? Or the top order of Holy Gun? The price/performance ratio does not seem to be very high!

So after thinking about it, the last ban of the SSG team directly pressed Xiao Ming’s Zyra support!

In this way, even if Xiao Ming takes out the female spear again to assist, they can also select other auxiliary heroes to deal with it very well.

The ban link is finally over!

Next, finally entered the long-awaited selection process!

Everyone knows that when Manager Zhang made such an abnormal ban, he must have planned to use some big moves during the selection stage!

Rune Mage Ryze is locked!

Disasters are always one step behind me!

Sure enough, on the first floor of the QG team, Scout finally took out this mid laner who had taken it in the group stage, but it didn’t work out, but was discovered by other mid laners in the subsequent games and carried forward!

And when he was selected in the finals, it was obvious that Ryze of Scout was no longer aiming to practice heroes, but was preparing to really teach the SSG team a lesson!

“Ryze of Scout!”

“I’ve been looking forward to this hero for a long time, because in the hands of other Ryze users, this hero is indeed very strong.”

“But as the first player to use Ryze, Scout has not been able to play a serious game with Ryze so far, so we will definitely have a good show in this round!”

“It’s just that after the QG team snatches Ryze, what will the jungler blind monk do? Let An be in charge?”

“Then what hero does Sofm choose to counter the blind monk?”

The baby asked a question to herself, but was unable to get an answer for the time being.

After all, as the only surviving one of the four T1 junglers in the version, it would be outrageous not to rob him on the first floor.

What the baby never expected was that when the blind monk was released, not only was QG not selected, but SSGThe team didn’t even choose, and the bottom duo heroes of Chidi and CoreJJ came out directly on the first and second floors!

Caitlin, a policewoman from Piltover!

Apocalypse Karma!

“The SSG team locked the bottom lane duo in seconds!”

“Although Fan Mom may also swing to the middle lane, but against Ryze, Fan Mom’s strength should still be a little bit worse, so it must be the bottom lane.”

“This shows that the bottom lane of the SSG team decided to emphasize laning in this round! Or even if they don’t want to really kill in the laning phase, they don’t want to be suppressed like in the previous round.”

“Because Chidi and CoreJJ were really miserable in the last round, they were double-killed online, but now, the combination of the policewoman and the fan mom is quite powerful!”

Miller exclaimed, although this is not very good news for QG, his expression became excited instead, because it means that in this round, the SSG team must have worked hard in the BP stage!

Manager Zhang’s BP test is coming again!

“Oh? You also emphasize laning?”

Seeing the first and second floors of the SSG team, Zhang Mingrui raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but not particularly surprised.

Even though in this way, the duo that Uzi and Xiao Ming will soon select will no longer be the most powerful bottom lane combination, but if they insist on fighting, they may not be unable to win!

“Sofm, choose the blind monk.”

“Scout, choose Lucian!”

Without thinking too much, Zhang Mingrui directly said to Nakano and Ye, with a smug smile on his face.

Blind monk Li Qing is locked!

I will fulfill your dream with both hands!

Holy Gun Ranger Lucian is locked!

Everyone is mortal, and some people need a little help!

“Manager Zhang finally chose the blind monk for Sofm!”

Seeing that the hero who was just abandoned by both sides was held by Sofm again, I remember being quite surprised, because although Sofm’s blind monk is not as efficient as the leopard spider in gank, it is actually still faster at clearing the jungle. Not slow!

“The first floor was not robbed just now. It should be because I was more worried that Ryze would be robbed. At the same time, I hope that the head of An will choose the blind monk, and then Sofm will take out a new hero to fight against.”

“However, since Head An didn’t choose, Sofm can’t continue to hide moves, just lock it!”

“Then the problem is thrown to Head An. What kind of hero will he choose to fight against Sofm’s blind monk!”

Remember to laugh softly, after all, in his opinion, after all four versions of the jungler are gone, it will be more difficult to find a jungler similar to Zac.

After all, the hero Ryze in the mid laner is still very fast, and it is basically difficult to be gank!

