At this time, the SSG duo was in extreme entanglement, in a dilemma. They didn’t know that they should go home and race against time, but believed in their own operations, and tried not to die in the dragon team battle that was waiting for a while, while maxing out the output… …

Even Chidi’s damage is absolutely inferior to Uzi’s VN!

“Go home and get the equipment, let’s delay it for a while!”

At this moment, An Zhangmen, who had already returned home, said to Chidi and CoreJJ who were still hesitating in the jungle.

At this time, there are only 30 seconds left before the third earth dragon is refreshed, and now it only takes 8 seconds to return to the city, and it takes about 30 seconds to rush from the spring to the river.

That is to say, as long as the three members of SSG’s upper middle and wild can hold QG team for 8 seconds near Xiaolongkeng, then the duo after updating their equipment can rush to the battlefield and start the second wave of team battles with QG!

“it is good.”

It was too late and then it was too late, Chidi and CoreJJ no longer hesitated, and immediately pressed back to the city, because at this time they had already reached the self-closing grass on the road, so Xiao Ming’s bull head did not dare to come to such a deep place to interfere , can only let them go back to the city.

Besides, from QG’s point of view, it’s already too late for Emperor Chi to return to the city at this point in time!

“Do some field vision!”

On the QG side, while destroying the first tower in the middle of SSG and pushing forward a wave of lanes, Uzi shouted at his teammates.

The next moment, Sofm’s men and Scout, who had been revived from home, walked into the blue zone of SSG together, placed several real eyes and fake eyes in several bushes, and almost lit up the entire blue zone!

This situation is even more a headache for everyone in the SSG team, because once their field of vision disappears, then when they enter the field later, they may be ambushed by the QG people and die first.

So, in such a tenseUnder such circumstances, Olaf, the head of security, did not choose to enter the wild area, but pushed the line in the middle with Brother Crown, preparing to go to the Dragon Pit from the direction of the river.

In this way, while avoiding the disadvantage of insufficient vision in the wild area, you can also rush to the Dragon Pit faster.

Especially when Olaf didn’t flash and could only sprint, he could only choose the path from the river to the dragon pit.

On the other hand, Cuvee’s Poppy didn’t want to get off the lane, and walked directly into the wild area, trying to eliminate the field of vision as much as possible, and provide a visual field for the subsequent arrival of CoreJJ’s 657 Protect.

But Brother Holy Gun didn’t want Cuvee to do things so easily, so he didn’t want to use lanes either. He chased Cuvee and ran into the wild area without worrying that SSG Nakano would come to support him.

After all, they are in the middle of the road at this time. If they want to talk about support, their teammates will arrive first!

“I’m here, we can kill them Nakano first!”

Just as the personnel from both sides were pulling around the central pawn line, Xiao Ming’s voice, who had finally passed through the SSG blue zone, suddenly sounded.

Looking at Brother Crown’s Snake Girl and Olaf of Head An, Xiao Ming’s hands are eager to move!

“No, Bobby went to the middle lane. You will be killed first if you start a group. Let’s go around.”

Uzi glanced at the positions of everyone in SSG, and immediately responded.


Xiao Ming curled his lips. Although he couldn’t do anything at this time, he could only avoid the danger. He chose to walk to the upper river, and then walked towards the Longkeng.

And just as time passed, the third little dragon was about to be refreshed!

“Come, come, come!”

“The second wave of 5v5 team battles between QG and SSG is about to begin!”

In the commentary seat, the three of them who had been quiet for a long time suddenly became excited and stared at the situation on the field.

“The current situation is extremely favorable for the QG team. They have already arranged all the field vision of SSG, and at the same time assembled in Xiaolongkeng in advance.”

“In contrast to SSG, because of the lack of field vision in the wild, the three members of the upper middle field can only grope in the direction of Longkeng above the river, but there are also QG eye positions in the grass in the river.”

“If they really dare to come over rashly, everyone in QG can attack them first, and then attack Xiaolong!”

“On the other hand, Chidi and CoreJJ have finally arrived at the position of the red BUFF…but pay attention to the position of Brother Holy Gun! He is not in the dragon pit, but squatting in the grass!”

When the baby’s voice screamed, the audience suddenly realized that when the three of SSG’s upper middle and wild were wandering in the grass in the lower river, the four of QG were waiting for the dragon to refresh in the Xiaolong pit, and Chidi and CoreJJ were about to walk to the red BUFF…

The troll of Brother Holy Gun stood alone in the grass behind the red BUFF wall, waiting for the arrival of the SSG duo!