“Uzi chose Lucian… this hero is not bad, he is very explosive!”

“Besides, in the previous competition, Uzi and Xiao Ming also used the combination of Lucian and gems. At that time, it seemed that they were playing a policewoman and a fan mother. The effect was not bad.”

Miller then briefly analyzed two sentences about Lucian’s choice, and didn’t say much. After all, in his opinion, this hand of Lucian is not worth making a fuss about. After all, in this version, the ADC that can play against the female police may only be Lucian or Jhin is left.

In the game, it was the SSG team’s turn to choose the third and fourth floors.

On the third floor, Brother Crown was obviously planning to choose a hero for himself, because the dragon king was highlighted as soon as he came up, but he didn’t lock it immediately, but began to switch heroes frequently.

After all, as a mid laner, Crown Brother is naturally quite aware of how difficult the hero Ryze is, and after Victor was banned, ordinary heroes really have nothing to do with Ryze!

Dragon King, Snake Girl, Time, Verus…

Brother Crown hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he decided to use the snake girl mid laner to fight against Scout’s Ryze mid laner!

Because as the game progresses, the Snake mid laner has now started to carry the talent of wind riding. As long as the skill can hit, the Snake who can’t wear shoes can also have extremely fast running speed, preventing being chased by Ryze, or You can chase after Ryze!

As for the fourth-floor selection of the SSG team, finally, a hero appeared that surprised all the audience!

Qian Jue, twins of Eternal Hunting!

“Qian Jue!”

“The SSG team has also enlarged their moves!”

Seeing Qian Jue, Wawa exclaimed on the spot.

It’s been too long since he saw QG’s opponents show their hole cards, so much so that he thought that apart from the QG team, other teams didn’t have such a thing as “hole cards”.

But now, it’s obvious that the baby has been slapped in the face. Not only does Head An have a hole card hero, but he is also a hole card hero that looks pretty good!

“Headmaster An, Qian Jue, has something.”

“The speed of clearing the jungle in the early stage is not much weaker than that of the blind monk. When ganking, you can also use the Q skill to make a small jump, and add an E skill to slow down and improve the gank efficiency.”

“The most important thing is Qian Jue’s big move. As long as you use a good big move in a team battle, it can protect the C position of the SSG team from being killed in seconds!”

“However, this hand of Qian Jue is also a bit counter-counter, because Sofm blind monk’s big move can use the big move to kick SSG’s people out of the range of Qian Jue’s big move, it depends on how well the junglers of both sides play in this round gone.”

Miller solemnly analyzed that although this Qian Jue is not a version jungler, since Head An dared to show it, it means that he must have practiced, andThe effect is absolutely good!

“The last suspense is the top laner that Holy Gun will choose. At the same time, Manager Zhang’s first-hand explanation of why Ban Jess is about to be answered.”

“However, the SSG team is on the red side in this round. That is to say, no matter what Holy Gun chooses, Cuvee can take a counter.”

“He should be happier now, because he doesn’t really play the hero Jess very much. Even if QG bans him, it doesn’t matter.”

I remember curling my lips, feeling more and more that Manager Zhang’s Jess ban is not particularly good.

Just as the voice of remembering slowly fell, the QG team’s hero selection on the fourth and fifth floors also made a quick decision!

On the fourth floor, the life master, Jhin!

I bloom in the midst of killing, like a flower in the dawn!

On the fifth floor, Summoning Sage, Nami!

My pursuit is calling me!

The next moment, the audience was silent for a while.

Then there was an earth-shattering bang!

No one could understand why Uzi followed up and chose Jhin for himself when the QG team obviously chose Lucian first!

The three commentators were equally astonished and had no idea what happened.

But at the same time, LPL audiences are already blown away!

“What? Uzi locked Jhin for himself? Then what does Lucian mean?”

“Hahahahaha! The bath dog is here again! Do you still remember the OMG in 2015? At that time, the bath dog forcibly chose VN and asked insec to take Lucian to the jungle!”

“Wow, shit, shit, it’s Lucian again, what a coincidence!”