Immediately, the commentators became excited again!

“Brother Holy Gun’s position is very particular!”

“Chidi and CoreJJ will definitely meet up with their teammates. It is impossible to go around from the triangle grass and outflank the QG people. In that case, they will be rushed to death first.”

“But no matter whether the SSG duo walks from the side of F4 or from the side above the dragon pit, Brother Holy Gun can intercept them and even drive them away!”

Miller said ecstatically, this is where QG has the advantage of setting up the field of vision in advance. It can take advantage of the poor field of vision to do things that the opponent absolutely cannot expect!

“Not only that, but if Brother Holy Gun appears in this position and attracts the upper middle and wild three from SSG to outflank, then the four front from QG can immediately rush Xiaolong away!”

“Even if Holy Gun is sacrificed, QG will still make money in this wave!”

“But the problem is that the current Holy Gun brother is not necessarily so easy to die. As long as the troll sucks Bobby with his big move, he can become fleshy. Once his teammates finish fighting Xiaolong and come to support him, this wave of team battles It must be QG winning again!”

“After all, if SSG wants to deal with the Holy Gun troll, it will definitely hand over a lot of skills!”

I remember laughing at the side, full of confidence that the QG team won the third dragon!

And in the analysis room of the three commentators, the third small dragon, Earth Dragon, finally refreshed!


Even though he knew that the upper middle and wild people of SSG had come over, Uzi still gave an order, and the four immediately started to attack Xiaolong!


At the same time, Chidi in the distance immediately threw the blue jewelry eye into the Xiaolong Pit, and immediately saw what was going on inside.


On the side of the SSG team, Head An also took the lead and walked in the direction of Longkeng. With the ultimate move, he was not afraid of being kicked at all.

As for fighting? Of course not!

Only when Chidi and CoreJJ arrive, is the time for them to fight back!

“No, where are the trolls?”

But as the blue eyes disappeared in an instant, CoreJJ also immediately discovered something was wrong, that is, there were only four QGs in the dragon pit, and the top troll didn’t even know where they were!

Troll time is up!

As soon as the words fell, a rough voice rang out. The next moment, seeing Chidi CoreJJ walking from the F4 position, Brother Holy Gun yelled and rushed directly towards the two!

The W skill Frozen Field was pressed instantly, and he rushed to Chidi’s side almost face-to-face in an instant. AQA bit down on it, which immediately reduced the blood volume of Chidi’s mother.

SuddenHowever, due to the unexpected situation, the duo was naturally unable to rush to the river immediately, and could only be forced to turn back to deal with the troll of Brother Holy Gun.

At the same time, on the other side, when the troll appeared, the three of SSG Ue Nakano also hesitated. They didn’t know whether they should rescue Chidi or grab the dragon!

Immediately afterwards, the SSG team made a decision that Crown Brother and Snake Girl should go and catch Holy Gun Brother, and Nakano and Nakano would continue to interfere with the QG four to fight the dragon!

But the front four of QG were unmoved at all, and continued to export Xiaolong.

And Brother Holy Gun was even more unmoved, as if he didn’t see the snake girl coming at all, and continued to chase after the wheel mother.

Just when he was licked red by Tam and was about to swallow it, the E-skill Pillar of Ice was finally pressed down, and stood up directly behind the Snake Girl, blocking all his thoughts of going back to the Dragon Pit to fight in a while!

“Looking for death!”

Seeing that Brother Holy Gun would rather sacrifice himself than protect his teammates to take down the little dragon, Brother Crown snorted coldly. After seeing the troll being swallowed and spit out by Tahm, he immediately began to throw his skills wildly, but he did not give the big move , after all, his big move will still be useful after a while!

But even if it’s a double C crazy output troll, even if Brother Holy Gun can only use his big move to suck Tam, his blood volume will still be in a healthy state for a while.

On the other side of the river, when Zhangmen An and Cuvee finally reached the oblique top of the dragon pit, they suddenly saw that Xiaolong’s blood volume had dropped to less than half!

The amount of blood is rather ambiguous. It is absolutely impossible to rush in to grab Xiaolong at this time, but if you don’t rush in, you may not be able to get there in a short time once you are interfered by the four people in front of QG.

So, An Zhangmen and Cuvee began to waltz on the river, swaying up and down, left, right, back and forth, trying to distract the QG four.

But who would have thought that the four of QG have ignored the two of Ueno and SSG until now, and continued to export Xiaolong!