“66666, it’s fine if you do this in the LPL, but you can still do it in the World Finals!”

“I’ve said it a long time ago, Uzi is a giant baby, and everyone must surround him. Manager Zhang has made Uzi feel uncomfortable throughout the season. Now it’s okay, the World Championship finals, bathing the dog Erupted!”

“Hahaha, I’ve said it a long time ago, Uzi doesn’t deserve to win the world championship at all! He even swore before the game that he would do it over and over again, but now it’s all right, we have won another runner-up in the LPL!”

The LPL audience immediately turned on the group mocking mode. Although they have not lost a game in all the previous games, even though the QG team is still 1-0 ahead of the SSG team so far, when they saw the QG team’s lineup, unexpectedly When two ADCs appeared, they decided…

This S6, the LPL is out of action again, and will fall on the stage of the final finals again!

“Miller, what do you think…”

In the commentary seat, the three commentators were silent for a long time, and it was only when the director began to urge that the baby asked in a daze.

“Did you choose the wrong one?”

Miller was also a little dazed.

“But the problem is, the expressions of everyone in QG don’t seem to have changed at all, and they seem to be determined to win!”

It wasn’t until Miller said these words that everyone suddenly realized that there was no intention of any conflict in the QG team. Everyone’s faces, especially the face of Holy Gun, were showing a winning smile!

“Could it be that they chose Jhin on purpose?”

I remember asking in a daze.

“But the two ADCs, Jhin and Lucian, who will play the bottom lane and who will play the top lane?”

“Or, is Ryze the top laner, an ADC mid laner?”

“I really don’t understand. Can Cuvee choose someone quickly, so that we can quickly see what the final split of the QG team is!”

Remember to urge Cuvee from the air.

But in fact, the SSG team is also in a daze now, and has no idea what kind of lineup the QG team has selected.

And looking at Lucian, Ryze, and even Yu Jin, a hero who may appear in the top lane, the SSG team finally decided to choose the hero Bobby again after a long period of thinking.

After all, once an AP offensive hero such as Rambo or Kenan is selected, once they hit the road and blow through, the second game of the SSG team will really explode again!

And after the SSG team selected Bobby again, their lineup can be said to be quite solid!

In the front row of Bobby, the Snake Policewoman double-C hits output, the fan mother protects, and Qian Jue can output and protect the row. The only thing missing may be a skill to actively start a team.

But although the QG team seems to be all C positions, with explosive damage capabilities and the ability to start a team, the problem is that all members are very fragile!

As long as Head An’s big move is good, and they can’t kill SSG’s double C in a single wave, then in the follow-up team, the SSG team will be a sure winner!

“How do I feel that in this round, Manager Zhang’s BP lost for the first time?”

“It seems like a flower player has played with himself.”

The ten heroes of both sides were all locked, but before the heroes were exchanged, the baby frowned and was full of doubts.

“Wait, wait, I don’t think Manager Zhang’s BP will lose!”

And as a fan of Manager Zhang, how could Miller give in so easily? Staring at the lineup of the QG team, looking forward to the arrival of his decisive moment!

Ten seconds later, the heroes on both sides finally stopped exchanging.

It was also at this time that everyone finally determined the allocation of hero positions for the two teams!

The red side SSG team, Bobby in the top lane, Qian Jue in the jungle, Snake Girl in the mid lane, and policewoman in the bottom lane, Auxiliary fan mother!

The blue QG team has top laner Lucian, jungler Blind Monk, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Jhin, and support Nami!

“Lu Xian, top order?????”

And when all the audience around the world really saw Lucian appearing on the first floor of the QG team, and Brother Holy Gun even brought him a teleportation, everyone was so shocked that their brains went blank!

Lucian on the order?

Can Lucian also be on the order?

Is this the QG team? What is Manager Zhang’s understanding of the game? !

(Thanks to “Magic Flow Sword, Scar of the Wind”, “Ye Shu Yan Yu”, “I want to read a book”, “zjzzjz” for their monthly support!!!).

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