Finally, Xiaolong’s blood volume dropped to 1500, and in a few seconds, he would be directly taken down!


Head An knew that he couldn’t hesitate any longer. He shouted at Cuvee, then started sprinting and rushed towards Long Kong.

The verdict of the defenders!

At the same time, Cuvee’s Bobby also swung his hammer!

With the small dragon pit extremely cramped and narrow, and the QG crowd standing quite densely, as long as the hammer hits, the QG crowd can fly away directly, and then, the head of An will take over the little dragon smoothly!


But at this time, Uzi, who had been waiting for a long time, finally showed a resolute smile on his face!

Xiaolong, they naturally wanted to take him away, but before they took him away, how could they let irrelevant people interfere?


Savage collision!

The next moment, Xiao Ming directly pressed the flash that Xiao Ming had been holding in his hand, appeared outside Xiaolong Pit, and then rushed directly towards Cuvee’s Bobby!

Immediately, Cuvee frowned. If this big move is interrupted again, their battle idea will die in an instant!


Cuvee was forced to use his ultimate move ahead of time, smashing the bull’s head flying with a hammer!

But the problem is, this hammer only took away one supporter!

“Snatch the dragon!”

But for Mr. An, hammering away the bull’s head is enough.

The next moment, Olaf, who had already rushed to the edge of the dragon, directly activated his big move Ragnarok!


The next moment, Olaf rushed into the dragon pit screaming.


Uzi, on the other hand, continued to implement the original idea, to hit people first and then take the dragon, even if the little dragon’s blood volume is only 1000 points left!

The three of VN, Clockwork, and Centaur immediately stopped outputting to Xiaolong, and switched to outputting Olaf, the head of security. After a few skills, he immediately knocked out half of his blood volume!

Such an explosive output shocked Head An, but at this moment, he had no time to worry about his own safety, and only wanted to grab Xiaolong before he died!

So, in the state of being exempted from control, An Zhangmen finally rushed in front of Xiaolong, and also pressed all the skills to start outputting Xiaolong with the damage of QG and the three of them.

At the same time, Cuvee’s Poppy also accelerated towards the Dragon Pit with a determined demeanor, preparing to use the E skill to charge Uzi heroically and prevent him from continuing to output damage to Olaf.

Demon trial!

But when Bobby flew to the VN, Uzi quickly handed over the E skill and knocked Bobby back with an arrow!

SSG. Crown killed QG. Flandre!

On the other side of the wild area, Brother Saint Gun finally died in battle.

But at the same time, Olaf’s blood volume has become precarious. Even if he activates the W skill to suck blood, he can’t absorb it at all!

After looking at his own blood volume, and then at Xiaolong’s blood volume, Head An finally couldn’t take it anymore, he took the lead to press punishment, and at the same time handed over the E skill, trying to recover the blood at the same time, using the real damage of the E skill to directly kill the Xiaolong fell in seconds!

But the punishment was pressed, but at the moment when the E skill was used, Sofm, who had been waiting for a long time, also surrendered his punishment quite steadily!

QG.Sofm killed the mountain dragon!

The third dragon was captured by QG again!


Taking down Xiaolong, Olaf, who has less than one-third of his health, naturally became the next target of everyone in QG…

Bang bang bang!

Instant, several skills and normalThe attack fell on the head of An, and immediately emptied his blood bar!

QG.Sofm killed SSG.Ambition!

The head is not Uzi’s. After all, in such a tense situation, no one dares to give up the head.

But just when the three of QG were about to leave Xiaolongkeng to clean up Cuvee’s Bobby on the river, they saw him rushing towards the three of them again without hesitation!

To die?

it’s not true!

But at this time, the support of the SSG three has already rushed over!


Mother Chidi Lunzi started her big move again, rushed on the road with her teammates, and rushed to the round grass in the river in an instant, only one step away from the dragon pit!



Petrifying stare!

Seeing that the three of QG were about to walk out of the Dragon Pit, Brother Crown finally stopped saving his skills and accelerated forward directly, giving him a big move in a flash!

Especially in the situation where the QG trio had endured the little dragon’s damage for a long time in order to fight the dragon, and their blood volume was not healthy at this time, this big move can definitely directly knock out a lot of blood volume!

This time, the three of QG couldn’t react to the flashing big move so quickly.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t have countermeasures!

At the moment before being stared at by petrification, Scout clockwork directly gave the E skill to himself, blocking part of the blood damage.

Here, Uzi directly activated his ultimate move and added Q skill to dodge surprise attack and enter the stealth state. Although he was indeed petrified, at this moment, everyone in SSG didn’t even know where he was!

Only Sofm has been solidly petrified, but although his blood volume has been reduced to half blood, the half blood of the meat tank and the half blood of the crispy skin are obviously not the same concept!

The petrification effect of Snake Girl’s ultimate move lasts for two seconds.

And this opportunity is what everyone in SSG has been waiting for for a long time!

The whirling blade!


Although Chidi’s blood volume is not much, he can finally output as much as he wants without pressure!

The primary target is naturally Scout’s clockwork. As long as he is killed, the subsequent battles will have a great chance of winning!

It’s not just Chidi who is exporting Scout, CoreJJ and Brother Crown are also exporting.

But at this moment, Xiaoming Niutou, who had been hammered away before, finally quietly walked out of the pass on the left side of the blue buff in the wild area.

Seeing that Scout clockwork’s blood volume dropped to half blood, he knew that the situation was not good, so he rushed into the battlefield immediately!

Savage collision!

The earth shattered!

Chidi Wheel Mom and CoreJJ Tam immediately ascended to heaven in place!

Originally, Xiao Ming wanted to hammer Fei Guan and Snake Girl together, but this guy moved so fast that he directly opened the range of his Q skill!

And at this moment, the three of QG who were immobilized finally regained their ability to move!

Command! Shockwave!

In the next moment, Scout, whose blood volume had bottomed out, didn’t dare to neglect anymore, and directly pressed his own big move!


In an instant, he pressed Flash again, appearing in the center of the middle and lower three in SSG!


Then, as the explosion sounded loudly, the three of SSG were immediately caught upright!

Even after a QW skill command attack landed at the feet of Wheel Mom and Tam, Chidi, who had not much HP, was killed in an instant!

QG.Scout killed SSG.Ruler!

Scout, who was supposed to die first, took Chidi’s head before he died!

Slam the hammer!

But immediately after, Scout, who was still in blood, was also smashed to death on the spot by Cuvee who was chasing him, ending his wonderful operation.

So far in the team battle, it has become a wave of two for two.

But the follow-up battles will obviously be in favor of the QG team, because Uzi’s VN is still alive, but Chidi Lunzi’s mother has died in battle, leaving only the crown brother Snake Girl who can provide continuous high-intensity output.

If it’s a fair fight, Brother Crown is still confident that he can fight against Uzi. After all, his hinterland and twin fangs are very powerful. As long as he gives VN a skill, he can quickly kill the crispy him!

But after landing, when Brother Crown threw his belly towards Uzi, he directly pressed the flash forward and appeared in front of him, directly ignoring the crazy output of Tam and Bobby!

What’s even more frightening is that Xiao Ming’s Niutou E skill War Stomp has been fully stacked. Once he knocks himself out, he may not be able to throw more skills at all, and he will be caught instantly!

So Crown Brother immediately realized that this team battle cannot be fought anymore!

Feast on it!

CoreJJ also understood that the situation was critical at this time, so he quickly swallowed Snake Girl in one gulp, and then flashed to F4 and the river pass, spat Crown Brother up through the wall, and at the same time turned around and gave it to VN weakly, trying to save himself.


But as Xiaoming Niutou slapped himself unconscious, his thoughts could only turn into delusions.

But this weakness is nothing more than useless work. Two seconds later, even if the weakness is applied, Uzi’s output is still very high, and he quickly kills Tahm who is low on health!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!

Then, everyone immediately turned back to look for Cuvee’s Bobby, but at this moment, he had already entered the Xiaolong Pit, and then flashed into his wild area, and at the same time he joined Brother Crown, he fled!

The game time is 18 minutes, and the team battle for the third dragonThe first time ended, and this time, the QG team once again successfully played a wave of two for three small victories, and at the same time got the third dragon!

It also allowed the advantage of the QG team to expand again!

“Nice, if you keep fighting wave after wave like this, QG will win sooner or later!”

And when the QG team won the “small victories” three times in a row, the accumulation of small amounts of money, at this time, the economic lead of the QG team has reached 3,000 yuan!

As for Xiaolong, he is even ahead by three!

What is even more exciting is that with the blessing of two earth dragons, the big dragon that will be refreshed after two minutes, if the SSG team does not handle it well, it may be directly taken down by the QG team!

(Thanks to “zw285xxx477” for the 100-point reminder support!!!).

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